Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 176

The educational system in Italy is very different from that in China. First of all, they are not using the 633 model that everyone is used to, that is, six years of primary school, three years of junior high school, and three years of high school, but 535, which is more than the total school hours in China. Last year, it took thirteen years to participate in their 'gaokao' and enter the university.

The conversion of the school system is the first problem, but they have ten years of exchange experience. These are small cases, and they enter the 10th grade directly by grade, which is the second grade of high school here.

The group was first led around the school, introducing the general location including the canteen, playground, teaching building, and laboratory building, and they were constantly watched along the way. Although due to the small population, there is no way to form a strong crowd like Huaxia, which makes people feel like an animal being watched in a zoo.

But the Sicilian students were obviously more daring, and the boys and girls were shouting something at the group. For example, Paul, who was chatting with Xie Zhifei and the others just now, was laughed at by a few blond boys playing basketball. "Hei boy! You are so fat. Did you eat your African compatriots' food and cause them to starve?"

Of course, in addition to these malicious ones, there will also be some bold expressions of love. Anyway, along the way, Xie Zhifei heard the word LOVE no less than ten times. But it's very strange, even he has girls asking his name, but almost no one cares about Ji Qinger next to him.

This kind of thing made him very strange. He turned his head and stared at the plain face for a long time before confirming that it was indeed a normal face, with still pretty hair and slender eyebrows full of light, wind and moon, The water waves are slim. After staring at him for a long time, he turned his head with a look of anger and anger, even more like the beginning of winter snow. To use the pretentious words in the previous sentence, it is appropriate to laugh and to be angry, there is absolutely no disguise, such as pretending to be ugly.

So Xie Zhifei could only shrug his shoulders to express his inability to understand the aesthetics of Italian people. Because there are fewer people, there is more land, and because there is more land, planning is more arbitrary. It's like the deep-sea fish are mostly abstract, anyway, it's so dark that everyone can't see each other, so they just grow up casually. The principle is similar, whether there are any other buildings near the earthquake, and the Sacred Heart was born in a church school, which is a policy dividend of one vote.

So the campus is very large and very casual. A high school should be about half the size of an average domestic university, although the students may not even be a quarter.

The final destination for a week around the school is the principal's office. The principal is a small middle-aged man with a little bald head, a big red nose, and a beer belly that holds the white shirt tightly. It seems that not only our country, but the world's greasy middle-aged people's congress. are almost the same.

The principal introduced the history of the Sacred Heart and the school motto to everyone in combination with the school history exhibition hall, and then encouraged everyone, hoping that they can exchange for a few months. A lot of learning and experience can become a bridge of culture and communication between the two countries.

Then I wished everyone a happy campus life. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can go to the principal's office to find him. If you can't find it, there is also the principal's mailbox... Balabala, although it is red and can't be said. Anyway, it is very official and written, and I can't pick out the feeling of being wrong.

After he finished speaking, he specially let Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger stay for a while, which made their hearts tremble. Why didn't anything start, and it was revealed?

As a result, they just greeted Wei Xianming who was in China, and Xie Zhifei realized that the two were actually classmates who had studied in France together. They have set a life ideal to contribute to the education of their respective motherland. That is to say, under this circumstance, the project of exchange students between the two universities was established. Without this relationship, it is impossible for a Chinese inland school to establish diplomatic relations with a university on a small island far away in the Mediterranean Sea.

Xie Zhifei could only bite the bullet and reminisce about Kang He Roubo and Top Gun with the principal for half an hour before saying goodbye.

In addition to the difference in the school system, the school hours are also very different. It is different from Huaxia, where classes are all day from Monday to Friday, and double vacations on weekends. Hourly leave, but according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, the normal work and rest is really 7 breaks. In fact, most schools will also say that they are make-up classes, or students voluntarily make up classes). In Italy, the routine is the same from elementary school to high school.

There are classes from Monday to Saturday, and Sundays are off. Every day, classes start at 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 noon, and then school ends. That's right, after school, it's just so capricious. The rest of the time, according to the teacher, is done at home, in fact, it is freely allocated.

A large part of this time is spent by students in clubs or other private groups. The level of development of clubs in Europe and the United States is far more than that of China. It is not new that the number and professionalism of high school clubs surpasses universities. From sports to technology, drama, debate and even gaming and eSports.

