Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 179

And as I said before, Xie Zhifei has been immersed in energy for a long time, so powerful that it can even withstand the impact of energy mix explosion. Metabolic capacity has also naturally improved considerably, because the need for sleep has also become less so. Therefore, he was able to improve his cultural knowledge and fighting skills at the same time by constantly squeezing his sleep practice.

But this process is still very painful. Low demand does not mean that there is no demand. There are still too many things about sleeping humans that have not been studied, not only on the scientific side but also on the mysterious side. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the results of sleep deprivation experiments in sleep laboratories contained many concepts that were still difficult to explain.

The purpose of saying this is to show that Xie Zhifei has the ability to control his sleep, and often before he goes to bed, he will recall the things that need to be remembered and make plans for tomorrow. But today, just walking back to the room, he felt the heaviness of his eyelids.

Inattention, consciousness began to slack, as if distanced from the outside world, and time became very slow. Because man abandons the judgment of the body's movements and leaves it entirely to thinking. And the speed of thinking is much faster than the speed of our body's reaction. So there is a feeling that I have been lying down for a long time, but in fact it is only a few minutes.

But now Xie Zhifei's feeling is particularly strong, the few steps from the desk to the bed seem to be far away, as if there is an ever-elongating road between the two. Then his foot hit the obstacle, and the whole person fell forward and fell into a softness.

Consciousness is more like plunged into the darkness, wrapped up, assimilated and dissipated.

"Huh—" Xie Zhifei jumped up abruptly, the feeling of fear just now was no less than the time he faced the demon dog before. The sense of fear stemmed from the powerlessness of thinking, and the strong sense of drowsiness directly involved him in a state of confusion. There is no way to think in this case.

Although people always feel that they can make accurate judgments at any time, in fact, when they are about to fall asleep, their consciousness will spread at will to a situation where it is difficult to maintain self-consciousness, and the thinking at this time is completely random. , galloping like wild horses, unrestrained. In fact, people will not have the consciousness of de-binding at all, and once they have this consciousness, it is a sign of waking up. It's not that a correct judgment cannot be made, but that there is no basis for making a judgment at all.

Xie Zhifei was caught in this situation just now, but when he regained his normal thinking ability, he discovered the abnormality almost instantly. This sudden, powerful, eerie feeling of sleepiness is certainly not a product of nature. Then I felt the fear of losing the ability to think. He is a pessimist, but it does not mean that he has no pride, that is, he will not give up even in the face of the desperate situation and the end that ordinary people think Think and work hard to find a way.

And now there is some kind of existence or situation that can even deprive him of the ability to think. Is there anything more terrible than this?

The second thing is that he began to look at his situation. Is this... a dream? He stood in the middle of a church with a cross and a crucified **** in front, Mary and St. Martin on both sides of Jesus, and a mahogany bench on the left and right where people sat during worship.

It was clear that it was night, but there was no such thing as a candle. The light source came from the top of the head. The top of the offering that should have been painted with colorful Bible patterns disappeared. The ice blue moonlight came in from there. The moon was so huge, only half of it. The size fills the ceiling of the church.

It's just that there is no way for him to confirm that he is in a dream, maybe someone moved here when he was asleep. What really made him confirm this was when he looked down at himself and found his state.

The limbs are thin, the hair is soft, and he is wearing a brown-green canvas underwear. He has no blood control and no arrogance. There is no sign of any power ever present. It was as if time jumped back to the past, when he encountered the running wolf in that summer.

He squatted down for the first time, his fingers could feel the coldness from the ground, and then he smelled the bench, and could smell the very light smell of wood, and finally put his thumb under his feet and stepped on it, and then try to stand up. He does this to confirm. Although most people think that dreaming does not feel pain, they always confirm it by pinching themselves.

But in fact, there is pain in a dream. The way to confirm that pinching yourself is to wake people up through stimulation. It is similar to falling from a height in a dream or being shot by a gun. It is an instant great stimulation. Awake.

Really confirming whether you are dreaming is often through details, like a spinning top that never stops in the Inception space. In time, the brain can make up for the coldness of the ground, and it is difficult to quickly give the smell of a bench. dream. He should be able to stand up in such a way that his thumb is elongated.

But these experiments are telling him, without exception, that this is reality. He clearly remembered that before he fell asleep, he should have been in Sicily, Alfonso's home. Even if there is a moon at night, it won't be so big and abnormal. What's more, this kind of sudden change back to what it was a few years ago... Can someone really do this kind of thing in reality?

Besides yourself, what about others? What about Ji Qinger? What kind of way can instantly defeat the two of them. And why did they bring themselves to such places? But no one could answer him.

