Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 161

"Come on then!" Liu Huan turned over and kicked and exploded with a burst of air. so back.

"It's really energetic." Chen Ye smiled at Xie Zhifei, "Xiaofei, won't you join in?"

"That... when you don't know how often the battle is going, it's necessary to maintain your physical strength." Xie Zhifei reached out and scratched his head.

"Hehe, it's really a speech that fits your style." Chen Ye reached out and touched his head, "But young people still need a little energy, let's go too, get rid of these things early, if the time is too slow, tomorrow Those two little girls in class won't be able to see you, so they'll be very worried."

"We're not in that kind of relationship..." It's fine for Liu Huan to be so joking, Master Chen said that Xie Zhifei really blushed.

"It's okay, I'm a younger person too. At that time, we called each other comrades before we established our relationship." Chen Ye said with a smile. Although he was joking, he didn't stop at all. down means. His hands were tugging left and right in front of his chest, and the frost demons within ten meters in front of him all shattered. The speed of the slaughter turned out to be faster than Yi Nian and Liu Huan.


Chapter Thirty-Seven The Fallen Fairy

"Hey, fox, what's wrong? I saw you almost got hit by an ice pick."

"Nonsense, I think you can't even move your knife."

"Well, seniors, don't make fun of each other in this situation." Xie Zhifei smiled bitterly.

The number of frost demons is more than expected, although the individuals are not strong, but the emergence of hundreds of hundreds of such numbers still makes them feel very tired. Weirdness is indeed a minority, an anomaly, a cherished landscape.

But their degree of cherishment is always relative to the human race, because the number of human beings is so huge that their number is so cherished. But now Xie Zhifei and the others are facing a different situation. This is the kingdom of fairies, the common home of all fairies. The child-changing incident has been happening for several days. In the fairy kingdom where time passes faster, it may even be A week or more.

During this period of time, they can fully feel how many new individuals will be born in this group of ice fairies. Every time a Frost Demon fell, a new one shrieked out of the jungle.

Because of their mental disorder, they are not even aware of death. They are fearless and crazy. They often rush over with an ice pick when they see a few people, like a self-destructing truck.

The bigger problem is that after they die, they will become elements again, because several people were massacred in a large scale during this period of time, and a thick layer of ice fog has begun to appear in the jungle. The accumulation of a large number of ice elements has also strengthened the power of the frost demons. Originally, they could only condense more than ten carrot-sized ice cones by instinct. Faster and sharper.

The few people who were aware of this matter also started guerrilla warfare without hesitation, and went deep into the jungle while fighting. As Xie Zhifei said, maintaining physical strength is a very important thing when you don't know how often you fight. Liu Huan and Yi Nian have already begun to gasp for a while.

In fact, in the face of such an enemy, it is not just a few of them, but a team of hundreds of executors, it will be much more efficient to work with flamethrowers or more professional equipment.

But the goblins are almost full of hatred for technological equipment. It is better to say that we have a full-scale war than they propose to let such a team of fully armed action teams come in. So we can only rely on a team of four for this inefficient manual processing.

Xie Zhifei stabbed the spear forward and went straight through the chest of a frost demon. The latter hadn't died because of it, but instead, he was waving his crystallized claws, trying to leave a few wounds on Xie Zhifei's body. Xie Zhifei naturally wouldn't let it succeed so easily. With a flick of the spear in his hand, he threw it out, and smashed it into a huge tree in the distance like a cannonball, breaking it into pieces.

"Is this... Ice Crystal Wood?" Xie Zhifei suddenly found the difference in the tree that the frost demon hit in front of him, frowned, and turned his head. "We have entered the depths of the cradle, everyone be careful of those polluted ice fairies!"

As soon as his words fell, as if in response to him, a child-like shrill voice rang out rapidly, "Winter and Frost and Snow turn into blades of judgment, granting chills and destruction!" The figure stood on the transparent ice crystal wood and sang rapidly. The blue magic formation with a diameter of about two meters quickly unfolded in front of it. As it sang, the surrounding runes instantly lit up in turn, followed by a series of sharp blades. Ordinary ice flakes come with the cold wind.

