Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 18

"Ah, ah, I seem to be hated. Is there anything wrong with me wanting to eat the noodles my mother cooked? Mother fox?" Yi Nian raised his head and asked behind him.

"Because your whole body exudes the aura of 'I am a pervert', so people feel resistance physically." The sound of high heels hitting the ground was clear even through the rain. Liu Huan, holding a huge black umbrella, slowly walked out of the darkness. Unlike Yi Nian, who was wearing a white leather coat, she was wearing a black suit and holding a huge black umbrella, more like she was going to attend a funeral. "And you're an orphan. The ghost mother cooks warm noodles for you on a rainy night."

"Ah, you found out. I was just joking." Yi Nian waved the long knife on his shoulders and shrugged innocently. "I just want to calm down the tension."

"It's you! It's you!" The man's whole body trembled even more violently when he saw a black phantom sound. "Don't come here, don't kill me!"

"Look at the mother fox, you are too ugly to scare people."

"It's not, it's obviously because you are too close to the pervert that he will become like this."

The man ignored the bickering between the two, and just kept saying, "Don't come here, don't kill me, don't come here, don't kill me!" Then the muscles in his whole body swelled as if they were being trumpeted in the constant trembling. His eyes were prominent and reddened, and he roared at the two behind him!

"Don't come here—" The swollen and deformed knuckles directly tore off the chain on the iron door behind him, "Otherwise I'll kill you all!"

"Bad boy." Seeing the change in the man in front of him, Yi Nian narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. The crimson long knife traversed a smooth trajectory, like a new moon blooming in a rainy night.


Chapter 33 Competition

"Bang!" A muffled sound rang out, and then Xie Zhifei's body was quickly knocked out by a white bead that came over and landed three meters away. He got up from the ground with a few suffocating coughs in a row. He stared fiercely at the fist-sized bead floating in the air.

"Start." The gentleman's voice sounded flat, and Lily on the side quickly put the snack in her mouth, then waved her hand, and the beads in the air rushed towards Xie Zhifei like a cannonball. Xie Zhifei slammed the ground on his right hand, and the reaction force pushed him to the left and flipped out.

"Bang!" The beads slammed into the soil, bringing up huge smoke and dust and a deep pit with a diameter of one meter.

"Do you want to kill me?!" Xie Zhifei looked at the deep pit on the ground, swallowed and shouted at Lily.

"Woooo-" Lily frowned and whimpered, showing an uncomfortable expression, she was choked on eating too quickly. I finally swallowed something, "I'm sorry, sorry, I accidentally..."

"Continue." The gentleman's voice interjected. Lily quickly closed her mouth and controlled the beads in the dust as she shook her body spiritually. After throwing the dust off, she rushed towards Xie Zhifei like a shark smelling blood!

Xie Zhifei bared his teeth, turned over and continued to dodge. This is a new training program added yesterday. After 8 days on the ground, he basically won't fall to the ground because of Wuxingquan. But muscle soreness is still inevitable. After what Mr. said to Lily that day, when the little fox came the next day, the backpack he was carrying was another size larger. Then the practice started.

The beads are the little fox's demon pill, and also her natal thing. All Xie Zhifei had to do was to persevere under this kind of pursuit, and there were only two ways to end the training. One was that he was hit by the bead like yesterday and broke several ribs until he could no longer get up. Or destroy the demon pill in the sky!

It was another step and turned over. Xie Zhifei avoided the beads and took advantage of the situation to detour to his back. His eyes narrowed, and almost instantly red blood like a snake poured into his hand from the tiger's mouth, with a strong explosion of anger. Fly out with beads. Then there was another "bang", and the blood-stained gravel exploded into pieces in the air. The bead that rushed forward also turned his head and crashed straight into the arms of Xie Zhifei who was in the shooting position, letting him fly out like a rag pocket.

"Cough—" Xie Zhifei, who got up from the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, then turned to look at Mr. Just now, the blood bullet was blocked in the air by the small stone thrown by the husband. To be precise, all the blood bullets he issued in the past two days were blocked in this way.

At the beginning, he asked Mr., is it not possible to use blood bullets? But got a negative answer. "Not enough." The gentleman still spit out these two words, just like what he said every time he stopped a blood bullet before.

Xie Zhifei knew what he was talking about was not enough, the ratio of profit and loss achieved between the speed and effect and the blood used was not enough. Since it is a consumable, each shot must be powerful enough. This time, because the bead had just flashed past, the distance was close enough, and the position was also very good. It should be too late for Mr.'s stone to block it. He still chose to fire the blood bomb after failing to resist such a temptation. And then the result is to be knocked to the ground again.

Xie Zhifei gritted his teeth and turned around, staring at the beads in the air. The impact just now made his chest and abdomen full of blood, and every time he took a breath in, he felt a burning pain. But since Mr. said it wasn't enough, it had to go on. Xie Zhifei understands that there is no need for Mr.

