Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 177

Then he turned his head to look at the man in front of him, who thought he was handsome and handsome, but was actually full of foolish smiles. His face was full of expressions like "I'm very good," "hurry up and praise me." "Why don't you praise me?" Chinese-Italian mixed-race man. Suddenly I felt that life was empty, and I really didn't know what kind of expression I should face.

"Are you a member of the mafia?" Xie Zhifei lowered his head and covered his face, "Why didn't you mention it in the information sheet?"

"Non-disclosure agreement, I joined the mafia after I joined our organization. We have a non-disclosure agreement here, and we are not allowed to disclose information about the organization. The mafia also has it, so that's it."

Xie Zhifei simply didn't know if he should slap him to encourage him, "Then you are awesome." Or he punched him in the face and yelled. "Are you an idiot?"

The biggest uncertainty of such a thing as dark chess is here. In order to ensure confidentiality, the two sides only take minimal contact after all. So many times their own development will be beyond expectations. For example, there is a high-level person in the imaginary number space, who used to be a dark chess game. When he was buried, he was just a farm worker.

However, after being contacted, this product inspired the heart of struggle. After more than ten years, it became the governor of a state in one breath, and it was officially absorbed by the imaginary space. Later, through his own efforts, he became one of the top leaders.

Along the way, he also thought of countless difficulties that he might encounter, but he really never thought that the first one actually came from such a place. Looking at the silly face in front of him, he inexplicably felt that this task would be more difficult than he imagined.

The next time was for Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger to pack their own rooms and equipment. Alfonso was yelling beside him the whole time, watching Xie Zhifei and the others take out a small silver suitcase from the big box. The weapons inside were like an armory for men in black. Even asked how they got this thing through customs. Xie Zhifei was too lazy to go back.

Ji Qing'er's answer was much simpler. With the fingers of his right hand, he swiped back, and a blue sword energy stopped in front of his neck, and then cut off a strand of his hair. Then he rolled away. As he rolled, he shouted excitedly. Just like a baboon in heat.

"What should I do?" After confirming that Alfonso had escaped, Xie Zhifei put away the things in his hand, and then turned to ask Ji Qinger. The latter was sitting on the bed at some point. His two slender calves were swaying, and he was eating a bag of potato chips miamiamia that he didn't know where he got it. Hearing Xie Zhifei's words, he tilted his head and said nothing, with half a potato still in his mouth. piece.

Xie Zhifei once again covered his face. Recently, this girl's style of painting has gone beyond the horizon, okay? Aren't you supposed to be the kind of chivalrous woman who's life is uneven and sword is flat? Why has it evolved more and more in the direction of big cute things recently? We are not an everyday lily fan, and selling cute can't solve the problem! !

"In short, let's report it first, and then look for the mafia information. It's already like this. Make good use of it. Maybe it will be beneficial." Ji Qinger answered vaguely as he pushed the potato chips into his mouth and chewed it. road. Then he started to bow his head and pretend to be a hamster again. By the way, I watched Xie Zhifei take out his laptop and write a report.

Because of the priority, the Fool's response was very fast. It only took half an hour for Xie Zhifei to close the computer in his hand. He breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's not too bad."

The mafia, in the country, is characterized as a gang and a violent organization. The supporter is a mafia, not only at risk of death at any time, but also may injure himself. This situation is not very good in the world, except for two strange islands.

One of them is Japan, which is the only country that legalizes gangs. It is legal to join a gang, but some of the business of a gang is illegal. It magically separates these two things and makes laws.

The remaining one is Sicily, where Xie Zhifei and the others are now. Unlike Japan, the Sicilian government is clearly opposed to the Mafia. But the problem is that on this small island, the power of the mafia is obviously larger than that of government departments, and they are the real emperor. Although that doesn't mean they can do whatever they want.

But just as Alfonso showed just now, every member of the Mafia will not be ashamed of his identity. They are also not the kind of characters where rats cross the street and everyone shouts and beats them. On the contrary, it is the makers and protectors of institutions.

According to this ancient guild form, people like the Mafia pay protection money and then get their protection.

This is not to say that all Sicilians respect the Mafia. In fact, in 1992, Judge Giovanni Falcone tried to investigate the unraveling of Sicily's criminal network, and was then slaughtered on the highway by the Mafia. The whole of Italy was shaken, and an anti-Mafia wave was launched.

