Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 252

"I know." Xie Zhifei nodded, "Do you know what it means to choose this concept?"

Hao Lianzhixia did not expect that Xie Zhifei would suddenly ask him such a philosophical question at such a time, stunned for a moment, and then Chen Keng shook his head.

"The so-called choice does not mean to get something, but means to give up a certain possibility. When you make a certain choice, you give up all possibilities except this choice.

So if there is no choice, there is no need to give up. My choice this time may give up all of my future life, it's true.

But the person I want to save has appeared in all my past moments, happy moments or unhappy moments, and it is these moments that make up my past life, without her, I don't know How to explain my past life. Past life and future life are actually equal on both ends of the scale, aren't they? That's worth a shot. "

Xie Zhifei said a lot to himself, and then, under the stunned expressions of everyone, he jumped into the portal opened by No. 9 without any hesitation. Do not leave them any chance to react.

"He...was originally a poet?" The youngest grade 9 who opened the portal asked Hao Lianzhixia, who had the most contact with Xie Zhifei in the team, dumbfounded. "So before the bitterness and hatred, were you actually thinking of poems?"

"At least these sentences sound good." As the only female member, Fan Miyan gave her fair judgment, "If I were the girl he was going to save, I would be very moved and happy to hear such a sentence. "

"Is there...?" No. 9's face twitched, "Without her, I don't know how to explain my past life... Wouldn't this kind of thing be sour?"

"That's why you're a little virgin who doesn't even have a first love!!!" Fan Miyan pulled him over and put it under his armpit, clenched his other hand into a fist, and kept twisting the position of his temple. "Hurry up and enlighten me."

"You said, will he succeed?" No. 9 was ravaged by Fan Miyan, and the portal could no longer be maintained. Hao Lianzhixia retracted his eyes and asked Di Feiqiong next to him.

"I don't know." Di Feiqiong shook his head. "But at least he made his own choice. We have no reason to control him, just like no one can stop us from making our choice." The ups and downs in the eyes, like the ocean of fireflies floating.

And Xie Zhifei, the main body they talked about, doesn't have so much spare time to think about whether he can succeed or not. Because he can't even open his eyes now.

"This is really... beyond imagination..."


Chapter Sixty Chaos

Although Hao Lianzhixia had warned him before, he also made a lot of assumptions and psychological preparations. But the moment he really entered the film world, he still found that he was a little too naive.

It is completely different from the feeling of crossing the two interfaces when entering the ancient battlefield and the earthly paradise. If it is said that it is through two layers of film. To enter the shadow world is to plunge into a vacuum.

Although it is called the world, the name is only a human definition for it. Just like people have no way to describe the colors they don't know, the name Shadow World also shows that they have no way to understand what is here.

chaos. This is the easiest way to explain it, and it is completely opposite to the orderly world, and all the laws and common sense are useless here. Irregularity is the only law here. Mass, temperature, tri-state, and even existence and non-existence themselves are in constant flux.

The only good news is that Xie Zhifei found that he didn't even need oxygen anymore because all the rules were broken. Otherwise, in a few minutes, he will probably have to die here.

The downside is all aspects other than this matter. The most typical manifestation is that chaos is slowly eroding his body, and he can't even control his own thoughts.

This is a terrible state, so terrible that there is no way to even realize it is terrible. Because your mind is running wild like a wild horse, thinking about strange and pointless things.

"I have to do something..." The thought just crossed my head. The next thing will be, "Every time the owner of the Dandan noodles in the west of the city makes it salty." Something like this.

When behaviors and actions deviate, you can rely on your thoughts and will to correct them. When thinking goes astray, what can be done to correct it? Because at that time, even the subjects who could realize the concept of deviation were gone.

Xie Zhifei could only improve his situation a little bit by relying on a few sporadic 'useful' thoughts that he occasionally brushed through in the countless chaos.

"who I am……"

"What am I going to do..." He didn't even know how long it took him to finish thinking about these two things, and finally established the existence of the subject 'I'.

After knowing 'I', he began to think further, "What am I?" and then to determine the existence of his own body.

