Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 189

Po Jun nodded. "What are they arguing about?"

"Because old-school meteorologists believe that Italy is a European country, most of the region has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. According to the different topography and geographical locations of various parts of Italy, the southern peninsula and islands have a typical Mediterranean climate, and the Mactan Plain belongs to the subtropical climate. The transitional climate between the temperate zone has the characteristics of a continental climate, and the Alps have the characteristics of vertical mountain climate distribution, and the temperature is lower. No matter where it is, there is no possibility of typhoons.”

"But the new school has a different opinion, arguing that as the world warms and sea levels change, so should the calculation formula..."

"Stop and tell the result directly."

"They are now debating whether this hurricane was generated naturally or by man-made science or supernatural forces." Zeng Cheng switched seamlessly.

"Manufactured by science," Po Jun said, "Is there such a possibility?"

"Weather weapons have always been one of the research directions of various countries. Corresponding results have been achieved many years ago, including artificial rainfall. However, because it has not shown enough cost-effectiveness in weapons, the basic research plan has been stranded. But even so, it is still feasible to artificially create a hurricane with existing equipment. However, there is a gap between the difficulty of manufacturing and the destructive power."

"What was considered a super weapon in the game more than ten years ago now seems to be a backward thing with no cost-effectiveness?" Greedy Wolf smiled, "Why do I feel a little relieved to hear that humans still kill like this. "

"Find a way to investigate the origin of this hurricane as soon as possible. No matter how it came, I have to know the reason. Then consider a backup plan and deploy a second wave of commissioners."

"Yes." Zeng Cheng's heels slammed into another military salute. Then he said a little embarrassedly. "Sir, what will happen to the commissioners...?" He already knew from the report that the two commissioners in Sicily were real high school students, although they understood that they were much higher than him in the combat class, and one could fight a few times. Hundreds of his kind. But it did not affect his entanglement about sending the child to the battlefield.

Po Jun turned his head and saw what he was worried about from his face, then shook his head, "I don't know."

"But they will do their best, and so will we." He patted Zeng Cheng on the shoulder, "Go ahead and finish your work, that's the greatest help to them."

"Yes." Zeng Cheng saluted for the last time and turned around. His speed was much slower than before, but he was full of determination. His back seemed to be dragging on through thorns and mud, but he insisted on moving forward.


Chapter Ninety Big Action II

The connection with The Fool was cut off, and Xie Zhifei found out that it was already midnight when the communication with The Fool was cut off. After all, they only got up at about 11 o'clock in the dream in the car, and the fact that they were able to find out in such a short period of time was all thanks to the fact that the monster in the dream was too exciting.

According to the regulations, they need to report to the Fool about the investigation of the day every day and confirm their safety. However, the headquarters will not take the initiative to communicate with them. This rule is that when a certain commissioner is conducting a secret infiltration mission to avoid the pursuer, the communication call comes, and finally it becomes the experience brought by a violent breakthrough mission. .

Under normal circumstances, Xie Zhifei's first priority now is to find a way to figure out why the signal was blocked, and then restore contact with the headquarters as soon as possible. But the current situation is obviously beyond the situation.

"My God, you finally woke up. I couldn't take you away in the previous state." When Alfonso walked in from the garage, there was blood and ashes on his body, his shirt was unbuttoned, and his hair was wet. Obviously experienced a lot of physical labor.

He didn't even have time to explain to the two of them what was going on, and put a sticker on the front of the window. It is a black cross pattern, with two black short guns on the cross, which looks a bit like a rice character.

He skillfully turned the ignition on, and drove the car out of the garage. Seeing a car coming out of the garage, a few people immediately walked towards them, looked at them and saw the logo on Alfonso's car, then nodded to the car and dispersed, and continued to do their own thing.

This further strengthened Xie Zhifei's judgment that the riot was organized and arranged. "What happened?" he asked.

"It's hard to explain, let's go home first, the situation outside is too complicated." Alfonso shook his head, "If someone stops the car later, don't be too excited or too calm, you are ordinary students, you need to... um, Be afraid. They won't do it."

"Is this what the mafia did?"

"Well," Alfonso nodded, "yes, no, I don't know what to say." While speaking, the car drove to the intersection of the street. There were roadblocks at the entrance, but it was not a policeman with an explosion-proof shield. It's the tattooed mafia members who are maintaining order!

"Alfonso?" The little leader clearly recognized him, "You suddenly have such a big pair of sons and daughters?" Never form gangs, and when a person works alone, the other party does not respect him very much. Most of his head stuck out of the car window.

"For Chinese students who come to study abroad, I am their boarding parent." Alfonso smiled, "How is it, have you dealt with it?"

"There are still some stubborn people," the little leader spit on the ground when he heard his words, "It's been too long since I did things in the open, and this group of people has forgotten who it is because they can live and work in peace and contentment like this. life……"

"It's okay, after today they will think of the 'family', and the fear and kindness of the 'family' will be remembered in their minds together."

"You're right." The little leader nodded, agreeing with Alfonso's words, "You also hurry back, the children look very scared, you have to take good care of them, you are also the head of a family now. ." The little boss laughed and joked with Alfonso. Alfonso also responded twice.

After that, we drove all the way back to the house smoothly. From time to time, we could see a family or two houses that were smashed like before, and there were the same mafia members around to maintain the scene. The unrelated crowd watched from a distance, daring not to lean over. Accurate, controllable and purposeful. Moreover, Xie Zhifei felt a strange smell on several of them. He lowered his head and bowed his head, and his eyes flashed green wolf-like eyes when he saw the blood.

