Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 221

"Those with a bigger head will have more ground off, and those with a small head will have less ground. It seems that they have a standard to grind their heads to the same size."

"And they... probably grinded it by themselves..." Qin Gang hesitated again and again, and finally made the most astonishing judgment. "We have not found any traces of large-scale entry of outsiders in the village. Together with this place, basically all traces are caused by the people in the village themselves."

"What do you mean to tell me, this group of people, one by one, lined up to grind their heads open, and then went back and killed a hearty one here, and then lined up to put their bodies in a This look!!" With so many messy things pressed together, Lin Bo finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared loudly, the spittle stars flew to Qin Gang's face.

"Qin Gang! Do you **** know that if I really say what you just said, the epaulettes on your shoulders will be removed and you will be sent to a mental hospital!!! It's you. I'm crazy, or you think I'm crazy!!"

"This... This is based on the facts at the scene..." Qin Gang also knew that his judgment was untenable, his voice was low and low, his head was buried again and again, and he almost pressed his body into the soil.

"Fuck the scene to judge! This is murder, murder! It can only be murder and murder! It's the 21st century, we are the police! There are no terror kings, no ghosts, cults, and large criminal organizations. It's okay, anyway, you have to find me the murderer! If you commit suicide or come out with a charm, I will go to your hometown to fight your mother today!!"

"Clap clap clap-" Just after he finished speaking, a loud slap sounded, not only Limbo, but all the police officers turned their heads together, wanting to see which one of them dared to exist this time. feel. Then I saw two young men and women in pure black suits standing more than ten meters away.

The one who applauded was the short girl with an alternative green hair who was walking in front.

"Who are you! How did you come up here!" Lin Bo was sweating coldly. It was clearly forbidden to let the news spread. How did these two outsiders know about it and come here? Could it be that the news has...

"Director Lin, don't worry. We are not the media, and we will not spread the news here. In fact, we are very grateful for your information blocking." The woman took off her sunglasses and took out a folder from the silver box. He handed it to Lin Bo, "Now we have taken over the rules here. You can go home after doing a little work later."

"What do you mean..." Lin Bo was actually overwhelmed by the woman. Although he was still shouting, he subconsciously took the folder. What he saw when he looked up was an order. Referrals are handled by the Human Security Agency.

What a joke, what is this thing? Limbo is about to throw out the things in his hand, Human Security Bureau? Is the name given to the child when they play? Why isn't it called the Cosmic Security Administration? But before he could shout, he suddenly saw the signature below.

"Save..." He didn't read out the next word, but he resisted the urge abruptly and raised his head to look at the girl in front of him who was not much older than his daughter. Eyes full of distrust. The latter took it for granted, and handed him a mobile phone, which was marked with a call, and the name of the note was the one he had just seen on the document.






I will do the handover work.


OK. "After such a conversation, Lin Bo handed the phone back to the girl in front of him, then straightened his posture and gave a standard salute." Deputy Chief of Sanjiang City Police Department, Lin Bo reported, all Sanjiang City Police Department, with all their strength Assist the chief in handling the case. Commander, you ordered. "

"Hey—" The word "chief" was not a random shout, and all the police officers, including Qin Gang, took a deep breath. What Limbo saw on that document was scrambling around in his head.

"Okay, I've told you before, this is beyond your scope." The Human Security Bureau is the official name of The Fool, and the virile woman with the female hair is naturally Mu Xiao, she patted Lin shoulders of waves. "Then we will take over in full."

"..." Lin Bo didn't expect Mu Xiao to be so straightforward. He didn't even plan to ask for the information they had collected. His lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

"Don't worry, just like what you just said, we will definitely find the murderer in this matter, whether it is a cult or a large-scale criminal gang, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, we won't let them go either. passed."

The first half is the same as what Lin Bo said, but the meaning in the second half is worth pondering. The ghosts and ghosts will not be spared... Does that mean the existence of ghosts and ghosts? When it comes to the strangeness of this case, and what Mu Xiao said is beyond their scope of handling, the answer is almost ready to come out.

But when Lin Bo fully reacted, he realized that he had been led down the mountain by a man in black who appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by Qin Gang and the other police officers who had just been investigating in the village.

The guards they arranged at the foot of the mountain were also taken over by the same people in black. A huge military helicopter was parked in a newly cleared area in the forest, and the people in black were carrying things down. The movements are fast and orderly.

"When the sky goes against the sky, it is a disaster, and when the ground goes against it, it is a monster." Lin Bo unconsciously read out this ancient text that he had forgotten to read somewhere. He looked back at the little village chief who was hidden in the dense forest on the mountain. Ghost, ghost, ghost... Is this world going to be in chaos?

There was also Mu Xiao who was also lamenting this. As soon as Lin Bo and the others left, the professional and confident smile on her face didn't appear at all, and her whole face looked like a bitter gourd. Look at the strange scene in front of you.

"Mr. Po Jun and the others have just dealt with Bechymos in Sicily, and they don't know what's going on here, but they always feel like they can't handle it at all. What's the situation recently!!" Mao rubbed in a mess, and then let out a painful scream.

"If you have this time, why don't you go and investigate the surrounding plants." Xi Ke was still so stern, but the deep Sichuan character pattern on his brow also showed his prudence.


