Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 261

Sheepshead Cultists, Kuroshio, Xie Zhifei, all the creatures in the shadow world are shrouded in this blood. The crimson light was like a condensed blood jade, covering a layer of shell on them.

Xie Zhifei had froze in place from the beginning, unable to make any movement with his body, no matter how loud or how he breathed. But even in such stillness, he could still feel the change. Even this change was conveyed more clearly by the stagnant body. Trembling, the whole body suddenly began to tremble violently, and the trembling of bones, muscles, internal organs, including the soul was all suppressed by the external force.

Xie Zhifei could feel that there was a huge and unknown thing about to appear, something that exceeded his imagination, and even exceeded the limit of this world.

Little by little, struggling, he crawled out of the cage where it was being held.

The red-stained light ball melted, like wax oil, the first light fell on the black tower, then the second, the third, the light ball completely dissolved, turning into light to completely wrap the black tower.

This abnormal scene lasted for a few seconds, and then a huge beam of light rushed out from under the black tower! A beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters erupted from the same vermilion array, slammed into the sky, the beam of light blasted into the clouds, and the whole night became bright again, even if it was dozens of kilometers away. He saw the red beam of red light that reached the sky and dyed the sky a **** red.

The breath that made people tremble and wanted to crawl spread out from under the black tower, and then Xie Zhifei saw a person, or a shadow, appear beside him.


Chapter 75 Yanggu

" Yanggu?" It's no wonder that Po Jun is so strange. After all, hearing the name, most people think that this place will be a glorious and beautiful land, like a carnival or some other game. The green trees are thick, the grass is delicious, and the golden flare leaks from the gaps between the leaves. Maybe there are butterflies or some more exotic creatures living here.

But in fact, the place displayed in front of them is a wasteland. The terrain can barely be called a valley, but the pitted terrain seems to be saturated and bombed for more than a month.

Black and gold were randomly smeared on the ground like paint, the sky was a strange orange-red color, and several huge flares moved slowly in the air. There are no strange creatures, no butterflies or herbs, in fact, even life does not exist when you look up.

"I know what you're thinking." Hao Lian and Guang followed closely through the open gate, and forgot to look inside. "The former Yanggu was indeed Lord Siguang's favorite garden, and the scenery was even more beautiful than everyone imagined.

But this is also the place where the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Siguang finally fought. The victorious Lord Siguang didn't have so much spare time to choose a suitable place for his younger brother, but sealed him here on the spot. "

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the potholes on the ground that looked like they were knocked out by meteorites and the colors of black or gold, "These are the traces left by the battle between the two, these are probably the bloodstains of the relatives who participated in that battle. "

"Bloodstains from a thousand years ago?" The thought that Hao Lian and Guang didn't feel very good made him even more like a magician. What kind of blood can pass thousands of years without drying up?

"The laws of the world do not apply here. After the Lord of the Light closes Yanggu, this place is completely a space that operates under independent rules, and the most important rule in Yanggu is that it will never change if it is not affected by external forces. ." Hao Lian and Guang didn't seem to notice the maliciousness in Yi Nian's tone.

"This is the place we are looking for, let's move, we have to complete the arrangement before the white devil wakes up." After he finished speaking, he put on a set of silver-white almost mirror-like clothes.

This is a reflective garment made of anti-infrared fabric. Even though it has been abandoned for thousands of years, this is still the battlefield of the past, and the garden of the gods is not just a beautiful place for mortals.

The orange-red spot that replaces the sun illuminating this space can be far more complicated than sunlight. It's presumably a free-roaming, sentient electronic phenomenon, with spots ranging in size from fireflies to oranges floating in the air in addition to a few giant ones in the sky. They are also one of the family members of the Lord of the Light, and they are the most dangerous predators in this space.

Most of the golden traces are their dead corpses, pure elemental phenomenon-type creatures, without their own physical existence. But when alive, they are carnivorous. It preys by inflicting deep and severe burns. The phenomenon of its predation is very similar to that of a child using a magnifying glass to focus on burning ants. A bean-sized light spot can burst into a strong light of more than 30,000 lumens in an instant.

The light gathered at one point can melt through part of the metal in an instant, and they are generally dispatched as a whole, and being surrounded by such a group of things is definitely something that everyone does not want to encounter.

Yi Nian also pouted and put the protective suit on his body. After a while, the team of more than 400 people all dressed up and entered the Yanggu.

The numbers of the Fool and the Hao Lian clan were split in half, and the Divine Mark Warriors with more than 200 people were the highest combat population that the Hao Lian clan could provide. In this last battle, all their living strength came out in full force. Not only that, many young people who were not old enough also accepted the ceremony of inoculating the gods in advance.

The Fool's formation is also luxurious. Except for Xie Zhifei, Longcheng's blade group is all in place. Xi Ke and Mu Xiao also brought their team here. More importantly, except for breaking the army, they were originally responsible for guarding the army. The greedy wolf of the death prison also came out of the base rarely.

The fall of Clementine made them not dare to be too big. The last frontier of the two humans is almost the highest force that the Fool can deploy. The remaining personnel also include 25 divine guards who were specially supported by Tianhu in order to repay the kindness of the nephew, and...

"So, why do I wear such stupid clothes to accompany you to such a dangerous place!!!" The scumbag, weak and weak, did not think of second people except the werewolf's holy son William.

