Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 17

"Because, in the Iron Triangle, Mr. is the horn of wisdom with the least attack power." Po Jun's words made Yi Nian stand up from the sofa, staring straight at him with clear, sword-like eyes. They are not very clear about the legend of the Iron Triangle back then, all they know is the surviving gentleman who has a detached status in the Fool! However, Po Jun actually told him that at that time, Mr. had no power!

"Mr. is the inheritance of Xingjian. That's why you can become the deed of the fox of the zodiac. You know your destiny by astrology, and you have the ability of half a prophet." Po Jun ignored Yi Nian's big move and slowly buried the dust of history. The story below is told little by little.

"In that incident, the horn of control in the iron triangle died directly, and the fighting horn of the so-called peerless swordsman also died of exhaustion after he carried the master back. The master took his sword and started turning Practice Haoran Qi and martial arts. The so-called injury basically means that the master has never used the ability related to Xingjian since then."

The amount of information made Yi Nian's mind unable to calm down at all, so he could only ask the biggest question in this conversation, "Xing Jian... Will this ability disappear due to injury?"

The so-called constellation is to become the son of the stars or the crown of the stars in Europe. In short, it is a person who is favored by the stars, who can get enlightenment in the starlight, and there are many occult uses, similar to tarot cards and astrology. It is similar, but it is rooted in the favor of the stars. It's hard to imagine that such a blessing would disappear because of an injury.

"I don't know." Po Jun shook his head, "The so-called injury to the root is something that the gentleman himself said."

"As for the badge, I just asked you to return the things that belonged to Mr. Xie Zhifei. It is the person that Mr. took the initiative to ask for." After saying this, Po Jun turned his chair and looked out the window. The moon turned silver. The moonlight spilled into the dark office and cast a layer of brilliance on him.

Yi Nian behind him narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking.


Chapter 31 Fist and Intention

Xie Zhifei rubbed his head and got up, the severe pain was as if someone had forcibly pryed open his brain, grabbed his soul and split it in half and then stuffed it back. Covering his face and staying on the bed for a long time, he realized that this was not his room in the Fool's Mansion, nor the body repair room he had been visiting recently. After turning his head and looking for a few moments, he remembered that this was the supply hut he brought Mr.

Thinking of Mr., he suddenly reacted to something. He hurriedly put on his clothes and ran downstairs. The last scene in his memory was the scene where the husband and his ancestor were fighting each other. In case something goes wrong.

"Awake?" But as soon as he ran down half the stairs, he saw the gentleman sitting at the table of the Eight Immortals.

"Yes." Xie Zhifei replied quickly and walked to Mr.

"How's your body?"

Xie Zhifei just remembered that under the killing intent of his ancestors, his whole body began to disintegrate, and then something changed that he did not understand, but the feeling at that time was no better than the disintegration of cells. The feeling of thousands of turbulent currents crashing in his body was honestly, he didn't want to experience it again at all.

But when he checked just now, he found that there were no wounds on his body, and even the scar left on his left waist disappeared dryly and quietly. Just as he was about to answer Mr., there was another tear-like pain in his brain.

Seeing Xie Zhifei who suddenly turned pale and covered his head with a grim expression, the husband pondered for a while, lowered his head and took off a red rope from his neck. Then hand it to Xie Zhifei in front of him, "Take it."

On the rope is a small black piece of wood, the size of a bottle cap, and the smooth surface has a roundness almost like jade. After Xie Zhifei was stunned for a second, he honestly took it around his neck. Then a cool feeling went straight to the top of his head, so comfortable that Xie Zhifei almost cried out. The splitting headache has also eased a lot.

"Thank you, sir." Xie Zhifei didn't indulge in that feeling, and turned to thank him. This kind of thing that can appease the soul is undoubtedly the top treasure. The gentleman stood up and quickly counted the points on Xie Zhifei's body. Xie Zhifei groaned.

"It seems to be all right." Mr. nodded. Then he walked out of the room with his hands together and stood still in the courtyard again. Xie Zhifei quickly followed. He knew that the husband was going to teach him about boxing again. Although the doubts in his heart were already full, but since the husband didn't plan to say anything, he didn't plan to ask. And even though he simply followed a set of Five Elements Boxing yesterday, Xie Zhifei could also clearly feel the benefits to his martial arts progress, so he was looking forward to the next coach.

But when he also stood still and started to follow the master from Wuji, and then saw that the first move of the master was still a split fist, Xie Zhifei was shocked and almost went out of shape! Or Five Elements Boxing? ! But quickly calm down and follow the boxing path.

Although he succeeded once yesterday, it does not mean that it can be easily played today. Xie Zhifei completely understood this truth. The muscle control still made him clench his teeth. It even made him have no energy to think about why he was still playing Wuxing Boxing today, and he put all his energy into the next move, clenched his teeth, and moved so slowly that Mr. stopped and waited for him after finishing one move. level. But he knocked down every style with one punch and one leg.