The medicated bath that I take every night is sky-high, especially since there are a lot of medicinal herbs for wounds since last night. And he is very clear that he is slowly becoming stronger. Now every time he finishes five elements, there will be a warm feeling in his body, and the blood bullet that was blocked by Mr. just now is formed and fired. The speed is several times faster than before.

But these were not enough for him to get the beads in the sky. No matter how hard Xie Zhifei insisted, he could only be knocked out again and again.

Finally, with another muffled sound, Xie Zhifei was thrown out again, this time even the little fox heard the sound of his bones breaking. Looking at the little blood in the several meters of sliding traces on the ground, the little fox's ears trembled, and then turned to look at the gentleman beside him.

"Do you want to continue?"

The gentleman didn't answer, just looked at Xie Zhifei who was lying on the ground calmly. The latter was lying on his back on the ground, his chest was rushing up and down, the clothes soaked in blood were stuck to his chest, and he could see a not-so-obvious depression on his right chest. And he obviously heard the little fox's words. The muscles on both hands struggled and tightened, and the blood vessels were entangled like small snakes. Fingers clasped heavily into the mud on the ground, leaving deep scratches, and then stood up.

"Come again!" His snow-white teeth were covered with blood, and his face grimaced with pain looked like a wounded lone wolf. The gentleman nodded, the little fox turned his face sadly, looked at Xie Zhifei, who was almost unsteady, gritted his teeth, and waved his hand.

The beads slammed into him and rushed straight to his chest, who also clenched his teeth. But there was no movement to dodge, and then the beads slammed into his arms! The little fox could not help but let out an exclamation! She thought that Xie Zhifei would dodge, plus the reason for determination, this time it took a lot of strength, Xie Zhifei's current physical condition is likely to die!

But this time Xie Zhifei was not knocked out as easily as usual. Instead, it kept retreating like being pushed by something, leaving deep scratches on the ground with both feet!

After being pushed out for 8 meters, Xie Zhifei stood up and raised his head proudly. The little fox saw a palm-sized piece of blood in his hand that would not disperse, blocking his demon pill. She didn't hit him this time!

The gentleman also nodded his head rarely, "Shang Ke." Xie Zhifei grinned, but because of the wound on his chest and abdomen, the smile seemed so ugly.

"Dong...dong...dong" Lin Xue sat at the table, tapping her fingers on the table unconsciously, making a dull sound. She had moved all her gear to the front of the lab, and behind the glass in front of her, the newest subject was being tested. The degree of mutation of this yellow-haired man was not as high as the previous two, but the study found that his infection time was far shorter than those of the two, even only about ten hours.

The energy analysis table in front of her is also very different from the previous two. The purple part occupies the vast majority. According to the pre-capture reports provided by Yi Nian and Liu Huan, Lin Xue proposed a Bold guess.

The energy in the mutant is caused by emotions, and changes in emotions will promote the production of energy, and the purple part corresponds to fear, and the red is anger. Because he conjectured that different experiments are taking place in the three-body experimental body at the same time. If the correctness of this conjecture is confirmed, then their research on variants can take a big step forward.

But she is more able to feel that the person who made this kind of thing is also constantly conducting his own research! The degree of mutation of each captured experimental body has decreased to varying degrees, and the concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide in the body is also constantly decreasing, but there is an increasingly severe infection response and shorter and shorter infection time!

He is degrading drugs, and often the purpose of doing so is mass production! Lin Xue understood this deeply. This was her battle, development and analysis, poison and antidote. This is a competition between researchers and researchers, and the other party now has the advantage, but she believes it will not be long.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he found that he had torn off a piece of the fingernail from his thumb. Lin Xue frowned and broke the microphone in front of her. "Increase the concentration of the hallucinogen." Then she stood up and looked at the laboratory in front of her. Her face was printed on the glass. Her face was still white, and her expression was stiff and cold. Only the pair of eyes were extremely shining, like a fire.


Chapter 34 Boil the tendons and beat the bones

Xie Zhifei was sitting under the tree in the small courtyard, looking at the mottled light and shadows emanating from the leaves, he couldn't help but sighed that he and Lily had been messing around here for so many days, the ground was flattened by two meters as if on the Ganling Mountains, and even so, it seemed The pits and pits look like they have just been bombed by artillery. However, the small-leaf banyan tree in the center of the yard was still growing vigorously, and the leaves that were grayed by the dust splashes were green as new because of the heavy rain last night.

Looking at the green leaves, Xie Zhifei can also feel that his heart is cool and clear. Closing his eyes, a trace of blood red jumped out from his tiger's mouth like a snake, slowly coiling and stretching in the palm of his hand. The red color expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, wisps to wisps and then a streak, and gradually the blood entrenched in his hands into a long strip, like a small river, with a faint sound of waves.