Little by little, he finally straightened out these logics, regained all the memories and subjects related to him, and was able to start the concept of behavior and cognition.

He could feel that he was lying motionless, either falling or rising. After all, the concepts of up and down are also chaotic in the shadow world. And now he feels nothing but himself.

Eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear. Because watching and listening are based on rules. Even if you can understand these, how to adapt to the irregularities is impossible to understand.

"This is really, beyond imagination..." Xie Zhifei could only sigh in his heart.

"Chaos itself is the norm. In fact, the world of rules, I think, is beyond imagination." A voice sounded abruptly. Xie Zhifei's heart twitched in fright, knowing that he has no ability to resist now.

"What are you... What?" Since what he said in his heart just now, the other party can know, then it proves that this kind of communication is possible.

"Obviously, I should have used my power. Sure enough, Chaos has even deprived you of your ability to judge?"


To be able to say such a thing, the body of this voice is basically ready to come out, "Running wolf..." Why is it like this? Does it still have its own subject consciousness? ! Confusion and fear exploded hundreds of times in Xie Zhifei's heart. This development was something he had never thought about.

"I'm not interested in occupying your body." Ben Lang read his thoughts directly, "If it wasn't for you finding such a place, I wouldn't have appeared at all."

Yes, it reminded Xie Zhifei only to realize that the second generation did not enter the weird side because of some dramas such as occupation and house grabbing. Rather, after seeing the real world, they themselves invested in the 'correct' side.

"That's right, it's Chaos..." Xie Zhifei couldn't help answering, recalling what Ben Lang had just said.

"Yes, because order is always a mirror, and the more refined it is, the faster it will be destroyed. Only chaos itself is eternal." Ben Lang replied, "You should be clear about these things yourself."

"But you don't hate order." Xie Zhifei asked rhetorically, not without reason, because Ben Wolf also used the word beyond imagination when describing the orderly world.

This is not how they should be described as messengers of the end.

"Because order itself is one of the manifestations of chaos." Ben Lang was not surprised by his question. "Eternal disorder is itself one of order, and chaos is absolute disorder, and it is not strange that order arises in chaos."

"Then why are you still obsessed with destruction?" Compared with the sage-like one now, the Ben wolf that just emerged from the ruins is much more tyrannical, killing and destroying, without pity and hatred, for the existence of the whole world Incomparable indifference, just destroying for the sake of destruction. This difference caused Xie Zhifei to have great doubts.

"Because to order, all acts of chaos mean destruction. Just as you, as a byword for order, cannot understand the current chaos, neither can we understand order..."

"You're lying." Xie Zhifei said suddenly.

"What are you talking about..." Ben Lang seemed to have no time to understand Xie Zhifei's sudden thoughts and questions, and asked suspiciously.

"You are delaying time, you want to wait for me to be completely assimilated by Chaos." Xie Zhifei had no doubts. After this sentence, Ben Lang's voice suddenly stopped.

"...How do you know." After a long time, it said.

"Because you are not it, you don't understand what kind of existence it is. You can even understand what I think it is most likely to be through the heart defense I keep revealing.

But unfortunately, I don't know what it is. So you, who think like me, are definitely not it. "

"But I still want to thank you." Xie Zhifei stood up suddenly. Although the movements of raising hands and feet are very stiff and weird, like a shoddy robot or a newly synthesized Frankenstein, the movements are awkward and unskilled.

"You... how?" The voice was shocked, and it was clear that Xie Zhifei couldn't even open his eyes a few seconds ago. But now, despite the weird posture, he really stood up.

"Because you at least helped me straighten out a lot of ideas about what chaos is..." Xie Zhifei smiled widely, opened his eyes, and looked at the monster in front of him.

"Hey, you're so ugly."


Chapter 61 Chaos II

In fact, it is not so difficult to understand the current situation. The first is chaos. The shadow world does exist, but it is not entirely composed of chaos. But when chaos and order are mixed, there is no way to understand the truth of the world through order.

To put it simply, it is like a question, half of it has been learned and half of it has not been learned, and the final result must be that the half that has not been learned cannot do it. It won't be done because of half of what you have learned.