Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 45

"Hengjiang!" Ji Qinger's crisp voice like a young phoenix lit up, a sword stabbed out, the blue river poured down, her eyes closed, and the long sword in her hand hit the circular barrier with the water of the Qingjiang, but she Fall straight down.

The figure of Yi Nian suddenly appeared behind the blue river, and the long sword in his hand slashed with all his strength between the cracks that the long sword had driven into. The long silver hair stood upside down and became blood red, like a burning flame, but the bronze body became pale like a puppet. With a knife, a thousand hands and a thousand eyes waved the knife together, and Asura looked angry.

Under the long knife, the invisible barrier was finally broken into small pieces, caused by the light of the knife, and all those who blocked it were lost. Alice's white suspenders, jade-like skin, pink muscles, and white sternum are all divided into two. Until a fist-sized blood-red core blocked the knife light.

"Thank you Zhifei!!!"

"Ah, ah, ah. - !!!" The magic gods ambiguously roared with the name of Xie Zhiyu, and Xie Zhiyu did something to squeeze out the last shout of the chest.

Approach, draw the gun, cross the step, lift the body and turn the body, do the back bow pull-in, turn the right arm upward, drive the forearm and wrist to turn upward, the body is like a full bow, and the body that is taut to the extreme bounces like a full spring , the forearm whips out a whipping action like a whip. The **** spear left the hand instead.

"Boom--bang--" A series of two crisp sounds sounded almost simultaneously, and the gun body disappeared when it left Xie Zhifei's hand, leaving only the sonic boom cloud and loud explosion after breaking the sound barrier, which almost blew Xie Zhifei over. During the flight, it continued to accelerate so that a loud sonic boom erupted again in the middle of the flight.

As soon as he shouted out Xie Zhifei's voice, the spear brushed his side face and slammed into his bare core. It seems to cross the space.

"Boom--" The dull collision sound was like a dull thunder blasting in everyone's heart, and it was like a sledgehammer slammed into everyone's chest. Painful.

The blood-red spear slammed into the core covered with dark green spar and was about to solidify into a solid core, but the sharp point of the spear softened instantly when it touched the core, just like the power that restrained them in an instant. disappear. The red blood was as gorgeous as splashing ink, and after washing it once, a syringe was firmly nailed to the core.


Chapter 82 Conclusion

The vacuum needle tube automatically pressed the pure white medicine into the core, and then fell down like a bee that stabbed its tail needle, and like a long snake that had spit out its venom. If it weren't for the few people present who had excellent eyes, who could see a tiny needle eye above the core, and the brilliant white inside, they would doubt whether all that was done just now was in vain.

Catching the falling Ji Qinger with a single thought, Xie Zhifei threw the gun and fell heavily to the ground, the purple giant in the sky disappeared, and the six phantoms swayed to help the desolate wall behind him. The needle fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and then fell silent. Time seemed to stand still from this moment.

Alice floated in the air, her chest was wide open, her core was completely still and there was no movement. Xie Zhifei, who fell to the ground, looked up at the sky while holding Ji Qinger's thoughts and Liu Huan by the wall, not daring to miss any subtle movements. Not even blinking and breathing. Only the sound of the soft night wind blowing the fine dust on the ground indicates that time is indeed passing slowly.

"Boom—" The core of the heart tightened, beating, a heart-like rhythm, and a loud sound like a muffled thunder broke the silence that lasted for a long time. This rhythm is like a horn to declare war. Lian Mian didn't feel that the heartbeat sound like a drum beat was constantly coming out, and the sound waves seemed to be continuous in the sky.

How many people dared not think about the pressure of the blood stirring in Alice's veins if the heart beats in this way? Anything at will can be used as a water jet. The turbulent heart rate continued for more than a minute before slowly slowing down. But when it slows to a certain rhythm, it seems to rhythm the entire city.

It was countless continuous sounds that sounded at the same time, and the heartbeats of the entire Longcheng people were harmonious at this moment! They are beating with Alice's heart rate, and the resonance effect is so strong that the army is not allowed to take a standard normal step when crossing the bridge, worried that if it matches the vibration rate of the bridge itself, it will be trampled. .

And who could have imagined how powerful it would be when the hearts of 16 million people start beating at the same time! There seemed to be an invisible sledgehammer in the air hitting the hearts of Xie Zhifei and the others who had not entered this rhythm.

Alice's heart rate was getting slower and slower, dropping to three times a second, and finally to once every two seconds, and her heart rate was below the thirty beats per minute mark. And the heartbeat of the entire Longcheng people is still rhythm with her. Xie Zhifei turned his head to look at Lin Xue nervously, if he lowered his head further, he wouldn't have to become an infected person, everyone would die because of insufficient blood supply to the brain!

