Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 186

Xie Zhifei and Agrace are in the exact opposite situation. The former knows the existence of the latter, and has been worried about the existence of the latter recently. So I can think of her for the first time. On the other hand, Agrace didn't have any idea of ​​encountering Xie Zhifei in Sicily, or in an inexplicable Sicilian phantom. Coupled with the Xiaoshou temperament that came from Xie Zhifei a few years ago, it was really not easy to react immediately.

"Why are you here?"

"Where is this place?" The two asked each other almost at the same time, followed by a small silence.

"You don't know why you are here?" Agrace asked with a frown.

"I don't know, I just finished the actual combat exercise with Qing'er. Because I was too tired, I went back to the dormitory and lay down, and then I came to such an inexplicable place." Xie Zhifei spread his hands, showing a puzzled expression, " Is it a newly discovered half plane by your Holy See? Or a secret weapon developed by you."

The best defense is to attack, and Ji Qinger can't let Ji Qinger know that they are in Sicily, at least delay this time as much as possible. So he deliberately preemptively threw the question to Agrace, like I didn't know anything, didn't know anything. Although the other party will definitely be puzzled, no matter whether she is doubting or doubting, at least she will reveal some useful information.

Agrace looked at him suspiciously, but since Xie Zhifei had made up his mind to act, how could he possibly be seen by her. Gritting his teeth a little, he cautiously stepped back half a step and made an alert action.

"Sicily." Agrace sighed and said these three words.

"Sicily?" Xie Zhifei still maintained that distrustful look, and asked instead, "Is all the land under the Vatican's rule so magical? Or is it that you played some forbidden experiments on this small island and screwed it up? become like this?"

"I'm really sorry for not conducting such an experiment that can completely change the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea." Agrey choked back without hesitation, "You should also feel that this is not the real world. I said this is Sicily. The reason is just because these 'houses', the place you just walked out of, should be the famous Sicilian Chapel of the Rosary.

Agrace pointed to the chapel hidden deep in the alley, no one said anything, she never guessed that there was such a unique building here.

"This is Sicily, but not Sicily?" Xie Zhifei pretended to repeat Agrace's words. "Then what is this thorn, why did you persuade me not to touch it?"

"I don't know what it is either," Agrace shook her head. "The reason I advise you not to touch it is simple." She picked up a piece of cement from the ground that had been cracked by the arching of the tentacles.

"Stay away." After the two did, she threw the stone towards a tentacle, and the moment the cement block touched the surface of the tentacle, the tentacle, which had been static as a dead thing, suddenly moved. The speed is very fast, at least Xie Zhifei can only vaguely see it with his current body. It seems to have turned into a black shadow, quickly retracted under the ground, and jumped out the next moment, slamming it heavily like a whip. On the ground, smashed the cement block that hit it. It left a new wound-like fissure on the ground.

A small stone bullet from the cracked ground landed at Xie Zhifei's feet, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. In this situation, I will most likely be photographed as a meatloaf...

"What? Why don't you introduce me?" Seeing Xie Zhifei's expression, Agrace expressed her satisfaction. She pointed to Ji Qinger at his feet and asked, "When will you have a daughter?"

It was the first time Xie Zhifei felt that the Holy Maiden's mouth was so stinky, but fortunately he didn't need to complain that he was already blown up, "You are his daughter, you are still his granddaughter! The old lady is Ji Qinger!" He was stunned. People, successfully replaced by Agrace,

She blinked her eyes twice to look at the pink and jade-carved loli, then blinked her eyes and turned to Xie Zhifei for confirmation. Seeing the expressionless default face of the other side, she felt that the world was so empty.

In fact, I don't blame her, it's a preconceived notion. She and Xie Zhifei both went back a few years ago, so they naturally used this situation to infer other people. They thought that this girl would probably be a seven to ten-year-old girl. Who would have thought that the world was so wonderful.

"How did you know the characteristics of this thing?" The scene was awkward, and Xie Zhifei took the initiative to find a topic.

"Just like you, I'll die for a while." Agrace shrugged her shoulders as a matter of course.