Only him, and this spooky church without a dome. Xie Zhifei is not the kind of person who sits and waits for death after all. It is not that he has never encountered strange things. In the Arena of Destiny, Maha Nabo also used the two daughters of the Demon King Bo Xun and his own reason to build a near-perfect virtual reality. The world comes. But near-perfect is not the same as perfect, fake things are always fake.

When he was about to start his action, he made a loud noise, as if the world was about to explode. Red lightning strikes the moon. The whole world began to change, the wind was blowing and the rain was falling. In the silent world, countless small voices emerged from the corners. As if countless mice were swarming in the corner. The whole world came alive.


Chapter 72 Dreamland Three

Darkness, rainy nights, and the ubiquitous whispers hidden in the dark are all common elements in horror films. The reason why it is commonly used is nothing more than that it can really cause a sense of creepiness. Even Xie Zhifei felt his heart stop for a beat after hearing those movements.

You must know that he didn't care about all kinds of monsters before, because he himself was a monster different from people. It was at most a Three Kingdoms Warriors lawn mowing game. This suddenly jumped to escape, even if it is the same monster, can this person's mentality be the same?

But counseling is one thing, whether to do it or not is another, because of the sudden heavy rain, the only light source, the moon, has disappeared, and it can only be used for a moment of light when lightning flashes.

Xie Zhifei walked behind the preaching platform in front of him for the first time. The two-person **** was completely carved out of marble. There is nothing innovative or unique, the standard martyr image, the **** who was just stabbed to death, with his head drooping to one side, his whole body weight resting on the wrists and feet where they were fixed on the cross.

Standing on it, I can feel a great sense of oppression, worrying that the thin wrist can't bear it, and the whole person falls down. This huge weight was pressed down, and he couldn't bear it now.

Saint Martin on the other side is similar, with a basin of water in the left hand and an olive branch in the right hand, which is like a baptism. The Virgin Mary on the other side looks slightly different. The white gauze on her head was actually a real white gauze, not a sculpture, and it fluttered in the wind and rain. Because she lowered her head and stared at the baby in her arms, her face was hidden in the shadows and blurred, and she could only vaguely see her subtle smile and plump curves.

Xie Zhifei took a step forward. Just as another flash of lightning struck, Maria's hidden face clearly appeared in front of him. Maria, who was looking at the Son of God, should have been the image of a smiling and loving mother. However, Xie Zhifei saw a crying face, with tears in his eyes, and the deep sadness seemed to hit his heart. Xie Zhifei took a step back involuntarily. When I looked again, it was a normal face again.

There are not many things left in the church, most of which can be seen clearly at a glance, the confession room that can only accommodate one person, the table that holds bread and wine, etc. Xie Zhifei also glanced at each one. But got nothing.

The only option left was to leave. He turned his head to look at the main entrance facing the pulpit. According to the urine nature of the general game, the spawn point is generally safe until the protagonist leaves. Start exploring (kill yourself), enter various new maps, and danger will follow. But in the same way, standing still and standing still in the rain for two hours, apart from being struck to death by lightning, it is really hard to think that there will be other stories.

Xie Zhifei took a deep breath, went to the next empty candlestick from the wall next to it, held it in his hand, supported it, pushed the latch on the door, and carefully moved the door a little bit. If this is a game, he who has lost all his powers should be playing on Nightmare difficulty. Don't be too careful.

Besides, this is not a game, and no one can tell whether there are traps such as door-to-door kills that reduce gameplay in the game. Pushing open the gap that allows people to pass sideways, Xie Zhifei stuck his head out and looked at it. Courtyards, flagstone paths, and iron fences, that was all he could see with the light of lightning.

When I went out, it was still raining heavily, and my clothes were soaked through, but this suit was specially purchased for the purpose of going to the pastoral archaeology in the forest with extremely heavy water vapor. Therefore, even if it is soaked, it will not completely stick to the body and affect the movement.

Looking from a high place, you can see far away scenes, why do you suddenly say this, because Xie Zhifei found out that he was 'high' after going out, the church was built on a hill with IQ, lemons, olives and some woods that he didn't recognize Covering the hill from bottom to top, a stone-paved path cuts through the woods and spreads nearly two hundred meters to the church on the top of the mountain.

Looking back along the path, you can see a corner of a small town in the distance. Xie Zhifei frowned. Although he couldn't see clearly, he could still instinctively sense something was wrong. The spires of spires, bell towers, or anything like that stand in the town.

Although in Sicily, the Gothic architectural style does exist, and many of them still have historical monuments and cultural relics, but there are too many! The culture of Sicily is mixed, and there are also many Muslim-domed Halal buildings and Rococo-style buildings. But just looking at a corner of the past, there are sharp corners everywhere. One by one is slender and sharp, as if to pierce the sky. Below, if not the home of Vlad III, the piercer, is the home of a sharp-horned aficionado.