Lin Xue just stared at Alice in the sky, her beautiful lips pursed into a thin red line. One second, two seconds, three seconds, three seconds have passed since the last heartbeat, four seconds... Finally, when Xie Zhifei silently counted to the fifth second, a huge heartbeat came from Alice's chest.

And the whole city seemed to be throbbing violently with this, and the huge heartbeat seemed to circulate all the blood in the body at once. The entire Longcheng experienced an earthquake of magnitude 4 or higher. But Alice was more eye-catching than that.

Pure white light rose from her chest, as if the sun had risen from the horizon ahead of time, and the pure white sun rose in Alice's chest. The excitement of this scene would have been passed down as a spectacle around the world if the entire city hadn't fallen asleep under the influence of Cato's blood in the drinking water.

The pure white brilliance lasted for half a minute before slowly dimming. Alice gently fell like a feather, and the mass and density in her body did not exist at this moment, and fell to the ground lightly, without causing a trace of dust.

The ferocious wound in his heart that was cut by a single thought and a knife has healed, and the white skin has risen to the point where there is no trace of scars. Lin Xue walked towards Alice who fell to the ground like a gust of wind. He took out the most basic equipment and carried out various inspections on her.

Feeling that Alice's breath quickly dropped from half a step to the fourth level to the level of an ordinary person, the talents of Blade finally breathed a sigh of relief. They glanced at each other, let out a sigh of relief, and showed a relaxed smile, but most of the actions affected the wounds on their bodies. The wound that had been neglected due to the tense battle erupted in astonishing pain. Everyone showed a long-toothed grin. Xie Zhifei, whose left arm was completely shattered, continued to gasp in pain.

Liu Huan took the fainted Ji Qinger from Yi Nian's hands and carried it on his back. Yi Nian walked to Xie Zhifei's side, raised his right hand that was still intact, and bent over to help him up from the ground. The three awake glances at each other. The black suits were tattered everywhere, like beggars' suits. Dust, blood, and stains of unknown things were all over everyone's body. Just like a refugee who just escaped from the Gulf War.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. The laughter affected the wound, so there were a few more painful coughs, but the laughter did not stop. It has been echoing on the edge of the city that is about to break. The first ray of morning light lit up from everyone's right hand, and there was only the red-gold line between the dark world.

The radiance was on the bodies of these remnants, the right half of the body seemed to be outlined by a golden thread, while the left half of the body sank into the darkness. They walked in such a light and dark, one step at a time. Slow and firm.

"They're stronger than I thought." Douglas, who had long since dispersed his Lightning incarnation, shrugged, trying to ram his shoulders against Po Jun, but the latter simply avoided him. He was also noncommittal, and continued. "You have a good group of heirs."

"I said, we are just comrades." Po Jun also folded his arms and watched the four of them stumble away. "However, they are strong, I agree."

"If it goes on like this, they will die." Douglas narrowed his eyes and looked at the newborn morning sun, licking his teeth as if to discuss what to eat for breakfast today.

"I know." Po Jun didn't turn around. With his back facing the sun, he was as solid as an obsidian statue, and like the Pillar of Optimus that Nuwa had left at the end. "They know too."

"Ah?" Douglas smiled. As the orange-red sun climbed out halfway, the city woke up, and it was an ordinary, beautiful day again.


May 1st war

"Are you ready?" The uncle of the store manager forcefully fastened the white bandage on his head. Then he turned his head to look at the row of people behind him, and there was a scorching fire in his eyes! Those were the eyes of a hundred-war veteran when he knew that the next battle was about to begin. Inexplicably, Xie Zhifei remembered a description in a book, 'There seems to be a tiger hidden in those eyes, ready to jump out of the shadows at any time and choose someone And devour. ’

"Boy? Do you have any questions?" Seeing that Xie Zhifei didn't nod to answer because he was in a daze, the store manager put his face in front of him, and the heavy breath hit him directly in the face! Xie Zhifei shrank back in fright and replied quickly.

"No problem! I remembered it all!"

"That's good!" The uncle of the store manager nodded, turned around suddenly, and moved forward like a vigorous lancer! "Remember every sentence I explained before, no matter what kind of situation you encounter, you must persevere for me!" After explaining the last sentence, the silver-gray rolling shutter door was slammed with a clattering sound. pulled up. "Risen Tea Restaurant is open for business!"

The manager's voice was like a general's order issued by drumming. Following this order, countless drum-like footsteps were used towards this direction. All kinds of accents and all kinds of people mixed together in the early morning sun, compact and orderly, such a colorful crowd passed through the small door, and then quickly dispersed, sitting in the seat in the hotel.

