Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 24

And Yi Nian is the most interesting. He doesn't have a fixed occupation. In fact, it is not right to say that, but his occupation is rather strange. Like He Liangji, he is in charge of watching the streets, and he is not a professional street watcher. He has not asked for protection fees from any merchants on that street, he just likes to hang out on that street. In fact, a small commercial street that sells food, vegetables, fish and meat doesn't actually give any protection money.

After cleaning up the little gangsters who were protected by the protection fee a few times, Yi Nian blocked a few groups of gangs who wanted to expand their sphere of influence. It was rumored that there was a maverick in the snack street. The bosses are also happy to regard this young man who looks like a fool but is actually kind-hearted as their protector. When Yi Nian has no assignments, he always sits in this store and stays in that store. Even when there are not enough staff, he helps to move things, and he acts as a guest waiter or something.

The girl they mentioned just now is the daughter of the owner of one of the snack bars. She is a sophomore this year, and she is studying at the local university in Longcheng. She is beautiful and tall. girl. But even the blind one fell in love with Yi Nian, and whenever she had the chance, she would open a small stove for Yi Nian to make something. The owner's parents didn't stop her and even taught her the unique skills that she had accumulated over the years.

The things are getting more and more delicious, and the autumn wave in the girl's eyes has also become a bright spark, but the thought is like a piece of wood. Eat what you have to eat, wipe your mouth after eating, and leave without a fart. Xie Zhifei reckoned that the spark would turn into a grief soon. How does the "Book of Songs" say, 'Ride on the ridge to hope that the customs will be restored. No reunification, weeping and weeping. Seeing the reopening, laugh and say. ' It seems that something is wrong, but it's almost the same. In Xie Zhifei's sense, Yi Nian is no different from the man in the poem.

When his thoughts were almost dispersed, the cake in his hand was finished. Putting the last into my mouth, I watched the special car with sunglasses leave. As soon as Nian raised his hand, Xie Zhifei threw the bag in his hand into a ball to him, took two steps and threw the bag in his hand into the trash can by the roadside. Then slowly walked out of the alley.

"Blood of Cato." After saying such a term, he stretched out his tongue and swept his teeth. "This is a new type of drug, no one knows how it came out, but there is no doubt that people who have used it say that the effect is simply heaven and earth compared to K powder, and now the entire Longcheng is the most popular among addicts. That's what is sought after. Grams are more expensive than gold."

Xie Zhifei nodded, "Is it the blood of Cato that made them like this?"

"You can go back and ask Lin Xue about the specifics, but in general it's like this. After a large dose of Cato's blood is directly injected into the body, it will induce the dark energy in people's hearts, and then produce mutations. They become the one you see. look."

"Is there a way to reverse it?" Xie Zhifei frowned.

"Miss Lin is working hard." Yi Nian shrugged, "For this reason, the BOSS has also come forward and invited the research team of the imaginary number space, but so far I haven't seen any results."

"Infected people jumped out of nowhere one after another. When you were eating and drinking spicy food with your husband, the few of us were exhausted every day in the dark corners of this city."

Xie Zhifei really wanted to reply, I was working hard with my husband, but after seeing the joking smile on Yi Nian's face, he put up with this sentence. "and then?"

"And then." Yi Nian tilted his head and thought, "Then the eldest lady took out the treasured toys, what is the exoskeleton armor called, anyway, the people in the action team wear it, and a small team can also deal with the infection the person."

Hearing this, Xie Zhifei breathed a sigh of relief. The situation was not so pessimistic. Although there were a large number of them, to be honest, the intensity of this monster was not so great that it could not be solved.

"So since the action team can handle it, what are you doing with such a large group of people today?" According to what Yi Nian just said, his actions are obviously wrong now. If he just arrested the sunglasses, he would not be here at all, and he would not even act. The number of people in the group should be less than half. He knows better than anyone that Yi Nian is definitely the kind of person who can lie down and never sit, and will not come out to run tasks because of idle boredom.

"Because there are other things, didn't I just say that?" Yi Nian shrugged again, reached into his pocket again, and took out the cigarette. "The informant gave the news that there will be a batch of finished products of Cato's blood traded today. Not the kind of small doses that can be tested, but the large doses that can cause mutations. We are going to remove that point."

"The sunglasses?"

"He, he is the eye of the boss who has the goods. He took out a bottle in advance and showed it to everyone to prove that it was genuine. Now it seems that after the bosses inspected the goods, this guy took the bottle of medicine privately. "A thought exhaled a ring of smoke.

"Remember Xu Ming?" Xie Zhifei didn't expect that the topic of Yi Nian jumped so fast, he didn't react, and then nodded.

"His infection took more than a week."

Xie Zhifei didn't understand for a while, and then suddenly felt a cold behind his back. According to what Yi Nian said, the sunglasses were the medicine that he only got yesterday! But the mutation that happened to him was not weaker than Xu Ming. What this means is self-evident.

