Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 248

The method and possibility of **** the white devil has been an enduring topic in the Hao Lian family for thousands of years. But there is no real possible way. After all, in the war that year, what the victorious Lord Siguang did not do was for a group of people with only some ordinary abilities. A little too difficult.

So when this statement first appeared, the patriarch, the daughter of the shadow, didn't care too much. But as time passed, this argument became more and more intense. The number of believers continued to rise, and they continued to propose new possibilities to supplement the idea in more and more detail. In the end, it even got to the point where it was really possible to give it a try.

First, let the White Devil become the prince of darkness again, just like in the Zen Ceremony, the first thing to do is to recognize the supreme right of the current emperor. Restoring his strength and integrity is also restoring the integrity of darkness itself. Only in this case can the darkness choose its own spokesperson.

Second, it severely damaged the prince of darkness, proving his incompetence as a spokesperson for darkness.

Third, launch a new spokesperson to completely deprive the princes of darkness of their immortality and immortality.

Finally, after killing the princes of darkness, take care of the new spokesperson of darkness.

"What's the point of this?" After listening to Hao Lianzhixia's words, Xie Zhifei frowned, "The new spokesperson still has to be sealed and kept under guard. There is no change in what the Hao Lian family has to do, kill a white devil, and then To create a new white devil, what is the meaning of such a thing?"

"If the new spokesperson has his own consciousness, this is indeed true." Hao Lianzhixia nodded, but another possibility revealed in his words made Xie Zhifei suddenly feel a chill in his neck.

"what do you mean…"

"That's right, the rules made by the Lord of Light gave them inspiration. The spokespersons they want to create for the darkness are not human beings. In fact, no one is more suitable for darkness than the princes of darkness. But there are Exist more time.

A set of rules that are more complete, more detailed, and closer to the essence of darkness. The prince of darkness is still an individual, with his own thoughts and subject will, and his appeals are also different from the darkness itself. So they want to have an existence that is the same as the darkness, but independent of the darkness. "

"Who do you think is the most suitable existence?" Hao Lianzhixia looked at Xie Zhifei.

"...Daughter of Shadows." Xie Zhifei said the name through gritted teeth.

"bingo. Correct answer."


Chapter fifty-four step by step

"According to their plan, when the White Devils extract the pure darkness from the Shadow Lady's body to restore power, they will retain a part of it. It will be used for the transformation of the Shadow Lady, using the rules left by the Lord of Light, to make a more powerful white devil than the White Devil. The dark carrier is coming." Hao Lianzhixia shrugged.

"Sounds unreliable, doesn't it, but if you really think about it, this thing is actually reasonable and has room for manipulation. The success rate is probably there, one in a thousand is still close to it. But the inexplicable whole clan is going to gamble. Look at that one-in-a-thousand win rate."

"Anyway, I felt the excitement of the crowd and couldn't stop the Daughter of Shadows and ran away. They fled from the Haolian family cleanly and decisively overnight. The Haolian family originally planned to hunt them down, but they encountered two times in a row that they were almost coerced. In the war of the world, all the people in the sky are victims of disasters, and this matter has been delayed.

When peace comes later, the Daughter of Shadows may not even know that they are members of the Daughter of Shadows. Not to mention looking for it. Until the White Devil recovers this time. "

"Why do you know so much?" Xie Zhifei frowned, "According to the practice of the Marduk agency, you should have been abducted when you were very young. But I feel that there is nothing about the Hao Lian family. unknown."

Hao Lian Zhi Xia didn't have any question about Xie Zhifei at all, "Because I was born into a new family of patriarchs, and if it wasn't for an accident, the patriarch of the Hao Lian family should not be Hao Lian and Guang, but me. The education I received was how to lead the Hao Lian family to destroy the White Demons."

"The next patriarch...will it be decided so early?"

"Yes, it will be decided at the beginning of birth." Hao Lianzhixia stretched out his hand, and the fine white grass quickly grew and tangled in his palm.

Xie Zhifei looked seriously at the fine grass that grew out of thin air. He couldn't help but pay attention. He knew better than anyone what kind of power this seemingly weak grass had.

Hao Lian and Guang's sword that almost dropped him in seconds was blocked by this bunch of fine grass.

"The White Song of the Kong?" Xie Zhifei said the name of the thing from memory.

"Oh, can you still remember it in that situation?" Hao Lianzhixia nodded, "Yes, it is Kongzhibaige. To put it simply, it is one of the artifacts of the Haolian family. The artifact induction will be carried out at birth, and every person who can resonate with the artifact will be the patriarch of the next generation.

So I was raised as a patriarch at first, so I was implanted with Divine Marks at such a young age and became the target of the Marduk agency. In short, it is also a bad fate. "

"Hao Lian and Guang's... Cui Emperor's tongue? Is it the same?" Xie Zhifei asked with a frown. The weakness caused by being stabbed by the small sword that seemed to appear out of thin air showed no sign of improvement.

artifact. That's all he could judge.

