Turn the Universe

Chapter 3649: Eight Destruction Yuandao!

"Black hole!"

At this moment, this Tuoba Zhijian of the Tuoba Dynasty is already shocked!

Black hole!

Hanyu Xiaotian was able to control the laws of stars to this realm, using the power of the endless heaven and earth's magnetic field to make the stars collapse and destroy, forming a real black hole!

If it is said that Tuoba Zhijian’s Nine Destruction Dao is an extreme application of the fusion of multiple laws, the killing power is extremely terrifying.

Then the ‘black hole’ that Hanyu Xiaotian controls at this time is the most extreme extreme celestial body among the stars.

Moreover, it not only contains the extremely high realm and power of control along with the laws of stars, but also contains the magnetic power of heaven and earth, the laws of space, the laws of time, and may even contain the mysterious and unfathomable dark energy!

From this point of view, the horror and ultimate power of the cosmic black hole that Hanyu Xiaotian displayed at this moment is no longer under Tuoba Zhijian's Nine Destruction Path.

Even at this moment, at the moment the black hole formed, even Tuoba Zhijian's "Seven Extinction Knife" twisted and collapsed toward it...


"Not good! The eighth step of the Nine Destruction Path! Eight Destruction Yuan Dao!"

In the huge shock, Tuoba Zhijian suddenly felt something, and he couldn't help but burst into a sword intent that reached the sky, and poured it on his'Seven Extinction Sword'.

With the appearance of Hanyu Xiaotian's black hole, Tuoba Zhijian no longer dared to keep it, and directly used the strongest sword he had cultivated so far.

The previous "Seven Extinction Knife" had already been swallowed by the black hole and began to twist away, but with the infusion of Tuoba Zhijian's life-saving sword intent, the knife that began to twist and break, unexpectedly stabilized again.

At the same time, the blade light suddenly became more and more thorough, detached from all constraints, and could not even affect the black hole...


Eight Destruction Yuandao!

This is the strongest one that Tuoba Zhijian currently controls, and it is also the one that he has sacrificed his life.

This knife is the origin of heaven and earth, the beginning of all things.

Everything, under this knife, will return to the original, annihilated invisible.

And just as the Eight Destruction Yuan Sword was formed, in an instant, a blade of light that wiped out everything smashed straight towards the black hole...



Shrink, expand!

Just when Tuoba Zhijian's Eight Destruction Yuan Dao slashed above Hanyu Xiaotian's black hole, whether it was the terrifying black hole that swallowed everything, or the Eight Destruction Yuan Dao that extinguished everything, it trembled violently. .

One is to swallow everything, the other is to return to the original.

The collision between the cosmic black hole and the Eight Destruction Yuandao is like a head-on confrontation between the two greatest forces in the universe.

And in a blast of energy that is simply unimaginable, under countless terrifying scenes of distortion, tearing, and disintegration, the two have both disappeared...



The sky and the earth regained calm again. The meteorites and dust that had just drifted in the endless void have disappeared. There is no more sword energy in the sky, no more star power, and even Tiankui star is again in great gravity. The original orbital operation is restored~

At this time, whether it is Yuwen Tianming, Ji Wangu, Giant Spirit King, Promise Demon Venerable, etc., or the masters of the Tuoba Dynasty on Tiankui Star, they are all fearful and unable to restore peace for a long time... ....
