Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 269

All is equal in the face of destruction. Under the surprise of the white devil, the sword edge slashed down his shoulder, the huge wound extending all the way to his waist. The hard armor that blocked the three thousand trouble threads of a single thought seemed to be non-existent under the burning of the Cang Yan, like cutting butter with a hot knife.


Chapter eighty seven showers

Pulled diagonally from the shoulder to the waist, more than ten centimeters deep, such a wound is placed on the person. Basically, it can be judged that there is no rescue, but the White Demon is not a human, so even with such terrifying damage, it is impossible to kill him here in one blow.

Not only that, but with such a wound, he didn't even utter a cry of pain, clenched the hand that originally called out the magic circle, and punched Xie Zhifei, who was still holding the sword, with a punch from top to bottom. .

"Boom--" Even Xie Zhifei used the Qin King's negative sword at the fastest speed, and carried the sword to his back, slightly blocking the mighty fist and hitting him directly on the back. But such a layer of barrier obviously has no way to resolve the majestic power on the fist.

Xie Zhifei felt that he had been hit by a giant siege tree. The giant force was like an awl pierced through his vest and pushed towards his spine. The sternum and ribs squeezed the ground and made a sound of shattering. The impact made his heart stop for a moment, and he could even feel the hard ground being squeezed and shattered. If it weren't for the fact that he was still in some kind of weird boundary-breaking state and his body strength was unbelievably high, this blow could even directly smash him into a puddle of flesh on the ground!

But even so, the huge force still made his heart stop for a moment, and his whole body seemed to fall apart, and he couldn't exert any strength. It seemed like a doomed fate to become a stick of flesh sticking to the ground, the difference was only one or two blows.

Although Xie Zhifei didn't have the possibility of avoiding the second blow at all, the difference itself was the difference. exist objectively. So before the White Demon swung down his fist for the second time, the greedy wolf attacked again, and the speed became faster, like a phantom. A whip leg swept across the White Demon's head.

He, who has never been known for his strength, usually uses more sneak attacks like digging the heart, but this leg pulled out as much force as a punch, turned and kicked, throwing a slam, Let the legs cut through the air like steel whips. The air in front of the legs condensed into a sharp front, like a swung axe.

The moment such a 'big axe' smashed into the head of the White Demon, the force directly penetrated it, and the whole body of the White Demon floated up with the power of his head. The whole person flew out and smashed straight into the distance between the mountain walls.

"Boy, are you alright." Greedy Wolf fell to the ground and stretched out his hand towards Xie Zhifei who was on the ground. Xie Zhifei gritted his teeth and grabbed the arm, trying to stand up.

As soon as Greedy Wolf retracted his hand, a huge force instantly pulled Xie Zhifei up to the sky, so frightened that he quickly dropped his hand, Xie Zhifei hurriedly adjusted his posture in mid-air. It was only to avoid another dog to eat **** and fall back, but even so, the shock of the landing made him groan again.

"Well, I just plundered too much energy, and I haven't adjusted it yet." Greedy Wolf was a little embarrassed and only had a frame of gold-rimmed glasses. Xie Zhifei nodded in understanding, and quickly adjusted his body that was on the verge of falling apart.

This is not the time to make fun of each other. They are not a heroic team chosen by God to destroy the Demon King, nor are they hunters chasing this prey. If I really want to say, they are the prey struggling to survive. Every second of breathing time in the fighting for life must be fully utilized, so that it is possible to live longer in the next fight until the next breathing.

When Xie Zhifei moved his limbs, causing the bones in his body to make a rattling sound, Po Jun also came to the two of them. His right arm is almost abolished, showing an unhealthy purple-red color, which means that the muscles inside are highly congested and strained. There are small cracks all over the skin. creek.

"Hey, you look like you are about to return to the west. Can you still hold it?" Greedy Wolf subconsciously complained about his old comrade-in-arms.

Po Jun raised his right hand and clenched his fist with no expression on his face. He rushed out abruptly. Inside the heavy smoke, the White Demon had just come out of the cave that he had knocked out, and Po Jun had already rushed in front of him.