"Miss is in a hurry. In her words, that thing is not a drug, it's some kind of super drug that makes the army. It's like the kind of drug in the comics that can become a super soldier if you drink it. Make people super monsters. But if the person who invented them can control these monsters, what is the difference between them and super soldiers?"

Xie Zhifei nodded solemnly, and he finally understood where the urgency of the situation was. The mutation brought about by Cato's blood is not some accidental product, his producers are deliberately researching this effect. And according to the current situation, he is about to succeed!


Chapter 43 Emgrand adds more updates to the dead in the water world

Emgrand is a KTV in Longcheng. Just listening to the name, you can tell that it is a product of the early 21st century. Later popular KTVs will have two English letters in their names, or use something small and fresh. Words, MCK ah, weather vane and the like, to attract unconventional young people. The name Emgrand, which sounded domineering ten years ago, now seems a bit rustic, and generally only those big-bellied bosses like it.

But the fact is that Dihao belongs to the young and old in Longcheng. It is an absolute first-line KTV, which is equivalent to Lan Kwai Fong in the bar. Except for those private clubs that need a private recommendation for a small number of rich people, the Dihao with a minimum consumption of 1288 is absolutely no better than any other. Cheaper from another KTV. For the vast majority of Longcheng people, coming to Emgrand is still considered a luxury.

Of course, if it's just ignorantly high fees, this kind of place should go out of business if it can't last for three months. But the services provided by Emgrand basically satisfy all customers at all times. Treating customers as gods, Emgrand is really using this sentence as a rule. The Emgrand boss, who has become a part of the urban legend of Longcheng, is said to be always emphasizing this sentence with his subordinates.

Of course, Xie Zhifei knew that this was all nonsense. He had all the information about the fat man named Liu Qingfu. At first, he was just a fat man who opened a disco in a small alley. With his keen sense of smell, he did it at the first time. Lesser known KTV. Then, as he expected, the disco was slowly crowded out by bars and KTVs.

And Liu Fatzi, who was full of the first pot of gold, did not wait to die, and did not hesitate to pour his money into the next wave of reconstruction in Longcheng. The loan bought one side of the building where it now stands. Although Longcheng has now built countless taller and more sophisticated buildings, in the hearts of the old Longcheng people, the Emgrand Building is still a landmark of high-end consumption in Longcheng, a real gold-selling cave. This made countless large shopping malls and entertainment centers all hate it.

Emgrand, who does renovations and decorations behind closed doors for half a month to a month every year, has never disappointed people. There is only one company under his command, but Fatty Liu, who has won the top ten outstanding entrepreneurs of Longcheng the year before, is indeed regarded as a The capital of urban legends.

But through the black and white words in his hand, Xie Zhifei could clearly see his true nature. This guy is a gambler. Everything he does is gambling, whether he turns off the KTV when the disco is on fire, or is the first to seize the high-end market in the wave of competition, he is all about The big gamble dragged out by the net worth, losing the gamble is the end of the bankrupt.

Afterwards, it seemed that Emgrand was developing steadily, but that fat man was still gambling, betting in a darker place where no one could see it. Drugs and prostitution are constantly developing while testing the bottom line. No matter how popular a KTV is, it will not be able to use more than 6 floors.

Because most of the time, the top two floors are not open, and few people will notice that they have not been to the 5th and 6th floors, because they are directly introduced into the hall by the waiter after paying the money, and only those who really know the way People will enter the last two floors after giving hints, and the benefits of the last two floors in one month will exceed the first four floors in half a year.

Sweeping the tortuous road from the first floor to the fourth floor takes a lot of time for the police to patrol, so that the waiters have calm time to take away those precious guests. There are two rooms on the last two floors each time, one is for guests to use with confidence, and the other is a standard KTV suite. The big spenders only need to walk two steps and become good citizens who are spending legally. Fatty Liu relied on this hand to win for so many years, but it was obvious that Fatty Liu made a mistake this time.

At ten o'clock in the evening, dozens of black Mercedes-Benz slid through the night quietly and stopped at the gate of Emgrand. People wearing black clothes and carrying silver boxes filed out of the car one by one, wrapping the entire building in an instant. He didn't even have a chance to call the panicked lobby manager, and after giving him a look at the search warrant, he was escorted out. All incumbents were removed from the communication tool for the first time. Then one car after another was escorted out for centralized custody.

Every guest had to undergo a detailed body search and basic health check, without even explaining it to them, just that they would be driven out after sufficient compensation for their losses. No one dared to protest, although the people in black used the most soothing tone and kept saying "I'm very sorry" and "I'm sorry", which were more like Japanese than Chinese words, and went through the whole process.

However, those young people in KTV who even dared to yell at the police officers kept silent, because the police officers had tougher expressions, but they were still people who could communicate and negotiate, and they had their own rules. However, although the people in black in front of them had a soothing expression and a soft tone, everyone could see that there was no meaningful smile or apology in their eyes, and they were as steely as steel.

