Turn the Universe

Chapter 3578: Negotiate

"Well, the crucifixion of the Western Alliance was first established as a result of a fanatical war for what they called the "Lord's Faith"."

"Later, this sect continued to launch their'sacred war' in order to continuously expand its power and absorb the followers of the Lord as its strength grew."

"Then they called this entire religious war a'holy war'."

"However, the last battle was thousands of years ago. Since the establishment of the Federation of Mankind and the unity of all human beings, the Church of the Cross has never been reopened."

"Unexpectedly, when the Federation of Humankind was in chaos, these people actually started the × war again..."

As if recalling human history, Dongfang Zhengqi couldn't help but sighed slightly...


Although human beings have continued to expand their territory since they stepped into the starry sky of the universe, and even fought continuously with the aliens~

However, within human beings, there has been peace for so long that Dongfang Zhengqi has to recall the records in human history before he can think of the ‘Holy War’ of the Western Alliance of Cross Saints.

At this time, from the passing of the Chinese Eastern Warrior God, to the Tian Dynasty, and then to the events of the major member states, the original human federation has become a mess.

And now, as the first power group of the Galaxy Council, the Western Alliance Crusaders, unexpectedly once again set off that cruel war.

Faintly, Dongfang Zhengqi and others seem to have seen that the Federation of Humanity will fall into a huge killing...


"The cardinal, the holy warrior, the holy son, the court, the angels descend... It seems that the scale of this war really cannot be underestimated."

Reading the information in his hand from time to time, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but his eyes flashed.

Although Hanyu Xiaotian said that he had not been in the world since the Hanyu family for a long time, he had also dealt with the Cross Saints of the Western Alliance.

Once in Niguxing's Heluo ruins, Hanyu Xiaotian fought against one of the other's bright sons.

Later, at the time of Guta Xing, his cultivation was still in the Profound Stage, and he competed with the Dark Parliamentary Union, the four great bishops and countless Vatican masters on the Guta Xing.

At that time, the Holy See had even summoned three big angels, and had also cast a terrible forbidden curse, which surprised Han Yu Xiaotian.

And Hanyu Xiaotian was able to defeat the opponent's three big angels only after summoning the majesty of King Peacock.

It is now heard that this battle started by the Holy Cross has dispatched countless powerful churchmen and warriors, even the highest cardinal cardinal, holy warrior, and inquisition have been dispatched. There are also many angels coming. You can imagine the strength of the other party...


"Well, the foundation and strength of the Western Alliance is not much worse than that of China. Their cross-sacred religion is extremely large, and there are many powerful people. The history is no less than that of the Taoist and Buddhist schools of China."

"Moreover, these people are mostly fanatics, with a huge number of believers."

"Since they took the opportunity to start the Holy War this time, I am afraid that they have made complete preparations. We must not underestimate..."

Knowing the strength of the Western Alliance, Dongfang Zhengqi, Qi Baotian and others said solemnly.

The most important reason why the Western Alliance can be at the same level as China is the existence of the Holy Cross.

And with the power of one religion, it can compare with China's countless super families, hermit families, ancient sects and major free forces, which shows how terrifying the crucifixion religion is.
