Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 114

"I should have said that in your current condition, it's normal to take things in your fantasies as real. But that doesn't mean it's right."

"Then what kind of thing is right?" Xie Zhifei asked instead without answering.

"..." Ma Yue didn't answer immediately, but pondered for a while, "The real thing must be right."

"What is the concept really?" Xie Zhifei asked without thinking.

"...what the world recognizes must be true..."

"What if the world is wrong?"

"The world is wrong?" Ma Yue's fingers holding the pen turned pale because of the force. "Compared with your unrealistic imagination, how could the world be wrong?"

"The reason the world is right is because everyone except me thinks he is right?" Xie Zhifei tilted his head, "Then by thinking, you can determine the right or wrong of a thing, then I think I am right Yes, the world is wrong. My opinion, why doesn't it work?"

"Ah, is it because of the small number of people? So how many people does it take for a thing to be right?"

"Xiao Fei. Don't do this." Shi Yuqing appeared behind him at some point, stretched out his arms and hugged his waist, his face pressed down on his vest, his voice was crying, and warm tears were behind him Smoky open, "Don't do this, there must be... there must be a way."

"Xie Zhifei, you are this person. It's okay to fall ill in the department, just wake up and talk nonsense!" Su Mei's energetic voice sounded beside Ma Yue. "It seems that going to school is still too stressful for your mental state."

"Ding—" The pen cap in Ma Yue's hand bounced on the table, making a crisp sound, "The world is not determined by anyone's opinion, it has its own principles and laws, and these are the reasons for determining right and wrong. Obviously, those mountain-like wolves and supernatural abilities you imagined do not conform to the laws of this world!"

"Is that so?" Xie Zhifei was not shocked by Ma Yue's words, but just stood like that, tilting his head, letting Shi Yuqing hug him from behind, "It's really troublesome."

A gust of wind suddenly blew out from the middle of his body, and the thick ink-like darkness emanated from every pore on his body. The arrogant black pushed away Shi Yuqing behind him, and surrounded Xie Zhifei who was dancing in the middle. His hair and clothes were shaking in the wind. Only the man stood so straight, like a long spear wrapped up.

"Now," Xie Zhifei said again, his voice did not fluctuate at all, as if nothing was happening, as if repeating the previous question. "Can I say the world is wrong?"

The emaciated and huge black wolf appeared behind him, its fur was as black as night, and its pupils were as transparent as crystal blood red, full of pure killing and destruction, just standing behind Xie Zhifei, he seemed to want to. The whole world is dragged into the abyss of destruction.

"Crack—" The sound of small glass breaking sounded from somewhere, and then the whole world shattered, houses, floors, sky and table tops all shattered. Only the three girls, Xie Zhifei and the black wolf behind him stood among the thousands of broken pieces.

" could you...?" Behind the three girls, the Mahanabachi in white came out. He didn't walk fast, but he quickly arrived at the side of the three girls. He looked at Xie Zhifei and the huge black wolf behind him with deep meaning. The hesitation in his voice and the surprise in his expression were like a small crack tearing open his perfect mask.

"Long time no see, Lord Shenzi." Xie Zhifei smiled, "I don't think it's necessary, but if you really need to know the reason, I can also tell you."

Mahanabo didn't answer, just kept walking out, looking at Xie Zhifei with his hands folded, the meaning is obvious.

"As I said, because of that world, everything is wrong." Xie Zhifei spread his hands.

"But compared to the real world, everything in that world should be more reasonable." It wasn't Mahanabo who answered him, but Ma Yue. Although the entire imaginary world has completely disappeared, leaving only a plain white space, the three of them are still there, not only existing, but also the state of thinking and dialogue.

"Yes, that world is very reasonable and self-consistent to the point of being almost perfect, but this is also the biggest problem." Xie Zhifei nodded, "There are no completely reasonable things, just like there can be no flawless people. So It's not right."

"Are you...because it's too reasonable to perceive the falsity of that world?" Ma Yue's cold voice lowered, because she couldn't understand Xie Zhifei's thinking logic at all.

"Of course it's not just because of that. In fact, you've done a good job, to an extent beyond imagination." Xie Zhifei shook his head.

"It's deceptive enough that the world is constructed entirely out of my memory itself. And it adds so many deceptive settings to it, like getting sick.

If it wasn't given to me at the beginning, I was already sick. Later, whether it was the torn memory or the time jump like a fragment, it would have become a point of doubt for me. If so, I might be able to see it sooner.

It's amazing how it keeps me in constant self-contradiction. No matter what unreasonable situation arises, the first thing I will doubt is myself. If I can't break free, maybe I'm really stuck?

But there are still places where it goes too far. Xie Zhifei paused for a while, and looked away from Ma Yue and turned to 'Shi Yuqing' and 'Su Mei'. "Especially the two of you, compared to her, it's like a drag." "

"The behavior is straight and irritable, the thinking is simple, and the flatness is a mess. It's just second-rate acting for the purpose of completing the task, and it is the kind of script that has not been read. At least, you don't know Shi Yuqing, actually don't like 'yokai' or ' Weird' this kind of existence?"

"Shi Yuqing" was obviously shaken by Xie Zhifei's words, and the pitiful eyes of Chu Chu, who had not changed since just now, suddenly became shocked.