"You mean, after you touched it, nothing happened?" Xie Zhifei originally thought that the situation of the three of them should be similar. He and Ji Qinger were basically in a state of complete failure, with no ability left at all. And Agrace was able to survive this kind of death, proving that she must still have the ability to remain.

But before Agrace could answer, a sudden change happened, just like when Xie Zhifei entered this world for the first time, the huge moon that served as the only light source, hanging in the sky, suddenly disappeared.

The darkness surged like a tide, and dense clouds suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blocking the silvery-white moonlight. The whole world seemed to be swallowed by something and plunged into complete darkness.

Fortunately, the red lightning took over the role of the moon in the next moment. The cobweb-like lightning lit up in the cloud, and the blood-colored light flashed and dimmed, accompanied by strong winds and showers, pouring into the city.

The boundless silence was also suddenly filled with countless voices, laughter, whispers, madness, anger, and whispers, all revolving around the ears of the three of them.

"It seems that now is not a good time to talk." Agrace stood in the rain, her hair wet by the rain stuck to her forehead, but her eyes were staring at the end of the street from a distance.

There, a few shadowy shadows were walking towards them.


Chapter eighty-five

Most of the shadows are in human form, but Xie Zhifei can confirm that they are not human, not only not human, but even among all the creatures and weirdness he has seen, they are definitely the most special kind.

Although it appears humanoid, the skin does not exist at all. Muscle and connective tissue are directly exposed to the air, showing an eerie deep purple and blue-blue color. The color is by no means the only weird point, the limbs are of uneven size, half-person-high thick arms and thin recurve lower limbs, etc., and the weird sarcomas and depressions in the whole body tissue seem to be randomly glued together.

And to prove this, it secretes a purple-red viscous substance all over its body, the texture is like glue. At the same time, a small black flame suddenly burst out from somewhere in the body. If weirdness is the malicious intentional manifestations of the world, what is now heading towards them is definitely the most distorted part of that maliciousness.

"God's sin." Agrace almost said the word through gritted teeth. Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger also shuddered uncontrollably. Although there have been speculations before, but when I know it is really this thing, the feeling of disgust still can't be erased.

As a kind of weirdness, the gods have not appeared in the Eastern Continent for a long time, because the concept of gods relative to it has disappeared in China for a long time. God is omniscient and omnipotent, the positive of absolute goodness. But Marx's theoretical philosophy tells us that things have two sides, and there is no absolute single event. The spiral of rising contradictions is the essence of the world.

Even God is no exception.

God's evil is the other half of the spiral corresponding to God. There are many ways and possibilities for the birth of God's evil, and some of them have obtained twisted, strange and terrifying marks from the pain of God's birth. Others are the product of the chaos and malice of the gods. Of course, these are just conjectures, after all, the existence of the gods themselves has not been confirmed. But gods do exist since ancient times.

Divine sins include countless types, and they are all unimaginable horrors for mortals. Cursed by heaven and hell, the gods have been sealed up for countless ages. But Avila has the spark of divinity. Therefore, unless destroyed, they are almost immortal. With the passage of time, sometimes the evil will be released by accident or break free from the cage on its own. The appearance of an evil spirit can cause panic in a country, a world, or even the entire world. Fortunately, most of the gods are firmly blocked by the stronger divine existence.

So this is an extremely rare, difficult and threatening weirdness, especially when two of Xie Zhifei's three people are almost trash.

"Shamash!" Agrace opened her hands, as if her spiritual body was detached. She wore a square crown on her head and had fire wings on her back. She was the incarnation of Shamash, the ancient Babylonian sun god, the **** of justice and justice. She escaped from behind and floated in the back half of the air.

"You can still use abilities?" Xie Zhifei asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, how could I survive the attack of the thorns. You two have no ability at all?" Agrace asked in surprise.

The gods came close, the number was three, and almost every gods were different, so Agrace had no way to judge whether she had a way to deal with it.

