Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 21

"Put your sword around the bottle, and the song will go out at the end

The west wind is full of snow, where to repay people's kindness

It is common to die bravely, and it is not enough to be light

Turning over the easy water, the fine pieces move away from the soul" There is an old tune faintly spread out.


Chapter 38 Undercurrent

When Xie Zhifei woke up, it was already night, the night was dark, and the whole room seemed to sink into the darkness, but he was surprised to find that he could basically see everything, and then he realized that the description was wrong. To be precise, he still doesn't have darkvision, but the world is giving him feedback. Tables, chairs, doors and windows, the floor are telling him I'm here, so he knows it's there.

This is a very mysterious feeling. He doesn't know what it has to do with the scenes he just saw. In fact, he can't even understand the things he just saw. That azure planet, countless lives, and himself... He can only seal these things in his memory, which is the most precious gift.

The world is like an endless river, and countless people are trapped in the river and flow down. All they can observe is a little bit of hydrology around their bodies, and the momentum that surrounds them is called destiny. Most people will never be able to break free from destiny, and can only flow down the water.

But occasionally there will be one or two fish with rebellious spirits who are unwilling. They go against the current, they jump, they see higher places, and then they try their best to see the world clearly. Xie Zhifei has been bound by fate for the past 16 years, but today he jumped out of the water once, caught the splash of a big fish that once jumped over the Dragon Gate, and saw the whole world for the first time. For the first time, he discovered the appearance of his destiny.

No one knew what that meant, including himself. But on this day, Xie Zhifei, who has been lagging behind others for 15 years in this world, has a platform that is no less than anyone else, from the world seen by two people who once jumped to the top.

Although he still didn't know how big this gift was, the aura surging in his chest still made him understand that Mr. finally left him a big gift. Xie Zhifei stood up, facing the silent room, facing the position where Mr. always sat, and bowed deeply to the end.

Leaving this room, Xie Zhifei took out his mobile phone and realized that he had been here for 21 days. Three weeks had passed by like a white horse. Every day he was struggling to the limit, making this time go by so quickly. , but he knew that these 21 days would be the greatest wealth of his life.

The most nostalgic times are often the hardest, just like all those who enter the university will unconsciously miss their high school life, those hardest times are so beautiful because they have survived.

There were no new tasks on the phone, Xie Zhifei walked back to the building alone. The stars behind him were shining, and the stars in the sky were ups and downs in the night, as if giving blessings to this young back.

He got up from the familiar bed and rubbed his messy hair. Although he didn't show it, in fact Xie Zhifei had a bed fetish. Although sleeping in an unfamiliar bed will not cause him to fall asleep, only in his own bed will he sleep with the hair on the top of his head like a chicken coop.

When taking a shower, he raised his head, looked at the pale face in the mirror, and stared at the depths of his dark eyes. Xie Zhifei rarely looked at people for a long time, because there was a surging blood in his eyes, and if he looked at each other for a long time, he would see the surging sea of ​​blood, and the violent sea of ​​blood would send out an instinctive attack, that kind of feeling. Like being stung by a scorpion. Xie Zhifei didn't know the reason for this, but thought it was a side effect of his own abilities.

But recalling the first sentence that the ancestor saw him that day, the word second generation began to echo in his mind, and no one told him what the second generation was. But he could also occasionally detect that they had something to hide from their conversations with Liuhuan. He didn't intend to go deep into it. This is the habit of fools. If you hide something from you, it must be because your power and authority can reach the level of controlling this secret.

But today, he didn't see the sea of ​​blood in the mirror. In the depths of his black eyes, there were only dots of light floating up and down, like stars rising from the ocean. ' It makes me think of such a verse.

Xie Zhifei was surprised for a few seconds, lowered his head, took a handful of water from the sink and slapped it on his face. Put on the blue and white sportswear, pick up the schoolbag hanging on the hook, and prepare to go to school after a long absence.

