Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 185

"Fortunately, they are also reliable. Just like the agreement, they took me out in a few years.

, and then invited me to join, although at that time I was thinking of going to Huaxia, my grandfather's hometown. Ironic isn't it. "

Xie Zhifei didn't know how he should answer now. Although the man on the opposite side was talking with a smile on his face, there was a deep heaviness behind the story, which came from life and life. Although they have also experienced a lot of things, they know that the world is wider than most people.

But there has never been a simple person in the world, even the most vulgar person, when he lifts off the pale mask covered with flour, there will be a story behind it that may be desolate or sad. The deepest heaviness is often conceived in the most ordinary life.

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this." Alfonso waved his hand, "The day I got out of prison was the only time I saw that Tang! The big guy I took the blame for, took me into the seaside building. Inside the apartment. That old man has wolf-like eyes."

"You must have seen the godfather. I can guarantee that even Marlon Brando has no bearing like him. It is like a giant wolf lying in the shadows, even if he is half asleep, the breath he exudes is not the same. One can resist..."

"Speaking of which, who is the big man from the Holy See? Can he trade with Tang?" He only remembered this at this time.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger looked at each other before answering him, "The saint of this generation, Agres del Esposito."

"Saint?" Alfonso showed a puzzled expression, "Why don't I know? She is also the kind of big man who has been at the top of the Holy See for decades?"

"No," Xie Zhifei shook his head, "In fact, she is very young, less than two years older than the two of us. But in terms of strength, she should be one of the strongest in the new generation."

Alfonso opened his mouth wide. He didn't know how he understood Xie Zhifei's saying that he is one of the strongest in the new generation, but Xie Zhifei always felt from his expression that he wanted to go to something very strange.

"Then... how about you?"

"We're...about the same as her..." There's always something very shameful about this kind of boasting. And to tell the truth, Xie Zhifei felt that he was a little worse than Agrace. After all, the battle between her and Catherine was really the pinnacle of the arena. Far more than the final he won...

"Oh!!" Alfonso covered his mouth, "Would you guys be unhappy because I brought you to this cheap little restaurant and then become dozens of meters tall, destroying the entire city with lasers... …”

Xie Zhifei covered his face with a black line, and he didn't even have the desire to complain. Did the Italian people actually look at Ultraman? Or is this product in front of you a special case?

After dinner, Alfonso drove to the garage to drive, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger sat in the back seat, the sun was sinking below the horizon, and the sleepiness mixed with darkness suddenly surged along with the bright hours.

Xie Zhifei didn't even have time to react, so he could only try his best to reach out and grab Ji Qing'er's hand beside him, and in the last corner of the eye, he could only see that she was slowly closing her eyes...


Chapter 83: Forest of Thorns

"Ten little Negroes dined out;

One choked to death and nine remained.

Nine little blacks stay up late;

One overslept and there were eight left.

Eight little blacks are visiting Danwen;

One said to stay there with seven remaining.

Seven little Negroes chopping wood;

One cuts himself in half and there are six left.

Six little **** playing with honeycombs..."

The child's voice is always indistinguishable before the voice changing period. At least until the nursery rhyme disappeared in his ears, Xie Zhifei couldn't confirm who sang it or whether it was the one he had met before called Elio. child.

As the song stopped, he also woke up, or regained consciousness. Opening his eyes, he was still sitting, but it was obviously not in the back seat of Alfonso's car. He was leaning on one of the rows of walnut benches, like a man bowing his head in prayer.

"Hmm—" Before he could look around at the surroundings, a small coquettish voice suddenly came from beside him. Xie Zhifei was startled, the position of the voice was almost close to him, but he didn't feel anyone's presence, which had not happened for a long time after he gained power.

Then he remembered that in this dream world, the body he held was the same body that could be described as weak during the archaeological process a few years ago. He hurriedly turned his head. He didn't notice that he was approached last time, but he was directly disemboweled by a monster. He just came in this time, but he didn't want GAMEOVER to be so fast.

When he turned his head, he saw a little girl carved in pink and jade, with straight black hair, wearing a small white suspender gauze skirt, and a round face, and the baby fat had not completely receded. He curled up like a cat on the bench beside him, with pink and tender toes. The sound just now was obviously the sound of the little girl stretching before she woke up.

The next moment, the little girl opened her **** eyes, looked left and right, and turned back to Xie Zhifei, "Is this the church on the top of the mountain you mentioned?"

Shit... Xie Zhifei just couldn't find any other words to describe his inner feelings right now. This...this...what's the situation with this Nima? He only told one person about the dream. If this is not a derived loli-type personality from his sudden personality split, then there is only one possibility...

"Qing... Qing'er?" His voice trembled, not just his voice, there was no place from his throat to his heart that didn't tremble.

"What's wrong? You don't even know me anymore?" Ji Qinger rolled her eyes, matching the face of a 5- or 6-year-old loli, who could kill 80% of the loli control on the spot. The remaining 20% ​​had died when they saw her.

Of course I don't know each other. It's not me who said that your old style changed from a seven-headed body to a two-headed body in seconds. Even if you change your parents, you may not be able to recognize it, okay? Xie Zhifei complained in his heart.