"I'm going back to Longcheng, I still have class, and the students are still waiting for their teachers!!"

"Now we don't have the energy to take care of you, and your strength might be able to help you." Greedy Wolf, who had been with him the longest, turned around without hesitation and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not in the same group as you guys, why should I help you all your life? We are a hostile force, a hostile force!!"

"The little girl next to you doesn't seem to think so." Greedy Wolf shrugged.

William turned his head, and sure enough, he saw the black moon in a protective suit, his whole body was shaking constantly, his eyes were bright and scary, not because of fear, but excited.

"Hey, hey, you're right, they're going to fight with God, you're so excited and messed up. You're going to die, okay?" William immediately ORZ.

"Fighting is the fate of a werewolf. To die in a battle with a powerful enemy is every werewolf's dream. If you fight a god, even death is worth it, right?" Asked back.

"It's not worth it, no matter who you fight, it's not worth dying!" William, who has always been a pit teammate, finally realized how terrible it is to have a teammate who is more pitiful. There is no way to communicate this.

Compared with the leadership team, which looks a bit weird in style, the rest of the staff are much more capable. The Divine Rune warriors of the Hao Lian clan squat down and meditate in order to keep themselves in the best fighting state. The Fool's side started to survey the terrain almost immediately, occupying favorable terrain, and carrying out fortification construction.

A small group of people assembled a skeleton antenna-like device near the gate. After the power was turned on, the rainbow flashed, and the gate, which could only allow two people to pass at the same time, was quickly opened and stabilized. It was 4 meters wide and 3 meters high. Ability to allow access to large equipment.

All preparations were carried out in an orderly manner, like spiders. These people in silver-white protective suits quickly built blood vessel-like lines and tracks on this land.

"How long will it take for the White Devils to recover?" After a brief glance at the preparatory activities, Po Jun nodded, then turned and walked towards the thin old man behind Hao Lian and Guang.

He now knows his identity, the priest, the second-ranked figure in the Hao Lian clan. He is also the only elderly person in the young Hao Lian family centered on Hao Lian and Guang. It is said that when he became a priest, the previous patriarch had not yet taken office.

Except for a few openings, the old man held the wooden box in his hand tightly, and chanted the mantra with his eyes closed. It is said that this can effectively suppress the eyes of the white devil sealed in the box.

"The Sheepshead Cultists are working hard, and the White Devil's recovery is halfway through." The old man lowered his head and replied, speaking very fast, as if when he said this, the seal against the White Devil was loosened again.

"The specific time, how long?" Po Jun nodded.

"Three days." The priest was silent for a while, and then made his own judgment, "The price paid by the White Devils who attacked the city last time was not..." Before he finished his words, the upheaval suddenly occurred.

Scarlet light peeked out from the gap in the box, and then quickly increased in value, as if it couldn't fit inside and was overflowing. The box vibrated violently.

The priest put down the box, stretched out his hand and bit his own fingers, and wrote directly on the seal on the box with blood. The original handwriting on the yellow characters is rapidly disappearing, and the power of the seal is being swallowed up! !

The sacrificial hand wrote faster and faster, and in the end, it was like a black afterimage, constantly smearing on the yellow paper, which made people wonder how the small piece of paper could have such a wide range for him to write.

But even so, his complexion did not improve in the slightest, because if you look closely, you will find that although the sacrificial writing is fast, the handwriting on the paper disappears faster!

And it's getting faster and faster, and even some words disappear as soon as they are written.

Finally, the strip of paper with all the writing disappeared began to burn, and the black and red lines grew along the edge of the paper like blood vessels, and the next moment it turned into ashes and fell to the ground.

The priest's hand finally stopped, because there was nowhere on the box for him to write anymore. He just stood there with one hand in the air.

This change came so fast that it was too late to even respond to the fight. Now I have come over and looked at the box in the center that emits this red light. Then I reacted a bit before I could recognize that it was the thing that was covered with spells before.

"What's wrong?" Po Jun, who witnessed everything, frowned, instinctively telling him that this was not a good omen.

"The white devil... is revived..." The priest raised his head. He was already thin and exhausted. There was nothing left in the sunken eye sockets, only a deep black, and the voice came from there. The empty darkness diffused out.


Chapter seventy-six shadow, anger

The voice of the old sacrifice was not loud, but the low pressure was faster than the plague, and it quickly spread among the crowd. Looking at the body of the old priest who was basically completely empty, no one would doubt the authenticity of what he said.

Of course, compared to the old priest, there is something more present reminding them of the upcoming event. Surrounded by the crimson light, the wooden box slowly rose from the ground, like a firefly flying into the air, the more it rose, the brighter it became.

At first, it was just a small beam of light leaking from the edge. Later, the light directly corroded the wall of the wooden box, and the light was even more out of control like a flood. It was as if a new sun was about to rise from the earth.

And in the crimson sun, the pitch-black one-eyed suspended quietly, the light emitted from the outside slowly restrained, the light exploded and turned into countless drizzle-like crimson filaments, the filaments cruising in the air with black pupils as the The core weaves a giant eye.

It was a vertical pupil that belonged to a predator, and the pitch-black pupil wrapped in the countless crimson shimmers that were cruising was even more profound, like a shuttle-shaped door. Standing quietly in the air, looking down at the people below.