"Yes, that is also an artifact. But in my memory, Hao Lian and Guang did not resonate with Cui Di's tongue. Otherwise, even if there are two artifact users, the patriarch candidate will be the bigger one instead of me. Come and take charge." Hao Lianzhixia touched his chin doubtfully. "The first time I didn't sense it, and the day after tomorrow it resonated with the artifact, at least in my memory, never once."

"What do you mean, after you were abducted by the Marduk agency, what strange encounters did Hao Lian and Guang have, and they were recognized by the Tongue of Emperor Cui?"

"Well, I can only think so now, his power..." Hao Lianzhixia pondered for a long time, as if he wanted to express something but couldn't find the right words, and finally made such a judgment. "...not normal."

"Well." Xie Zhifei nodded, agreeing with his point of view, no one knows the abnormality of that kind of power better than him who has experienced it himself.

Although Hao Lianzhixia had previously demonstrated in front of him the kind of relying on the divine runes to hide his breath, or even penetrate the walls. But the disappearance of Hao Lian and Guang is completely different from that.

If Hao Lianzhixia's situation is actually covered with a layer of transparent optical camouflage on the outside of his body, in order to deceive people's five senses and make them disappear. The disappearance of Hao Lian and Guang is from the inside out.

That cold nothingness poured out from the depths of his body, and then completely assimilated him with light, matter and the like. They were clearly still there, but they couldn't be seen. Because there is no such thing as 'nothing', which itself cannot be seen.

Inexplicably, Xie Zhifei suddenly felt a very familiar feeling. The current situation is the same as before in Sicily. More and more clues appear in front of him, but the situation has not become clear and clear because of the appearance of clues.

Instead, it becomes more and more complicated, the sudden recovery of the White Demon, the lies and history of Hao Lian's family, the identity and purpose of the robin, the identity of the Daughter of Shadow, the relationship between light and darkness, Hao Lian and the strange power of light...

Everything seems to be a huge coil or vortex, entangled in everything in a weird way. Between all of this, there is still a crucial clue that can connect all the clues. Like the end of a spool of thread, find it and everything will be clear.

In Sicily, that's Alfonso's identity. Here, what will this thread be. Xie Zhifei didn't know. But this feeling of familiarity reminded him that there was something else buried beneath the surface.

He had to find it out, because if he just followed the current rhythm, he would always be one step behind. Just like Sicily, what he and Ji Qinger did was always in Alfonso's plan.

But this time, the mastermind behind the scenes will no longer be the stupid and innocent Alfonso who destroyed the mafia for the sake of the dead girl. He will never give Xie Zhifei a chance for redemption at the end of his life.

He has to go one step faster than the plan hidden in the deepest part, so that he can control the rhythm in his own hands. He can't lose, because once he loses, Shi Yuqing will die.

He has already lost once because of his selfishness and conceit. The girl who believed in herself wholeheartedly was not by her side when she needed her most. He would never allow himself to lose a second time.

"Since the Hao Lian family is also waiting for the White Demon to extract the darkness from the Daughter of Shadows and regain his powers. So before that, they won't stop the White Demon's recovery, right?" Xie Zhifei looked at Hao Lianzhixia and asked back.

"That's right." They would only intervene at the end of the ceremony, to trap the darkness. Hao Lianzhixia nodded.

"The White Devil's recovery, it stands to reason, should be at an early stage now. That is to say, this attack on the city will greatly damage his vitality, at least it will consume most of his accumulated strength."

"That's right."

"In a short period of time, the White Devil is unable to complete the last step of recovery and regain his power."


"Before that, where was the Shadow Daughter?"

"Right now, I can't tell you."


fifty-five charter

After Hao Lianzhixia finished saying that, the air pressure between the two dropped instantly, and it was not surprising to start fighting at any time. However, the fight has not yet started. Although time is tight, Xie Zhifei is more of an intellectual than force. "why?"

Now the relationship with Robin is not the kind of complete confrontation at the beginning, and the relationship is a slap in the face without reason. After all, what Hao Lianzhixia said was that now was not the time, indicating that it was not that he would not tell him, but that he could not tell him yet.

"If you're talking to you now, you'll be planning to go to her right now, right?" Hao Lianzhixia spread out and fell into the sofa. "But that place is not a good place to come. In a state of prosperity, you may not be able to come out safely, let alone now, it is just a death. The weakness caused by the Cui Emperor's tongue will not last that long. When you recover, I will tell you."

"Well, good." After listening to his words, Xie Zhifei nodded.

"Are you such a good talker?" Hao Lianzhixia was surprised, "Besides me, you would grab me by the neck and yell, I'm already in my prime now, and then force me to speak out. Right."