Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 140

The two words are intertwined into a large continuous net, as if to cover everyone in it. The calf of the trio was a little weak again. Although they had already dealt with almost a monster roster along the way, they only knew when they really stood in front of the big boss Guandi. The mood is completely different.

The gap is like a game in the digital era and a Hollywood blockbuster with 3Dmax at the top. In front of this special effect, you can get a golden statue even if you get an Oscar!

"Ah, ah." Fear and courage, although it sounds a pair of absolute antonyms, it is existence. In many cases, fear can be the catalyst for courage. For example, at this time, after being cowardly to the extreme, Qi Tian was the first to explode.

I thought to myself, anyway, so many ghosts and ghosts have been crushed all the way. With full confidence in the proton pack behind him, without hesitation, he raised the spray gun in his hand and pointed the orange beam at the pink one. The skeleton sprayed it.

But as in all dog blood stories, the weapons the protagonist relies on are always powerless in the face of the final BOSS. This time, the proton pack, which had no bullets, was no exception, was no exception. The orange light beam went straight through the skeleton on the balcony, as if there was only a flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

He Jiang and Zhang Fengmian, who did not believe in evil, also pulled the trigger, and three beams of light penetrated the skull's head, chest and abdomen respectively. It was like passing through a phantom, without causing any ripples.

"Hehehe-" A light laughter came from the skull's mouth, the empty upper and lower jaws collided continuously, and the sound and laughter mixed together with an indescribably strange feeling.

"I love you so much, so I give you the chance to choose!"

Hearing this, the three of them sweated profusely and turned off the spray guns in their hands, and looked at each other, unable to hide the terrified expressions in their eyes. Adam's apple down. In the end, the calmest Zhang Fengmian stood up.

"What choice?"

"Choose, die!" Yin Ling turned into a screeching scream, covering his ears in pain, and then when everyone was about to bear it, he switched back to the female voice before, like a schizophrenic lunatic with two personalities. constantly switching between.

"I love you so much, so I am willing to become all the images you want, and then send you to die..."

The first half of the sentence is so sweet and lingering, there seems to be honey in the voice that can't be dissolved, and the second half of the sentence has turned into the most violent poison. The cold air climbed up the notochord and instantly condensed into ice.

"Don't think about it!!!" Zhang Fengmian suddenly shouted! Startled everyone.

"Empty, let go of yourself, don't think about anything in your mind!!"

"Old Zhang... What do you mean?" Qi Tian swallowed his saliva and asked tremblingly.

"That female ghost hasn't come out yet! The one in front of us is not her entity, she will come in the way we imagined, and then use that as the image to kill us!" Zhang Fengmian put one hand on his forehead and slowly A deep breath explained. In the case of controlling yourself to sort out your thoughts, don't think about those messy things.

"That is to say, if we now think of some messy monsters that can destroy the world, we may have to face an existence that is completely beyond our ability to handle..."

"So leave yourself as empty as possible, don't think about anything, and think about the least harmful and threatening one..."

"I know what you miss!!" Before Zhang Fengmian's words were finished, the sharp female voice rang again, and the skeletons in front of several people disappeared together!

"Who, who thought of something?!" Zhang Fengmian turned his head and roared at the crowd. For a calm person like him, this was almost the biggest gaffe.

"It's not me." He Jiang was the first to wave his hand.

"I didn't think about anything." Qi Tian quickly returned.

Then all attention turned to Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger, who had no sense of existence. Under the gaze of the three, Xie Zhifei also turned his head and looked at Ji Qinger, who had been clutching his sleeve from the beginning, pretending to be a little girl.

What the **** is wrong with this lady? ! ! Compared with the previous three, her destructive power is much stronger. You must know that imagination is absolutely destructive, and knowledge determines imagination. The three things He Jiang can think of are Godzilla, King Kong and the like. Whether it is physical or mystical, it can be solved.

And this young lady knows the specific information of all the gods in the Arena of Destiny! ! What's more, there are so many monsters in history. He had already recognized the body of the monster in front of him.

The urban legend maker, a kind of dark cloud-like weirdness, where it gathers, will use the ideas of the people as food to produce all kinds of urban legends. Those skeletons, zombies, that sort of thing might just be someone's nightmare in a small town or a horror after watching a horror movie. So it's so weak.

But Rose in the Golden Garden became the nightmare of most people in the town because of what happened last time, so she absorbed that kind of power and became the strongest existence other than the core. And although it is impossible to perfectly restore the monsters of the Throne of the Gods, even if it is only one percent or even one thousandth, it is definitely a natural disaster.

So even Xie Zhifei was anxious to know what Ji Qinger was thinking about. Facing the gazes of the four, the girl stuck out her tongue, showing an embarrassed and playful expression.

"It said that anything I want can become reality, so I couldn't hold back and thought about it. After all, I've wanted to see you for a long time..."

"So what are you thinking about..." Her crooked face and cute appearance really made Xie Zhifei feel relieved.

"I think I already know..." At some point in the sky, massive dark clouds piled up, forming a huge vortex like the eye of the wind. Blue-purple lightning flashed in the cloud, and red light lit up in the middle of the vortex. To the extreme, a huge existence descends from inside...


Abandoned House Haunted House Chapter 13

"'s really spectacular..." Looking at the behemoths falling from the vortex little by little, He Jiang felt that he was so clueless.

"'s really spectacular..." It was rare that even Xie Zhifei responded to him this time, unlike the other three amateur players. He was born in a serious class, and fought fiercely in the Destiny Arena for several days. There should be nothing to deter him. But now he looks no different from the three amateurs.

The elder with his eyes widened and his neck stretched out, staring intently at the whirlpool in front of him. The Adam's apple moved up and down, and the sound of gasping for air kept coming from his mouth.