After the last stroke, the muscles were relaxed, the pores of the skin were no longer tight, and the sweat that poured out almost instantly soaked his clothes. But the gentleman put his hands up again. Xie Zhifei gritted his teeth when he felt the soreness of his body, and put on a stance.

Sweat soaked through his clothes over and over again, and his muscles were almost paralyzed. Xie Zhifei didn't even know how he persevered, and he didn't even know that he had already played the most basic punches with Mr. Just kept clenching his teeth. I didn't notice at all that after the third round, the gentleman stopped waiting for him, and by now the gentleman has already fasted him twice!

When he punched the fist, the cannon fist of the husband had already been struck like a dragon, and Xie Zhifei was still able to stick to his own boxing style. He no longer followed the teacher's style, but really remembered those fist styles! Although he may not realize it himself, his muscles imprint this way of exerting force into every contraction and relaxation.

Finally, when he threw a horizontal fist, Xie Zhifei's left foot softened, and he fell heavily to the ground due to the inertia of the rightward. The pain made Xie Zhifei's almost numb brain resume work. Looking at the gray-white ground in front of him, he reacted. Knowing what he was doing now, he was struggling to get up from the ground, but the muscles in his hands and feet were like two loose chains, and after trying for a long time, he just turned himself over. Like a turtle struggling on the beach.

The rapidly pumping lungs made him let out an unpleasant exhalation sound like an old bellows. He raised his hand and put it on his forehead, watching the sun shine from the trees outside the hut. The sunlight passing through the green leaves seemed to be dyed green, and the mottled light spots sprinkled on the ground with a verdant atmosphere.

After a while, Xie Zhifei dragged his body back two steps, and sat up half leaning against the tree. Looking at the husband in front of him, his tongue was dry and he didn't know whether he should apologize or ask him to stop.

But at this time, the voice of the gentleman came out first, "When Wu Mu was a boy, he was trained by a famous teacher, proficient in the art of spear, took off the spear and became a boxer, and established a method by himself to teach the generals and assistants, known as Riyi (Italian) boxing. , Gai ancient future skills also..."

Xie Zhifei recited this paragraph of boxing scriptures, and it is one of several origins of Xingyi Boxing. In fact, this origin cannot be verified because of its age. But Xie Zhifei clearly remembered that whether it was created by Yue Fei or Ji Jike, Xingyi Quan was a boxing method created by imitating marksmanship.

Because next time, he really understood from Mr. the meaning of the words "getting the gun out of the box". The brilliant fighting spirit that appeared on the man who recited the boxing scriptures was as captivating as another sun. It was still the simplest way of the Five Elements Boxing, but Xie Zhifei felt that there was no longer a person in front of him, but a gun, a peerless and domineering gun.

Drill! Its potential is like throwing the sea into the sky, and the spear lingeringly rises into the sky!

hack! The spear that drills into the sky slashes down, splits the sea and opens up mountains, and shakes the earth and plains!

horizontal! Withdraw the gun and swept away thousands of troops, evacuated the clouds and drink the wind, and immediately swept the gun!

gun! Riding alone to break the army and take the enemy generals, the aggression is like fire, and it is indomitable!

collapse! A half-step can collapse a mountain, bend down like a bow, make a sound like a thunderbolt, cast a force like a sharp arrow, and destroy the dead!


Chapter 32 Rainy Night

"Oh! Damn, what did you throw into the water?" Xie Zhifei, who was lying in the tub, screamed. Because with the sound of plopping into the water just now, the water in the entire tub quickly turned red, and the temperature also rose significantly. Inflicts a fiery tingling all over the body.

"Blood lotus seeds, the seeds of the blood lotus at Tushan have miraculous effects on generating blood and removing blood stasis." It was Lily who was sitting on the small bench who answered him. The little fox was sitting in front of a lot of weird-looking things, throwing one into Xie Zhifei's bathtub from time to time.

Xie Zhifei really felt that this practice was very similar to throwing seasonings into the pot when stewing meat, which is why he was so sensitive every time something new was added. Because if it is really stewed meat, he is that piece of meat, especially when he thinks that the one sitting outside is still a fox spirit, even if the water in the bathtub is boiling hot, Xie Zhifei always feels a kind of cool feeling. lingering behind.

It was the norm for Lily to come here every afternoon at this time. That day, after watching my husband recite the boxing scriptures and finish the five-element boxing, the whole person was stunned for a long time. He never thought that the original Five Elements Boxing could wield such power, especially the last collapse fist. Although the husband was still a few steps away from him, the punch came towards him, like a big spear piercing the soul. As if a huge death word was coming towards him, Xie Zhifei felt that he was really going to die, even if the husband closed his fist, Xie Zhifei was still dazzled for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, it was already half an hour later, and the husband had already returned to the room. Xie Zhifei wanted to get up, but found that his muscles, which were already loose like a loose chain, could not be lifted at all. After struggling for a long time, he didn't get up from the ground. He hesitated for a long time on the ground whether to call Mr. over to help, but when he thought that he had done so, Mr. would hug him to the bed?