Although Albion is a place like a sea of ​​trees, because of the different types of fairies, the trees will have different differences, such as the fire thorns of the fire fairies, and the rocks of the earth fairies. Ice crystal wood is a tree species unique to the gathering place of ice fairies. With Xie Zhifei and the others, they have passed through the periphery and reached the inner layer of the cradle.

If the frost fairies are the new-born ice fairies who formed an inferior species for complete composition, the one standing on the ice crystal wood is a completely different existence. It was a corrupted ice fairy who was born with the ability to conduct elemental communication and would use corresponding spells. It was a completely different level of existence.

More than 10% of the ice fairies were successfully evacuated under the cover of the Holy White Spirit, but the remaining 10% would still be troublesome. Even if the executive team is fully equipped, there is no reason why they will be helpless after entering and advancing to this place. They can deal with the beast-like frost demon, but they really can't do anything about the fallen ice goblin.

Fortunately, I saw the ice crystal wood first, and I have already made the corresponding preparations. The blood-colored lines lit up in an instant, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and retreated more than ten meters. The sharp ice flakes were completed directly in the area where he stood just now. After a swipe, branches and even rocks were cut open, and ice came out where it landed.

"Ice Fairy?" The other three immediately eliminated the enemy in front of them, then moved closer to Xie Zhifei, and at the same time looked at the little thing in front of them. It is smaller than ordinary fairies, and may be less than 30 centimeters in height. She wears an ice-blue skirt with six diamond-shaped ice crystals forming wings behind her. She holds the ice crystal wood in one hand and forgets to come to Xie Zhifei and the others.

The frost demons stopped attacking after the ice fairies appeared at the meeting, but stood on the spot and spat out mouth after mouth of ice mist.

"Human...get out!" The ice fairy threatened in a shrill voice.

"Are you still sensible?" Several people looked at each other, and then Xie Zhifei stood up and said, "We were called by the Goblin King Oberon to help you. If you can, let me know..."

Before Xie Zhifei's words were finished, the ice fairy raised his head suddenly, his right hand stretched out, the ice element quickly condensed in his hand, the next moment the sharp ice spear rubbed Xie Zhifei's head and flew over if he hadn't turned his head enough. Come on, you will definitely get a headshot this time.

"Get out!!" The ice fairy continued to roar. Because of his IQ, the ice fairy loves to play games with human children. This is why Xie Zhifei came out to talk to him. Although he is not a child, he is also the youngest in this group of people. Yes.

But I didn't expect that even after hearing the name of the Goblin King Oberon, the other party still didn't show any emotion, and the shot was so explosive. After all, unlike the aggressive fire goblins, the ice goblins are very timid, and the behavior of fighting is basically It has nothing to do with them.

It can be seen that although there is still language and discrimination, the basic logic and mind have been completely lost. Xie Zhifei shook his shoulders, and the next moment, he disappeared from the spot with a single thought, and the crimson knife light appeared in front of the ice fairy as if it had crossed the distance in space.


Chapter Thirty-Eight Art is Explosion

Although the brutality points have increased significantly after the degenerate, this is only in terms of consciousness. Faced with the sudden attack of a thought, the reaction of the ice fairies is not much better than that of the frost demons. Before he could exclaim, he saw the crimson knife light rushing straight towards him.

The next moment, the cold blue light exploded, and the ice fairy turned into a phantom-like existence, escaping at a speed faster than a single thought, letting the inevitable knife slash in the air. The ice fairy directly retreated more than ten meters back, and then changed from the phantom back to the real body.

"Bing Ling escape?" Xie Zhifei asked.

"Well," Chen Ye nodded, "it is indeed the life-saving means of ice fairies, look behind it."

Only then did Xie Zhifei notice that although the ice fairy who had reshaped this time was not slashed by Yi Nian's knife, the six diamond-shaped ice crystal wings behind him had completely disappeared. Thinking about it, this is the price of using the ice edge escape. The same situation can be solved twice.

Xie Zhifei and the others understood about such a thing, and the ice goblin naturally knew it. Although she was insane, she was sufficiently sensitive to death that she still made her feel extremely angry about what happened just now. With a shrill roar from his mouth, he pushed his hands forward, and the ice-blue magic circle was formed almost instantly.

