Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 145

Exchange Students.

Although he knew early on that, as a rare national key university, Qingyuan Middle School has its own exchange student program, and every year, students from all over the world come to China. In the same way, there will also be a few elites or academic tyrants who can go to other countries as exchange students.

And he also learned today that a certain counterpart in Qingyuan is actually located in Sicily. After all, when the exchange students are mostly concentrated in the United States, Canada or Australia or even Russia. It is really shocking that Qingyuan chose its counterpart school in Sicily, Europe.

Looking into the source, it was actually more than ten years ago. After viewing a certain material, the dean at that time felt that the school must be in line with international standards and personally went to Europe to investigate the established relationship.

Xie Zhifei just wanted to complain, the principal of that year, your teaching and research materials would not be something like "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" or "The Godfather" trilogy, right?

But no matter how he complained, Sicily has not been cut off since countless exchange student channels were added in the late Qingyuan period. The cooperation time is more than ten years. If Xie Zhifei can go out through this channel, it can indeed meet the requirements of the organization.

But the only problem is that, perhaps because of the development of more new channels to make money, such old channels were downgraded and given to students as a kind of welfare.

What do you mean, that is, to be an exchange student in Sicily, you no longer need to pay a lot of tuition fees, and you need a special quota, and you can sign up in the whole school.

And it is absolutely impossible to sign up, so it becomes a public travel agency, so the method of selection is also as simple as an exam.

Xie Zhifei tightly closed the biology book in his hand. He was not at all interested in how Mendel discovered the essence of reproduction in a pile of peas. Now I just want to scold my mother! What about pit father? ! !

"Xie Zhifei, someone is looking for it!" The classmate sitting at the door shouted back. As soon as Xie Zhifei looked up, he saw Yue Jianghao standing at the door with a smirk like a husky.


Chapter 7 Youth II

Contrary to Xie Zhifei's first attempt to reduce his sense of existence, he is now regarded as the No. 1 figure in the class and is quite influential.

The reason for this is also very simple. In such an environment where everyone's clothes must be unified, if you want to gain the right to speak, you must show some different and unique strengths. It is possible to have good grades, good looks, money at home, and power.

Adults always imagine that the school is as pure as a white ivory tower, but in fact, it is nothing more than a microscopic society. There are still small groups, classes and stuff like that. The countless incidents of school bullying that occur every year show that the school has never been a place where there is a bright spring and white snow.

Where there are people, there will be politics, and where there are more than two people, humans have to learn how to stand in line. The theory of sexual evil is actually more convincing and empirical than the theory of good sexuality.

Xie Zhifei is not good at studying, nor does he like to communicate with people, and his slightly pale complexion due to anemia is not in line with mainstream aesthetics. And the reason why he suddenly became the number one person in the class is very simple, because the three faces at the door look a little silly.

A plastic bag wrapped in cabbage can only sell for the price of cabbage, and gold can be sold for the price of gold, although no one will use a plastic bag to wrap gold. But the principle is the same. Friends and social circles are one of the important ways to show your energy.

You walk on the street with a big belly, and the wind blows your sparse hair to reveal a high hairline. Others will only think that you are a greasy middle-aged person. And you are walking on the road with a pretty girl in your arms, thin waist, long legs and a straight face, even if the previous description has not changed a word, others will think that you are a successful person, or secretly curse in your heart: Damn local tyrant , if a good cabbage makes the pig arched and so on...

Xie Zhifei's situation is similar. Although Yue Jianghao, Ma Su, and Qin Yiming are not pretty girls, but they are also the famous figures in the school as the basketball team's iron triangle. Especially Yue Jianghao, who is rich and handsome, is the dream lover of many girls.

Although he called Xie Zhifei the boss with a charming smile on his face, his fans in Xie Zhifei's class were basically gone. But even so, the fact that he was willing to call Xie Zhifei the boss was accumulated as Xie Zhifei's reputation. In addition, Shi Yuqing and Ji Qinger, the two core figures in the girls' circle, also seemed to be closely related to him. So naturally Xie Zhifei became a pivotal figure.

Xie Zhifei glanced at the three of them at the door, and just after reading enough books, he followed. The deputy monitor, Ji Tianhong, who was sitting in the second group, rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "I don't know how to learn". When Yue Jianghao heard it, the latter subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and went in to clean up this ignorant lower grade, and let him understand that seniors should be respected.

But before he could enter the door, Xie Zhifei had already walked to the door and pushed him out. "Okay, let's go." Yue Jianghao was helpless, only Ma Su glared at Ji Tianhong fiercely.