It was because the things that descended in front of them were too amazing. Xie Zhifei was even more mind-blowing than the projection of the Throne of Gods actually appearing here. The first thing that protruded from the middle of the vortex was a pair of white feet, bloated and huge, with a diameter of more than one meter. Just from this, it could be imagined that the body of this thing was at least a monster that exceeded ten meters.

And Xie Zhifei's strange appearance appeared after seeing these feet, the kind of resistance that the whole heart was screaming unnecessarily. But the fact ruthlessly denied his cry. After the top of the foot is the ankle. Under normal circumstances, in order to move flexibly, the joints will tighten and shrink in this place. But the things that descended were uncharacteristically, not only did not shrink, but swelled and piled up a layer of things like a swimming ring and piled up on the feet.

The bloated and fluffy feeling that is more than fat is accumulated infinitely, and layers of redundant tissues in a ring form together to form the body of this monster, making it look like it is pieced together piece by piece. More than ten meters tall, white, fat, chubby, round and round... Everyone is familiar with Mr. Michelin Tire.

The monster landed on the ground, and Xie Zhifei could even hear the 'puff' sound of its airbags touching the ground. The sound that accompanies this is the roar of Mr. Michelin's open mouth...if that's a roar...

"This is... the image you imagined?" Xie Zhifei turned his head to look at Ji Qinger with a satisfied smile on his face, feeling that he was really an incomparable story.

"Yeah, how can such a good opportunity be wasted? I've wanted to watch this scene for a long time! How is it? It's amazing, right?"

It's amazing, it's really amazing, and he can't even find other words to describe it except amazing. Even if he was speechless, Xie Zhifei had to admit that the scene in front of him was indeed incomparably miraculous. The scene in which Mr. Michelin, with more than ten meters of white fluffy flesh, roared to shred the few people in front of him. Can there be anything more magical in the world?

After all, how can that guy look like an honest person, he doesn't even have the ability to reject others, his shy belly has a thickness that can resist third-level shocks, and his attack power is zero, and he can defeat it with a pushpin. But now is the final boss they have to face.

This sense of dislocation is like standing in front of a hero holding a holy sword and letting it hand over the princess in front of a giant dragon. The kind of sadness that sucks. But no matter what, in fact, the image Ji Qinger had in mind was in line with what Zhang Fengmian said just now. If you really want them to think about it, they may not be able to imagine it for a while, and there is an existence that is lower than its combat power.

"What should I do?" When several people fell into aphasia, Mr. Michelin was about to rush to the front of the house with light steps like a spacewalk, and his white body pressed directly over like a wall. Everyone quickly throws away this unnecessary sadness! Qi Tian raised the spray gun in his hand and asked Zhang Fengmian.

The fact that hitting the skeleton just now was ineffective made him less confident in the equipment he had before.

"What else can I do? Fight!" Zhang Fengmian uncharacteristically showed a bandit, thinking about it, although there is a big gap in grades or IQ, but to be friends with Qi Tian, ​​the personality must be similar. He pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation, and the bright yellow light beam swept away towards Mr. Michelin...

Then I heard a scream from Mr. Michelin, the severity of which was about the same level of crying when a 4-year-old child had a cold and went to the hospital and met a novice nurse who received a shot. Heartbreaking, with the size of about ten meters, Zhang Fengmian almost let go of his hands in fright.

I saw that the light beam did not pass through like a skeleton, but actually hit Mr. Michelin, shattering into circles of finer grids. Wrap it in it, and then Mr. Michelin really fell to the ground as if he had been electrocuted, whimpering and rolling...

"This...this...this..." He Jiang shivered and couldn't speak clearly. He just turned his head and grabbed Qi Tian's clothes, while the other pointed at Mr. Michelin on the ground.

"Well, I know...I should beaten and cry." Qi Tian replied calmly. Only the twitching muscles in his face showed that he wasn't as calm as he appeared to be. How many years... my son has never cried like him...

"It doesn't matter if he cries or not, set fire!" The blue veins on Zhang Fengmian's forehead kept jumping, but Mr. Michelin, who was crying and rolling in front of him, had already challenged the limit of his rationality.

He Jiang and Qi Tian were shocked by his tone, and quickly aimed at Mr. Michelin who was on the ground and pulled the trigger. With the three-pronged approach, Mr. Michelin... cried more happily. But just like what Zhang Fengmian said, no matter what, that thing is just a ghost, although it is said that the ghost was beaten and cried, there is no real feeling. But people won't keep their hands because of it crying.

So the three of them still endured the beating foreheads, gritted their teeth and output frantically. The shattered power grids were intertwined, and golden sparks began to erupt one by one, and Mr. Michelin's cry finally gradually subsided, like a person numb by electricity. Paralyzed on the ground. Hands and feet twitched from time to time.

Zhang Fengmian and the two of them looked at each other, and then moved the muzzle of the gun in the hand towards the eyebrows, and the three beams completed the convergence there! There was light that had never been there before. Then the fire started.

The explosion, perhaps the burning fire ignited the flammable gas in Mr. Michelin's body, or the core collapsed and the entire field collapsed. The explosion that shook the whole world exploded with Mr. Michelin at its core.

The entire space shattered like glass, and then swept outward with the impact of the explosion. It's an onslaught of information, and switching between the real world and the cocooning world can be disorienting and disgusting. The massive amount of information in this violent method directly hedged, and instantly defeated the minds of the trio of teasing.

Xie Zhifei stood in front of Ji Qinger, put down the hand covering his eyes, looked at the surrounding scene, and as expected, he had returned to the original house. The rose garden, the monster, the Mr. Michelin, the explosion never existed. Only the trio of teasers lay softly on the ground.