Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 213

"Physical protection, soul barrier, divine power infusion, hypnosis, almost all the control methods on the technology side and the mysterious side have been exhausted, and the erosion still cannot be prevented! Controlled experiments are the most basic test requirements to eliminate the possibility. Do you think that in countless We still can't get results after the test?"

"I got it, there is no erosion, no infection, no brain modification, and no corruption of the soul. All the second-generations who are on the weird side make judgments under their own will.

Humans are wrong, weirdness is right! We have this possibility. "

Shocked by his roaring aura, the black and white Xie Zhifei said nothing with a shocked expression, his lips trembling, "Then you..."

"So what!" Xie Zhifei pushed back without hesitation, "So what if it's wrong!"

"Now that I know that human beings are wrong, then I will understand this matter. From the slave age to the present, I know how many mistakes human beings have made, but even on this basis, we Develop. Constant revision, constant correction, we explore the world and find the truth.”

"But your existence itself..." The black and white shadow has something to say.

"You have no way to prove that it is impossible for humans to integrate into the correct world." Xie Zhifei shook his head with a smile.

"You think a world without humans would have a better outcome, and you justify it, but is it possible for humans to change to develop the same world?"

"It's impossible, it doesn't fit the world!"

"We will find the right path, even if we keep looking for it..."

"You know, such a path doesn't exist."

"All I know is that we're not on the right path right now."

The pure black world and the black and white Xie Zhifei collapsed at the same time, as if a jade mountain collapsed, and thousands of silver lights washed over the sky like a tsunami, burying Xie Zhifei below. Before it was completely submerged, he saw a glimpse of the collapsed world. Behind the existence, twelve straight pillars like crystals, one of which is deep blue, as if a flame is burning.

Behind the sound of countless fragments rushing, Black and White is still roaring, "You can't fool me, you can't fool yourself, even if you accept the mistakes of mankind, you will not find the right, you will come back, wait until you can't do anything else. When you deceive yourself, you will take the remaining step, because you can't take back the steps you have taken, you already know the truth of the world! I will wait for you, I will wait for you..."

Xie Zhifei opened his eyes, he clearly opened his eyes, but the eyes with blue flames burning in their sockets opened again. Just like what he told Ji Qinger, he just left for a while and came back from that strange world.

With the identity and power of a monster capable of roaring at the world.

He suddenly spread out his hand, and the pea-sized rain fell on his palm, smashing into a pool of transparent flowers. Thick black clouds cover the sky, beneath one's feet is a mixture of deep sea water and rain, and in front of them are two roaring fantasy species, the monster known as the final judgment and the battle of the last frontier of mankind. It's not a good place, there's nothing memorable about it.

But he felt that it was so beautiful, there was no mysterious right and wrong and right and wrong judgments, there was no monster telling the truth of the world and tempting people to come forward. The enemy is real and real, and what needs to be done is simple and simple.

Shen Qing didn't know when it appeared in his hand, and the blade was no longer violent like a dragon like when Behemoth first appeared. Quiet and stable, only a slight light rippling like water waves on the blade.

The blue flame burned from his palm, spread to the sword, and then walked forward. Footprints were left on the water, one after another, also burning with blue flames. He walked faster and faster, running straight towards the giant beast. The flames flowing on the dark blue became more and more violent, and the flames condensed into a more illusory sword body. It is said that the sword has been doubled in length, and the length of the blade is close to 3 meters, like a weapon made by a giant. Destroy that equally huge monster.

Of course, the giant ape noticed the little bug that was almost killed by it, but the little bug suddenly had an aura that made it palpitate, but after Xie Zhifei rushed towards them, they still issued a high-pitched voice. roar.

The death energy and lightning that could resist Agrace's holy flame spilled out, trying to destroy the bug on the road, but these things disappeared before they came into contact with Xie Zhifei, as if they hit a layer of meat grinder. Cut, crushed, and dissipated. Some kind of invisible realm surrounded Xie Zhifeishi, blocking these attacks that could endanger his life one by one.

