Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 44

Although he said this for a year, Xie Zhifei looked up and saw that Alice in the sky had obviously weakened a lot after this outbreak. But do they have to rely on this method of grinding turtle shells to solve it? Normally there might be no problem, but now they are pressed for time. ,

"That eldest lady, isn't there any good news?" Before Alice could recover, her thoughts began to rot in the earphones again. "When you fight a boss like this, don't you usually give some special items? A weakening potion, or the best magic sword in the village that can kill the boss in one hit."

"How is this possible..."

"Yes." Before Xie Zhifei's complaints were over, Lin Xue's voice came from the earphones.

"Huh? The best sword in the village? Is there really such a thing?" Xie Zhifei wondered if he was hallucinating, and shouted into the earphones.

"Of course that kind of thing is impossible." Lin Xue replied indifferently, "But there is a weakening potion, and I'm driving it to you."

"Miss Lin, did you deliver it yourself?" This time, even a thought was startled. "Is it something very precious? An epic buff that blinds the titanium alloy dog's eyes?"

"No, it's just because I haven't done it yet. I'm making it. When I arrive, it should be almost done. So please hold on."

"Hey, hey, what do you mean it's not finished yet?" Yi Nian yelled into the earphones. But there was no sound from Lin Xue's side. It seems that the preparation of the potion is at a critical juncture.

"Anyway, that's it, buff is on the way. Come on everyone."


Chapter 80 Core

Alice's recovery didn't take much time. After Lin Xue hung up the call, she started to move in the air. The blow just now obviously stimulated her a lot, and the attack became even more crazy. Under the constant scratching of the invisible giant hand, most of the factory area was destroyed.

But everyone who is already familiar with her attack pattern is not unable to deal with her attack. Paying attention to the flow of air and the sound of the wind, they are also effectively avoiding. The crimson sword light and the blue sword light even hit the raging girl in the sky from time to time.

But after suffering the loss last time, Alice left a bit of strength in every attack, and one hand was ready to form a mental barrier in front of her to protect herself. Ji Qinger's sword, Yi Nian's knife, and Xie Zhifei's spear couldn't get in. For a while, it became a situation where neither side could do anything about the other.

Xie Zhifei was even more frightened and lived every second, because Lin Xue needed time, but there was not much time left for the people of Longcheng. This feeling of fear and anticipation is constantly brewing in everyone's heart. Accompanied by the attack of Alice, who had been unable to hit for a long time, became stronger and stronger, and everyone was breathing more and more quickly.

Ten minutes later, the roar of the car's engine finally reached everyone's ears. The black car has smooth lines, and this kind of high-end car should not have a sound when it starts. But the front cover of this car is like a roaring dragon, and the explosion from the cylinder can be heard across dozens of meters. This is definitely Lin Xue's car.

Everyone can't help but think that only she has enough madness and action to change her car into this look. Hearing the roar of the engine, the car's six-phantom eyes suddenly lit up. And Yi Nian shouted at the car, "Miss, you are finally here, I miss you!!"

Then, as soon as the dodging movement stopped for a while, Alice was slammed and flew out! The whole person was smashed into the ruins of the nearby factory like a cannonball, smashing half of the wall.

"What is he doing?" Lin Xue, wearing her usual white coat, pushed open the door, just in time to see Yi Nian crashing into the wall, and frowned as she asked.

"Don't worry about him." Liu Huan on the side said. Alice in the sky screamed happily after smashing her thoughts, and turned her target to Liu Huan again. Liu Huan hurriedly turned back to avoid the blow. "what should we do?"

"I don't know." Lin Xue shook his head naturally. "I need more data. To determine what she is."

"What do you mean?" Xie Zhifei was obviously not satisfied with Lin Xue's answer. There is no time left! !

"We have already investigated the composition of Cato's blood. Huang Yueming only combined the vampire's immortality curse and the devil's ability to mobilize human inner emotions to generate power." Move out a simple table. Then put a bunch of bottles and jars on top.

"But the devil's ability can't be activated automatically. This little girl in the sky is the hub, but there are too many unknown things about her. But there is no doubt that we have solved her, and all the hazards of Cato's blood have been eliminated. will disappear."

"Huang Yueming said she would become the goddess of the infected!" Liu Huan frowned, Alice's breath in the sky was still rising, and she could almost imagine that the infection of the people in the entire Dragon City was also getting heavier. Alice, who gained strength from her body, is also constantly getting stronger.