Thinking of such a scene, Xie Zhifei suddenly shuddered. Then he shook his head and threw the idea out of his head, ready to lie down for a while to build up his strength. But after about an hour, he still couldn't stand up. At this moment, a pair of pointed small yellow ears appeared on the courtyard wall. One up and one down toward the gate. Xie Zhifei stared at the familiar ear and swallowed, and then saw Lily appearing outside the door with a huge schoolbag on her back. She was still wearing that coat of flowers and butterflies. Her mountaineering bag was like a snail, which made people think that the next moment she would be crushed to the ground by the huge backpack, but she happily hummed a song and jumped to the courtyard door and walked in.

"Ah, it's the same as what Mr. said." Little Loli narrowed her eyes and smiled when she saw Xie Zhifei who was lying on the ground. Then he went straight into the house and left the confused Xie Zhifei in place. Before Xie Zhifei could figure out what was going on, she got out of the room again, picked up Xie Zhifei, who was lying on the ground, and entered the room with a "hey" sound. Then he skillfully stripped his clothes and threw them into the pot, no, the tub.

"Liyu Fanglin's new makeup on Gaoge is so beautiful," Little Loli hummed a song and threw a piece of something she didn't know what it was into Xie Zhifei's bucket. This time Xie Zhifei didn't say anything and closed his eyes. At first, he was not used to it. When Lily took off his clothes, he screamed to stop, but I was 300 years old this year when I was told by the little fox. Would you be embarrassed to see your dog without clothes? Got it back. Although he still thinks something is wrong when he thinks of these things now, he is slowly getting used to these things after a week.

Fight with your husband every day until the whole body loses strength. After that, the husband will demonstrate the boxing style rich in spear intent. Then lie in the yard, waiting for the little fox to come to collect the body in the afternoon, and then take a medicated bath for three and a half hours. After coming out of the bucket, the stomach will groan with hunger. Then he devoured an amount of fruit that Xie Zhifei felt unbelievable. Of course, these fruits were also carried in Little Loli's mountaineering bag. Then there is the rest, in an endless loop, for a week.

"The demon girl's face is like a flower with dew and a jade tree flowing into the backyard." The little fox's singing continued.

Although he still loses strength every time, it does not mean that he has not improved at all in this week. Every day he punched with his husband for longer, from the first half an hour to an hour or two. Today, he punched for 4 hours before he fell to the ground. Familiarity with the way of boxing, and the muscles slowly getting used to exerting force are one of the reasons, the medicated bath every day must have the same effect. Xie Zhifei even felt that it was even better than The Fool's Body Repair Fluid. After all, if he was using the body repair liquid, he would definitely be an old man whose body was as dry as he was about to die.

Thanks to this medicinal bath, which can not only repair the body but also repair the potential, Xie Zhifei can still have some strength to talk to the little fox now. "What are you singing about?"

Hearing Xie Zhifei's question, the little fox stopped humming and answered. "The backyard flower of Yushu"

"The one from Empress Chen?" Xie Zhifei asked after thinking about it.

"That's right, Sister Liyan said, this is written for an aunt in our clan, and it sounds good." The little fox nodded.

Hearing Xie Zhifei's teeth hurt again, "The businesswoman doesn't know that the country will be destroyed, but she still sings the flowers of the backyard across the river. ’ Was the famous Yushu Hou Ting Hua, who was famous for subjugating the country and destroying the dynasty, actually written to a celestial fox? No wonder the Southern Dynasties died, but it's right to say it's a compliment, after all, Tianhu has always done this. Starting from Daji, the ancestor of the family... I always feel like I know something that is not quite right. Xie Zhifei shook his head again and decided not to ask any further. Then close your eyes.

"The flowers will bloom and fall, and the ground will return to silence." The little fox sang again. Xie Zhifei's thoughts also drifted away with the singing. It's been a week, what are the seniors doing now?

"Ah che-" Yi Nian in the alley sneezed violently. Then he rubbed his nose and reached out to wipe a handful of rainwater from his face. The bean-sized raindrops started falling half an hour ago, and a layer of water has accumulated in the alley.

"We still have a mission in this weather. We are really working hard." He casually put the crimson knife in his hand on his shoulder. make such an exclamation.

"So if I can trouble you to keep your hands off the ground, can you stop running?" Said such outrageous remarks, and walked to the prey in front of him. "In such a rainy day, I also want to eat a bowl of mother's noodles in a warm home."

"Ah-, don't come here!" The man with dyed yellow hair and a ripped denim jacket shook the iron door in front of him in despair, while shouting desperately at Yi Nian, who was slowly approaching.