He jumped up suddenly, pulled the giant sword in his hand, and left a line of fire in the air, like a backfire rising to the sky. Then he swiped his sword, such a huge weapon swung out and left a sea of ​​azure fire in the air, as if he swung out a sea of ​​tidal waves.

The invisible realm spread, and a violent explosion occurred at the moment of the collision with the giant beast. The tide formed a water curtain more than ten meters high, and the water curtain shattered into white droplets at the moment when it rose to the highest point.

No matter how the two defended, the tidal wave of sword light finally broke through the death energy and the thunder prison one by one, touching the chests of the two giant beasts. Leaving scarred marks.


Chapter 139 Second round

"Xie... Zhifei?" Ji Qinger used interrogative sentences, and Ji Qinger used interrogative sentences, because she was not quite sure whether the boy who jumped up and landed on the water was not her boy.

Except for the blue flames burning in his eyes, everything else is clearly the same, but the feeling that he is already another person is so strong. This feeling is even difficult to explain with science, just like occasionally feeling that someone is watching you behind your back when you are walking on the road. Or suddenly feel that the phone is going to ring, and when you turn your head to look at it, it really rings.

It is said in the book that leaving with great fanfare is actually a temptation. The real departure is without farewell. It is just a sunny afternoon, wrapped in a coat that is most often worn out, and never came back. .

Similarly, this kind of person who has made a decision will have such a smell on his body. After a certain goodbye and good night, the person who receives it will understand that this person is no longer his own.

The young man stood up against the headwind, his thin back was straight, the long sword in his hand was half on the water and half in the water, all of which were burning quietly, his black hair was dancing wildly, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. , a faint but cold and sharp smile. Ji Qinger wanted to stretch out her hand, but found that she couldn't. Her whole body was shaking violently, as if she really stretched out her hand, the picture in front of her would be shattered like a mirror.

The two giant beasts fell backwards, and Gu Ao's strict voice echoed in the entire street. Countless shredded voices formed together, and every inch of the air was their chorus. It was a language from the ancient prehistoric times, which had not even been discovered by humans.

But Ji Qinger was surprised to find that she understood what it meant, "Destruction, destruction." The black pattern stretched out in the air like a tangle of branches, but the edge was a strange red, like it was swallowed up during a solar eclipse. The sun, in the middle is a deep black, but it can't help rushing out from the edge. People always underestimate the sun with only a marginal circle left, and look up at such a strange scene.

But even if there was only a margin left, it was still the sun, undiminished in its lethality, and the dazzling light would burn their corneas and cause the entire eye to swell.

The entire street was illuminated by the dark red lace, the moist air was dried at high temperature, and the restless fluctuations reverberated in the air, intensifying the epic that seemed to be sung by thousands of people.

There was no blood spurting out of the more than half-meter-deep wound that Xie Zhifei cut. It wasn't that the flaming long sword burned the wound while cutting it, but that it stretched out from the wound, and a sliver of something was emitting. bud. It was the same blue flame as Xie Zhifei's eyes, they didn't radiate any heat to the air, and the high temperature of thousands of degrees all converged inside. It is only released instantaneously when it comes into contact with matter.

The sprouting flames grew extremely fast, multiplying almost geometrically, and spewed out of the wound the next moment. The two giant beasts didn't even have time to let out a painful cry, and the light in their eyes dimmed first, as if their souls were more burned out by the flames than their bodies. The flames licked every inch of the beast's flesh and blood in an almost greedy way, burning it out from the middle, leaving only a gray-white shell.

After burning the giant beast, the flames are obviously not satisfied. They seem to have their own life, sticking to the remaining bones of the giant beast, deeply digging into the depths of the bone marrow, and disappearing completely. there.

Then the next moment, all the fantasy species let out an astonishing scream, and the long, narrow wounds spread out from their chests, just as Xie Zhifei swung his sword on those two bodies. Then the blue flames drilled out from the inside.

They actually crossed the space and chased after them. They had to burn up everything related to the two giant beasts before they gave up!

The same flame even spread to Behemoth, but compared to the length of nearly 200 meters, the wound was not enough to see. At the same time as the flames were injured, it lowered its head, and its two huge eyes shone with a dazzling light. Scarlet, as if the brilliance of flowing blood spread out from the wound, offset with the blue flame, and then wiped it out.

