Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 238

"Yes, there was an explosion and fire in the Shenzhen Ci'ai Homeless Infants and Toddlers Shelter eight years ago. It was completely destroyed. More than 60 stray infants and more than 40 shelter managers died in the fire." The report at that time appeared on the projector. Shenzhen newspaper on this matter.

Although it was a black-and-white photo from eight years ago, it can still be seen that the facility was completely damaged. The roof was lifted and the walls were broken, which is no different from the Yuanmingyuan, which was ravaged by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

"The scope of the explosion is very large, just because the location is far away from crowded areas, no civilians were injured except those inside the agency, and this is a cross-border welfare project. There is no accountability abroad. , in order to cover up the situation, after giving the reason for the explosion of the natural gas pipeline, the incident was suppressed.

However, in the process of reclaiming the land by the government, underground buildings several times the size of the surface buildings were discovered. Members of the local security bureau quickly submitted investigative paperwork. All the information about the Charity Orphanage was transferred to us. However, due to the difficulty of cross-border investigation at that time, and there were only a few research facilities, the purpose of their research was unknown, and the reason was also destroyed in the explosion. Knowing that a few days ago, it still has not found any results.

If it weren't for the background of the Robin organization, we selected all the databases in the organization for comparison, and this place would definitely be missed. "

"But you found it." Po Jun concluded, "There is no other possibility." Then he turned his head and looked around at everyone.

"We judged that the Robin organization should be the survivors of the subjects in the Marduk institution, and it is even very likely that they planned the explosion and destruction of the Marduk institution. According to the investigation, the found at that time The corpses of homeless children do not match the number of people in the Marduk institution."

"This is a group of world-weary people who were kidnapped from their parents by the Marduk agency at a very young age, and then used as research material for a group of mad scientists. Therefore, the possibility of mind distortion is extremely high, so they will take revenge now. The behavior of society. Do you have any questions?"

"BOSS, we know the historical background, and we also know the origin of these lunatics. But if that's all, there's no need to hold this meeting. Wouldn't it be better to just send us the information?" He was the only one in the city branch who dared to talk to Po Jun like that.

"Because there are still tasks to come." Po Jun nodded, "Although we know their origins, we still don't know their specific identities. So we need someone to dig them out."

"Although the Marduk Institute's researchers were almost killed and injured in the blasting, there were still several participants who were not in Shenzhen for different reasons, so naturally they were not affected. Comrade Gong Shaofan had a list in his hand, We need you to find them.

But after so many years, they may have encountered an accident, or have changed their names, or even went into incognito. This won't be an easy job, and recently, the Dragon City distribution has also been tasked with dealing with the Sheep's Head Cultists and searching for the Shadow Maiden. The work is not light. So for the task of digging out the identity of the robin, I hope someone can take the initiative to apply.

The rest of the work also needs to be redistributed, and I hope to ask the Hao Lian family to give more support. "Po Jun said a lot of different directions in one breath, each of which is not something that can be easily solved.

"If there are no other problems, let's assign new tasks."


As a result of the assignment of the final task, Yen and Liu Huan went to Germany alone to France to investigate the remnants of the Marduk agency. As Xie Zhifei had more contact with the Yangshou Cultists and the Hao Lian family, he left Longcheng to deal with the White Devils incident.

To be honest, Xie Zhifei breathed a sigh of relief from this assignment. If the organization had to send him to Germany or France at such a time, he really couldn't think of any way to refuse. Bringing Shi Yuqing with her would have no meaning except to expose her more quickly.

And the departure of Yi Nian and Liu Huan is even less stressful. After all, he has been together for so long, and he really doesn't know how long his abnormality can be concealed from the two of them. And when he thought of this, he couldn't help but want to turn his head. But he forcibly endured this thought, because compared to Yi Nian and Liu Huan, the seemingly dignified and beautiful girl sitting in the back was actually the one who knew him best.

In fact, Xie Zhifei felt that he might have been exposed, otherwise it would not be normal for Ji Qinger to not come to him these days. But he couldn't pierce it himself, he could only force it and let it take its course.

After the Sheep Head Cultist's sewer base was discovered, an emergency transfer was made, and no new clues have been found for the time being. And Hao Lianhongyi and Hao Lianmengchun went to contact the tribe to discuss the reinforcements at yesterday's meeting. So Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger actually went back to school at this time.