About 30 meters away, the gods finally revealed their essence. They were moving slowly and suddenly roared with unknown meaning, and one of them suddenly spread over. Although they themselves are representatives of chaos and distortion, there is only one thing that has the law of eternal marks - that is malice towards the living.

In fact, they don't need to eat, even sleep and breathing to make up for a little, but they still enjoy the act of killing the living and then devouring them. The extinction of existence itself is the goal of most gods. They feel the only satisfaction through the act of killing and devouring.

The first **** who jumped up looked very thin as a whole, but it had a huge claw. From the shape of the knuckles and the tapered and sharp nails, it could be seen that this claw definitely did not belong to human beings. What's more, when it swung it down from the sky, a layer of black flame ignited on it.

Don't say that being caught by that thing is most likely to be disemboweled, even if it is scratched, the curse and the corruption of chaos are definitely enough to drink a pot. But fortunately there is something waiting on its way to fall. A sharp sickle.

The sound of the symphony of gold and iron didn't last long. Although the skin of the gods was tough, it still couldn't resist the sharp sin sickle in the hands of Xia Matthews. The next moment, the huge claw that did not match the body flew out, and a huge wound up to tens of centimeters deep was opened on the chest. Blood of unknown composition was spilled from it.

The purple-black blood fell to the ground and burned a strange black flame, which did not mean to go out in the rainstorm, and something more disgusting was still behind. What rushes out from the broken face of the wound is not only blood, but also muscle, bone, and connective tissue. These things spurt out of the wound like toothpaste that has been squeezed hard. In just an instant, the size of the gods has expanded. More than double. The newly added part was even bigger than the original one, and those twisted limbs even took the initiative to grab a hand to attack Agrace, but she avoided her.

"Light the holy flame and use the rules to counteract the chaos on it, otherwise this thing is almost immortal!" At the moment when the three gods rushed over, Xie Zhifei picked up Ji Qinger who was on the ground and started to run away. The two of them will die if they are touched in their current state.

But even so, he still gave tips and help as much as possible. Although Agrace recognized the gods, she obviously did not have the experience of fighting with such curious things, at least she didn't react at the first time.

There are no kings, emperors, gods, and dragons in the name to be provoked, of course, except for the carp king, especially the gods. Information and materials that far exceed the size of the body are forcibly compressed in the body in the form of chaos. If the attack method is incorrect, it will open a release port for it, so that these chaotic information can be materialized in an instant, and this blowout situation occurs.

The real and reasonable attack method is to neutralize in order, and only by killing these monsters can they kill these monsters in a real sense. Agrace is not stupid, Xie Zhifei has reminded her, if she can't think of it, she is really stupid.

The next moment, the orange flames burned from the wings on Xia Mathieu's back to the sickle, and even the eyes on the silver-white metal face under Fangzheng's crown opened together. A solemn will awakened, and the three gods seemed to have seen their natural enemies. The breath first suffocated, and then the whole body was covered with black flames and roared.

A large part of the immortality of God's Sin comes from the divinity it possesses, which is very resistant to general power. But it is by no means unique to the evil of God. Even if Xia Matthews has fallen due to lack of belief, compared to divinity, he will never lose to the three trash fish in front of him.

In this kind of divine confrontation, its advantages will only be greater. An orange-red flame can often dissolve a purple-black flame five times its size. Black viscous liquid and toasted taste. Three hits or two hits, and you can't die any more. Since the next battle can be described with one sentence of chopping melons and vegetables, I will not narrate it any more.

In short, after Agrace finished solving the three evils, Xie Zhifei walked back with Ji Qinger, carefully holding the candlestick in his hand, and poked the corpses that had been chopped up by Agrace on the ground one by one to confirm that they were dead. Just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Has there been no problem with Xia Matthew's summoning?" Xie Zhifei squinted and glanced at the familiar Constructed Angel.

Although Agrace didn't know why he asked that, she nodded, "It's bound to my soul, so naturally there won't be any problems."

"Is it bound to the soul..." Xie Zhifei stretched out his hand and dragged his chin, clicking his tongue twice, not knowing what to say.

"What did you think of?"