"The person who likes these me since I was a child." Xie Zhifei lowered his head and smiled, "So if I really stayed in the hospital for a year and a half, it would be impossible for her to set up such a society. What's more, over and over again. And the three exchanged heartfelt confessions.

"It's like I can't wait to drag people into the vortex of love and desire. Haven't you learned enough of this? 'Love'."

"You know me!" "Shi Yuqing" No, Ainian finally couldn't help but answer.

"Well, I know." Xie Zhifei nodded, "Because I happen to know someone who is very familiar with you. Bo Xun's second daughter, this kind of blatant, seems to have rushed to the stage before reading the script. The appearance of a second-rate actor, no wonder he didn't stop..."

"Shut up!!" Ai Nian broke out, and the scream exploded like a thunderbolt from the blue. There was Su Mei who was roaring with her. The intertwined high-pitched tones swept over Xie Zhifei like a storm.

"It's very hard to be a partner with them." Xie Zhifei didn't seem to care at all, but turned his head back to Ma Yue in the middle, "Me."

The emaciated woman in the white coat turned into another Xie Zhifei standing there at some point. Although she had the same appearance, it didn't seem to be colored, empty and cold like a corpse Xie Zhifei.

"Even at this point, I still think you should go back, that world will be far better than this." 'Xie Zhifei' said expressionlessly. "I will make up for those flaws and loopholes..."

"I know what you mean." Xie Zhifei interrupted him before he could finish speaking, "After all, you are my reason, but let me decide, there is still an answer, I haven't found it yet."


Chapter 135 Bo Xun

"Rejection? No matter how you compare..."

"You can't understand it." Xie Zhifei interrupted, "Although it doesn't matter if you explain it, it is still very troublesome. I am also very uncomfortable in this state of lack, so I will wait for you to come back. I will understand naturally. .So, Miko-sama, please trouble me."

Mahanabo did not refuse, and this kind of work was unnecessary at this time. He nodded, and the pale Xie Zhifei turned into a stream of light and poured directly into Xie Zhifei, like two oil films touching each other. The boundaries are blurred a little, and they merge into one.

"Trouble." Xie Zhifei didn't seem to have changed at all, but the whole person had an inexplicable feeling, as if a piece of floating wood suddenly sank, and it was as if water was poured into a jar.

After Shi Yuqing and Su Mei, who were standing in the same place, let out an amazing scream, amazing changes occurred from the inside to the outside. The whole body is lifted up, and the figure is even more protruding and cocked after being inflated.

The school uniform and nurse uniform on his body also turned into two pieces of silk tulle, one blue and one red, as clear as the wings of a cicada, and there was no way to hide the exquisite carcass underneath. Three golden round bracelets are attached to each of the hands and ankles, the neck is a pearl necklace, and the earrings are wrapped with snakes, which is extremely enchanting. Dumping sentient beings, charm Tiancheng.

"How could you see that!" What was completely different from their enchanting posture was their irritable character, who almost shouted at Xie Zhifei with a roar.

"It seems that you don't discipline them very well." Xie Zhifei ignored it, and instead threw the topic to Mahanabo.

"The second and third daughters on the sixth day, how did the little monk say about the superior discipline?" Mahanabha smiled, "Besides, only the little monk is curious about what you have discovered. Although this situation was not created by the little monk, it is Just checked by the little monk. But there is no big mistake."

"Cough cough." Xie Zhifei coughed twice, he thought it was almost the same. "How far will the scientific popularization of the Vientiane Hall be achieved?"

"It may not be as good in research, but if the existing knowledge is popularized, it is no worse than the fool or the imaginary number space, but the monk has been practicing in the forest since childhood. He is not good at this."

"Then let me put it this way, the current social science is basically at the level of experience accumulation. Although it has been able to summarize the corresponding formulas, theorems or other knowledge points. But it is still only a more refined experience summary, and The basis for the cause is not touched.

The most famous is probably that there is a huge conflict between quantum mechanics and general relativity, the two cornerstones of theoretical physics, that is, one of them must be wrong. Even both are wrong. But this does not affect human use, and based on this, new science and technology that can be practically used are developed. So the world itself is contradictory and imperfect. Besides, you and I also know that there are more things that cannot be integrated into the current discipline.

The proposition that you have extracted my reason to try to create a perfect world is contradictory in itself, which itself requires a lot of cover up. Although the sense of dislocation and conflict in memory has been masked by headaches, the explanation is still insufficient. The hint of the sound was not able to fully achieve the effect.

The most important thing is - knowledge! The things I recalled could not be completely supernatural, and there was also a lot of knowledge that I came into contact with in The Fool, and the patients who had an accident in the third year of the world were completely impossible to come into contact with.

In order to maintain the rationality of the world, these things must also exist. So when the real knowledge that should not exist is recalled by me, it has already heralded your failure. After all, unless I'm sick, the odds of dreaming up what scientists with far greater IQs than the average person have been working on for decades are pretty close to nonexistent.

Of course, I am too impressed with the scene of my parents dying, and there is no way to change it. This is also one of the reasons. As for the English class that I listened to carefully, I will be impressed. The members of the department are all from the anime I have watched. Errors in details such as roles. There are too many, and it is just to help determine the reason for this matter.

The fundamental reason is still what I said at the beginning, a perfect and reasonable world does not exist at all. It is a false proposition in itself. So it is bound to be dismantled. "