Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 201

Chapter 111 Revolution VI

"Roar—" The werewolf let out a huge roar, and after the transformation, the body that was as high as 2.2 meters swelled in a circle. Even through the black fur, you could see the blood vessels entrenched in its muscles like snakes. He rushed forward sharply, his claws hit the ground, as if two bombs were thrown into the water, and huge splashes of water splashed. There are also fine and broken stones mixed in it, which are ejected in all directions like shrapnel.

However, a ghostly figure flashed away in the barrage like blue smoke, and the speed was so fast that when she passed by, the water on the ground was suddenly divided into two halves as if it was cut by a sharp blade. Then suddenly converge to fill the gap in the middle. At this time, she had already arrived in front of the roaring werewolf. The slender sword blade was pulled out from the green bamboo and passed through its hands under the terrified eyes of the werewolf. The blue sword energy was like cutting paper. The flakes generally cut open the fur and muscle of its steely steel.

At this time, a flash of lightning passed by, and the high-pressure blood in the werewolf exploded a three-meter-high blood flower in the air, and then fell to the ground.

"Stop posing, watch out for bullets!" Ji Qing'er succeeded in one strike and landed like a sword fairy, but Xie Zhifei's roar from the side directly destroyed such a mood. As if responding to his words, the sound of the short guns connected together, and the flames exploded in the rain curtain. Because of the sawing of the muzzle, the rifling is shortened, and the trajectory becomes extremely unstable. After only a few meters of exit, the bullet spreads into a barrage that can cover a person completely.

The result of the simultaneous activation of dozens of such short guns is that every area of ​​the opportunity within a range of tens of meters is ploughed by small projectiles. Ji Qinger rushed ahead, and Xie Zhifei also stuck his head out from behind the hidden stone pillar, stretched out his hand and grabbed her, before pulling her in before the barrage fell.

Things like sawing the muzzle short increase the lethality of the shotgun at short distances, and it also weakens its effective range. Basically, it is difficult to threaten units 20 meters away. It was impossible for Xie Zhifei and the others to hide the cement pillar with a thickness of 50 or less by this kind of thing.

So as soon as the gunshots fell, he stuck his head out suddenly and fired back. In his hand is a Cx4Storm carbine. This handsome looking gun lives up to its name as a storm. Compared with the mighty barrage salvo just now, Xie Zhifei actually shot a similar barrage suppression effect by himself.

The sea of ​​blood and stars in his eyes have risen. Under this condition, his vision can far exceed the limit that human physiology can achieve, and his dynamic strength and night vision ability are greatly enhanced. Coupled with his extremely fast body, he can lock more than ten units at the same time. Although it is a burst shot every time, the speed of tapping the trigger is too fast, and the sound even sounds like a full automatic connection. Shoot in general.

But it is just a semi-automatic rifle changed from a submachine gun, which greatly inherits the huge ammunition consumption of the original submachine gun. In less than ten seconds, Xie Zhifei poured out 16 rounds of bullets in the magazine, and achieved an amazing result of 12 hits.

But he understood that it didn't make much sense. The people surrounding them were not ordinary human beings, they were all the same as the one Ji Qinger killed just now, pure-blooded or half-blooded werewolves, shadow demons and even half-demons. class of things.

Bullets might be able to penetrate their defenses, leaving wounds on them. But it is impossible to kill them, because it is impossible for a pistol bullet of only 9mm caliber to pass through their bones. At the same time as the kinetic energy of the bullets is exhausted, their self-healing function can start to work, and the hemostasis is completed in an instant, and the new muscles will even squeeze out the bullets that enter the body in a short time.

Keys, including the heart and brain, are locked in by thick skulls and deformed bony-plate-like ribs. For example, if you use a storm to shoot at a distance, even with a Western Watch that can smash the skull of a bison with one shot, a shot at their heads may not be able to penetrate. What is really effective is a special sniper rifle or anti-material weapon with a steel core added for the purpose of penetrating body armor. Or simply deplete their healing power with a dummy bullet that can take away a piece of flesh on hit.

It's a pity that they don't have either of them. In fact, Xie Zhifei temporarily picked up this storm from the corpse on the ground, and he didn't even have a replacement magazine. When the bullets were exhausted, he threw the gun, took out a new AR70 from behind, loaded it and continued to suppress the fire.

Unlike the last little brother that was developed in the 21st century, this one has been tried and tested since the 1960s. It is more stable and more powerful, and it completely pushes back the mafia who are probing their brains at the door.

How did things turn out like this? Xie Zhifei quickly locked the target with his eyes and pulled the trigger while thinking.

After coming out of the dream world, under the guidance of all the enemies wanting us to do, we have to do the opposite, and the two started to take to the streets to wait for the opportunity. The initial plan went quite smoothly. The two wandered the streets and alleys, watching Tang's men dispatch in groups of two or three.