Leaning over and punching his fist, his clenched right fist smashed into the abdomen of the white devil, and smashed the white devil back. The sound of the rocks in the mountain shattering even surpassed that of Greedy Wolf just now.

The broken stone rolled down to Po Jun's feet, and Po Jun squeezed his fist again. "I can hold on for a while." Greedy Wolf wanted to slap him on the face, but finally shook his head, he should have guessed before asking.

"Forget it," after all, after so many years of comrades-in-arms, the other party's style has long been clear, so let's be reckless. "Little guy, don't die."

"It's okay." Xie Zhifei shook his head.

This sentence put an end to the only breathing time left, and the second round of the battle started with a huge beam of water tank thickness lasing out of the broken mountain.

A more intense and violent battle, if it was just a fight where one side talked for one turn, it was considered a fight. From now on, the White Devil, whose patience has been worn away, will start a fight to the death, with the purpose of killing the opponent.

The four of them were fighting together like beasts, and the speed was so fast that the people on the side didn't even have the chance to participate. Only four different afterimages can be seen constantly beating and merging. Every now and then one would be thrown out and then come back at a faster rate.

Judging his identity can only rely on some characteristics. For example, the biggest black shadow is the White Devil, his height is much higher than the other three, and the second is the army. Majestic as a mountain, he will bring out every movement like a tsunami hitting the shore. With the usual loud noise, the fist swinging seemed to shatter the space in front of him.

Xie Zhifei was the one with the three blue light strips. The Cang Yan protruding from his eyes and the dark blue stretched a long strip of light in the air because of his speed, like the taillights of a car or the long tail of a meteor in the middle of the night.

The last one is Greedy Wolf. He is also the most difficult to capture. Because the speed is too fast, it looks like a light gray shadow. Only the starting point and ending point of a movement can be captured. The distance in between seems to have been deleted.

The storm-like attack enveloped the White Demon. This is a knife-edge dance, and the White Devils have a slight advantage in all aspects, but they can't play it out. Because the three people in front of him are much worse than him in many aspects, but they have reached the extreme in some aspects and can compare to him as a perfect creature.

Xie Zhifei's sword, Po Jun's fist, and Greedy Wolf's sword, the three of them covered each other and formed horns. Each of them could really hurt the White Devil, or even die, and he had to deal with it carefully. Didn't even find a chance to break the storm, and could only passively defend and wait for the opportunity.


Chapter 88 is over?

The White Demon was once again hit by Po Jun's heavy punch on the chest, and the armor-like chest muscle was sunken. If it weren't for the fact that the body structure was different from that of humans, the ribs that had been pierced through had already pierced the heart, making him unable to die any longer.

His backhand strike was caught by Xie Zhifei's dark blue, and Cang Yan spread quickly along his fingers like a plague of greed. He frowned, his hand split from his wrist, and before the broken palm burning with Cang Yan landed, the newly born palm had already protruded halfway out of the broken wrist, and he could recover as new without even taking a breath.

But before he can recover, he has to be hit by the broken army or the greedy wolf several times. His situation is not too optimistic. In the case of three-on-one, the exchange ratio between the two sides is terrifyingly high, and it may even reach the level of fifteen-to-one, or even higher.

This meant that he had to be attacked fifteen times before he could have an effective counterattack, and such a counterattack would often be blocked by a few people who were swept by the side.

But even so, he wasn't really too worried. Because this situation will not last forever. There are bound to be flaws.

Because there are still three humans besieging him. Instead of a perfect creature like him, if it was his brother, or even the three inferior beings, he would definitely die. But in front of him is only a human who has stepped on the extreme in a certain aspect.

Physical strength, mental strength, and recovery ability all have limits. What's more, they were not full before this battle started.

In a simple analogy, Xie Zhifei and the others are now conducting a rank to open up wasteland, and the team is a three-person output group that is dissatisfied with blood, and has no shepherds and no milk. Not even taking drugs. Even if their skills and attacks can cause damage to the boss, their blue bars, health bars and stamina are limited, and as long as any one of the three of them has a problem with one of the three values, wait for them is the breakdown of the balance.

