Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 183

"Well, the behavior is a bit exaggerated, and the words feel like piercing," Ji Qinger threw another cotton candy into her mouth, "I've been wearing a mask for too long, and it feels like I can't take it off. Although the mask is already his But the mask is a mask after all. When it was made, it was too facial. No one in the world has a completely standard character. His character is too standard.”

After listening to Ji Qinger's words, Xie Zhifei's chin was about to fall to the ground. I don't know when he felt that Ji Qinger was like a mascot. Every day is miamiamia eat all kinds of things. I didn't expect her observation to be so sharp, and her analysis so penetrating.

"Why are you thinking that the girl in front of you has such strong observation skills?" Ji Qing'er rolled his eyes at him, "I also know that Sylvia's bust is 34C. The lower chest she hugs you is all on you. Bumped."

Sweat, cold sweat, waterfall sweat... Xie Zhifei hadn't figured out how to explain it. Ji Qinger took another step forward. "Come on, you're going to be late."

Is this... is the calm of the main palace? ?

Today's class is very special, so special that Xie Zhifei and the others didn't even bring any textbooks. Theology, a tradition handed down by the Sacred Heart since the days of the church college, although there are already many non-believers in the school, this class is still for the entire school, and classes are held every week.

Originally, each class should be taught individually by priests or nuns of a nearby church, but this time it was different. The principal brings together two theological sections. For most of the whole day, it was gathered together into a big event for the whole school held in the auditorium.

Although it is always said that there are few Italians, there are five grades in a school, and all the people are bustling and crowded. In addition, all of them are tall and big, and the black school uniform is really like a dark cloud.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger played two inconspicuous roles in such an environment. It's just that neither of them thought that they would meet the legendary big man from the Vatican at this time.

"Today our theology class has invited a special teacher. Although she is about the same age as you, she plays an important role in the church." The principal waved on the podium with a red face. The greasy top of the head reflected light.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the uneasy emotion in each other's eyes, and silently buried their heads in the back of the person in front of them.

"Not much nonsense, I believe that everyone is more willing to see young girls than an old man like me. Let us welcome, the saint from the Vatican - Anglais. His Excellency Agres del Esposito ."


Chapter seventy-nine last line

Although after Alfonso finished speaking, they also imagined who the big man who came many times would be, but honestly, they never thought that this person would be Agrace. Although different from the Fool, the social status of the core members of the Vatican is also very high because of the relationship with the church.

But also because of the same reason, among the people with the same rank and high social status, there are also a large number of ordinary people. For example, the leader of the contemporary cardinals known as the vice pope and the second pope is an ordinary person without any ability. But in contrast, the exorcism ritual that was re-calibrated and released four years ago came from his hands.

The reason why I want to mention the system of the church here is to emphasize one point, that is, compared to these high-ranking people who are promoted by ordinary people. Combatants like Agrace are much busier.

Although the population is small, there are many countries, myths, and customs of summoning demons that have been circulating since ancient times, and the recently re-emerged Church of Satan and the like. The Vatican has never had enough trouble.

So this kind of thing like going to a certain place to preach is generally done by those non-combat type members, and according to the prophecy of the Houtu, what is intertwined in this land is a conspiracy. To manipulate this kind of thing, there should be many better options than Agrace.

Unless there is one thing, it can only be done by combat-type personnel like them. In just a few seconds since Agrace's name was spoken by the principal, Xie Zhifei had already analyzed the current situation.

As for why she came to such a place, those things can be investigated later. The biggest priority now is to protect herself from exposure! After all, the opponent is bright and they are in the dark, which is the only advantage. If it is discovered, on other people's territory, playing dead and playing disabled is the final decision of others.

Agrace was not wearing any extravagant and gorgeous clothes, just the most simple black nun clothes. But even so, her youth and appearance still aroused unanimous amazement among the students.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger also learned to talk to other students. After all, if you want to integrate into the group and not be discovered, the best way is to not have any mavericks. You can do what everyone does.

Although the straight black hair of the two is a little conspicuous, it has been said before that the people in the auditorium are counted in thousands, and many of them are of Latino and Germanic descent, brown and black hair. Not even red hair.

