Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 141

The moonlight is bright outside the window.

"Good job." Ji Qing'er patted her nightgown gently, tilting her head.

"It's not over, isn't it?" Xie Zhifei also grinned, revealing a bright smile. "Are you right? Miss Gu Yi?"


The end of the haunted house

The trio were lying on the ground staggered, Ji Qinger sat on the sofa again at some point, stretched out her hand and sorted out the head protruding from the furry nightgown hat, like a beautiful background.

In this scene, only Xie Zhifei stood abruptly, with jagged bones like a gun, speaking and asking questions to people who did not exist in the open space, only the cold night wind blew the misty curtains, bringing the breath of the sea breeze. into the room. It made this scene full of a strange sense of dislocation.

"Hee hee." A playful laughter sounded in the night wind. "How did you know I was here?"

As if the moonlight condensed, a thin silhouette appeared in front of the window lattice, a pink dress, black hair, and thick bangs, but the sight cast from the thick bangs was lively and agile. That face was exactly the same as Gu Yi, the protagonist in the profile on Xie Zhifei's computer.

A cute girl, if it weren't for the figure that looked so thin and translucent like smoke, and even the moonlight could shine directly on the ground through him and her body, without a shadow, anyone would make such a judgment. Bar.

But after having the previous conditions, all that can bring people is only fear. What accompanied her is what He Jiang said before, the kind of cold that seems to be slowly condensing in the depths of the soul. .

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Gu Yi, who was in front of the window lattice, saw that Ji Qinger was still playing with her hair on the spot, and Xie Zhifei also looked at him with a look of course. On the contrary, he was a little curious and took the initiative to ask.

"Why are you afraid?" Xie Zhifei shrugged, "Do you think that you are the only special person in this world?"

"That's not true either." Gu Yi waved his hand. "But how to say, you are different from what I think... In my imagination, you should..."

"Should be eight feet tall and eight feet wide, wearing a full black suit and black sunglasses, ready to take out a miniature pulse pistol from the box in his hand and shoot it that can destroy half a building with one shot?"

"That's right! You've seen the man in black too?!" Gu Yi replied happily.

Xie Zhifei rolled his eyes, why did he always feel that what he encountered in this mission was a neuropathy. "Miss, although there is no way to transform into a cylinder, we still have what you said."

"It's just that you also need to know that these things are not used casually, at least for us, we won't be able to use them this time."

"This incident?" Gu Yi narrowed his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up, and two pear eddies appeared on his face, which looked very cute. "What event?"

"You, the incident." Xie Zhifei paused heavily when he said your words, "You should be able to guess that we can't let an existence like you be allowed to wander outside for a long time without restraint."

"What if I don't agree?" Gu Yi raised his head and looked directly into Xie Zhifei's eyes, the icy aura instantly made him feel at home. Even the comatose trio of teasers hunched over their bodies unconsciously, as if trying to preserve as little warmth as possible.

"That's up to you." Xie Zhifei smiled lightly. She didn't seem nervous at all.

"Really?" Gu Yi also smiled, with the same relaxed and happy smile, "I want to know why I can't help it?" As she spoke, her already thin body became thinner and thinner, as if the moonlight was about to dissipate in the next moment. in.

Looking at this scene, Xie Zhifei didn't even raise his hand, but when he looked closely, he could see that there were two more jokes in his eyes. Sure enough, in the next moment, with a cry of exclamation, Gu Yi, who was about to dissipate, suddenly jumped out, as if being stabbed by a needle.

"What is that?" Gu Yi patted her chest in shock. After incarnating in this state, it was the first time she encountered something unintentionally. So thin and so cold, it was like a sword edge, a sword edge capable of severing her in this state.

"If you're too self-willed, no one will like you, little girl." Ji Qinger, who had been sitting at the back, suddenly said, Gu Yi realized that a green bamboo pole appeared in her hand at some point, and she held it in her hand. The other end of the pestle was on the ground, and a faint green air permeated the bamboo pole.

The sharpness that almost scratched her just now spread from the bamboo pole. As Ji Qinger opened his mouth, one after another bright light lit up in the night, the blue sword light bloomed like a flower in the silver moonlight, and then swam in the air like fallen leaves and swimming fish. Surround Gu Yi in it.

"I said, we give you a chance to choose, but it doesn't mean that the choice is yours to decide. Your choice is two, accept, or die."

Ji Qinger's words instantly made Gu Yi's face pale, and the cruising sword light made her truly feel the fear of death. Even more real than when she was tied to a chair by a few teenagers. After all, the young people are just angry and irrational, but also fearful and shrinking. They will even blame each other on who will do it.