Sitting in his seat, he stared at the clouds outside the window in a daze. In the entire classroom, apart from the sound of the teacher lecturing, it was the rustling of the tip of the pen across the paper. Xie Zhifei suddenly felt that this scene was a bit surreal.

It seemed that no matter what happened, it didn't affect his class time, so when he was on the blood of Cato, he was still at ease. In Sicily, except for the school's suspension due to the hurricane, I didn't seem to miss a lesson. In the current Dragon City, the Fool, the Sheepshead Cultist, the Robin, and the Hao Lian family, four different organizations each have their own goals and operate behind the scenes. It has come to the time when the storm is about to come and the building is full of wind, but this classroom has not been affected in any way. It's still just a normal day before the college entrance examination. It was as if nothing could affect this.

Maybe this place is protected by the power of some rules? Xie Zhifei came up with this idea out of nowhere. Xueba halo? Or the protagonist halo? Thinking of this, the corners of Xie Zhifei's mouth curled up involuntarily, and he couldn't help it.

At this time, the clouds in the distance suddenly changed, and the white clouds twisted into a vortex at an extremely fast speed, as if something was about to protrude from it.

Xie Zhifei's eyes widened quickly, and then he stood up abruptly. His movements were so violent that the chair overturned on the ground, making a loud noise.


Chapter 37 Attack the City! !

"Xie Zhifei!" The math teacher on the stage was the kind that didn't like Xie Zhifei very much. When everyone turned their heads to look at him, they immediately roared, "It's fine if you don't learn it yourself, you have to influence others..." Before he could finish speaking, sharp alarms rang from all directions. He got up and broke his words in his throat.


"What's the matter!!!" Boys and girls, teachers and students in the whole school suddenly fell into panic, everyone tried to say something, but these voices were drowned in the sharp siren. The inability to communicate effectively with others undoubtedly exacerbates the ferment of panic. If this situation continues for a few more minutes, everyone's heart defense will be broken, and the amplified panic will cause huge damage such as stampede and chaos.

Fortunately, the person who issued the alert was clearly aware of this characteristic of human beings, and the alert did not last long. It stopped after only thirty seconds. Then a steady male voice came from the loudspeaker where the alarm came from.

"Dear residents of Longcheng, I am the director of the Longcheng Disaster Prevention Committee. I am issuing an emergency evacuation notice. There will be an earthquake in Longcheng in half an hour. Please go to the evacuation point immediately. Please do not crowd and follow the streets. The leadership of the military and civilian police to carry out effective evacuation. The leaders of each unit organize the evacuation activities. Let us work through this disaster together.”

After this sentence is over, it is an infinite loop. So the people who had just quieted down became agitated again. Words such as earthquakes and disasters quickly concretized terror, and everyone couldn't help but imagine the worst. Then prepare to escape.

"Calm down!!" Xie Zhifei shouted suddenly, "A head rushing out, blocking the road, no one can survive. There is still half an hour, we have time to go to the refuge."

Xie Zhifei's words really calmed down everyone who was eager to try it. This is not only his credit, the broadcast is not only broadcasting the earthquake. Also gave a buffer time of half an hour. Without this sentence, the situation will definitely be much worse, and with this buffer it is like immediate death and death reprieve, and the latter still has a chance to struggle.

After Xie Zhifei shouted angrily, the math teacher finally came to his senses, and the sense of responsibility and obligation as a teacher overcame the fear. Begin to guide evacuation.

The situation in other classes is good or bad, but after all, it is a group of high-quality talents who have been educated since childhood. Everyone understands that crowds are more prone to stampedes and casualties at times like these. Most of the people actually got impatient and lined up to walk out of the corridor. However, the speed was several times faster than the original normal progress, so I could see the anxiety in my heart.

But it's just the majority of people, so there's still some confusion. After all, just like grades are good or bad, there are differences in people's courage and will, and there are always those who are particularly timid or particularly selfish who want to go first. And it is because of these people that these riots are caused. Xie Zhifei was able to find an opportunity to escape from the team of the class.