But in Sicily, the power of the Mafia is still greater. Let’s use a data to illustrate. Since 2004, the Palermo region, where Judge Falcone ruled before his death, was born with the name 'Goodbye, protection fee'. Organizations, i.e. stores within the organization, will put an orange-red cross on the door with the text refusal to pay the protection fee. Indicates refusal to pay protection money to the Mafia.

Until the British BBC filmed a documentary about Sicily, this organization, which has been developing for nearly ten years, has only more than 700 stores in total. Sounds like a lot, right? But turn around and think about another statistic.

How many total stores are there in Sicily? There are no statistics to show this, but if you list similar data, you will know that in Chengdu alone, there are 10,000 registered hot pot restaurants, supermarkets, clothing, accessories, furniture, hardware, entertainment... Even the most conservative estimate, This number will not be less than one hundred thousand.

For Sicily, which is a tourist area, the proportion of shops can only be higher, that is to say, those who dare to put their opposition to the Mafia on the surface may not even be one percent. .

This is still after the Mafia was restructured, completely diving underground, and almost no longer doing tasks that they considered 'vulgar', including assassination, violence, and threats.

The government accepted the support of the mafia, but its slogan was to completely eliminate the mafia in Sicily. The people supported such a government, but did not dare to resist the mafia. Then when I am in trouble and encounter difficulties, the priority is not the government, but the mafia.

This kind of bizarre political ecology makes it difficult for a Chinese person who is rooted in the red and has never seen the underworld in Dalian since he was a child. But this is the normal form of Sicily. Since the collapse of Rome, numerous invaders have occupied this land.

Catholics, Muslims and even Normans from northern Europe, in fact, including the Romans, were invaders of this land of Sicily. Every time a new ruler is replaced, there will be new beliefs and a new round of coercive policies. Sicilian people have formed various guilds to protect themselves. These guilds were the forerunners of the Mafia.

They believe in their own rules, which are even above the law, maintaining order and harmony in the island. They may even be the first warriors in times of war and disaster. For example, during World War II, the Mafia were massacred for resisting Mussolini's fascist tyranny.

So much so that after the overthrow of the fascist regime, the Mafia was recognized as a partner and comrade-in-arms by the Confederate States at that time, and even part-time government once managed the land of Sicily. Even after the reunification of Italy, a new regime was established. They went underground, but some things remained the same.

They are the oldest and largest forces entrenched in this island, and its blood and tentacles are closely intertwined with the history and existence of Sicily. That's why Alfonso said that, there is nothing in Sicily that they don't know.


Chapter 68 Hero?

While Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger were in the room thinking about countermeasures for the mission, Alfonso had already trotted out of the house. Ready to start to complete the task assigned by the two 'specialists' - abnormal events.

When I went out, I took my felt hat and brown coat. Just like when Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger put on the Fool's black suits, their youthful smell would fade away. Putting on his own equipment, Alfonso actually lost the temperament of the stupid big brother next door. The smile on his face was gentle, his walking slowed down, and he felt like a gentleman.

This is the real state of the modern mafia people. They have long since broken away from the ferocity and neuroticism of the street gangsters. The behavior prescribed by the serious "house rules" for them is like a moral model. Neighbors may never know for the rest of their lives that the good old man who lives next door is a mafia kingpin.

They will kindly greet and greet everyone they know, and help people solve troubles and problems. He rarely resorted to violence, but he drank without getting too drunk. When walking past the fruit shop, I would take the reddest one on it, and then when I came back at night, I would throw half a bottle of gin to the boss.

But once someone provokes them, they will not hesitate to pull out the two short guns pinned to their waists, and the shotgun with the sawed muzzle will roar against their face at the first time, they are like gentlemen or The army only shows its fangs when needed.

Alfonso made his way across the street, eventually stopping in front of a bar. 'If you want to inquire about news, the best places to go are bars and casinos, where there are three kinds of religions and nine classes, and you can get all the news you want. ’ This statement is clearly out of date. In Huaxia, the high consumption of the bar has delineated the crowd before entering the door.

And even in bars, people tend to be more inclined to stay with their friends and draw out circles in groups. However, it is still applicable in some European countries. For example, in Russia, put a bottle of vodka in front of an alcoholic and he can even tell you his mother's phone number.

But Italy is different, although there are countless open-air cafes and open-air bars, people are also happy to go in for a drink or two. But except at carnivals, they seldom want to get drunk. They are happy and loyal to enjoying life, but getting drunk wastes their time enjoying life.

