Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 184

30 kilometers? Running 15 to 20 kilometers in an hour is not bad. At this speed, the two of them can keep up without using their abilities. Even if Ji Qinger's body has not been strengthened by ability, he has practiced in Huangquan for an unknown number of times of extreme running and fatigue training.

In short, the two of them bitten each other. Neither the driver nor Agrace in the back seat noticed that there was always a man and a woman on both sides of the road they had traveled. Sometimes they were a couple licking ice cream together, and sometimes their necks Wen Qing with a camera on it. Buyers who are negotiating prices with roadside stall owners.

But even if he didn't find it, the driver insisted on walking around the city for more than half an hour, almost turning the city around halfway, before starting to walk towards the destination.

People always think that they know enough about everything in their life, when in fact, they often know everything they think they are. The same goes for the world, science and even the city in which they live. Even if you live in a city for decades, you may not necessarily be able to fully understand it.

There are also many areas and spaces that are often inaccessible due to various reasons such as remoteness, restrictions, and inconspicuousness. For example, the villa that Wen Qiang collected a lot of money back then was obviously only built on a small hill. When it was discovered, many locals said that there was actually a villa there. Quite the concept of being hidden in the city.

And Xie Zhifei and the others followed the car to such a place. Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, but no matter how big the island is, it is also an island. Since it is an island, there must be a place facing the sea.

A high brown-red cliff plunges straight into the harbour, where the waves of the Mediterranean beat the strange-looking reef all the time. It is almost surrounded by the sea, like a barren slope. But as long as you turn it at a slight angle, you can see the bright reflections in the cracks, which are glass and alloys.

Top architects are taking a piece out of the crack and building a luxurious villa in this place, just like the mansion of Iron Man in the comics hanging upside down from the cliff. The high wall and the sea reef are integrated into one, it is like an eye in the dark, almost completely integrated with nature, only in extremely accidental circumstances can you see the brilliance like the Damascus sword in the eye.

Xie Zhifei and the others did not expect Agrace to come to such a place, which is almost impossible to invade. To enter the smart, walk to a special position on the cliff, and then the elevator descends, bringing the person and the car into the room together. Unless you lie on the bottom of the car early, you will definitely be exposed on that empty cliff.

At this time, he suddenly saw a bright light flashing in the woods opposite, the light reflected by the glass on the mirror. Besides them, there are people watching here! The two immediately raised their vigilance. He stepped back cautiously and touched the other side. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and the opponent may have mastered the method to break through this fortress. Whether it is threats or cooperation, it is always good to take the initiative.

Sure enough, he saw a man in a long brown coat squatting awkwardly in a small bush, holding an inferior telescope one by one. The light Xie Zhifei saw just now was reflected from this thing.

Up to this point, everything went smoothly, but the moment he saw the man, Xie Zhifei sighed and stepped forward. Patted his shoulder. The man was three feet tall, and he was about to call out when he saw it. Fortunately, Xie Zhifei covered his mouth in advance.

"Why are you here?" Looking at Alfonso, whose mouth was covered, Xie Zhifei just wanted to cover his face.


Chapter 81 Tang

"Your Majesty, please come this way." The waiter stood respectfully three meters in front of him, every fold of the white shirt was straight as if it had been ironed, and the two silver buttons on the black vest were etched with etchings. The family crest. With an impeccable smile on his face, bending down to 675 degrees, everything is perfect like a textbook. From boarding this land, no, since boarding the plane, she has received such top-level treatment.

The private plane is at the airport 24 hours a day, and I don't even have to wait a second. There are also 10-year-old noble rot wine and red wine from the five major wineries on the plane. Just after I took my seat, the red wine that was just right when I woke up was delivered to the front.

The room is a high-end villa facing the sea, and the coastline is also private. With blue sea and white sand, you can jump directly into the sea from the balcony when you get up early. There are even dedicated prayer rooms and diving rooms in the villa. It wasn't a brand-new room, and she could even feel the holy meaning contained in the log room while sitting in it. That is the accumulation that requires at least decades of devout prayers in it. Some people leave such a holy room intact from

The church was transported out and assembled into the villa.

Even if they want to preach such a thing in the school, they can contact the oldest school on the island as soon as possible, even if it is no longer a church high school.