"What did you say for dinner today?"

"This thing looks good."

"I feel very greasy, and I want to cut it. God, go and cut some light dishes."

In just an instant, the inside of the small restaurant became overheated. Xie Zhifei's face was even paler than the infected person who encountered the tide last night. Standing in the same place at a loss, he just stared blankly at the people in the restaurant.

"Why are you sticking like a wooden pestle?" Yi Nian walked past him with a few steamers and bumped him with his shoulder. "Didn't you see the waiter being called over there? Hurry over there."

"Oh--" Xie Zhifei came back to his senses and walked towards the table that was waving at him, Yu Guangli skillfully placed the steamer in his hands on different tables, Xiaolongbao, steamed dumplings, buckwheat, crab yellow buns , A lotus paste package is good. Then he turned to talk to the aunts over there with white pearl necklaces on their wrists and necks.

"Want to cut some Sa?" Xie Zhifei almost wanted to run away when this skilled Shanghai dialect came out of Yi Nian's mouth. There's nothing wrong with this world! But as if he was aware of his thoughts, a knife-like light flashed in his eyes, which showed the harmless Hexi smile that Xie Zhifei had never seen before. Xie Zhifei's whole body trembled violently.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. What do you need?" Resisting the discomfort in his heart, Xie Zhifei walked up to the guest and asked.

"Ah, what a handsome boy. Are you still studying? Junior high school or high school?" The aunts were a little shy about Xie Zhifei, who was late, but when they saw him say these words, their cheeks turned crimson. . Immediately, his anger turned into a smile, and he laughed softly at this shy and handsome young man.

Xie Zhifei, who had finished the order with difficulty, almost ran to the back kitchen as if running away, but there was still the refreshing laughter of the aunts behind him. It was the first time that Xie Zhifei hated his powerful hearing so much.

"There's no bad intentions, just get used to it." A tall girl with wheat-colored skin and a playful ball head came out of the back kitchen. Seeing Xie Zhifei's embarrassed image, she smiled happily, more than the sunlight outside the door. Appears brilliant. Then he lightly took away the menu in Xie Zhifei's hand, turned around and patted the bell behind him, and there was a crisp sound.

"Come on, another guest is calling." There was still the same smile on his face, but there was no smile in those crescent-like eyes. Xie Zhifei probably knew that if he delayed for a second, he would Something bad was going to happen, and this instinctive instinct had rescued him from the monstrous many times. But it never occurred to him that one day he would react to a man with no ability at all. After thinking about this again, Xie Zhifei fled to the table where he ordered food again.

Oh shit! How can a girl who likes Yi Nian be a simple thing!

Xie Zhifei, who had figured out this layer, instantly felt that his back was soaked with a layer of cold sweat. Thanks to himself, he felt that she was really blind to such a thing. He also secretly regretted that Yi Nian did not accept it. Now it seems that the real blind person is probably himself. What is the relationship between the male lion and the tigress?

"Hello, what do you need?" Xue Yi Nian put on a stiff smile on his face, and Xie Zhifei knew that his expression must be quite awkward. But no matter how twitching the muscles on his face were caused by the two glinting eyes that could not be felt behind him, he could only persevere.

It was a deliberate smirk at first, but when the smirk lasted for almost two hours it was hard to tell it was fake because the muscles of the whole face were frozen in that place. Xie Zhifei finally understood what the store manager said when it opened in the morning. There is no doubt that it is a war. The defenders are only a few of them, while the attackers are endless.

November Golden Week and May 1 Golden Week are two carnival times exclusively for Chinese people. No matter how the holidays are changed, the habit of going out to play on May 1st and 11th has been deeply engraved in everyone's blood. Although I knew that going out at this time must be crowded with people, but at the end of the year, there will only be a certain kind of emotion at this time of the year to go and see the poems and the distance, which is almost irreversible.

Therefore, the sea of ​​people is still the same, and it is not moved by external things. And this kind of carnival is a war and carnival twice a year for the store managers. Just like the crocodiles and lions that wait on the wildebeest migration every year, they are both enemies and sources of life.

To be honest, Risheng Restaurant is not a very important location. There are no attractions nearby, and there are no shopping centers. If I have to say, it is probably relying on a subway station established a few years ago. And this old commercial street is also on the rise because of the establishment of this subway station.

In that era, it was probably one of the most prosperous and high-end places in the city, with all kinds of shops, furniture, clothing, department stores, and of course the most important food. Hong Kong-style tea restaurants like Risheng, or some western and seafood restaurants were rare in the industry at that time. In the boss's memory, every day at that time was as prosperous as it is now.