Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 222

But the moment she was seen by that gaze, she felt that kind of real killing intent, as if she wanted to grind every single bone of hers to shattered hatred. Even thinking about it now, she couldn't help shaking all over.

Reaching out her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, she noticed that the black patch on her elbow, whether it was an illusion or not, had become larger again. She stretched out her hand and rubbed it hard, but the blackness did not fade at all.

But because of the fear of being too heavy, she took too much strength from her body, and her eyelids were really heavy, and she didn't care any more. The whole body fell back on the bed. It was darker than the night, wriggling slightly at her wrist, as if it had a life of its own.


Chapter 7 Cold Moon Silent

"Yuqing, what's wrong with your arm?" Jiang Ting asked strangely. Shi Yuqing put a pair of white silk gloves with sun protection on her hands today. It was obvious that the months when the sun was the strongest had passed, and even when the sun was the strongest, she had never brought this thing. So Jiang Ting can't help but feel a little strange.

"I'm a little allergic to seafood the first two days." Shi Yuqing reached out and brushed the hair around her ears.

"Hey, are you allergic to seafood?" Jiang Ting tilted her head, "I always felt like I saw you eating it before."

"Normally, but I don't know what happened this time, but the big lobster brought back by my father is special..."

"Ah, damn, is it the troubles that are unique to the rich?" Jiang Ting showed a look of disgust, "It's obvious that I care about you, but I was shown a face. It's time to call everyone to beat you, a local tyrant. No, you are not a local tyrant, you are a rich woman."

"Rich woman, how about you take care of me, I don't want to work hard!" Jiang Ting hung half of her body on Shi Yuqing, and she cried very hard. Shi Yuqing's expression was a little embarrassed, and she pushed her twice, "Don't make trouble."

Jiang Ting's weak look makes Jiang Ting very strange. You must know that under normal circumstances, Shi Yuqing is much more troublesome than her. This level doesn't even count as drizzle. However, she still stood up straight, and sure enough, she saw the lingering sadness between Shi Yuqing's eyebrows. There is almost two points of Lin Daiyu's feeling.

Ah, Xie Zhifei is coming back. She suddenly remembered that it was the past two days. She seemed to have suddenly discovered the thoughts of her best friend. I sighed again in my heart, the relationship between the two is really messed up now, especially when the previous Ji Qinger is mixed in the middle. I heard before that she and Xie Zhifei have a close relationship. I don't know how the two have developed after they arrived in the world of two in Sicily... My friend doesn't know if there is still a chance.

Of course Shi Yuqing didn't know that Jiang Ting's thoughts had gone to such a place, but she was relieved that she was no longer entangled in this topic. Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his gloves, the silky and supple feeling was very clear. But she knew that what was wrapped in this glove was not the delicate skin of a girl.

It was a strange pitch black. At first, I thought it was just a dot of ink, but as time passed, it not only did not disappear, but it got bigger and bigger. It has now grown to the size of a fist. She tried many methods to no avail. No pain or itching at the same time...

It's like, that's her own skin, or that's how the skin there should be. In connection with the dream that she kept repeating recently, she didn't even dare to tell her parents about it, and she didn't even dare to go to the hospital for examination. It's just that I secretly checked on the Internet to see if anyone else had a similar situation.

And the more you investigate, the clearer the word "weird" becomes. And once she thinks of weirdness, she will think of that broken and incomparably clear dream. In the old school building at dusk, I thought of the black-robed Death God with silver-gray claws in the corridor, and the boy who fell from the sky with blood as a weapon.

Every time I think about this, my whole heart feels like it's twisted together in pain. Why didn't he understand earlier, even in a dream, he was his savior. But now he... is no longer his hero...

"Is your guess reliable? This thing has to be opened once, but it is much more expensive than you think." Luo Yunxi said this. As the seed of the fool, the resources that can be squandered every year can be said to be massive. And even he is sighing about expensive things, naturally they are not ordinary. The fighter they were sitting on was not inferior to the European sixth-generation fighter "Storm" that had dropped supplies to Xie Zhifei.