Let this good student bury his head deeply, look at his book, and let out a sigh of relief. But he didn't remember Xie Zhifei for it. In his opinion, whether it was Xie Zhifei or Yue Jianghao and his party, they couldn't make it to the top. This kind of conflict of ideas is probably a major feature of high school. Those who have studied well look down on those who have nothing to do, and those like Yue Jianghao also look down on those like Ji Tianhong who study hard.

The four of them walked to the basketball court. Although there was only less than half an hour between classes, the energetic young people still seized every opportunity to show off their youth. At the beginning of school, Qiuhu was not much more forgiving than it was in midsummer. Sweat oozes from the backs of several people on the field.

"Let's play too?" Yue Jianghao said, and Ma Su and Qin Yiming were also eager to try. Xie Zhifei tilted his head and nodded. Qin Yiming went to discuss with the people in the field to see how the four people were allocated. In the end, there was a 4V4 match. The streets were not on the streets, and it was not a full team.

However, there are many elements of play itself, and it is not necessary to distinguish the forwards and defenders so clearly. It is still mostly streetball. Xie Zhifei is actually a little ignorant of games like basketball.

In fact, anyone who can use their entire body muscles more than twice as efficiently will have little interest in such a physical confrontation. If Xie Zhifei thought about it, his footsteps with the ball could even blow a gust of wind on the field. Yue Jianghao and the others would be swept up before they touched his body, let alone a physical confrontation. The description is similar to:

"August sky is high and the wind roars furiously, rolling over the triple grass on my house."

But in fact the other possibility is actually bigger, that is, when he slaps the first ball, he slaps it here. For a body strengthening system like Xie Zhifei and Po Jun, this kind of activity is hardly considered a competition or entertainment, but a restricted activity behavior, similar to the precise control of strength training.

Some games based on intelligence or experience are what they are really happy to play. For example, Xie Zhifei knew that one of Po Jun's hobbies was Go. Although seeing that sturdy figure like a hill sitting in front of the chessboard always feels out of place.

At first, Xie Zhifei didn't have much interest in this kind of activity, just like the name of the boss Yue Jianghao. It was also after the start of this semester that I began to slowly try to accept it a little bit.

The tall and majestic Yue Jianghao is a center, with very stable rebounds and a strong inside line. Ma Su and Qin Yiming are both in possession of the ball and a forward, and they are also quite wild. But it's not too bad on the opposite side. After all, people who don't miss out on this little time to come out to play are generally somewhat confident in their own skills.

But after all, it can't compare to the iron triangle of the school team here. Poor people want to change. The breakthrough was naturally placed on Xie Zhifei. After all, in terms of physique or running, Xie Zhifei looked weak, and his ball-handling movements didn't look too skilled. It would be a waste not to attack him.

But when they saw that Xie Zhifei had the ball and were about to go around for a steal, they found out that this kid actually has such a good one-handed passing skills. He didn't give them any chance of stealing at all. As long as he saw someone close to him, he would throw the ball out of his hand without hesitation, and it was extremely stable and accurate, without the slightest bit of obstruction in the middle. Always fall right in front of the trio.

Once or twice, it can be said to be lucky, but after the wrong number of times, the opposite side also discovered Xie Zhifei's unique style of play, and because they were divided to steal him, they also caused them to have insufficient marking on the three of Yue Jianghao, and the score difference. was pulled even bigger.

When the class bell rang, Xie Zhifei rarely passed the ball in his hand, but uncharacteristically made a jumper from beyond the three-point line. It made a few people who had already turned their heads turn pale in shock, and then saw the orange-red ball cross a rounded parabola, hollow!

Before the group could be surprised, they were woken up by the second segment of the irritable class bell. They quickly picked up the ball that was still bouncing, and ran towards the classroom. Yue Jianghao, who was watching from the back, was speechless.

"What shall we do?" Ma Su scratched his head.

"Let's escape." Xie Zhifei shrugged his shoulders, then walked straight to the small shop beside the playground. The three of Yue Jianghao looked at each other with two surprises in their eyes. Immediately followed.


Chapter 8 Youth III

The four of them sat on the small lawn each carrying a bottle of Coke, watching the class in the physical education class on the football field running in circles, the girls' ponytails rising and falling. Although it is wrapped in a rustic loose school uniform, the clothes with a full sense of falling will also outline a series of arcs when exercising.

Even if there are still clothes tens of meters apart, these marks of youth are still enough to provoke the reverie of boys of the same age. At least Yue Jianghao and the others were quite satisfied, their eyes kept wandering between the girls one after another, and from time to time they picked up the Coke in their hands and took a sip.