"Xie Zhifei, why didn't you come to school for so many days before!" Sure enough, when he walked into the classroom door, the first thing that greeted him was the roar of the monitor. Xie Zhifei instinctively took a step back.

"When I went to Tianda University, there are some parents' research and inheritance in the laboratory that I need to inherit." Xie Zhifei said with his head lowered. Because I knew this was going to happen early on, I had already thought of a countermeasure.

As he expected, Shi Yuqing's expression softened once he mentioned his parents. "Have your uncle and aunt's things been brought back?"

"Yeah." Xie Zhifei hummed in a low voice, then walked to his seat. Too much to say. He didn't want to get tangled up in it and be seen by Shi Yuqing. The latter also properly understood that he was in a low mood and did not investigate further.

Anyway, the first hurdle is over. The Fool had already negotiated with the school, and the teachers didn't show much when they saw him coming back. He just nodded and asked if he had studied hard during the time he was not at school. Even after 21 days away, the school has not changed at all. The teacher is tirelessly teaching knowledge on the podium. The rustling of strokes across the notebook filled the classroom, Xie Zhifei held his chin and stared at the cloud outside the window in a daze.

Unlike the turbulent waves he experienced in the 21 days, the world seems to never have any big waves, and everything is as pale as the sky outside. If I really want to tell the difference, it is because the time has entered the early summer, and the cicadas can be vaguely heard. This life is not bad. Xie Zhifei couldn't help thinking.

After school, only Xie Zhifei, who needed tutoring, and the monitor who was assigned to tutor him were left in the classroom. All the chairs were turned upside down due to cleaning and piled up on the table around the two people sitting in the middle. like a fortress.

The girl earnestly pointed to the formula in the book and explained the principles and logic bit by bit. Then, of course, the girl became unhappy, and was knocked on the head by the rolled up book. The setting sun outside the window is like blood, and the warm light inside the classroom seems to be buried deep in gold dust.

"Speaking of which, Qing'er didn't come to class today." After knocking Xie Zhifei's head, Shi Yuqing lived like this. "The teacher said that the body is not feeling well, and I don't know if it is serious or not."

Xie Zhifei found out earlier than her that the girl with the long ponytail was not there. In fact, after returning to The Fool yesterday, none of his blade members saw it. But because it was late at night and he might have his own tasks, he didn't care too much.

"It shouldn't be a big problem, she always looks good." Xie Zhifei replied.

"You! It's because everyone thinks this way, that you will get sick if you don't pay attention to your own body. No matter how healthy a person is, they may get a serious illness that cannot be cured if they are not careful!"

"It sounds like you're cursing her."

"Bah! Bah! Qing'er must have had a stomach upset, or a little cold!" Shi Yuqing also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly changed her words. "So let's go visit!"

Here again, Xie Zhifei stretched out his hand to put his head against his head, and the leader of the squad thought of the extraordinary power of action. "We don't know where her house is, right?"

"Yeah..." Only then did Shi Yuqing realize the problem. "Obviously she's the best friend, but she doesn't even know her family. My friend is really incompetent."

"No, I think she deliberately didn't tell you..."

"What did you say?" Shi Yuqing didn't hear Xie Zhifei's deliberately suppressed voice.

"Ah nothing." Xie Zhifei turned his face to cover. "I said it's getting late, we should go home!"

"You just don't want to learn!" Shi Yuqing looked at the book in front of her, and just reached half of the planned plan, "This way, the debt will only increase."

"Hmmmm, I know, but Mr. Monitor, it's really getting late, the sun is about to set, isn't it? Tomorrow I'll learn to make up for what fell today!"

"Okay." Shi Yuqing also turned to look at the remaining sun. said reluctantly. Start to pack up your bag.

Xie Zhifei looked down at his cell phone and there was still no text message. Even Ji Qing'er was so busy that she didn't have time to come to class, but she still didn't receive assignments? Then he started to pack up his bags.