One after another, the ice cones shot out from the inside. In this case, it did not hesitate to choose the same attack method as the frost demons, but it was faster and more powerful. And under its shriek, the frost demons who had stopped just now because of the appearance of the ice fairies also became restless again. Hundreds of frost demons stood together, even if it was just a low hiss, the pervading chill could be It turned into a surging cold mist, covering Xie Zhifei and the others.

What's more, there will be hundreds of ice cones gushing out in the cold fog for a second. If the ice cones shot by the frost demons who were fighting each other at the beginning were just a barrage game for the group, they could be avoided. So now that there is a unified order, the dense ice picks are really pressing down like a wall. How does one avoid this?

Yi Nian withdrew without hesitation. Hundreds of ice cones condensed an ice crystal where he stood just now, and then moved towards Ye Chen and covered them with Yi Nian. Xie Zhifei held the red spear in his hand with a solemn expression. Liu Fan smiled.

"Don't worry, Xiaofei, leave the defense to Chen Ye, just think about how you want to attack." Xie Zhifei turned his head, and Chen Ye nodded, indicating that Liu Huan was right.

As Yi Nian retreated not far in front of them, Chen Ye moved, his hands flicked in the air, and each finger seemed to have its own life, rhythmically moving. The result was that the wall of ice cones that followed Yi Nian, just like hitting a real wall, exploded in the air, opening hundreds of ice flowers.

Naturally, there cannot be any transparent walls in this forest, and the only thing blocking them is the countless threads attached to Chen Ye's gloves. Such a scene made Xie Zhifei in a trance, thinking of the scene where Galava attacked Little Fat Rosenberg's blue maglev net in the arena before.

But now the hundreds of ice picks released by the ice fairies are much denser than Galava's python cannons. Fortunately, Chen Ye's silk thread is also much stronger than the blue maglev net, especially in the Among the exploding ice flowers. The originally almost invisible silk thread stirred the ice flower, but instead showed a visible trajectory. It is even more amazing, how many silk threads are being manipulated by Chen Ye at the same time.

Xie Zhifei was stunned by this ability of distraction.

"Don't just be surprised, hurry up and clear the scene." As soon as he saw Xie Zhifei's scene, he understood what he was sighing, and waved his hand to remind him. Xie Zhifei then reacted.

"However, to clear it?" This kind of stalemate is like two masters in martial arts competing for internal skills. When the ice picks of the frost demons can break through Chen Ye's defense first, they will be consumed first. do. How to pass through the endless ice pick to eliminate the frost demon has become a problem. If you shoot the gun with all your strength, you should be able to pass through it, and you can kill several at one time, but how to get the red gun back becomes a problem, even with a blood line? What should I do if the thing freezes halfway through?

"Okay, don't think about it." Liu Huan saw Xie Zhifei frowning and knew that he was in a tangle. "There is a way."

"Ah?" Xie Zhifei turned his head and he really didn't know what else to do. Compared with him, Yi Nian and Liu Huan should be even more incompetent. After all, one can only fight in melee, and the other illusion is for Frost Demon. There is no use for something that acts solely on instinct.

But when he turned his head, he saw that Yi Nian had even put away the knife in his hand, and kept pulling out bottles and jars one by one from his pocket.

"This is……"

"Make bombs." Liu Huan replied.

Xie Zhifei realized it in an instant. After all, what fairies hate are only technological products, so Liuhuan directly put the raw materials in. Then make it live! Compared with monsters, humans are absolutely disadvantaged in terms of combat power, talent and lifespan. And there is only one thing, human beings are the best of all species in the world.

That is killing... no, the ability to explode! It is clear that the individual is extremely fragile, but human beings' love for bombs and their skills are definitely number one in the world. You must know that spears and shields have evolved together. Stronger attacks lead to stronger defenses, and stronger defenses lead to stronger attacks.

But humans are different! This is how the technology tree we point crooked is developed, explosives, bombs, nuclear bombs. How to suppress the opponent's bomb? Tell him I have a stronger bomb in my hand! The result of this development is that when the defense can only achieve the basic defense of body armor, the attack can already make the world nuclear level!

The scientific research team has obviously inherited this characteristic of human beings very well! It's just a matter of taking the phrase "art is an explosion" as his motto and putting it on the wall as a banner. So after Xie Zhifei brought back the news from Qiu Zhiyu, the entire Fool got up and started to discuss how to solve this matter.