"A drop of the Earl's blood was spread and used before she woke up! That's all I know!"

Lin Xue frowned and continued to write and draw on the paper. Vampires' clans depended on blood inheritance, and the blood of the superiors had an irreversible suppressing effect on the inferiors. The lower-level bloodline holder can't even refuse the order of death. The role of the earl's hard work is probably to inherit this effect between ordinary infected people and Alice.

"Not enough! Is there any other news!" Lin Xue raised her head and asked.

Alice also discovered that there was a new rat who had been noisy, and its strength was almost negligible. But she was still dissatisfied with someone raising their head without her permission. After letting out a roar, huge claws descended from the sky, crushing Lin Xue on the spot like a flies or an ant-like worm.

Facing the almost unavoidable blow, Lin Xue's face did not fluctuate at all. The white coat was lifted with the wind, but the whole person was as steady as Mount Tai. He held the rubber tip dropper in his hand and dripped the medicine into the test tube. There was no tremor in his hands.

"Ding!!" The cyan sword light went up from the bottom, and the emerald green sword intent spread and blocked the claw from the sky. Ji Qing'er with a pale face stood in front of Lin Xue. Xie Zhifei's body was like a dragon, and the red spear of 2 feet stabbed straight out, forcing Alice to return to the defense.

"There is a devil in her spiritual world, black, with long horns and fleshy wings! She is also a pure white devil image, with a white bat wing with golden inscriptions behind her!" Liuhuan said to Lin Xue after thinking for a while.

"Devil..." Lin Xue lowered her head and pondered. Although I have long known that there is a devil in the blood of Cato, but what is it?

Xie Zhifei in the air was also thinking about what he knew, and the long spear was blocked by the mental barrier as usual. The figures of the two were deadlocked in the air. Then another very similar picture flashed in his mind. So that there was no time to unload when it was shot. He hit the ground heavily, and the end of the gun punched out several cracks on the ground, and he was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and the tiger's mouth was split open.

"I see!" But he didn't care about his state at all. He yelled at Lin Xue who was on the side, "Heart!"

"The big devil that escaped from the Thirteen shelters that Mr. chased, has a core missing!!"

It was only then that everyone remembered that in this supposedly sensational incident, the Fool's subordinates hadn't escaped from the shelter for several years. Recently, the problem of Cato's blood is too serious, and it is determined that the shady is a vampire, so that everyone does not think about this aspect at all.

Only Xie Zhifei, who saw Mr. Xie Zhifei slashed the demon in half with a shocking knife, would think of Mr. Xie's figure who was born like a dragon.

"What rank is that devil?" Lin Xue asked.

"That..." Xie Zhifei uttered only two syllables with a dry throat. He could recall Mr.'s shocking knife, the thick scent of sulfur and lava on the devil's body, and the faint green flame, but what level was the other party? But really don't know.

"Sulfur River, Lord of Thorns Hammer!" Liu Huan on the side reported the data without hesitation. "I am about to become a great lord and tempt human beings to carry out large-scale sacrifice activities and be contained. The peak of level 3 is about to break through to level 4!"

"..." Everyone was silent for a while, and it was the third-level peak again. The blood of the marquis, the heart of the lord of the hammer. How many precious things are the little girls in the sky made of...


Chapter 81 Broken

"The core of the hammer lord..." Lin Xue pondered, and then said. "I'll prepare the reagents in three minutes. There's only one chance to get it into the core." She took out all kinds of things from under the white coat. The night is full of golden fragments of books, bizarre ferns, metallic bark, bat wings, horns and the tip of a cat's tail...

As if under that white coat was a passage leading to a different dimension space, countless various things were magically pulled out by her. If this ability is used in reserve weapons, then there is no doubt that she will be the most terrifying arsenal in the world, the most terrifying weapon in the world.

The same material appears again and again, builds up a hill on the workbench, and then disappears at a faster rate. Lin Xue's hand seemed to have an afterimage, as if countless people were working at the same time. Every material had been treated in the most appropriate manner. The alcohol blowtorch scorched the fern, and the scalpel easily broke the horns and ground it. When it became powder, the bat wings ignited a strange blood-colored flame after contacting the page, and everything was as perfect as a stage play.