But the girl in front of her who looked harmless to humans and animals was different. She didn't have much interest in human life, which was a kind of indifference. Not because you are used to life, but because you are used to seeing death. She knows that as long as her answer does not meet her heart, she will do it without hesitation.

"Okay, it's not as scary as you think." Xie Zhifei stood up, "We won't imprison you, we'll educate you after we figure out the real body of your ability, no accident, you should will be one of us."

Gu Yi raised his head and looked at Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger in front of him, with a gleam of distrust in his eyes.

"Don't you want to know how to get back into your body? Your parents have been guarding that empty body for a long time." Xie Zhifei used a big move. Sure enough, Gu Yi's expression softened at once. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the pendant that had fallen on his chest. Biting his lower lip, his face was tangled and struggling.

"Equivalent exchange..." A gnat-like voice sounded.

"What?" Xie Zhifei didn't hear clearly.

"Equivalent exchange!" Gu Yi shouted to Xie Zhifei, "I can promise you, but you have to promise that you can help me master my abilities and allow me to return to my body!"

"No problem." Xie Zhifei snapped his fingers.

" parents..."

"Dr. Gu's research in biology and herbal medicine is believed to be useful in our research group." Xie Zhifei nodded and continued.

"We'll be responsible for explaining everything to him."

"Then, the contract is reached." The girl said seriously to Xie Zhifei.

"Welcome to the real world, Miss Gu Yi." Xie Zhifei bowed slightly, "Trust me, you won't regret your choice."

"Do I need to prepare anything?" Xie Zhifei's solemnity made him seem a little uneasy, and he reached out and grabbed his skirt.

"No, the things here will be packed and taken away later. We will also arrange for transfer of your body. You just need to follow us back." Ji Qinger stood up and put away the green bamboo stick in her hand, The cruising sword light was instantly annihilated in the air.

"I'm going to bed first," Ji Qinger walked past Xie Zhifei, reached out and patted his shoulder, "You pass."

"Remember to call and have the three guys take care of their belongings. Miss Lin will take care of them." Ji Qing'er gently kicked Qi Tian on the ground, who turned over slightly. , the mouth made two pig-like hums.

The Haunted House of the Yellow House is over.


Chapter 1 Back Earth

"This is... the headquarters?" Xie Zhifei forgot that he came out of the arena, and the memories shrouded in white light showed a strange sense of fragmentation. They were clearly in his mind, but there was no way to combine them.

It's an eerie feeling, a double loss of logic and a sense of time, if the situation develops to the extreme. People will no longer be able to do anything, because he has no way to deal with his memory, so he has no way to understand what state he is in now, all the memories for decades are spread out evenly. in front of him. But he didn't even know how old he was.

Of course, Xie Zhifei's situation was not so serious, and he could probably guess what caused this situation. Then I temporarily gave up trying to figure out what was going on in my head and started observing my situation instead.

White sheets, monotonous tables and chairs, the familiar cold and stiff feeling from the Fool. This is the guest room, so he can decide that he is no longer Longcheng, otherwise he should be in his own room. Among the remaining places, the headquarters is the most likely.

"Can I come in?" He had just finished judging his situation when a knock on the door accompanied Mu Xiao's voice came from outside the door. Xie Zhifei looked down at his clothes.

In the last battle, the clothes that were cut into a beggar's suit by Catherine's silver blade have been changed, and there is nothing inappropriate. "No problem, come in."

Mu Xiao pushed open the door, and then looked around Xie Zhifei three hundred and sixty degrees around the bed as if he saw something interesting. The sound of tsk tsk tut kept coming out of her mouth, very much like a prostitute who picked a suitable little girl in the market and prepared to train into an oiran. Amazed by a genius.

Although this description sounds a bit strange, there is no doubt that this is definitely the most intuitive feeling Xie Zhifei has now. Finally, when Mu Xiao made his third detour, he couldn't take it anymore.

"What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'll just watch the big hero and the big lover." Mu Xiao jumped back and said pretty. "People are very curious, what does the champion in the Destiny Arena look like and the great lover who has secured two seed-level goddesses?"

"Then what did you observe?" Xie Zhifei covered his face with his hands.

"Two eyes, one nose, and a small face, nothing else is a big deal." Mu Xiao spread his hands, and then leaned on Xie Zhifei's bed. "Tell me, how did you get them both? Which one do you like, the saint or the witch?"