At this time, Ji Qinger was also getting up, ready to get down from the chair, and then realized the seriousness of the situation. Because of the habit of turning his legs sideways first, and then discovering that...the feet couldn't reach the ground, they were shaking...shaking...Ji Qinger panicked all of a sudden. He shoved his hands in front of his face. Looking at Fandudu's chubby, round and lovely five fingers, and then contacting Xie Zhifei's performance just now, she suddenly felt that she wanted to die.

It took a lot of time for the two of them to determine Ji Qinger's current situation. Compared to Xie Zhifei who was returned two years ago, Ji Qinger obviously hated a lot more. In one breath, he was only 6 years old, and after several tests, he was sure that he had no strength left. After 30 years of hard work, I returned to before liberation.

However, the two of them are not the kind of hypocritical people. Although they are not used to it, they still use such a body to start their exploration. In fact, Xie Zhifei knew at first glance that this was not the church he had arrived at last time.

It's going to be smaller, with only six rows of chairs on either side, and it can't hold a large ceremony at all. Chapel, the lowest level of church building. But what corresponds to its small size is its rich connotation. The four walls are covered with countless carvings, like a huge curtain surrounding them.

And in the middle of the curtain, it has to be divided into at least two layers. Inside each small grid are scenes of stories from the Bible. For example, the life of **** is on the left. Outside the small grid, all the cute little angels were lying on the grid and watching, as if they were watching a play. Layers of lattices form layers of drama, as well as a circle of angels outside, forming a picture-in-picture vision of breaking the dimensional wall.

The characters in the grid are playing the story, the little angels are watching them, and Xie Zhifei and the others are watching the angels from the outer layer? Is there someone looking at Xie Zhifei and them? Like us? And do we have the same eyes behind us?

Xie Zhifei shuddered and didn't think about the matter further. The chapel was very small. Although the builders were careful when building it, the angels got smaller and smaller from the bottom to the top, stretching the space in a deceptive way. , making the chapel seem as tall as a real church. But Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger quickly searched for it.

After he found nothing, he naturally had to change the map and look again. Before going out, Xie Zhifei went to the wall to get the brass candlestick as usual. The last experience told him that in this environment, a tool would be much better. This thing, I have to say, is quite handy, as for Ji Qinger...

He thought about it, but gave up, communism taught us that using child labor is illegal...

There is also a classic scene in the Bible behind the candlestick, which is the scene of the Virgin Mary giving birth to her son **** in the stable. The Virgin Mary, who was still a young girl, held her baby with her head lowered, her face blurred under her turban. Thinking of the experience in the last dream, Xie Zhifei glanced at the Madonna's face. There are no special changes, just a noticeable difference from the last silhouette.

However, considering that they are different places, it is not difficult to understand that the sculptors are not necessarily the same. It's just that the Virgin seems a little too young. Xie Zhifei didn't have time to think deeply. Ji Qinger had already called him at the door. As her body became smaller, her resistance to darkness and loneliness seemed to have become the level of a child.

Of course, she wouldn't admit it, "Didling for so long, you've become a sissy?" So she used this statement to seal Xie Zhifei's mouth first.

The two walked down the stairs, only to realize that this place was actually in the middle of the city. The door opens at the entrance of an alley, which is perfectly integrated with the small street. But what makes it even harder to imagine is what the whole town itself looks like!

This is the town that Xie Zhifei saw in the mental hospital on the cliff last time! Because here he can also see the hill and the two buildings on the hill from the last time. Other than that, it's the shape of the town.

When I saw it on the mountain, I felt that there were too many Gothic spires. At that time, I complained that the builder was learning to pierce the public? Now that he really walked into the town, he realized, what kind of Gothic spires are these?

Black thorns burst out of the ground, penetrated and merged into these buildings, and the streets and open spaces were also filled with such black thorns. It was as if the witch's forest in a fairy tale had penetrated in.

Xie Zhifei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and reached out to touch the nearest thorn beside him.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do this." A cold voice came from behind. It made him tremble.


Chapter 84 Dream World

"Agrace?" If it is a nightmare to recognize Ji Qinger who is now, the Holy Maiden in front of her is probably only difficult. She was originally a little older than Xie Zhifei, 17 years old and close to 18 years old, plus the deceptive precocious physique of Europeans, she looks like a little sister.

But now, just comparing the situation of the two, it turns out that Xie Zhifei is even older. That is to say, her current physical age is definitely less than 14 years old. But it has also been slightly longer. After drawing the strips, it looks taller and longer, and the fat has not started to proliferate. It looks a little thin and has a girlish look.

"Are you Xie Zhifei?" Agrace didn't expect that the person she stopped would call out her name directly, and it was only after a moment that she realized who the Asian boy in front of her was. In fact, there are also psychological reasons for this. Before people see an old classmate, they often say that you haven't changed at all. In fact, after knowing his identity, they linked his original image to his current image. The image has quietly changed. And there are very few classmates who have not seen each other for more than ten or twenty years.