Search the entire city and the entire island, clear every intrusion point, and remove the first wave of gods and sins that entered the surface world due to overlapping and interacting worlds. The two assessed the strength of both sides while watching the battle between gods and aliens.

Tang's preparations are very good. Each group of rogues and hunters are extremely skilled, and the melee and long-range combat is reasonable, and the weapons in his hands are also full of pertinence and a sense of the times. To know a weapon that can cause sufficient damage to a pure chaotic creature like God's Sin, what you need is the order attribute. And this kind of thing is a concept that is more difficult to obtain than the blessing of the Holy Light. God knows how Tang collected so much.

Originally, the two also considered whether to eliminate the two hunter squads during the battle, let one or two gods escape, and cause some disturbances to disrupt Tang's plan. After struggling for a while, he still decided to give up this method. Although the mafia led by Tang was a group of completely crazy aliens and thugs, compared with them, the madness of the gods was even more serious. What kind of killing and pollution a god's evil can cause in the crowd, the two simply can't imagine.

Although they did not sell it, the problem still occurred. During the transfer, the two were captured by a team of hunters. The remote in their team was a shadow demon who had been hiding in the shadows. It didn't appear in the battle at all, so the two mistakenly regarded the three-person team as a two-person team, and then exposed their bodies.

What surprised them even more was that almost at the same time as the appearance of the two of them was exposed, the hunting team attacked them. Without hesitation, the degree of violence is especially above the attack on the gods, as if they are also the target of being hunted...


Chapter 112 Revolution 8

Xie Zhifei deliberately slowed down the frequency of his shooting, and the AR70 in his hand was the only long-range firepower he had left. After all, in this operation, he and Ji Qinger were positioned closer to agents and assassins. How could assassins or agents be equipped with weapons capable of suppressing an army?

Well, there seems to be a group of hooded assassins named assassins who are actually berserkers who often do this. Unfortunately, Xie Zhifei is not one of their members. In short, Xie Zhifei and their own firepower is not very enough. I plan to explore the information again, but I didn't even bring out the weapons equipped by the organization.

The AR70 and Storm in their hands were both captured just now. This battle has been played so far that they have played the anti-Japanese guerrilla war. Now it's not a big problem to just start humming, "There are no guns and no cannons, and the enemy made them for us." If the opponent can cooperate with one shot to kill one, it will be better.

It's a pity that Xie Zhifei was able to hit the gun, but it was difficult to cause effective killing. After the AR70 was out of bullets, he was left with only two short guns. This thing is even less lethal to aliens, so he has to lower the firepower, put a few in, and it will be better if he can capture a little more.

The mafia also obviously felt the weakness of Xie Zhifei's firepower, and the few people who had been pressed at the door and couldn't raise their heads finally started to shoot back. Xie Zhifei fired two more symbolic shots, and then the whole person retracted behind the pillar.

Sure enough, the next moment, three vigorous figures came in along the corner of the wall, and their footsteps were unbelievably light. Although cats are the masters of sneaking, canines also have the same type of pads. The gap is not that huge.

But Xie Zhifei didn't plan to rely on his voice to judge the opponent's actions, he bet on the opponent's psychology. After silently counting to three, he turned around with a gun, but as soon as he stuck his head out, he cursed.

"Damn it!" He didn't even have the idea of ​​shooting. The three he touched were completely different from the one Ji Qinger dealt with just now. Probably they already knew it, even in the state of transformation. It is impossible to solve the two goals in front of you only by relying on the ability to fight.

If it was a thousand years ago, a werewolf admitted that he could not beat a human, and the glory of the entire race would be lost to it, and it and the nine races of that human would have to be wiped out three times. But now, a thousand years later, even the leader of the werewolf gate is an existence who advocates the light of science to change the world. Then they don't have any resistance.

Xie Zhifei stuck his head out, and what he saw were three magic-modified RPG7 rockets facing him! This is not the time of World War II, when soldiers shot two tanks at close range for psychological comfort.

At the end of the 1950s, this thing was able to blast the M60 main battle tank with frontal armor of 170 mm. After so many years of development, the advancement of gunpowder and craftsmanship has made it even more powerful. Coupled with the insane physical quality of werewolves, they can carry weapons that humans cannot use. Simply put, they can hold more explosives and have a heavier gun body. The recoil force is completely offset by their own quality. What expanded in Xie Zhifei's line of sight were the three rockets that swelled the most and even exceeded the mouth of the bowl.

This is equivalent not to mention the pillar they are hiding in, that is, the whole building has to collapse here!

A clear chirping sounded beside him, and Ji Qinger's rapier was unsheathed. She didn't even have time to carefully control her sword qi, the blue sword qi spread out in an instant, and spread out like a wall toward the three-shaped rockets.