The two had just arrived, and the school was already dismissed, and they hadn't even seen their classmates, let alone joining the club. Naturally, it is classified into another category, the Home Society. That's right, no matter what country or place, no matter what the construction of humanities or the style of study is, such a group of people will definitely exist.

There are no friends, circles, or people who don't like or are not good at socializing. As for where to go home, this brings up another question. The two walked out of the door with the luggage on the trolley. A brown Fiat sedan parked on the side of the road, honked its horn twice, and then double-flashed. After the two noticed, the window door rolled down again, revealing the face of a man about 2832 years old.

"I saw that the other exchange students have already come out. Are you embarrassed?" The man pushed open the car door to get out of the car and opened the trunk, "Put it in, there is definitely enough space!"

Church high schools started out as full boarding, but after multiple sexual assault scandals came to light, school boarding was much less common. Especially on the island of Sicily, unsettled families rarely send their children here to study. Therefore, although there are still dormitories in the Sacred Heart, most of them are kept as apartments for new teachers and places to stay in emergency situations. Students are on a unified day system.

As for Xie Zhifei's exchange students, the school adopts a different system, the homestay system. And this man is Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger's boarder during this exchange student.

"Alfonso Tornatore, the Chinese name is Rorschach, it's a pleasure to meet you." When he said his Chinese name, he changed his words to a Chinese sentence. The tone was not authentic, but it was very clear. Most of the southern provinces are not very good at Mandarin, not like the big-tongued foreigners in the traditional concept.

"Xie Zhifei. (Ji Qinger Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger shook hands with him respectively, then walked into the back seat of the car.

As soon as he got in the car, Alfonso raised the glass. After starting the engine, he lowered his voice and said excitedly, "You guys have special abilities, right? When I received the task, I was stunned. I have to take care of it. The two high-level commissioners were actually two high school students. I was like, God is crazy."

That's right, the owner of their boarding house, Alfonso Tonatore, is a support staff of The Fool.


Chapter 67 Daily life of an exchange student

The world is a whole, huge and complex. There are no two sides of pure opposition. There will always be a gray field between black and white, where the two opposing concepts meet, entangle and merge, regardless of each other. The same goes for the mystery side and the science side.

There are many things that cannot be completely segmented with a theory on one side, such as Huang Xudong's poisonous milk, Xiao Jingteng's rain, and the above. For example, the discontinuity of the universe and the two-state transformation of particles and waves are difficult to fully explain with science.

The same is true of people, although the four major organizations have been trying their best to minimize the influence of the mysterious side, making them disappear from the sight of most people. But there will always be people like Zhang Fengmian, Qi Tian, ​​and He Jiang's teasing trio who entered the other side accidentally and deliberately.

For such a situation, different organizations have different practices, and the imaginary space will register and monitor them, just like in the famous "Men in Black" series, the black super special police do what aliens do. The Vientiane Hall will take advantage of its natural religious advantages to incorporate, and the Fool will be located between the two. Part of it was brainwashed or contained, just like the mutant Luo Yanting that Xie Zhifei met when he went out with Liuhuan for the first time on a mission.

Alfonso is the former. In addition to his Chinese name, if you look closely at his appearance, you will find that although the overall outline still belongs to the European race, he has the unique temperament of the Chinese in the small details such as eyebrows and temples. .

His maternal grandfather is Chinese, which means that he has a quarter of Chinese blood. When his mother divorced early when he was young, and then went out to work to earn a living, he grew up with his grandfather, who was described by an adjective as "literally arrogant".

The old man was one of the last group of people to study abroad organized by the Qing Dynasty. He even received an interview from Li Hongzhang. He belonged to the earliest reformers. Later, the Qing Dynasty fell, and the country was full of dog-skinned warlords. Naturally, I stopped thinking about going back. But although he has lived in Europe for decades, he has also been exposed to modern theoretical ideas. But at the root is still that school, the idea of ​​​​learning foreign skills to control foreigners. In particular, they look down on the religions and cultural traditions here. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Alfonso has been cultivated with a belly of Chinese culture that is invincible in the world.

However, the old man is still at the age of fine people, and his human feelings are refined. I told him not to show it, otherwise he didn't know how many times he would be beaten when he was a child. There are some deviations, but the core idea is probably that Alfonso himself has a strong belonging to China in terms of cultural belonging. To use the analogy of a banana man with yellow skin and white heart, he is probably white skin and yellow heart.