Chapter 39 Encounter

Because of the problem of tutoring, in fact, there are not many people on the way after school. And the schools built on the outskirts of the city make it a little farther away and there will be no other people except for the small circle of business and economic groups pulled by the students at the school gate. In fact, in ancient China, this was not the case. The most famous schools in the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties were actually in the downtown area. The Taixue in the Han Dynasty was in Luoyang facing the Tianshui Alley in Luoyang. It is the Suzhou-Hangzhou painting boat company, and the Ming Dynasty Guozijian stands against the Qinhuai River.

Students' desire to create literature breeds with the desire to create human beings. The contemporary is obviously not inherited, all schools are built in the suburbs, but due to the speed of urban expansion, the older the school is located, the closer to the city center. The location of Tsinghua University and Peking University will be in the Second Ring Road.

"Really, what are you doing in a daze?" Shi Yuqing complained to Xie Zhifei, obviously she was talking to him, but Xie Zhifei was wandering in the sky. It was a rare time when the two of them went home together, but this guy was in a daze like a piece of wood. The unreasonable anger made Shi Yuqing pouted.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Xie Zhifei also noticed that he was distracted just now, "I thought of something interesting." Then he told Shi Yuqing about the location of the school that he had just thought of, and it turned out to be a little girl. The laughter didn't stop.

"Where did you know about these nasty things!"

"My dad told me"

"It's strange, Uncle Xie doesn't know how to study such a thing."

As soon as the girl finished her jealousy, Xie Zhifei suddenly stepped forward and stopped in front of him. Shi Yuqing originally thought that he accidentally mentioned Xie Zhifei's parents to make him unhappy, and then realized that it was wrong. Xie Zhifei's actions were obviously meant to protect himself. Then she looked around nervously and heard a round of applause.

With the loud applause, one young man appeared one after another in the nearby alley. "I don't believe it after hearing what Su Zi said, but boy, you are indeed quite vigilant." The man with the head has an inch head, wearing a black toad mirror, a tight-fitting small suit and trousers, with a gold chain dangling around his neck.

Although Xie Zhifei was surrounded by him from the beginning, he knew that the other party had bad intentions, but this way of appearing and that pair of appearances made people not even have the strength to complain. It's like trying to stick the word "little gangster" on his face. As for the reason why they surrounded him, He Liangji was the only underworld he had been in contact with recently. But it stands to reason that he should not have any courage to trouble himself.

"He Liangji's person?" Although Xie Zhifei didn't understand, he still frowned and asked.

"He Liangji?" The little gangster headed was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud, "Yo, you know Rat Master, it seems that you are really in this way! And you still have some qualifications, but unfortunately the name of Rat Master can't keep you. , he can't even keep himself! Change your name and see if you can keep me from doing it today?"

The words of the black sunglasses made Xie Zhifei froze in place, what happened to He Liangji? A strong and strange feeling appeared in his heart, which was a premonition of danger. People always have this kind of intuition without a reason, just like when someone is staring at someone for no reason, they will feel that there is someone behind them, and then turn around to confirm, but in fact, science can't explain the fact that people can feel the line of sight.

And what Xie Zhifei is feeling now is similar to this feeling, but it is more profound, there is a feeling of opening a pair of eyes and staring at your vital point in the dark. "Go." Xie Zhifei said to Shi Yuqing behind him.

", I'm not leaving!" When Yuqing heard Xie Zhifei's words, she glanced at the twenty or so strong gangsters around her, and then glanced at the pale Xie Zhifei in front of her. replied.

"Yo, I want this little girl to leave safely. I didn't expect you to be so masculine. But it's not your decision, I'll use people's money to do things for people. This little girl's affairs are not my responsibility. Within the scope, but it is easy to clean up together, and it is also right to sell personal favors, our brothers may be able to try early adopters. But we are honest businessmen, how to do it depends on how the uncle who gives the money chooses. "