The bar called 'Midnight Kiss' that Alfonso is going to now is obviously different from the average open-air bar. The facade is hidden deep in the alley, and the neon lights are dim. When you want to push the door in, a strong security guard will stand in the shadows. Then I regret to tell you that the store is undergoing renovations and is closed today.

But when facing a specific guest like Alfonso, they would put on another face, indifferent like a machine, and spread out their hands in front of Alfonso. Waiting for him to draw his own weapon from his waist: the Magnum pistol produced in Israel, the large-caliber bullet can even knock open the skull of a bison, and there is no way to use it in close-range body armor. Even if the warhead is blocked, the majestic kinetic energy can still shake the human heart into minced meat.

After opening the door, it seemed like a new world. Soft jazz music came out from the brass-colored gramophone, which was actually still film. Such vinyl records were originally collectibles and can fetch sky-high prices on the black market. Aside from the music, everything else here hides an air of extravagance.

The brown marble floor, the burgundy velvet sofa, the red crystal hanging lamp above the head are crystal clear, and the delicate brass carvings can be seen on the corners of the table and chairs. In the air, the fragrance of dragon birthday and gin mixed together, showing a slightly bitter and intoxicating taste.

All the people present raised their heads together when Alfonso pushed the door and entered, and then gave him a kind smile. Most of them were older than Alfonso, but dressed alike. They are all ancient and elegant. Although the capital of art is in Milan, Italy, almost every year, the world's clothing revolution will be set off here.

But the people sitting here are still wearing those traditional and elegant clothes, the same clothes they wore to stop the fascists in the street a hundred years ago, or they were hanged in the street by each other. Earlier they fought against French invaders, Norman invaders, Muslim invaders...

Alfonso saw an old man sitting at the round table at a glance, rushed over a few steps, and sat opposite him. The waitress had come out from behind the bar at some point, her upper body was in a little black tuxedo, and her bartending posture was professional and good-looking, but when she came out of the bar, people would see the rest of her lower body wrapped in black fishnet stockings Slender thighs inside.

"Hey, kid." The old man opposite Alfonso may be the most drunk in the entire bar. There are many reasons for others to come here, to inquire about news, to trade with each other, or to hire murderers. But he is different, he has only one purpose, that is to kill time and have a good drink, because he is the owner of this bar. "What do you have to ask old Jamie today?"

"It's still the same, is there anything new recently?" He shrugged his eyebrows, his whole face looked like a hapless child who made a mistake, because he knew how he would react after saying this.

"Hey, brothers!" Old Jamie seemed to be suddenly refreshed. He supported the table and shoulders with both hands, and stood up. It was like a mountain rising from the ground, and he could vaguely see this. The majestic capital of a drunken old man. "Our Alfonso has come to find his little fun again! Do you have any news!"

For a while, the bar was full of laughter. Alfonso's eyebrows drooped even lower. He picked up the wine that the waiter had just put on the table, and showed a pleasing smile. "Everyone, this little brother is just a hobby, so forgive me."

"It's because of your unreliable character that you haven't been promoted until now. You obviously helped Tang do such a big thing." A bald head laughed and scolded. "I'm in my thirties, and I'm still uneasy at home. I'm looking for these ghosts and ghosts every day. How can you make us older generation feel at ease with you?"

Alfonso's expression slammed again, like a crack on the mask, and the tragic smell of blood spilled out like a broken rouge button. Then he quickly raised the glass to cover his face, and the next moment showed a more exaggerated expression. "It's not like you don't know how troublesome things like women are. And I'm exploring the truth of the world! Do you know what the truth is? It's that we may have been living in a lie! Then I found the truth alone. , leading the whole world to a new world, this is a hero, do you understand? Hero!"

Seeing Alfonso dancing and dancing, even more laughter broke out in the bar, "Let's toast our hero!" Someone raised a glass.

"Respect heroes." Everyone responded.

After putting down the cup, a person sitting in the shadow of the foot of the wall said leisurely, "Speaking of which, there is really an interesting thing recently, hero, do you want to hear it?"


Chapter 69 Daily Life of Exchange Students X3

Alfonso didn't come back that night, just made a phone call to tell the two of them that they were safe, and said that he might have some news. Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger could only wait for the news from him, and they got up early the next morning to go to school.

How rare, people guard the world, all are the main palace, open the harem, and the entrance and exit are custom-made cross-Royce and five-star hotel presidential suites. Unlike these two, I have to study hard during the day, guard the world at night, and have to find time to catch up with homework.