Invisibility, large capacity, supersonic routes, and cruising distances of more than 10,000 miles are all the same. And with this excellent performance is completely comparable to its price. Not to mention the cost, as the current second experimental machine, the large amount of materials used in it is the only material that cannot be produced. That's almost priceless, and the other thing that's expensive is its fuel consumption and care costs.

To use an analogy, starting from the start of the engine is equivalent to throwing money out the window at a speed of hundreds of dollars per second. And once this throw is long enough to count in hours, it becomes terrifying. And even if the odds are slim, once observed by satellites, the diplomatic cost can be an equally huge one.

"Of course it's true, sister, when did I lie to you?" Mu Xiao sat down directly from behind with a hand around his neck.

"Then why didn't the bureau approve it?" Luo Yunxi felt the softness on her back, and turned her head stiffly to the other half, while reciting the Dragon Shaking Sutra silently in her heart.

"Well, they said that my reason was too far-fetched," Mu Xiao said awkwardly haha, "Although what they said is not impossible, but what I said is also possible! And with my sister and my intuition as a woman, Me and the organization, 60% of me is right!"

Luo Yunxi rolled her eyes, bragging you can only say 60%. How the **** did he get out of the box and borrowed this Qiantang with the authority of the seed.

"Get ready, there is still one minute to arrive." The driver's voice came from the walkie-talkie. The two stopped talking tacitly, and each checked their parachute bags.

"The hatch is open." It was said to open the hatch, but when the hatch is opened at this speed, the wind will directly slap them on the other half, and the real retraction is the floor under their feet, like throwing missiles, the two of them are just like that. fell.

"Test machine No. 2, Qiantang has completed the mission and requested to return." After getting permission, the body turned in a beautiful manoeuvre, and the driver glanced at the two people who were parachuting below.

"Black Sword, Black Sword, we have reached the target position. What will we do next?" After giving away the parachute strap behind him, Mu Xiao took out the walkie-talkie and asked.

"Received the black sword, come to greet him immediately." Such a voice came from the walkie-talkie. Only then did Mu Xiao have time to look up, and it was exactly as reported. A lot of butterflies are flying in the woods. A jade-banded swallowtail just flew up from under her feet.

In the investigation of Lubian Village, the only clue they gained was the unknown white fleshy substance in the deep pothole, which the scientific research team was studying. And Mu Xiao got a bit of special news, that is, she found the bodies of several species of swallowtail butterflies, including the golden swallowtail and the jade belt swallowtail, on the ground. At this time, they should be hibernating in the pupa themselves.

She doubts that this has anything to do with this incident, but is there any way to prove it? After all, the weather is indeed cold enough that all the larvae pupate, and if the weather gets warmer one day, it will indeed cause chrysalis of pre-incubation.

But she didn't think it was a coincidence. At her insistence, the Fool still issued an order to monitor abnormal creatures. And it wasn't until twelve days later, when Mu Xiao no longer had hope, in a different province, the conditions that fully met the butterfly she predicted finally came back.


Chapter 8 Butterfly Change

Heijian is a lean middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, which is rare in the action team, where most of them are strong men who use their bodies as weapons to hone them. Not to mention myopia, vision below 1.0 is a shame in their eyes.

However, he would go to such a remote place to work, and he should have a story in himself. Similar to the situation in the first incident, there are seemingly endless mountains, rugged mountain roads and dense jungles, and the traces of human existence are compressed to the greatest extent possible.

"I have posted news about collecting butterflies in the city where medicines and game are collected, saying that a large number of butterflies are needed to make a butterfly wing sticker recently. You don't need to grab it, and you will pay for the information. This morning, someone told me that there are many butterflies in this forest." Heijian reported the whole story as concisely as possible.

This method of collecting information made Mu Xiao and Luo Yunxi feel quite miraculous, even a fool would not be able to grasp the big and small matters of the entire country. But if there is a specific goal, a little money can get enough people to act and become their eyeliner.

"Is there a village in it?" Luo Yunxi only cares about this. If not, it is probably just an accidental biological or geological change. Although it may have research value, it is of little use to them.

"Yes, Jinhua Village, a small village of Zhuang people with about 150 people." Heijian obviously did his homework.