Everyone knows when they see their eyes that they are real thugs, their rules don't overlap at all with ordinary people, and they will speak to you in a soft tone when their eyes are still steel. But the steel may melt at any time, and the rushing molten iron will engulf all the obstacles in front of it, leaving no corpses left.

No one is willing to reason with the thugs, there will be quarrels between people because he believes that he will win, but in the face of hundreds of thugs exuding the chill of steel knives, no one thinks that he will win, at least he will win. Pay a price you can't even imagine. All those who were ejected were thinking, who the **** is this heavily armed thug?

Underworld or a special agency of the state? And what are they out for? Hunting down foreign spies, or beheading rival gang leaders? But all in all, this thing will be their talking point for a long time. And Fatty Liu was afraid that he was going to be unlucky, and it became the consensus of everyone.

As people from the middle and lower four floors of the KTV were asked to leave one room at a time, Xie Zhifei, who was sitting in the car, finally raised his head and looked at the building in front of him seriously. It has been built for decades, but the annual maintenance and decoration still make the building in front of it as gorgeous as a whole block of black crystal.

The two characters "emperor" are inlaid in the ancient Roman-like relief, and under the pale golden light, the characters carved in marble are really gorgeous like a palace. However, the entrance is unconventional in oriental style, with a small vermilion attic, domineering cornices, and amethyst-like dragons coiling up on the thick and thin pillars, and the lights are unpredictable and foggy.

"The elevator room in the basement has been accepted. There are three groups of people preparing to leave from here. There is no target person." The communication device in the car sent the report of the action team.

"The garage passage has been controlled, and no target person has entered or exited."

"Assault Team A is ready to enter the 5th floor."

"Assault Team B is preparing to enter the sixth floor."

Listening to the news one after another, I wanted to light a cigarette, and I took out the little panda in my pocket, only to find that the last one had just been smoked. After scolding, he folded the wrinkled cigarette case into a ball, threw it in the car, then turned on the radio on the car, and hummed to the nostalgic song inside.

"Bloodstains found on the 5th floor! Be alert!" The melodious singing was interrupted by the rough voice in the communication device, almost at the same time, "An infected body was found on the 6th floor. Please block the passage!"

Xie Zhifei and Yi Nian looked at each other, the former pursed his lips and the latter shrugged.


Chapter 40 Hongmen

The top layer of the double-layered floor tiles is made of transparent glass, and the bottom layer is made of gold. The bright enamel colors are carefully outlined and painted. The gods holding thunder, the giants holding up the world, and the banshees with snake hair and vertical pupils form a group. A picture from ancient mythology. The light from the crystals sprinkled with gold powder on the top of the head is even more like a dream, making the paintings at the feet seem to come to life, and the pedestrians walking on it seem to be walking in the world of mythology.

There was no one at the originally noisy bar. Compared with the bright and psychedelic hall, there was only a small ambiguous pink light on the corner of the deep staircase. What? Senluo ghost or mysterious Lanruo Temple?

The decoration is indeed very good. This is the first feeling Xie Zhifei felt after entering the door, but he and Yi Nian are not in the mood to look at these luxurious decorations now. The first time they rushed up the stairs, the voice from the walkie-talkie just now made them understand that what the action team encountered might not be just as simple as resistance.

"Assault Team A has encountered an attack, monsters! A large number of infected people!" Mixed with the dull gunshots and screams in the background, even if it came from the walkie-talkie, you could feel the fear from the bottom of the team leader's heart. Xie Zhifei didn't want to think about what kind of scene could turn this group of heavily armed thugs into trembling sheep. But he knew that the evening would not end so easily.

The two did not take the elevator. In fact, if it was only the 5th floor, the person who climbed the stairs would be much faster than the elevator. If the enemy really planned, the elevator would become a good trap. Passing through the first to fourth floors like the wind, standing on the steps of the fifth floor, the two of them invariably slowed down and adjusted their breathing.

When he slowed down, Xie Zhifei realized that the footsteps of the two of them on the stairs were so clear and bright, as if they were tapping on an ancient bronze. He didn't know that in ancient times, the floor tiles used to cast the royal palace were called golden bricks, and what was required was that the sound was like a chime, the color was like gold, and each floor tile was one tael of gold. But thinking about it, even knowing this won't make him feel better now.

The crisp footsteps echoed in the narrow and winding corridors. Without the wanton singing and gorgeous lights, we would find that the so-called KTV is such a suitable place for shooting horror movies. It is dark and twists and turns like a labyrinth. Every thick soundproof door It's like a hidden monster.

The two suddenly stopped, the sound under their feet changed, and they could clearly feel a sticky feeling after they settled down. Yi Nian squatted down and swiped his finger on the ground, and then Xie Zhifei saw a layer of bright red, sticky blood sticking to his finger under the pale pink light. Only then did I notice a strong sweet smell in the air that I hadn't noticed just now. Thinking about it, this will not be a special incense, but a strong **** smell.

"It's still hot." As soon as Nian wiped the blood from his hand on the wall, he could only hear the noise of electric current in the walkie-talkie just now. With this warm blood, the two assault squads may have all been killed.