All that's left is to minimize presence. As for the general ones, you can see the flaming energy in the opponent's body at a glance, or get things like contact lenses that can see the opponent's battle stats at a glance. There is no such simple tool.

How other worlds can do this is unclear, but this is a world of mixed energies. Even if they use magic in the same way, the system is completely different between the acquired mage and the innately awakened warlock. There is simply no way to understand each other.

What's more, the concepts of heirs and mutants are also mixed. Even if the other party completely tells others about his abilities, it is basically impossible to copy, and you can't even feel it. This is also the reason why Xie Zhifei was surprised when Ji Qinger said that he wanted to teach Xie Zhifei to control her sword qi. And even with the help of Yue Nuxin, he has learned to issue simple commands such as 'stab' and 'explode' to the existing sword qi.

Thinking about the sea of ​​bamboo that Ji Qinger used his sword energy in the arena to conjure up, the only thing he could do was numb his scalp. Therefore, there is no way for people to understand each other, and they will feel ashamed or confused when looking at what was said in that year and today. It's so hard to even understand myself a year ago, let alone understand other people.

So as long as Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger didn't make a move, it was almost impossible to discover their peculiarities.

Agrace has also experienced such scenes for a long time, and she has no unexpected emotions at all about the commotion off the field. After waiting for a while, he spoke.

"Teachers, classmates, my dear friends:

I am very honored to accept your invitation to have an exchange on theology with you here. The Sacred Heart is one of the few universal high schools that still insists on incorporating theology into daily teaching. This is not easy, and I believe it has also been questioned a lot. Thank you Principal for persevering.

Many people will ask, what is the use of theology? Does God really exist? God naturally exists, and he has always been by everyone's side, but he will not take the initiative to appear. And theology is the process of helping everyone discover what God is…”

Even on an objective level, Agrace's speech was not bad. The content must have come from the hands of countless excellent pens of the church. I don’t need to talk about it, but the rest includes the typhoon that can hold the audience, the sweet voice that is neither rushed nor slow, and the eye contact with the audience from time to time. Can be regarded as a qualified speaker.

She leads from the purpose and reasons for studying theology, and then to what religion can bring to people, interspersed with many allusions such as Moses leading the Egyptians, famous lines in the Gospel of Matthew, and even famous quotes from famous people. Let more than 70% of the audience concentrate on this speech.

This ratio is already very high. After all, there are quite a few high school students who are not believers and are rebellious. If you don’t believe this ratio is high, recall that when your school held a conference, how many of the classmates sitting next to you were listening instead of playing with mobile phones or memorizing words.

Kind, equal, pure and noble, Xie Zhifei pretended to be the remaining 30% while recalling the memories related to Agrace. Compared to the butcher nun who let Xia Matthews threaten her with a knife blade around her neck, holding a heavy hammer and burning holy fire on her body. He had to admit that the girl had a side he didn't understand at all.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Ji Qinger who was playing with his nails beside him. Do girls have so many different shapes? The latter seemed to guess what he was thinking, rolled his eyes, and continued to lower his head to play with his nails.

Although the speech was perfect, in the eyes of a familiar person like Xie Zhifei, it was natural to see that Agrace didn't pay attention to it. It's just a general recitation of the content of the formula. Apart from regular eye contact, there is no dialogue at all. There wasn't even the usual question-and-answer session after the presentation. He hurriedly left the stage. There were only two young people who felt dissatisfied because they didn't talk to the goddess in person, and the two who finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In itself, the two-week theology class was put together into such an activity. After Agrace finished speaking, there was no activity, and she wanted to chat with her. But when people finish talking neatly, they don't go anywhere, so they can only give up. So the students were the same as when they came, and Wuyang Wuyang rushed out. The homecoming of the home, the club activities of the club activities, the saintess also cannot change their daily life.

As for Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger? The two of them are about to start their last line, bah, they are following the great cause.


Chapter 80 Are you here?

Saying that something happened today, he once again rejected the invitation of the basketball captain Sylvia, which made the latter very resentful. Of course, this emotion was mainly towards Xie Zhifei. Although his expression was a little stiff, he still said a friendly goodbye. It’s okay to say that the time is not right. Next time you have a chance, you must train together. All the classmates on the basketball team want to know you, Balabala.