But Xie Zhifei and the others didn't have the energy to appreciate Lin Xue's skills more, because they knew very well Lin Xue's character. Since it was three minutes, it wouldn't be delayed until three minutes and ten seconds. Everyone counted the time silently in their hearts, including the thought of being punched into the wall, they rushed out, their bodies were covered with concrete dust, but their faces were extremely solemn.

"Zheng-!" The sound of the swordsman breaking through the air, the sword, light, sword shadow and spear charged towards Alice in the air almost at the same time. There was no communication whatsoever with everyone's thoughts, but unity was achieved in the blink of an eye.

What should you do if your opponent has an all-around unbreakable shield?

This question is also a classic research proposition in Huang Quanzhong, and countless elites and instructors have expressed their views. And the current best answer everyone knows, that is, several simultaneous attacks. Multiple units launch high-intensity attacks at the target from different directions at the same time, and then repeat them at the fastest time.

Breaking the defense is not the key. The key is that at the same time, an all-round defense, whether it is a sphere or a cylinder, will unload its force in different directions when it is attacked by the side. It's like hitting a ball with all one's strength, and the ball will bounce in other directions. The multi-point attack in different directions will make the force-receiving object unable to unload the force by moving after the force is superimposed. Eat this power completely.

Then there are multiple stages. The purpose of the rapid and continuous attack is to make the target not have the possibility of changing the armor. If it is revoked for even 0.1 seconds, the attacker in charge of the preparation will be able to kill the target in the middle. And this time the preparer is Liu Huan, the deep purple meaning has diffused from her body, and her hair and eyes have all turned purple. And the shoes on the ground were twisting, and the hard concrete actually twisted in the direction of the foot, showing twisted curves like cloth. The moment she let go, she would pop out like a sharp arrow, spanning time and space, and punching out.

After forcing the opponent to dare not withdraw the shield, multiple attacks hit the same shield at the same time, and applying multiple forces at the same time will cause squeezing. After this limit, cracks will appear. And Xie Zhifei, they were just waiting for this crack.

The cyan long sword stabbed at the lower left with the boundless sword energy, the crimson knife light slashed at the lower right, and the blood-red spear slammed down again and again from the top. Anyway, the force made the three people's faces that were not good enough to be even more pale, and the blood foam continued to pour out, and the blood with the fine foam at the corners of the mouth turned strange pink. But the attacks on the hands of the three did not stop, as if the body that was on the verge of collapse was not theirs.

There is no next chance, they don't have the strength to do this kind of multi-point attack again, and Lin Xue probably won't be able to dispense new medicines in the rest of the time. What's more, the citizens of Longcheng don't have the time to wait anymore, not to mention that with the addition of their infection, Alice is getting stronger and stronger, and even now they can feel that the girl in the mental barrier has been completely overwhelmed. Joseph Alfred, who was in his prime, stood just one line short of entering the fourth level.

"Bang bang bang—" The crisp sound of the weapon hitting the barrier continued into a muffled sound, but the potion in Lin Xue's hand was getting closer and closer to completion. At the beginning, the dark green potion she brought was the same After the material is added, the transformation from green to red is completed strangely, just like the blood of Cato that will become a deep red like blood and boil like pulp in the next moment. But as the last **** flame on Lin Xue's table was exhausted, the moment a small spoon of gray ashes was thrown into the test tube. The whole bottle of potion changed amazingly, like breathing, the potion flickered brightly and darkly, and a pure white light spot appeared from the very center, just like the dawn of the morning. The whole reagent became pure white as snow.

"Hi--" Alice, who was hit by the continuous attacks and could only hide in the barrier, suddenly raised her head and made a sharp whistle, as if she suddenly found something, and the direction she was facing was Lin Xue was holding the needle and sucking the pure white medicine in the test tube.

"Bang—" But the next moment, the louder explosion overwhelmed his screams, Xie Zhifei slammed a shot from the top of his head in a tyrant disarming style, and Ji Qinger, who was pale, stabbed the sky with a sword, and thought of a sword. Flowers bloom below. Then, in this huge collision sound, a crisp sound of glass breaking due to hot and cold stimulation came out, subtle and trivial. But it did not escape the ears of anyone present.

"Take the fake as the truth!!" Liu Huan took a sudden step, a giant with a height of 100 meters and a purple body appeared in the open space, with both hands firmly grasping the barrier of Alice in the air, as if to crush it. And at that moment, the purple intent diffused by Liu Huan disappeared in an instant. Shaky.