Chapter 6 Heart Dangling

"Hey, this exchange is really worth it!" Sitting in the car back, the black fat boy, Pao Er... No, Paul knelt on the chair, stuck his head out from the backrest and sat behind him. Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger were talking.

"We have experienced the hurricane that suddenly appeared and disappeared without a clear cause until now. I think I will be interviewed by our city's TV station when I go back. Do you think it will?" The brigade is over, and Little Fatty's rap talent hasn't changed at all.

Although he asked Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger who knew his temperament and didn't reply, he didn't care about it, he continued, "If they interview me, I'll tell them some secrets. I'm the one who personally went to the hurricane to make landfall. I went to the commercial center to see it!" He suddenly lowered his voice.

"I'm from New Orleans, where we have the most hurricanes besides roasting wings. I'm sure it's definitely not caused by typhoons! Cracks on the ground and dilapidated buildings, no hurricane can do that. Plus There is no hurricane in the climate of the upper Mediterranean, so the biggest possibility is a monster!!" He said seriously.

"The monster appeared, brought the hurricane, and was wiped out by Superman. Although Superman didn't appear in front of humans, he did exist. This is to prevent the kind of love in the Injustice League... What are you laughing at. "

"Hehehe, it's alright." Ji Qinger tried her best to hold back her smile, and blinked her eyes to signal the little fat man to continue. "You continue to say...haha..."

"Well, I also know that Superman is really unreliable, maybe Iron Man, but it really doesn't look like it was caused by a hurricane..." The little fat man became depressed, reached out and scratched his head. Confused face. "Maybe they won't interview me for this..."

"But it doesn't matter, I still have the Chinese Kung Fu you taught me!" The little fat man was about to dance twice, but was stunned by the tendon-clad buddy sitting beside him, so he obediently turned around and sat down. It's just two little fat hands gesturing back and forth.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger did teach him something, and they taught him twenty-four simplified Taijiquan under the circumstance that he couldn't be bothered. And he poured a lot of truths into it. As for the 24-style simplified Tai Chi, what is it? Well, that's what the grandpas and grandmothers use to work out in the park every morning.

After the Behemoth incident, both of them were not lightly injured, so they were not arranged for the closing tasks, but they lived a truly comfortable and fulfilling life as exchange students. Especially for Xie Zhifei, getting a comprehensive score of B would be a life-threatening task.

I almost revisited the experience of staying up late to write the questions in order to get the scores required by Dalongmen in China, but this time the subjects became Latin and history. In the end, relying on the halo of winning the school basketball championship with the class team, he reluctantly pulled the score to the B level.

The place where the car was parked was still the airport when they came. Students from all over the world had to break up here again, and each got on a plane back to their own country to end this exchange trip. People who know each other will definitely contact each other through the Internet after the final goodbyes and appointments are being made. There are really two different flavors.

However, due to the mission, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger were not very familiar with the other exchange students, and Fatty was also pulled back to the American team. It was like being isolated for a while.

"Sigma!!" A female voice came from the crowd, and then they saw Sylvia's iconic blonde hair and the burly John behind her. "Fortunately I caught up." The former trotted two steps to them.

"We're here with a whole class assignment." She pointed to the big box that John was carrying. "The parting meeting wasn't ready, so I couldn't give it to you, but I finally caught up."

"Uh... what's in here?" Xie Zhifei looked at the huge box, his face twitching.

"Secrets!" John shoved the box into his arms, and it was as heavy as it looked. It even made Xie Zhifei's face darken.

"With this weight, I can't take it on a plane..."

"Uh... it doesn't matter, it can be checked in!" Sylvia obviously realized this. Xie Zhifei took out his ticket and glanced at the time, only to feel bitter in his mouth. "Then go do it now, or it may be too late. By the way, aren't you in class now? How did you two get here?"

"Escape!" A man and a woman were righteous. Then the four of them looked at each other, and finally did not hold back the smile in their mouths, and began to laugh. The sound is getting louder. The long journey that is nearly 10,000 kilometers apart finally came to an end in this laughter. Although the end of the hand is not completely finished, it can be regarded as a good ending. Finally, are you going back home...


"Phew—" Shi Yuqing jumped up from the bed, almost suffocating, taking in a big mouthful of breath, sweat constantly secreted from every pore, and her whole body trembled with fear. But she couldn't remember why she was panicking.

And as she breathed, the memory of the terrifying dream she had just made began to be remembered by her little by little. It was a dream about the devil, pale and terrifying. The irresistible devil.

But the devil was not the protagonist of her dream. The protagonists of the dream were people. One of the people was wearing white robes, and the robes were covered with all kinds of weird patterns with blood. They wanted to resurrect the devil, and the other group was in darkness, and they were stopping that group of people.

But the devil was too powerful, and the people in black were slowly infected. The clothes on their bodies began to turn white, and blood gushed out from their seven orifices, turning into those weird patterns on the white clothes. The changed men in black also joined the ranks of the devil's servants and began to attack the other men in black.

Under the change, the number of people in black has dropped sharply, while the number of people in white has increased. Finally, she can no longer see any black-clothed people in her sight. At this time, all the people in white turned their eyes together. They were all looking at her, staring at her with **** eyes.

And she lowered her head, what she was wearing was a long black coat. The next moment, she woke up. The murderous intent and madness in the eyes of the people in white are so terrifying, as if in essence, she has never seen the so-called murderous eyes, and she has never felt the existence of such a thing.