In addition to mutants like Luo Yanting, there are always some people in the world who call themselves psychic mediums, fortune-tellers, prophets or psionic detectives, wandering at the junction of the two sides of mystery and science, Although most of them are gods and liars.

But there are really a small part of things that really inherit a little from the mysterious side. They either have mutants in the previous generation, or in the era when aliens ruled the world, they were given as their right-hand man. With a little ability, after the strange world fell, they used this thing again, and digging in the ruins occasionally yielded a scale and half a claw.

And they are divided into two categories, those who really have some small abilities, or ordinary human beings who have no special power and rely on some technical gadgets to get involved in the surreal field. Special molecules on the fringes, scavengers in the mysterious side realm. Relying on rummaging through the ruins of the Age of God for a living.

And Alfonso's situation is somewhat different from them. He is not a psionic detective, but has learned some of this from his grandfather. After all, in those days, it was almost the last big event for the weirdos. At that time, Huaxia was definitely the hardest hit area, and it was natural for his grandfather to hear about it.

Alfonso is very interested in this aspect. He returned to Huaxia five years ago. His grandfather's hometown went to explore the legends he said, and he really found some small things. Then it was quickly settled by the local branch.

Later, after investigating his background and after a series of assessments, he became the fool's secret chess move. There are still many such dark chess games all over the world, and I believe that in China, the other three organizations will definitely have many dark chess games.

They are the outermost part of the organization, and they don't even know who they are serving. They only know that it is a huge shadow hidden behind the world. They also don't need to make any sacrifices, just fill out a simple questionnaire from time to time, including something like "Is an unknown weirdness detected?"

"Does anyone use special abilities?"

"Are there any mysterious phenomena discovered?"

"Has any suspected alchemy equipment been found?"


Ninety-nine percent of the time, all options are 'No'. Not surprisingly, their whole lives will not be too much related to the mysterious side. Finally, with one point, I am a little proud oak who knows the truth of the world and die like an ordinary person, or maybe he will even find one or two heirs to take over before he dies...

But Alfonso's is obviously not in this list, just different from the movie. He is not an ordinary person who accidentally gets involved in a huge conspiracy and then finds an organization to rely on. Rather, the organization needs this common man to contribute as they fight a grand conspiracy.

All he has to do is go to the Sacred Heart to apply for the qualification to be a host family, and take the initiative to take the right to host two Huaxia students. And in the next period of time, he will do a good job of assisting the two commissioners. The Fool didn't even tell him why Xie Zhifei came here. It didn't tell him what he could do in this operation, or even what price he would pay if the mission failed.

But worthy of being a hobby, I felt that with a mandarin that was not even fluent, I went back to Huaxia alone to find the legendary fierce man in my grandfather's hometown. He still took it without hesitation.

Originally, Xie Zhifei thought that Paul, the little black fat man he met at the airport, was already a talkative person. But after meeting Alfonso, he realized that he was wrong. That's just a good boy who loves kung fu.

The man in front of him is a fanatic of the mystery side, and he has been holding back for six years. There are several small books of questions, and he does not need to answer the time. It takes him several hours to ask.

"That... We can talk about this later." Finally, half an hour after arriving home, Xie Zhifei found that the other party still had no intention of stopping, so he could only frown and wave his hand at him.

"We want to know if anything strange has happened in Sicily recently."

"No." Alfonso shook his head without hesitation. "It's been six years since I filled out that **** form, but I've never encountered anything that happened to me in Huaxia, and I'm looking forward to encountering it again..."

Seeing that he was about to start a long speech again, Xie Zhifei hurriedly interrupted, "It may not be the kind that is directly displayed on the table, but some kind of symptom, that is, what is the situation on the island that is not the same as before, it may be people, or it may be It's something. Anything special. Anything."

This time Alfonso frowned, thinking for a few minutes before raising his head, "I didn't think of it for the time being, but I can take you to the bar later. If anything happens, there will definitely be news in it. Believe me. I, I'm a mafia! There's nothing on this island that we don't know."


Chapter 67 Daily Life of an Exchange Student II

Xie Zhifei shook his head violently, then turned his head to look at Ji Qinger to make sure that he heard what he just said right. Then Ji Qinger smashed her big eyes twice and said, that's right. I heard that too.