When a good seedling is found, a few people will share it with each other. Even Xie Zhifei would occasionally respond, and then there would be smiles among the boys that could only be described in tacit words. Of course, most of the time, the smile is described as 'obscene' or 'obscene'.

Among them, Xie Zhifei's comments were the most penetrating. After all, compared with these three, he had seen a lot of top-notch women. You must know that although the group of Tianhus are weird, they really charm all beings when they are humanoids. Liyan's standard maid etiquette, every time he thinks of it, can make his mind sway.

The three of Yue Jianghao would always give him a thumbs up at times like this. It means that the boss deserves to be the boss. Then he sighed in his heart, Xie Zhifei's changes since the beginning of this semester. Even if they are as dull as them, they can feel that Xie Zhifei is slowly integrating into their circle.

To be honest, although there are some reasons for brainwashing, in fact, Yue Jianghao also has his own considerations in his heart for Xie Zhifei's boss or something. He saved his own life as part of it, how much of the rest was the banter? Only he himself knows how much he wants to have a thigh that can be beaten.

But all in all, it's a little lighter now, and I think it's pretty good to get along like this. As a friend, Xie Zhifei is absolutely qualified. He usually doesn't take the initiative to grab his position as the leader of the small circle. At the same time, he has a lot of high-quality girl resources (Shi Yuqing, Ji Qinger:???) , plus an absolutely reliable force value at critical moments.

Thinking about it like this, it seemed that the air was much fresher, which made his squinting eyes a little more satisfied. But according to the direction he was looking at, how to look at it, how to look at it, it made a few girls who wanted to perform in front of the basketball knights feel a chill, subconsciously shivered, and pulled each other away. .

Of course Yue Jianghao noticed their performance, but he opened his mouth and sipped it again. Forget it, there are so many girls in the school, how could he be all alone, let them go. Only at this time, a figure with a long ponytail would suddenly break into my mind. Makes the nose feel sour.

Just as I was about to lower my head to cover it up, a small dot in my sight expanded at a very fast speed, turning into a black shadow and rushing towards my face! The speed was too fast to dodge, and he could only make a strange cry and closed his eyes.

"Bang——" There was a muffled sound, but unexpectedly, Yue Jianghao didn't feel any pain on his face. He opened his eyes carefully, and the first thing he saw was a hand that wasn't sturdy but with bones and bones lying in front of him. And in that big open hand, he was holding a football that stopped spinning. It was the target of the attack just now.

Xie Zhifei gently threw the ball in his hand, then turned his head to look at the few people in the football field, his indifferent eyes made them startled for the third time. The first surprise was that they were discussing to hit Yue Jianghao with the ball, but the one who opened his foot found that he had played beyond the standard, kicked it accurately and ruthlessly, and flew straight towards Yue Jianghao. .

You must know that a football made of hard cowhide, if you don't wear football shoes, if you kick vigorously, your feet can be injured. What would be the effect of putting on a face without even a pair of sneakers to take the ball? It may be clear that the full face is blooming, and most of Yue Jianghao's nasal bones have to be directly explained here.

Several people didn't want to make such a big fuss, so this was the first surprise. The second surprise was that the ball had already gone straight to Yue Jianghao's face, while everyone was waiting for it to hit. Xie Zhifei, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stretched out a hand, and the speed was so fast that everyone only saw an afterimage flashing by. He grabbed the football tightly in his hand.

Everyone couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, knowing that they all studied physics. The effect of force is mutual, and energy cannot disappear out of thin air. Xie Zhifei just blocked the ball, and the sensation was not that big. After all, the kinetic energy was still on the ball, but if he followed up like this, it meant that all the kinetic energy on the ball, which had a speed of more than tens of kilometers per hour and great kinetic energy just now, was lost. Did he take it with one hand?

Are you kidding me, is this a monster? ! Although under the propaganda of Yue Jianghao, several people have also heard of Xie Zhifei's reputation, especially the one that can be beaten. But it didn't take it too seriously, after all, such a thin person. Now it seems that most of the things in the rumors are worthy of the name.

But even so, several people didn't mean to frown. After all, in the school, it is not only the fist that has the final say. Looking at each other, they walked towards the few people on the small slope. Yue Jianghao and several others also stood up, and the two groups of people were facing each other from such a distance. In the anime, the sky of different colors on both sides would be used to render this imposing collision.

"Liu Zhenfeng's group." Qin Yiming said in a low voice, Yue Jianghao nodded. It's just that Xie Zhifei could see that the expression on his face was stiff.