But she understands that all this is not because of her identity, although the other party respectfully calls her the crown of the saint. The purpose of the other party doing this is just to show their reception attitude, and the guests and hosts are happy. Oriental seems to use such an idiom to describe the situation. Very accurate, both the guests and the host were happy, and the guests were well received because of the good reception. The master is because he shows his identity and ability.

That's right, although Europe is the stronghold of the church, Italy, where the Vatican is located, is the most important place to sleep. All this is done by the other party is just to explain that here, you are not the master here, but just a guest. All the treatment I received was not due to my lofty status, but the man behind the door I was about to see.

The leaders of the largest faction of the Sicilian Mafia, Ferdonangele, Don Ferdonangele.

The waiter quickly and gently pushed open a door in front of him, and golden light floated softly from inside. Although the shell is a villa made of new alloys and super-strength glass like Iron Man's home. But inside this door, it is still the most traditional Italian home style.

The burgundy granite walls are carved with angels, lilies and the sun, and the golden light flows from the crystal chandelier. The man lies in the walnut carved armchair, and in front of him stands the cabinet chair. Small buildings, statues of figures like spires on the dome at the top of the cabinet, and statues of horses running and jumping in the air. The entire black ebony cabinet and ivory white carvings are distinct in white and black, with strong contrast, and the Baroque architectural shape is fascinating. The support under the seat surface is pure sculpture art, three lifelike figure sculptures, as if kneeling on the pedestal and supporting the whole tall building with their backs.

There are wine bottles in the cabinet, each of which is a famous product that can drive red wine collectors crazy. After the waiter opened the door, he knocked lightly on the door, then closed the door and backed out. Before leaving, I gave a slight gesture to let Agrace slipper,

The ground was covered with a red carpet, which was sewn from the most precious and rare fur under the fox's armpits, and even the colors were almost the same.

"I have been thinking about which bottle of wine is worthy of the status of the Holy Maiden, and it has been difficult to make a decision. But after seeing your person, I became enlightened." The old man turned his head and looked at Agrace. At a glance, he patted his forehead like a sudden realization, stretched out his hand and pulled out a bottle of wine with ice blue cracks all over his body.

"Although sparkling wine is more suitable for girls, there are many wines with names such as Angel's Hand in Italy, but at first glance I can be sure that they are not suitable for you. A girl who is burning with fire."

"This bottle of wine is called Bingwen, and it is produced in the German winery of Yimu. Although it is not the most famous Conti, it is indeed the product of a brewing error. The late-picked grapes are completely wrapped in ice, and then naturally dehydrated, becoming some kind of wine. Similar to a raisin-like product, the average ice wine is so mild compared to it. But the result of extreme concentration is its equally astonishing sugar content, and those amazing sugars turn into equally amazing alcohol ."

"It feels like lava flowing under the blue ice cap of Antarctica, just like you, using pig iron to create the outer shell of the Iron Maiden (Iron Maiden, a medieval torture instrument), but the inside is sealed It's a blazing flame..."

"Don." Agrace frowned, "You know I didn't come here to tell you this."

The old man just turned around, his body was fat, and his skin was soft and drooping, and there were also two long white eyebrows hanging down, "Tang is an honorific title, you don't need to call me that, I'm just A dog from the Vatican, isn't it?"

"In fact, we are collaborators," Agrace said.

"Collaborators?" Tang suddenly laughed, his whole face shaking in the laughter, "Yeah, collaborators! What you are paying is living space, no longer chasing and killing us, and we need to replace You guys, go and hunt what you need to kill yourself. It's the best partnership in the world. It's as good as the chickens laying eggs on the farm and the farmer who takes them away!"

The more he talked, the more maddened he became. The ice-blue wine bottles were rearranged on the table, and a real crack appeared on the bottle. The liquid in the bottle that was more expensive than gold seeped out and slowly fell from the table. . Tang didn't lie, there was not much water left in the grapes before brewing, the wine was thick, and the filaments were pulled on the edge of the table before breaking, like blood.

"This didn't start from your generation. For thousands of years, the aliens in Sicily have come here. You have signed contracts like Guoguo with Muslims, the Holy See and even the kingship, which is why Sicily still exists today. The reason. We just follow tradition."