When the three returned home, Alfonso also put a similar sign on the door, and then turned off one of the lights on both sides of the door and left the other, like some kind of code. After doing all this, he closed the door and walked back into the house.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger had been waiting for a long time. Seeing this situation, he spread his hands first, "I'll say it first, I don't know much."

"Then tell us what you know first." Xie Zhifei nodded.

"It's a riot," Alfonso nodded. "It's mafia-led."

"Can you say something you can't see?" Ji Qing'er rolled her eyes.

"Immediately, immediately, although the mafia is dominant, it is not entirely contributed by the mafia. You don't see a policeman on the street, right? Neither do government officials. They are collectively silent, and there should be some tacit understanding." He reached out and picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the TV.

"A huge cyclone has appeared in the Mediterranean Sea. According to observations, it is slowly developing into a hurricane. However, according to the original scientific experience, it is impossible for a hurricane to appear on a terrain like the Mediterranean Sea. What is the reason for the appearance of this hurricane? , let's hear from the experts..."

He switched to several channels in a row, all of which were local channels in Sicily, but there was no mention of the riots. It's as if the world is continuing to function normally, peaceful, beautiful, and there is no difference in peacedays.

An invisible film descends, separating the world into two, one is the world that is actually happening outside the door, and the other is the perfect world that has been created. Xie Zhifei felt that he was standing at the junction of the two worlds. He could know what was happening on one side, but there was no way to understand what kind of changes it was taking. Powerlessness, the word may describe such a state.

"Who is this riot against?"

"I don't know, I said I don't know much more than you, and it happened just after you slept for a while. The road was blocked, and it was difficult for me to explain the situation to the two of you. I had to park the car first. Inside the garage, then go get the pass." Alfonso shook his head, "I'll go out and find out tomorrow morning."


"It's what I just pasted on the door and car, which means that we are members of the mafia. If it is ordinary people, they will get a cross that only shows their obedience to the mafia." Alfonso said. "I didn't know about this incident at all before, but when I went there, there were already many people in line to distribute it, and it seemed that they had been preparing for it for a long time."

"It must have been a long time to prepare." Xie Zhifei nodded, "Violence often leads to worship and imitation. Violence is a very simple thing, but controlling violence is indeed an extremely difficult thing. I want to control it to such a point. , requires a long period of logic, rigor, precision, accuracy and sufficient time.”

"It's like..." Xie Zhifei couldn't think of any words to describe it.

"A revolution." Ji Qinger received accurately. All three were silent. Yes, this is a revolution, the Mafia has once again confirmed its power in Sicily, it is the absolute boss, but the question is, if he is the boss. So who is he going to overthrow?


Chapter ninety-one big action three

"What are you trying to do?" The room Agrace was in was cramped and empty. There was no one in the room less than ten square meters except the chair she was in. But she still said to the empty place in front of her. She's in a very bad state now, or it's indescribable that she doesn't use it well. She was fixed on a chair, not tied with ordinary ropes, but tightly locked by a white straitjacket.

Tight clothes tightly wrapped every muscle in her body, her hands were crossed to the back of her neck and knotted, and more than a dozen rough leather belt buckles tied the chair behind her. The whole person is like being bound into a chrysalis, and it is difficult to even exert force except for a little understanding of the head. It is generally only used on severely violent psychopaths and high-risk prisoners.

Agrace is obviously neither of them. She is much stronger than them, but there is no way to stop her from coming out, so she was also injected with an excessive amount of neuromuscular blocking agent. By binding to N2 receptors and activating the receptors, the endplate membrane and adjacent muscle cell membranes are depolarized for a long time, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses, resulting in skeletal muscle relaxation.

To put it simply, although she is mentally awake now, she has no way to control her body. In some serial crimes, prisoners with a high degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder like to express their absolute control in this way to gain the thrill of power.

Agrace discovered that she was in such a state since she woke up. It was obvious that someone knew that she would fall asleep at that time and prepared for it early. Although there was nothing in the room, she definitely knew that someone was watching her, and it was definitely not a mascot for them to take so much time to catch her.

"I don't understand what you guys want to do. But if you think this way will allow me to cooperate, maybe it's too simple." Her tone was flat, showing the slightest despair at the current situation. For three seconds, she waited for three seconds without waiting for anyone to reply, and sighed slightly.

The golden brilliance floated from her eyes, constantly condensing, as if it would burn in the next moment. "It's useless." An old voice came from behind her, as if to answer his words. The walls and floor of the room even included the restraint clothes and cowhide buttons that wrapped her, light green and silver white. The sign appeared. Floating quietly in the air, faint ripples spread from the rune to the air. Then all energy fluctuations are suppressed.

The golden light resisted for a while, but it quickly faded away like a source of water and disappeared from Agrace's eyes. "Tang, it really is you!" Agrace's voice became two-tone higher.

"Of course it's us, Your Majesty, apart from us, no one else would dare to do anything to you." Tang naturally would not sit behind Agrace, and the only sound was the speaker next to the monitor in the corner. There are also 6 ear devices in the room, and they are really monitoring Agrace's state without any dead ends.

"The amount of drugs we injected to suppress mental sobriety is obviously larger, even an elephant should be asleep at this time, and you can still guarantee this level of sobriety. You are indeed worthy of being the Holy Spirit of the Vatican. Female."

"What are you trying to do?" Agrace asked, "Bechymos..., does it have anything to do with you?"

"Ha, after so many years, does someone in the Vatican finally want to know what we want to do?" Tang's voice contained two sarcasms and two surprises. "What does it have to do with you what we're trying to do? We're just watchdogs that you keep to hunt and kill the same kind, aren't we?"