Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 182

The basketball arcs over the heads of two guards in the opposing half. Canopy! With a bang, it hit the back of the basket, bounced, and fell into the box.

The audience was dead silent, and the next moment, the hustle and bustle came to the fore.


Chapter 77 Glory

"What was that? Stealing the ball? Did you see how he did it?"

"Super three-pointer! Damn, he's closer to the center line than to the three-point line! How is this possible?!"

Surprise is almost the undisputed first emotion when something happens that goes too far beyond appealing to common sense. What did he do? How can he? ! Almost everyone was roaring and asking questions around them. The Oriental boy who was like a clown before and couldn't even touch the ball for a few minutes on the court became the absolute protagonist of the audience.

Captain Willie, who was cut off by Xie Zhifei, was the most unbelievable person. After the ball disappeared, he kept his original action and rushed forward two steps. Thinking of his mockery just now, his face suddenly turned red like a boiled prawn.

"Shit luck." Compared with the audience off the court, as a hardworking person, he understands better than anyone else what kind of ball sense and talent are needed to make a hit at such a distance. If the Chinese boy in front of him has such ability, how could he be a substitute? !

However, although they said they were dissatisfied, the actions of several people were unambiguous. Xie Zhifei, who didn't care at all, immediately became the focus of the target! A dead heel, and if he finds the ball passed to him, he will also come to form a double mark.

This situation made the hearts of the supporters of Xie Zhifei's team, including Sylvia, who finally raised a little hope, tightened again.

But would Xie Zhifei be stared to death so easily? The answer is of course no. If you really run, as long as Ji Qinger is excluded, the audience including the audience may not be able to touch a corner of his clothes.

Although it is impossible to use that kind of shocking ability in this situation, things like body technique can be used. Speed ​​is actually a relative concept, especially how does it manifest itself when the speed is fast on the field? variable speed.

Acceleration from zero to top speed, and braking from top speed to zero abruptly. In other words, it is called absolute speed. In time, Xie Zhifei limited his speed to the same level as the other five, or even a lower half-chip level. The absolute speed that can be called overbearing can also allow him to quickly pull away half of the opponent's body.

He couldn't shake it either, but every time the opposing defender tried to catch up, he made a sudden stop and changed direction. The two people were pulled alive and the audience kept flashing. It was as if the two defenders were a quagmire, and he was the fish struggling in it. Time and time again, desperately trying to jump out.

Just when everyone's attention was on him, he wanted to know whether it was the fish that finally broke free from the quagmire, or the quagmire that trapped the exhausted fish. A loud whistle followed with the thump of the basketball landing.

"Goal scored?" Everyone reacted! How did you score a goal? Where did you get in? Who got in? He quickly turned his head and searched the whole court, and the basketball slowly rolled out from under Willy's frame. That can only be Xie Zhifei's goal, and in fact it is, their team is also a little short of the shooting guard who is giving Xie Zhifei a thumbs up.

Just as League of Legends is a tower-fighting, not-killing game, basketball is a scoring, not-marking game. Even if the head count is 80 to 30, if the house is stolen, it will lose. Even if the five people here prevent Xie Zhifei to death, and the remaining four score a shot, Xie Zhifei and the others will still win!

Although it has always been John Carry, they are also the ones who accompanied them all the way to the semi-finals. It's okay for the three to mark John before, Xie Zhifei came up, and the two were attacking again? Do you really think that the other four people are eating dry rice? Buddha should also be angry.

Willy and the others also realized the problem of their tactics, mainly because Xie Zhifei's shocking blow was too conspicuous, and his breakthrough made this matter to the extreme. Whether he broke through or was blocked, in fact, it would not make people so entangled, that kind of feeling that he was about to be blocked, but he was about to lose his defense. Forcing everyone to focus on him, even basketball, the absolute protagonist of the court, was robbed of the limelight.

Five points in a row, the score that was finally pulled in was pulled away in an instant, and it seemed that it was a double-digit difference again. Willie hurriedly called a timeout and reassigned tactics.

But even the spectators outside the stadium will find that although the game continues, some rules have changed. Although the two sides still scored points for each other, the thing that should be called general trend or luck turned around.

This feeling was like when John came off the court. Although Xie Zhifei and the others were still ahead, everyone could feel their disadvantage. Rhythm? Perhaps this word is the most appropriate to describe, now the rhythm is in Xie Zhifei's hands.

Xie Zhifei basically didn't contribute the kind of shocking blow he made at the beginning. He just kept breaking through and pulling. If he didn't pay attention, he would find that he threw off the defender and stood on the opponent's three-point line. And teammates will pass the ball to him without hesitation at this time, and then of course shoot. With a gorgeous curve, the ball fell firmly into the ball frame. Then set off a cheer on the field.

In addition to the amazing shooting accuracy, Xie Zhifei also showed another ability that, although not cool, made Willy and the others even bigger, passing the ball! When he doesn't get rid of the defense, once he has the ball, it's a quick pass. Weird angles, weird curves, can always pass into the hands of the person who happens to be free.

Why would anyone be free, you ask? A fort has the ball, of course there must be a steal, a block, and even a rebound.

That Huaxia face is like ice, there won't be any emotional fluctuations at all, there is no way to judge whether he is going to pass or shoot! Willie and the others were exhausted, but they could only see the basketball falling into the hoop through one coquettish curve after another. The score is getting bigger and bigger. That three-pointer after another seemed like death was counting their lives.

To be honest, Xie Zhifei's score was not too many, and it didn't exceed 20 points when he was fully counted. But every time he made that standard shot, the scoreboard would flip! It's tempting to look forward to when he'll throw a second shot. And quietly think about it in my heart, if he doesn't pass the ball at all and shoots every ball he gets, how many points can he score against the whole court? ! It's just that this imagination is too crazy, everyone has goosebumps all over their body, but they can't help the trembling in their bones.