"Will you?" Tang's laughter suddenly stopped, raised his eyebrows, and green vertical pupils appeared from under his eyebrows. "You are just a last resort. Even I don't know how many aliens and how many humans there are in Sicily. Thousands of years of bloodlines are mixed, here, this is an area that you can't handle. Even if the four big come together, there is no way. Guaranteed to completely suppress the incident that broke out in Sicily, you just don't dare to take the risk."

"..." Agrace didn't speak, because what Tang said was the truth, not to mention the four big ones, the human ability itself is far stronger than the alien gathering area on a small island. But Sicily is really violent, and it is almost impossible to suppress it. What will happen if the weirdness is exposed to the public? There is no sense of organization to undertake this.

The two faced each other like this, with different bloodlines, positions, and even the ethnic groups they were carrying, so they refused to give in to each other. In this kind of confrontation, Tang was the first to lose. Besides the fact that the church was forced to do so, why not? The Big Four watch out for every weird possible consequence.

But the wise and weird will be afraid. If such a thing really happens, then the entire race will be exterminated.

"Let's talk." As if Tang had his spine removed, he collapsed back onto his chair, his aura and field all collapsed at this moment, like a jade mountain collapsing. "What do you want us to do this time?"


Chapter 82: Re-entering the dream

Xie Zhifei's squatting didn't last long. After all, the only thing left for their current advantage was being in the dark. If it is discovered, it is really worth the loss. However, the place where Agrace went was a place that was difficult to monitor with covert surveillance.

There is no room for people to hide on the bare cliff. Even in the small jungle where they are hiding now, people will come to patrol every once in a while. Xie Zhifei thought carefully about the consequences of killing the patroller here, and finally felt that it would be more than worth the harm.

And there is one big reason why they are willing to choose to retire. That was the main purpose, knowing who Agrace was meeting had already accomplished. Just like what Xie Zhifei had guessed.

The reason for Alfonso's presence there is exactly the opposite of the two of them. He still doesn't know who the big man from the Holy See is. He got there along another thread - the other party to the meeting, also from his In their mouths, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger heard that name for the first time.


"Is he the godfather of Sicily now?" Xie Zhifei asked.

Alfonso took a piece of seafood pizza and shoved it into his mouth, nodding in agreement as he raced. "It's not me, even in Sicily, not many people have seen him. He is generally called Don, just like in the movie."

He was so excited that he choked on the pizza the next moment. He quickly reached out and asked the waiter to bring a glass of water. They were not at home, but were sitting in a simple family restaurant, discussing while solving the lunch. These are top secret things.

But just like what Alfonso said, no one can understand in Chinese anyway, so why is it different?

"The mafia is a tight organization, and its hierarchy is even stricter than the army, because the bond connecting them is also a stronger relationship than the army. Family." Fang Suo analyzed this legendary organization for the two of them bit by bit.

"Not every Italian can be a member of the Mafia, and once you become a member of them, it is really like family. You can ask your boss for anything, it's not too much, he will find a way. To help you solve it, the price is that you also owe them one thing, and when they need it, pay for the corresponding thing. This supply and demand relationship of mutual demand and demand constitutes the core of the Mafia's strong link like a family. "

"But it seems that they still have some fish that slip through the net." Ji Qing'er rolled up rolls of pasta with a fork, "You don't look like you have any loyalty to this organization." The process of chewing the food in your mouth Zhong frowned again, she wasn't quite used to the food here, but she swallowed it hard.

"I just like to be free." Alfonso didn't mean to deny it at all. "As for my loyalty, I have already proved it a few years ago." Alfonso casually dropped another bomb.

"I was recruited into the Mafia because I helped Tang's No. 1 younger brother go to prison."

"At that time, I was young and ignorant, and always fantasized about being a member of the Mafia, but because of my Chinese blood, I was always unpopular." He lowered his head and chewed the pizza, his voice almost There are no ups and downs, as if what is being narrated now is a story of someone else, not one's own past.

"Then I got an opportunity to help a boss go to jail and change the organization's approval. It's stupid, right?" Alfonso grinned and showed a big mouth of white teeth. "But I didn't think so at the time, I just thought it was a good opportunity to spend a few years in exchange for the rest of my life. It's worth it."

"Later I reacted, but it was too late. Prison is really not a place where normal people should go. I am lonely, lonely, I doubt my own existence, and I doubt the reality of the world. That's where I have a sense of mystery. I am interested, because reminiscing about my grandfather’s stories is my only leisure time.”