"Roar—" The enraged Behemoth lowered his head and let out an astonishing roar at Xie Zhifei. The invisible sound wave bombarded the ground, easily destroying the burnt-out gray-white remains of the two giant beasts, pressing Xie Zhifei into the underwater.

He took a step forward abruptly, and actually raised his head and roared into the sky. The two were extremely unequal in shape. Xie Zhifei should have roared his throat and couldn't help Behemoth. But at the same time as he roared, the invisible realm of him also widened. Almost arrogantly, he pushed back the pressing force inch by inch.

Behemoth stared at Xie Zhifei on the ground, the bright yellow pupils in his pupils seemed to be split, and the slender patterns cut them into countless mysterious patterns. pressed down. Heavy like a mountain.

The surface of the water couldn't bear such pressure either, and when the lower limit started, Xie Zhifei's whole body was making a crisp crackling sound, which was the sound of tiny bones being broken under pressure. The power of Ben Lang once again blessed his body, bones and muscle cells were tempered by the blue flame, otherwise, he would have crushed it into minced meat just by looking at it.

But even so, he couldn't maintain his standing posture. Like a bent tree, he slowly stooped down and reached down with one hand as if trying to get up from the ground, but Even so, his body was inevitably bent a little bit. The next moment, the knee will hit the ground.

"Boom--" Just before Xie Zhifei was about to lose his support, the pressure disappeared with a loud bang, and the fist that broke the sound barrier slammed into its face with an umbrella-like impact. Hit his whole head in one direction.

"Why did you forget us? Monster!!" He was covered in tiny wounds, and one hand was a strange purple-red color, but the expression on his face remained unchanged until the end. strength is even increasing.

Behemoth turned his head, and a huge fireball spewed out of his mouth, chasing after the broken army. Then the big fireball containing the ore core smashed into the silver iron wall. The armor on Augustine's body looked tattered, with torn and pierced wounds everywhere, and the blood glued the beard into a large piece, and even the iron wall in mid-air seemed a lot more illusory, as if it would disappear at any time. But in fact, so far, Behemoth's attack has not fallen once.

"The second round is on, beast."


Chapter 140 Watch

The moment the pressure disappeared due to the breaking army attack, he jumped up abruptly, his body was still bleeding, and the highly enhanced resilience could not repair broken bones and wounds under heavy pressure in such a short period of time. offal.

But he didn't wait even a second to launch the attack again. The fact that he was suppressed by a gaze completely ignited Xie Zhifei's beast nature, and the violent desire to destroy overwhelmed all reason. Only humans will fight while considering the gains and losses. For wild creatures, the wound should be licked slowly after the battle is over. If the enemy cannot be bitten off its neck when it is weak, the next moment will be bitten by the neck. Opportunity is yourself.

He first squatted on the ground and took a deep breath. The wounds on his body that were grinning like a child's mouth instantly closed into a thin line. His muscles rose and fell like water, and then solidified, like flowing molten iron becoming hard. sculpture. Time stagnated for a moment, and then suddenly flowed, and the next moment, the leg joints erupted with amazing force, and the whole person rose into the sky.

The strong flames broke through the clothes behind him, and the pure blue turmoil rolled around him, turning into endless wings. In the air, he flapped his wings again and made a loud bang.

Also flowing is the flame on the long sword in his hand. The dark blue blade is used to kill people. It is too small and shallow for a monster seven or eight meters high, so the blue flame extends it to two meters. Above, even in the face of fantasy species, they can cut through their flesh and bones together to reach their confidants.

But even such a sword light was still too short for Behemoth in the sky, it was a mountain range and a giant beast over two hundred meters. In the story, its opponent should be a giant of light from a distant heart. Their battle will shatter the mountains and turn the ocean. The small existence of the human army can only beat drums and evacuate the panicked crowd.

Therefore, the flame on the long sword in Xie Zhifei’s hand flowed again. The blue flame emitted a scorching light, and it continued to expand and form. It was like the molten steel in the blast furnace was automatically quenched and rose, and finally turned into a huge weapon. .