Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 251

Physiologically, it is still a question whether Xie Zhifei and the others such as mutants, inheritors and power users can be equated with humans. So, is human culture and life really important to them?

Xie Zhifei, who was lying down, stretched out his hand toward the top. The night was already deep, and the light source that entered the room through the heavy curtains was almost dim. Under normal circumstances, humans have no way to see things in this light. But Xie Zhifei could clearly see every inch of his hand. He could clearly see him stretching and clenching, as if he could see how the muscles and bones under the skin were moving.

Am I still human? He couldn't help asking himself that.

Then he suddenly remembered that it seemed that he had asked such a question at some point.

Yes, there have been times like this. He had just been promoted to the second level, and at that time the world seemed to embrace him, which made him have such thoughts.

He remembered again that morning, when the morning mist was thick and slight, the owner of the pie stand had a sincere and straightforward smile, and when Ji Qinger asked him, even the crisp and sweet taste of the brown sugar pie seemed to wrap around his lips.

"Why do we still go to school at a time like this?"

"Why don't we go to school?"

"Hey, if one day, you meet a race that shares the same appearance with humans, but has abilities similar to yours, they tell you that they are the masters of this world, tell you that you are their companion, and want you to return Go among them, which side do you choose?"

"Xie Zhifei, why do you want to protect the world?" Ji Qing'er seemed to be standing in front of him again, wearing a large sports suit, with her hands tucked into her fat sleeves, with only a little fingertip exposed, she grabbed at a man who had bitten the notch. Brown Sugar Pie. Qiao Shengsheng looked at him, and there was a breeze and a bright moon in her voice.

"I don't want to protect the world. Things as big as the world have nothing to do with me." Xie Zhifei could finally give the answer with a smile, "I just want to protect a few people I like and like me."

"Are you willing to give your life to protect them?"

"They are so good, of course I can fight for them. What's the use of my life without them?"

The same is true of the pioneers. They never believed in any lofty ideals and slogans. They believed that by virtue of these, all powers, mutants, and successors could let go of their own interests and protect the world.

The world is such a big proposition, and a person may spend a lifetime, and there may be no way to see its margins. Not to mention that there is still so much land and more people in it. No one is willing to risk their own life to protect something that has nothing to do with them.

But everyone's world is so small, it's just the things you've eaten in the places you've been to, the sunsets you've seen, and friends who care about your life or death; it's the small building you live in, the puppies you feed and those who haven't arrived yet. Watch the new show.

These are the reasons why people can work so hard. The sunsets in the places I have been are so beautiful, the food is so delicious, the puppies are so cute, and those **** guys are so cheap, but so cute. How could I be without them? Why can't I fight for them?

Having figured out all this, Xie Zhifei finally put down his raised arms and put his palms against his chest. Through the skin and blood vessels, I can feel the slow and powerful beating of the heart in the chest cavity, like the beating of a war drum.

He could even feel that his body, which was injured by the Cui Emperor's tongue, was repairing rapidly. If the source of life is a mirror, then there is now a crack and a defect on it. Every now and then, bits and pieces of debris would rise from somewhere inside his body, and the light like fine sand would melt into the damage bit by bit.

It doesn't matter where it came from. Maybe one day, he will be swallowed by the monsters in his body, but as long as the things he wants to protect are still there. He would accompany them as the human identity they wished to be.

That's what he's thinking now.

"Pfft—" The next day, when he opened the door, Hao Lianzhixia, who saw him, directly sprayed the soy milk out of his mouth. "Are you human, what kind of resilience is this?"

"It shouldn't be." Xie Zhifei reached out and scratched his head, smiling indifferently. "I don't know exactly what it was, but as you can see, I've fully recovered."

Although his tone was relaxed, Hao Lianzhixia's expression became solemn. The man in front of him was different from yesterday. Not that his strength or existence has changed. It is on the level of cognition that Xie Zhifei has crossed a certain obstacle that has always been in front of him last night, and a special change is taking place from the inside to the outside.

"Where do you want to save the Shadow Daughter?" Because he didn't know what kind of bottleneck he had crossed, nor what he had figured out. Hao Lian knew that Xia had no way of knowing whether this change was good or bad, and finally had to give up.

"Hmm. Wish you could tell me."

"Of course, after all, I promised you before." Hao Lianzhixia nodded, showing a look of relief, "But I've really convinced you. It's not good for your heart to keep doing this kind of sudden attack."

"This sentence, I will return it to you as it is. In the future, there will be less special attacks. It will be very troublesome for us to wipe our butts." Xie Zhifei shrugged, picked up a bun from the dining table and took a bite. Everyone naturally understood the subtext in his words, and he was still firmly on the side of the Fool.