The huge orange-red fire group exploded less than 20 meters away from the two of them, and the huge energy mixed explosion exploded at Xie Zhifei's calf, and two deep pits exploded on the cement floor. With this huge thrust, He grabbed Ji Qinger and stormed back.

However, the secondary impact of air expansion caused by the explosion of high-yield high explosives chased faster. Xie Zhifei, who was retreating, seemed to be hit by an air wall and flew away at a faster speed. It hit the wall hard.

From the short guns at the beginning to the later submachine guns and rifles, and even now heavy fire weapons such as RPGs. Xie Zhifei was completely clear that the mafia outside the door had no awareness of communicating and negotiating with them. They are here to destroy their army.


Chapter 113 Revolution 8

"The target left the first floor, and we started to search for the second floor." The report came from the black walkie-talkie. This was the voice of the captain of the team of elite hunters who had just entered. Sicilian hawkers like to call the safari the **** of death.

Because as long as these people wearing black or brown woolen coats and short guns swelled around their waists appear, those who dare to rebel against the Mafia or disturb the law and order of Sicily will evaporate. According to legends, they have gone to many places, such as mining in South Africa, or sinking into the sea after being sold for their organs, and there are also many vassals who have been transformed into the new "Death God".

Ordinary people can't imagine that these hunters known as death gods are just ordinary teams under Tang's hands, and they simply mix the different types into everything. And the results after a little training.

With the advantages of talent and race, they do have a crushing advantage over ordinary humans. But among the aliens, there will be real powerhouses. The most elite part of the safari will be drawn out and undergo rigorous training, and the result of this training is the team of twelve who just entered. Hunter Squad.

They are the sharpest knives in Tang's hands, because what they have to deal with is never those vulnerable ordinary people, but wanderers and aliens. Heterogeneous nature still exists, and may runaway at any time because of bloodthirsty nature. The task of dealing with these runaway monsters falls to the hunters.

It is precisely by relying on the sword of Damocles hanging from the necks of all the monsters, Tang was able to control the number of monsters in Sicily exceeding the standard for hundreds of years.

"That's a genius from the Fool, and a big figure on the same level as the Saintess of the Vatican. You should pay attention." Willie picked up the walkie-talkie and said to him, his mouth filled with a mocking smile. No matter how geniuses are only a few children, not to mention that even the saintess of the Vatican have already fallen into their hands?

"Received." The hunter's captain obviously did not accept his humor, after all, he was a guy more stubborn than a stone. But Willy is not worried about their strength at all. After all, he has seen the hunter in action with his own eyes, some of them are tasks issued by the Vatican, and some are ordered by Tang.

But without exception, those mighty monsters all died under their hands. Can a human genius be more terrifying than a monster in the dark?

After entering the second floor, the twelve-person team was divided into four teams of three, covering each other and advancing. They carry a full set of tactical goggles and protective clothing, but no firearms. In short-range encounters, the short blades in their hands are more lethal than firearms. Not to mention they have their own claws and fangs.

The distribution of shops in each commercial building is different. In this one where Xie Zhifei hid, the second floor is the entertainment area. There are cinemas and children's entertainment castles and game centers. Compared with the various open jewelry and For clothing stores, the terrain is much more complicated.

This is also the reason why Xie Zhifei chose the second battlefield here. It is impossible to be forced into the commercial building here. Since there is no way to avoid a frontal conflict, it is natural to choose the most favorable place for the battlefield.

The conditions for victory in battle are nothing more than favorable time and place, and the so-called classic battle of the weak defeating the strong is only partially creating the favorable time and place for the weaker side to surpass the stronger side. Xie Zhifei's advantage lies in their personal strength.

Both he and Ji Qinger's instant bursts and mobility were extremely good. They were beaten before because they wanted to make a frontal breakthrough. One hit ten and one hundred are completely different concepts, which is why a powerful martial arts master can play a limited role on the battlefield. Because subtle moves are of little use, when a group of people swarms up, even if they can hit a few of them, they will inevitably be injured or even seriously injured.


Chapter 114 Revolution IX

Ji Qinger's sword qi came without warning, it was as if Xie Zhifei was still there, and it spewed out of her hands almost as soon as Xie Zhifei fell. It makes people wonder if she is ready to eliminate him here too.

But Xie Zhifei did not deviate from the one-touch fighting method with water, and finally achieved the dance on the tip of the knife. The hunters outside the door were not defenseless, but in their perception, Ji Qinger was always the only one in the screening room. Even if the opponent rebounded, it should be after the intruding companion made a move, but the strange muffled sound really came from the door.

This was enough to confuse them, and before they could figure out what was going on, the savage python-like sword energy smashed through the door of the screening hall and rolled out.