In the game, under normal circumstances, what has this style of painting is either the castle of the devil or the lair of the evil dragon, but no matter which one it is, it will not be a good place. Visually measuring the distance from the town, he didn't think he would be able to get there in a short period of time.

So the next step is to search nearby. As for where to look? The answer is not difficult. There should be nothing in the church, but there is another building complex about 100 meters behind the church.

Multiple buildings form a square ring structure, with a height of 6 floors, a series of continuous windows, and more importantly, there are faint lights inside. As for what place is this? There was a sudden flash of lightning, and along with the sound of thunder, a red cross-shaped mark on the front of the building could be seen, with a common description anywhere in the world: hospital.

Xie Zhifei took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to wipe off the water marks on his face, and walked forward with the other hand clenching the candlestick in his hand. You must know that the hospital is one of the most popular scenes for adventure (death) lovers and movie (ghost movie) directors. As for the style of painting in this place, some people say that it is peaceful, there are no monsters and no monsters, and no one brings them with them. letter.

Xie Zhifei has also played the dungeon of the hospital more than once. In terms of the degree of danger, this is probably the most dangerous one. He has no ability and can only rely on the skills and knowledge he usually accumulates.

Smash the glass with a candlestick and open the chained door from the inside. He successfully entered the hospital. Behind the door was a zigzag corridor. He stood at the lower left corner of the zigzag. The tiles on the walls and floor were white, and several fluorescent tubes could not be broken. Hanging overhead, the lights flickered on and off. Under the illumination of the lights, the entire corridor looked pale, the bench not far from the right hand was empty, and the quiet air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. There is no division of departments at the entrance, and the entrance is a row of wards.

It is strange enough that the church is built on the top of the mountain. After all, it is necessary to go out of the city for worship, and climbing a mountain is not conducive to the spread of belief. And it is not strange to describe the hospital to be built in such a place.

After all, a patient who really encounters an emergency will be finished long ago. Combined with the strange structure of this hospital, there is only one possibility. He wasn't worried about his patients getting sick on the way, they were very ill, but they didn't die quickly. And it's even more important to keep them out of the crowd.

The mental hospital, these four words are almost ready to come out. Fall, I just mentioned a word, how did you really escape?


Chapter 73 Dreamland IV

Almost half of the fluorescent tubes above the head are broken, and the remaining half, although barely running, are also buzzing with current, and they may strike at any time. There is some kind of black substance all over the walls and the ground.

Xie Zhifei scraped a small lump from the candlestick, and it was drier than expected. It was not mold, but more like paint or pigment after drying, and the composition was unknown. Walking into a ward, the structure inside made Xie Zhifei more sure of his previous judgment.

The room was empty, with only two beds and two bedside tables. The bed was a simple cast iron one-piece, with one end fixed to the wall. Including the bedside table, the corners are dull and rounded. Obviously for fear of getting hurt.

The church and mental hospital built on the top of the mountain, why are you here? Where is this place? The sudden torrential rain, the strange buildings in the town, does this represent anything? And what is that kind of whispering voices that are not far away after the rain falls? Along with his investigation, the problem has not only not decreased, but has increased.

He walked a few more rooms, and there was no difference except the slightly different position of the bedside table. And it was at this time that he suddenly saw something moving from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head sharply and looked at the other side of the corridor. The four buildings were in the shape of a 'back', surrounded by a small open space like a park. Something is running somewhere.

But he could only see the last shadow flashing into the building opposite, but even this glimpse was enough for him to analyze a lot. Walking on two feet, the speed is not fast, the height is less than one meter five, no accident, it should be a child!

It only took an instant for him to make the judgment to catch up. Although it may be dangerous, this is after all the first living creature he encountered in this strange place. And judging from the running speed just now, he couldn't outrun himself.

Xie Zhifei, who made a quick judgment, ran in the corridor without hesitation. Comparing the image of the building facing each other in the window, not far ahead, there should be a small door in the corridor leading to the open space. Soon he saw the door.

But the problem is, the door is locked, and the old metal chain hangs loosely on the two handles. Because of the rust, the red color looks like a snake. Xie Zhifei first kicked the door violently. There were violent creaking noises from the two doors, and the force of the counter-impact nearly overturned him. But the chain remained the same after the violent vibration.

He inserted the candlestick in his hand into the chain again, held one end with one hand, and began to twist the chain left and right like twisting clothes. Both sides could be twisted to the limit. Several chains were wrapped around the candlestick. deformation. Then turn in another direction.

The metal was fatigued, and he quickly broke one link of the chain. Pulling off the chain, he immediately ran towards the opposite building.