And Xie Zhifei's face became even more pale, and a little sweat came out from the top of his head. The river of blood gradually subsided, becoming solid little by little, and you can faintly see the light shining like a gem. It became more and more slender, and one end began to become sharp. And the sweat on Xie Zhifei's head also became more and more.

Then the next moment, a strong and generous breath smashed down from above, and the target was the blood in Xie Zhifei's hands. Xie Zhifei's whole body shook violently, and the shape of the blood in his hand became blurred, as if the control would spread and fall to the ground in the next moment. But he persevered.

The breath only lasted for a moment and then dissipated, Xie Zhifei clenched his teeth to gather the blood, making them more coagulated and more stable. The shape gradually became clearer. Then the next breath smashed up. The blood in Xie Zhifei's hand repeated the appearance that it was almost scattered. Xie Zhifei didn't dare to open his eyes, and the sweat on his forehead flowed down his cheeks along the deep Chuanzi lines.

The gentleman sitting in the room picked up the cup in front of him and drank a sip of tea, and with a flick of his hand, the aura of a dragon and a python in the wide sleeves of his gown smashed towards Xie Zhifei. All afternoon, Xie Zhifei sat under that tree, congealing the blood in his hands. I don't know how many times Mr.

Every time the blood in his hands scattered and gathered, gathered and scattered, and finally there was a hint of gold and iron. It wasn't until the sun set on the courtyard wall and Lily's ears jumped at the door that the husband stopped flicking his hands, and Xie Zhifei slowly took the blood from his hands back into his body.

"Hey, why are you so miserable today?" The little fox looked at Xie Zhifei who looked like a beggar on the ground in confusion. His hair was loose like withered grass. Like his clothes, it was soaked in a few layers of sweat and then mixed with dust. I have never seen him in such a state of embarrassment in a bead fight all afternoon, so it is no wonder that the little fox would be surprised.

Xie Zhifei shook his head and stretched out his hand to let the little fox help him up. Although it was the blood in his hand that was **** him, it was him who suffered the shock, and the joints in his whole body seemed to be dislocated by the shock. Can't stand up. Standing up, Xie Zhifei bowed to his husband from a distance, and then walked into the yard.

Lying in the familiar bathtub, the scalding bath water made him shudder, and then the medicinal effects of the various medicinal materials in the water entered the body along the skin, the muscles were slightly numb, but the joints seemed to have electric currents crawling through. , made him almost groan. But he soon gave up and began to close his eyes and feel every drop of blood flowing through his veins.

He can clearly feel the huge and delicate blood network that surrounds his entire body, and he can also clearly feel every trace of blood in it. Feel their pulsation, then look inside carefully.

No, nothing, all the blood mixed together, regardless of each other, they are his blood, there is no difference. An empty feeling appeared in Xie Zhifei's heart. After an afternoon of tempering, that part of the blood had changed, becoming more solid and cohesive, and not easy to disperse. Xie Zhifei simply felt that his whimsical idea could be realized.

Is it too simplistic to use blood to condense a weapon for melee combat, condense it in the hand when it is used, and wrap it in the body when it is not in use? It is impossible for ordinary blood to condense to the point where it can be used as a weapon.

The method he came up with is to compress the blood to the point where it is enough to make weapons through tempering and control. In a more high-end vocabulary, it is called increasing the mystery. Different from the simple accumulation, through the forging of Hao Ran Qi, this part of the blood, which is already special in itself, has crossed a higher height. It was all going well before, and he could even feel the spear in his last hand taking shape. But now he can't find the blood in his body at all!

It's totally useless if you can't find it! Every time it is forged and taken back into the body, it will blend with ordinary blood, and it must be re-forged every time. Whether I can bear it or not is another matter. Rather than letting the husband spend an afternoon helping him make weapons, the efficiency of his direct dispatch will be infinitely higher. Sure enough, his own ideas are still too naive? Also wasted an afternoon sir.

No, Mr. agreed to this plan! Xie Zhifei suddenly opened his eyes and woke up the sleepy little fox who was standing beside the bathtub. He looked around and found nothing strange. He stretched out and threw all the things around him. into the water where Xie Zhifei was soaking, and then put his cheeks up and fell asleep.

Xie Zhifei didn't have time to take care of the little fox's dereliction of duty, and he didn't even care about the body that was moaning because of the sudden increase in the efficacy of the medicine. He clearly remembered that when he proposed this idea to his husband, there was a smile in his eyes. Although it disappeared in a flash, Xie Zhifei confirmed that he saw it. You can do it yourself! Otherwise, Mr. would not waste so long with himself.

So since the practice is not wrong, since it is correct, then the reason for not being able to find it must be that I have missed something! Missing something? Blood, cohesion, exercise... Hao Ran Qi! Xie Zhifei's eyes were as bright as freshly washed. Thinking of this, he tried his best to mobilize the arrogant qi in his body.