And such a collapse is almost predictable. So even though the scene was bad, he still tried his best to defend and counterattack while waiting for that opportunity to appear.

Just like a snake, when a snake is hunting, it can even stand still in one place for several days or even half a month, but when the prey passes by, it will burst out, killing it with one blow.

In cold-blooded and iron-blooded, the White Devil bears a striking resemblance to this cold-blooded animal. He was able to accept his damage level like a machine and make future judgments.

And this kind of cold-blooded and iron-blooded turned into a huge pressure on every nerve of the three people. And it keeps increasing as time goes by.

The flaws still appeared.

Xie Zhifei always thought that he would be the node where the balance collapsed, because among the three, he had the worst rhythm and caused the least damage to the White Demon. This is a hard gap in experience and technology.

But while he was still clenching his teeth, Po Jun, who seemed to be able to carry the world and threw his fists until the end of time, fell first.

Greedy Wolf walked to the left, and his knife hit the White Devil's temple like a diamond. The trend of breaking the bamboo is now. But this half-step collapse fist did not come out.

Po Jun, who was walking on the mountain, did not raise his fist. The fist that was drawn in half collapsed like a loose rubber band, and the whole person shook.

The murderous aura that the White Demon had been concealing exploded in an instant. The murderous aura accumulated by every wound and every defense was as majestic as a mountain range. At this moment, Mount Tai collapsed and stretched for thousands of miles.

The vertical and horizontal murderous aura is generally crushed on the closest three people, as if it will directly crush people to the ground. In a trance, even the most terrifying fantasy begins to appear in the head unconsciously. Everyone died here.

Shi Yuqing, Ji Qinger, Yi Nian, Liu Huan, Po Jun, Greedy Wolf, soldiers of the Hao Lian clan, had huge holes in their chests, and blood accumulated in a low-lying area into a lake. Everyone's eyes were wide open, and their dilated pupils stared at the blood-red sky with godless eyes. The tall figure of the white devil is stepping out of this hellish place step by step. Go to the world that awaits his demise.

"Boy—" Greedy Wolf roared violently, and the tingling sensation that the blood all over his body was about to be pulled out of his body instantly pulled Xie Zhifei out of the terrifying hallucination. In terms of mental tenacity, the two human frontiers are still full of Xie Zhifei, the newcomer.

But Xie Zhifei's awakening could not play a decisive role in changing the situation. After all, this majestic killing intent is not the body of the White Devil's attack, but just a prelude.

The white devil stomped on the ground, and the whole person turned into a phantom, like a mad dragon, rushing towards Po Jun. The key point of flipping the balance of victory and defeat is definitely not that something happens suddenly, and one side can completely crush the other side.

But at the end of the battle, one of the parties could survive in a way that was almost bloodless. And this kind of opportunity is not always available, it is fleeting, not only need to be prepared for action in advance, but also must have the mental awareness of giving up everything. Bai Moi obviously had this kind of awareness. He completely emptied his defenses against Xie Zhifei and Greedy Wolf, ready to take their attacks hard, and then solve the problem of Po Jun. Even if the broken army is not dead, as long as it is seriously injured, the balance is broken. What awaits Xie Zhifei and them is hell.

The speed of the greedy wolf reached the limit, as if it was crossing the space, it appeared from the left side of the white devil to the right side. But even so, he couldn't change the fist that the White Demon had already swung with all his strength. You can only use your body as a barrier to stop the army from breaking.

Xie Zhifei couldn't even help him to resist, so he could only roar and make moves. It was the first time that the White Devil appeared in front of him in such an undefended state. Come out with a few meters of virtual blades.

Xie Zhifei roared and swung the giant sword with a blade of more than three meters in his hand, as if he swung a mountain or a sea of ​​​​tide. .

The blade penetrated directly through the body of the White Devil, and cut it open from the middle. Through his body, the sword scar on the ground was nearly 100 meters away, and the earth was torn open with huge wounds here.

But this was not enough. Even though a burning blue line appeared in the middle of the body, the momentum of the White Devil's bombardment only increased unabated. The viscous black substance was continuously secreted, supplying Cang Yan to burn while sticking the cracked body together.