Turning around and not taking two steps, the two of them heard her laughter and thought, what is so good about that Chinese girl? Although her facial features are exquisite, her body is as shriveled as a hairtail, and she is clearly a yellow species. People, but they look so white, I don't know if there is any disease...

Xie Zhifei couldn't bear it, "Do you girls have such a rich vocabulary for running people?" Ji Qinger's expression was also very strange, so he could only roll his eyes at him again.

"If you like the big one, hurry up and chase her before she gets far."

To be honest, although Ji Qinger is tall and thin, she is definitely not to the point where she can be described as an octopus, so Xiaohe shows sharp horns? It's not right, it's almost even bigger, and it has the degree of budding. It's just because of ethnicity that European children mature earlier. Sylvia is the well-developed part of it. In comparison, Ji Qinger doesn't look like she has grown.

As for skin color, this involves regional aesthetics. Beauty and ugliness is definitely not an absolute concept, it will evolve with the changes of regions and times. Just like some tribes in Africa will put a plate in the lower lip as beauty, the aesthetics of different ethnic groups and regions often have unique historical relationships.

Huaxia itself is a people of the yellow race, so white skin is considered beauty. White skin shows that this person has a wealthy family, has never basked in the sun, and no longer needs to work abroad. He is a good couple. In the same type, in the famous Qing Dynasty, ladies and gentlemen would have the habit of storing armor. The nails of the tail finger should be kept to almost 30 cm long, and even use special artificial armor for protection. Too long nails can't be helped. There is no way to work, even in normal life, such as twisting a towel. Therefore, those with long armor are not only rich in their families, but also have subordinates to manage their daily routines...

As for the Italian side, because of their Caucasian relationship, they like girls with wheat-colored skin, because it shows that they often go out to exercise and are healthy. The body is also plump or even slightly fat, so Ji Qinger is really not a beauty here except for her delicate facial features.

After a long time, the two went back to the school through the side door after parting with Sylvia. Carefully, he ran to the top floor of the teaching building without attracting attention. The rooftop is a great place, where countless stories take place.

In the anime, the protagonists always regard this place as a secret base. This is the preferred venue for confrontations, quarrels, falling in love, taking a nap and even campus bullying. Brothers such as Cheng have fought on it.

But in fact, in order to prevent danger, the roofs of most schools are locked, and students will not be allowed to go up at all. At least Xie Zhifei and the others broke the lock before successfully breaking in. As for how to open it?

It's not that he was weakened back to a weak chicken state in the dream, and he could only use metal fatigue. Even if he was afraid of using his energy to alarm Agrace, he stretched out his hand, and the strengthened body easily pulled the lock off.

As for why you want to come to the top of the building, because it has the highest position and the best view, you can clearly see the school gate. Agrace did not leave the first time, which was confirmed by the two of them. Therefore, as long as you monitor the school gate, you can follow at the end, bah, half the success of the tracking at the beginning.

This stay was almost three hours, until the students participating in the club activities were almost dispersed. A black Maserati just drove out of the garage. Just think that German taxis are all Mercedes-Benz, and Maserati is known as the queen of sports cars, although it is also a good car in Italy. But it has not risen to the point of needing onlookers.

But Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger's spirits were concentrated as soon as they got out of the car. From the outside, the all-black, single-sided bulletproof glass, smooth engine roar, and solid tires with little indentation. Although it looks no different from an ordinary sedan, in the eyes of those familiar with it, it is as conspicuous as a firefly in the dark night.

Ji Qinger immediately went downstairs and started rushing to the door, Xie Zhifei kept a bird's-eye view from a high place to determine his whereabouts. Then he continued to set off after Ji Qinger arrived at the second observation point. Complete the rotation faster.

Things like chasing a car with your body may sound unrealistic, but it also depends on where. If it is in the 3rd Ring Road of the Imperial Capital during the rush hour, emmm, whether the car that is blocked for ten kilometers can catch up with the pedestrians is another question.

The traffic environment in Sicily is not as bad as that in Beijing, but Xie Zhifei and their successful tracking, and the lazy Italians also helped a lot. The old cobblestone road, the road built for horse-drawn carriages, and the urban layout without unified planning, coupled with the roadside cafe seats and ice cream trucks set up on both sides of the road further squeeze the width of the road.