When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, the score was finally fixed at 62-41. A big score of 21 points is crushed! The whole place was boiling. Catherine screamed and rushed up, hugging Xie Zhifei with a full heart! Xie Zhifei almost felt like a meat bullet smashed into his arms.

This scene made the next moment, the whole stadium resounded with louder cheers, accompanied by the whistle of good people. Xie Zhifei quickly raised his hands in a surrender gesture to show his innocence. This action of his further added fuel to the fiery atmosphere.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw Ji Qinger leaning on the basketball hoop, two long legs pulled out in an astonishing arc. There is a smile in his mouth, like a cat, and like a witch.



"Sigma!" It wasn't just who took the lead in calling out Xie Zhifei's English name. Under the golden sunlight of the Mediterranean, this name resounded for the first time, although it was only limited to the basketball court of a small high school on a small island. But all legends start like us don't they?


Chapter seventy-eight old friends come

"Sacred Heart High School is shocked, and Baifa Baizhong is actually from China!"

"Huaxia Boy turned the tide, and the Sacred Heart Campus Tournament has set off a climax again."

"Mysterious oriental power, Huaxia kid integrates kung fu into basketball!"

"Hey, thank you, you've become famous." In Sicily, there are only two people who can clearly call out his name. Ji Qinger naturally wouldn't call him that. The only one left is Alfonso. A quarter of Chinese people.

In his hand he was holding a few cents of this morning's local Sicilian newspaper, and there was actually quite a bit of it covering yesterday's game. After all, this kind of story of one person turning around like a knight and like a hero. It is the favorite of Italians full of romantic feelings, not to mention the protagonist in the story is still a Chinese. Just like domestic newspapers will write about foreigners as a hot spot, Xie Zhifei's existence has successfully touched their G spot.

Xie Zhifei also glanced at it, the third part actually had an interview with Paul, just the part of the black fat man. To say that he has seen his Huaxia work with his own eyes is like JACK, which is simply incredible.

Xie Zhifei rolled his eyes and threw the newspaper back on the table, looking at it again for nothing. He, who was almost swallowed by the boiling crowd yesterday, held Ji Qing'er's hand and rushed out of the crowd after doing everything he could.

After that, the two of them planned to sleep at night, um, don't think about it. The main thing the two planned was Xie Zhifei's sleep. After all, the biggest clue about the anomaly now comes from Xie Zhifei's sudden dream at night.

Due to the sudden drowsiness and the characteristic that even thinking can be paralyzed, the two set up a complete plan, and Xie Zhifei lay on the bed. Have a contact device at hand. If he feels that again, take a photo of the contact before he goes to sleep. Ji Qing'er will also come from next door immediately.

Record, analyze, and even send back to the Fool about his dreaming situation, to try to find the abnormal points inside.

But it is a pity that he slept normally last night, staying in a light sleep of half-dreaming and half-awake the whole time, and did not feel any abnormal sleepiness at all. But this kind of thing, like the sky is going to rain, and the mother is going to marry. Can't be forced. If there is no result, you can only give up.

As for what Alfonso had inquired about before, there was no follow-up on the Vatican's bigwigs, and the person who disclosed it to him would no longer be able to get in touch with the higher things. And the other party hid the information extremely well, Alfonso has tried his best to investigate but nothing came of it. We can only expect that in a few days, the other party really arrives in Sicily. Can find some clues.

So far, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger have just passed the first week of their exchange student careers. Thanks to that basketball game, the two of them blended in pretty well, and someone already wanted to hang out with them. The channels for obtaining information are also gradually broadening.

I just don't know how much time I have left. Compared with the situation where you clearly know your remaining time, the situation where you are ignorant about everything is actually more uncomfortable. The former is like strangulation, the latter is like suffocation.

In front of them are fried eggs, bacon and bread in butter, and a glass of milk. Standard continental breakfast, high in calories. He ate it quickly, explained to Alfonso about today's formation and their respective goals, and was ready to go out. For some reason, Xie Zhifei always felt that he was a little absent-minded. When I went out, I looked back and saw the wind blowing in through the window.

Opening the newspaper on the table, two black and white pictures appeared, one was a symbol and the other was a picture of a woman. Inexplicably familiar, but Xie Zhifei couldn't remember where he had seen these two things.

There are so many things to be seen and remembered every day, the face of the person passing by, the name of the bus stop, the arrangement of foreign letters on the T-shirt that we do not understand. As soon as these enter the brain, they are sorted into less important memories and thrown into the deletion preparation room.

But just as things deleted from hard drives can be retrieved through tools, deletions in the brain often leave a trace. This is also the reason why when you accidentally walk into an unfamiliar environment, you will have a strong sense of sight, and you will feel that someone is familiar on the street. The former may be because he is the same Huabo Plaza, and the latter may be Wang Xiaoming, a primary school classmate of the son of Aunt Wang's brother next door...

All in all, seeing Xie Zhifei turn around and frown and meditate, he stopped for two seconds. Ji Qinger, who had already taken a step, patted Xie Zhifei on the shoulder strangely, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xie Zhifei's answer is no different from the dog blood TV series at 8:00. Generally, if you say it, the other party will add something and then find out the truth. But the two protagonists are just like brains and refuse to communicate.

As for us, is this a dog-blood TV series at eight o'clock? Of course not, so after Xie Zhifei said nothing, he added, "Do you think Alfonso is a little strange?"

"Strange?" Ji Qinger took out a bag of marshmallows from somewhere. Threw one into the mouth.

"Well, I can't tell you either." Xie Zhifei scratched his head, "I just feel a little..."

"A little unnatural?" Ji Qinger asked back.

"You feel this way too?"