"I'm really sorry, it may not be possible." In the end, it was Di Feiqiong who answered first. "Then this time, let's understand you first."

"Should I say thank you?" Xie Zhifei shrugged.

"Hahaha-" Everyone laughed together.

"The place where the Daughter of Shadow is, is where the Sheepshead cultists gather now, we call it the Shadow Realm. Until the White Demons fully awaken, there will be their base camp. So if you want to go, go there. ."

"Yanggu." At the same time, the fools, Hao Lian and Guang, said another diametrically opposite term to Po Jun, "In order to prevent the recovery of the White Devil, the place we must guard must be Yanggu."


Chapter fifty-nine shadow world

"Yanggu?" Po Jun chewed on the term, "The last seal of the White Devil?"

"Yes, there will be the first and last battlefield." Hao Lian and Guang nodded.

After listening to his words, Yi Nian, who was urgently recalled, squinted at the sissy-looking man and said sarcastically. "Is it the last battlefield? If it's the first battlefield, the villagers of Lubian Village and Jinhuazhai probably won't agree with you."

"One thought!" Po Jun scolded him.

"I don't care, Mr. Po Jun, Mr. Yi Nian is right, what I said just now is indeed my problem. But I still hope that everyone can understand, whether it is the two villages or the events that happened two days ago. Death It's a sad thing indeed, but the culprit behind it all is the White Devil.

As long as the White Devils do not completely die out, sacrifices will always be unavoidable. "

"Heh." For these official remarks, Yi Nian just snorted lightly to express his emotions.

Po Jun glared at him again, and then took the initiative to cut the topic. "If I remember correctly, where Yanggu is located, only the Daughter of Shadow can find it, right? Patriarch Heguang."

"Yes. At least that's what my clan's records say." Hao Lian and Guang nodded.

"Where does the word defense come from? The daughter of the shadow, Shi Yuqing, should have been captured by the Sheepshead Cultists."

"It's really because we didn't think carefully about it. We didn't expect that under such a population base, the Sheepshead cultists could find the existence of the Shadow Daughter so quickly. They have already taken the lead, so we think that we can't take a slow step. Slow down, we have to find Yanggu ahead of them."

"Could it be that the nobles already have some solution?"

"It's a pity," Hao Lian and Guang lowered his head, "Our family, whose strength comes from gifts and inheritance, is really hard at developing new power." Hao Lian and Guang shook his head with a wry smile, and admitted Hao Lian without hesitation. A family of flaws.

"However, we believe in your organization's ability in this regard. Your organization, which has completed its rise and become one of the four major forces that control the world in just a few decades, should have a way." Although it sounds like a business exaggeration , but Hao Lian and Guang's eyes were serious. It shows that he is really not talking about the scene, but really thinks that the Fool has this hope.

"Of course I also know that even your organization can't complete such a demanding task in such a short time without direction and goals, so in order to show sincerity, we have brought possibilities." Hao Lianhe Guang said. After finishing, he turned his head and gestured to the old man next to him.

The old man obviously didn't buy his tent very much, so he snorted coldly, and then let go of his hands that had been together since just now. The closed sleeves opened, and a cold and extremely cold breath rushed out instantly. Everyone present frowned instantly.

Hao Lian and Guang narrowed their eyes slightly and looked at the old wooden box covered with spells, "This is something that my lord left to my clan to take care of, but unfortunately for thousands of years, my clan has no way to get much from it. information. In this existential moment, we think it should play a bigger role.”

"What is this?" Po Jun's voice was very low. In his eyes, the maliciousness leaked out of the box seemed to be condensed into reality. The familiar chaos and evil showed that it was inseparably related to the White Devil. But it's hard to guess what the white devil thing that appeared in the hands of Hao Lian's family would be.

"These are the eyes of the white devil." Hao Lian and Guang replied.

"The part of the White Devil's body that my lord left to our clan to take care of, can also directly reflect the state of a part of the White Devil. My clan can get the information of the White Devil's recovery at the first time, and it is also obtained by observing it.

But because of stupid reasons, we have not been able to uncover more secrets from it for so many years. But I'm sure it can play a bigger role in your organization's hands. "

"The things that Lord Siguang left in your care, just leave them to us, is there any problem?" Po Jun didn't take the box immediately.

"Everything is to destroy the white devil." Hao Lian and Guang replied seriously.


"You have to think about it clearly. I've only heard of the concept of the so-called shadow world. I don't know exactly what's going on inside." Hao Lianzhixia said to Xie Zhifei seriously. "You've gone this way, and there's a good chance you won't be able to come back."