Turn the Universe

Chapter 3572: Believer

"Oh my god... it's really... an angel!"

"What a sacred power, there are actually angels in this world..."

"Is this the power of light? How do I feel that my spirit and body are going to be sublimated? This is really amazing..."

"Lord, this must be the power of our prayer that has inspired the Lord, so the Lord sent angels to save us..."

Looking at the sacred angel who killed the enemy in that instant, and the vast and boundless power of light, the ordinary people of Rutheran City, the Bailan Republic who had fallen into despair, were full of excitement and gathered together to bow.

Moreover, under the cover of endless chants and the power of light, the faces of these people showed ‘pious’ and ‘belief’ almost equivalent to those of believers.

This feeling seems to come from the heart, from the inside out, it is natural.

However, when seeing this scene, the city lord of Rutheran City Yale and the other strongmen on his side, their expressions changed instantly...



It was only the moment when the Western Union Cross Church appeared, and only the moment when its bright angel descended, the people of their own Rutheran City actually began to believe in the Cross Church!

Ordinary people may not necessarily understand "Lord and Angels", but how can Yale and the other powerful people on its side fail to understand?

The Lord of the Cross Saint Church of the Western Union is nothing but the ‘god’ in his faith, and the holy and white angel is essentially the war machine that God rules the world and gathers believers.

And the other party's loud chants and light power, in addition to the power to punish heretics, it is also a terrible power that can assimilate the human spirit.

In the face of this assimilation, the strong people with strong spiritual power are less affected, while ordinary people have no resistance at all.

Now, these people in their own city of Rutheran are obviously assimilated by the angel’s hymn and light power and become believers of the other side...


Previously, the Emirate of Lied, the Yanbang Freedom League, and the Principality of Yanyuan were invading the Balan Republic and forcing them to surrender the city of Rutheran, but the other party did not dare to really exterminate the entire Balan Republic.

However, this cross-sacred religion of the Western Union has made the people of Rutheran City their believers, and it can be said that they have directly controlled the city.

And if it is allowed to act in this way, then the entire Bailan Republic may really exist in name only.

But... in the face of this terrible scene, although Rutheran City Lord Yale and the other strong men on his side were full of gloom, they were helpless and even more fearful.

After all, the fate of powerful players such as the Emirate of Lied, the Yanbang Freedom League, and the Duchy of Yanyuan, such as Wilgara, Illidari, and Anglos, are still vivid.

With their power, how can they stop these terrible cross-Saints and that terrifying angel...


Reckless United States.

Countless loud chants and angels descended into the void, and under the light of the power of light, all the forces that had been in the melee surrendered and retreated. At the same time, countless ordinary people became believers of the cross.

Santa Liberty Alliance.

The substantive holy light continues to condense, turning into a holy spear of light that seems to penetrate all obstacles, piercing through the powerful people who dare to hinder them...