Through his extreme power-generating skills, he walked through like a loach at a very fast speed. Before the person he squeezed could see who squeezed him, he was already a few meters away. And at this density of people, there are dozens of heads in a few meters. I can't tell the difference at all, and I don't have the mood to care about these. At most, I can only swear.

In this way, he came to the toilet in the corner. Everyone was walking down the central corridor. The toilet was a blind spot for no one. With a light leap, he fell to the ground floor, landing as light as a cat.

Earthquakes are excuses, and the prediction of such a thing is extremely difficult in itself. When will the extrusion of the two tectonic plates reach their limit, releasing this energy. The calculations required are almost massive, and unless there is a pre-shock, it is too difficult to know.

What's more, before the alarm was issued, Xie Zhifei had already noticed the vision, and the alarm was heard by Xie Zhifei. It's more like there is some kind of extremely dangerous emergency that requires the public to evacuate, and then uses the earthquake as an excuse.

As for the unexpected situation that could not be announced to the public, Xie Zhifei really couldn't think of anything other than the White Demon. Following the blind spots of vision, he quickly came to the street. Sure enough, just like the notification in the alarm, the sirens of the cars could be heard everywhere, and police cars and other vehicles with the same siren were running on the road.

Xie Zhifei could see the police officers in the car holding the map in one hand and the phone in the other, talking constantly, with a look of anxiety and collapse on their faces. Obviously, they are also confused about this emergency alert. But even so, they were quickly entering the state. When a car stopped, the people in the car quickly got down to maintain the order of the place. And more people rushed to the rest of the sprawling city.

Xie Zhifei instinctively found a familiar vehicle of the Fool Action Group in a series of such vehicles. Sure enough, it was the familiar action team dressed in black who got out of the car.

"What happened." Before the team leader could come and call out the phrase 'everyone calm down' according to his own thoughts, he felt a huge force attack. The whole person was pulled into the corner. Then he saw Xie Zhifei standing in front of him. As a member of the action team, it is natural that he does not know Longcheng's blade.

The words he had drummed into his throat were smothered by Johnson, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to salute, but it turned out to be a nondescript look.

"Tell me directly, what happened. What's the situation now!" Xie Zhifei might be happy for a while because of this appearance. But now he really is not in the mood to laugh at all.

"Huh—" The squad leader let out a long sigh, "The pale fruit broke out in the west of the city, and the Sheepshead Cultists attacked the city!"


Xie Zhifei only felt that his brain suddenly exploded. Xicheng, he did not expect to hear the word Xicheng in this era. What kind of scene do these two words represent? In Xie Zhifei's mind, he could only think of the thousands of beast hordes constantly pounding and climbing outside the majestic city walls...

Xie Zhifei shuddered violently, and then stripped the terrifying scene from his mind. After all, let's not talk about the beast tide, even the city wall, which is not available in the current Dragon City, and then turned to look at the team leader. .

"Has the BOSS passed? Why hasn't it been suppressed!! How could the Sheepshead Cultists have the ability to fight the human frontier?"

"Sir, I don't know about these things." Facing Xie Zhifei's question, the team leader could only shake his head with a wry smile, "As soon as the incident happened, we notified the street to come here to maintain law and order and assist in evacuation. You can only confirm the matter over there."

Hearing his words, Xie Zhifei realized that he was too anxious, and let go of the squad leader's clothes, "I'm sorry, you continue your work, I'll rush over there right away."

"Yes." The squad leader gave a dignified salute, watching when everyone was hurriedly moving towards the refuge point, a person whose age can only be described as a teenager, step by step alone against the crowd. Proceed in the opposite direction. "Wish, Wansheng!"


Chapter Thirty-Eight Crazy

Hao Lianhongyi sat upright on the chair, not daring to move at all, the man who could maintain his composure and logical thinking ability even when his son's life was in danger. At this moment, he was unprecedentedly nervous, and cold sweat kept pouring out of his vest, thinking that there was already a wet spot. And the source of all this pressure is the person sitting in front of him.

"Aid, of course there is no problem, the question is do they really need our assistance?" The speaker was very young, his voice was soft, his body was even thinner, and his black hair was tied down to his waist. After listening to Hao Lianhongyi's words, he said this slowly.

From the outside, it really doesn't look like a majestic person, and it's even more difficult to imagine that Hao Lianhongyi would be so frightened in front of him.