"What about martial law?" Mu Xiao was more concerned about the actual situation.

"With the stockade as the center, 1.5 kilometers is under martial law, but the previous order was only martial law, and we did not start an investigation."

"The previous order was given by me. Your judgment is good. The execution team may not be able to handle the situation inside. Your judgment is correct." Mu Xiao encouraged him, "Tell us how to get to the stockade, and your task will be completed. Now, it's good to maintain martial law with others."

"Go in from here, go over this mountain, and on the back of the mountain behind, halfway up the mountain, is the stockade."

"Do you want to be transferred to the headquarters?" Luo Yunxi asked suddenly before turning to leave.

"I've already married and had children here..." He has been answering very decisively and quickly, and the well-organized Heijian actually seemed a little shy and hesitant. Luo Yunxi didn't get angry after hearing this, just nodded.

"I will respond and transfer you to a civilian post when I go back." Then he left.

Hei Jian reacted for a while before he understood what he meant, and then bowed heavily to the figures of the two, "Wan Sheng." There was a choked voice in his voice.

The two of them walked very fast, and the hill with a height of less than 200 meters crossed it almost instantly. Along the way, they also felt the abnormality described by Hei Jian. The air was hot and humid, and the butterflies broke their chrysalis and flew towards the same place as they did, as if they were on a pilgrimage. In the air, there is a kind of strange sweet and fishy smell, which is like sugar water brewed with inferior saccharin. Just smelling it will make people feel greasy.

If you just thought that there was a high possibility of a problem, now the two of them can basically be sure that something must have happened in the stockade, but what is it? Is it the same as Lubian Village? To what extent it has developed is unclear. As a result, the pace quickened again.

Climbing halfway up the second mountain, I can already see the gathering of butterflies. It seems to be a scene from a fairy tale. All kinds of butterflies emerge from the soil in this season that does not belong to them and gather like clouds. to the other side of the mountain. The sweet and fishy smell also became heavier, making people feel drowsy in their heads. This is already mentally oppressive.

"Wind rope." Luo Yunxi drank for a while, and a whirlwind broke out with the two of them as the eye, sweeping away the sweet and fishy air, Luo Yunxi handed Mu Xiao a yellow paper triangle with runes drawn on it. . "Brother Bingyi made the pure heart charm."

"Tsk, your Taoist priests are really convenient, what's wrong with the environment you are not used to?" Mu Xiao squeezed the spell tightly in his palms, and suddenly felt his head awake a lot, stuck out his tongue and asked Luo Yunxi.

"Destiny Arena." Luo Yunxi responded bluntly.

"Uh-" It is well known that Luo Yunxi is the first out of the seed, even though the opponent is also the seed's North American Saint Edward. But the pride of being a seed doesn't make him feel that this is any better, especially for Luo Yunxi, who has been carrying the name of the ZTE generation since childhood. You must know that the Son of Destiny was taken by Xie Zhifei, a wild boy who Po Jun didn't know where he picked it up. Even if Catherine blatantly let go of water in the end, he actually entered the finals and defeated Sha He Mo. Hanabo two people.

In addition to Ji Qinger's excellent performance, the topic of the Fool's discussion on whether or not to change the seeds is getting higher and higher. Mu Xiao, who didn't expect Luo Yunxi to answer him like this, suddenly didn't know what to say. Can only walk in silence.

After going over the mountain, you can see the stockade built by Yanshan, which is basically a wooden structure, and there are many classical architectural styles. But it was clearly during the day, and there was not a single living thing in the whole stockade except for the butterflies flying around! There were no people, livestock, dogs, poultry, and it seemed like a dead place.

Below the stockade, countless butterflies formed a large swirling cloud, as if there were treasures below them that they could not decide. In the air, some reddish scents can be clearly seen, and they are the source of that sweet and fishy smell.

Mu Xiao and Luo Yunxi looked at each other with serious expressions. Mu Xiao's green hair was full of wind and automatically. A string of green vines grew rapidly on top of her head, forming a hairband-like structure, and fine white flowers bloomed. Come.