Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 46

However, with the rise of large commercial buildings, the laying of subway lines and the transfer of the city center, the commercial street gradually declined. The only time that the store manager can recall his youth is about May 1st and 11th.

As for why Xie Zhifei was here, of course, it was because he had eaten a lot of food made by the girl with Yi Nian before, and he was also familiar with the store manager's family. It was also because of last night's battle that the two boys who had been working here were admitted to the hospital with diarrhea and weakness. Although the store manager just complained that the young people today are so bad, they fell ill after a little thing.

But Xie Zhifei, who knew the truth, still felt a hint of apology unconsciously, and then he was tricked to trick Lian Meng by cleverly taking advantage of this apology.

"The fruit you ordered!" One turned around and passed through the crowd, his left hand recovered tightly, almost unable to send out force, but after all, he was a graduate of Huang Quan, and he was able to move lightly with just one hand. Do these things well. I don't know how the instructors would feel if they knew that the power-generating skills they gave themselves were used in such a place. With such a thing in mind, Xie Zhifei turned around and put the fruit on the table, and squeezed back to the kitchen window in the crowd.


Under the May 1st War

"A total of 176 yuan, welcome." Xie Zhifei sent the couple who spoke Hokkien away, and finally had a chance to catch his breath. Then he asked the thought behind him, "Why did they go to Longcheng to eat the food from their hometown?"

Although he didn't fully understand it, he could probably know that they came from Hong Kong and traveled nearly 1,000 kilometers by train or plane to eat unauthentic hometown food. He couldn't figure it out.

No matter the dishes or tastes, although they have been biased towards the sweetness of real Hong Kong-style restaurants as much as possible, the menu also has Hong Kong-style desserts including crab yellow buns and lotus seed buns, and even the placement of the tables and chairs is as close as possible. Hong Kong-style clutter. But Xie Zhifei, who knew the bottom line, knew that whether it was the manager's family or the fat chef who was conscientiously cooking in the kitchen, they were all from Longcheng.

So even if these things can fool the locals, there is no way to fool them in front of real Hong Kong people or even Shenzhen people. But there was no dissatisfaction on the faces of the couple who went out just now, on the contrary there was happiness and excitement on their faces.

"What do you think can really make you feel that you have been here and know a city?" Yi Nian came back with a pile of pots and pans that he had just taken back from the table and a steamer, when he heard Xie Zhifei's question, in vain He glanced at it, then grabbed the remaining siomai from the steamer, stuffed it into his mouth, and asked vaguely.

"Have you been to a city?" Xie Zhifei was obviously puzzled by this question.

Yi Nian put down the dinner plate in his hand, and then reached out to untie the tied hair, the silver hair was loose, and it fell smoothly to almost the shoulders. Although he just changed his hairstyle, it undoubtedly made the alien flavor on his face more obvious. Xie Zhifei even saw the girl sitting in the booth in the distance pulling out her mobile phone and preparing to take a picture.

"Let's put it this way, what do you think the purpose of the trip is? Why do these people spend so much money going to a place they don't know?"

Xie Zhifei shook his head. To be honest, he hadn't thought about such a question. Wasn't the reason for going out to play for fun or to be able to relax? But he felt that the answer to this question would definitely not be these two.

"It's different from looking at tourist attractions. People go to the city to know how people who are different from themselves live." Yi Nian came to a straightforward conclusion. "How the people in this city live, that's the purpose of the trip."

"In fact, most of the customers who will come here are from Hong Kong and Taiwan who really have a tea restaurant culture." After a thought, Xie Zhifei realized that among the remaining few tables, there were really two tables. Speaks Cantonese and vernacular. "This is their breakthrough. Some things that are exactly the same can't see the difference, and some things they don't know at all they can't understand. This kind of thing related to their lives is where they can see the difference."

"Unauthentic food will become a topic of conversation after they go back, and it is the easiest way for them to prove to the people around them that they have been to the city."

"Brother said it well." The manager slapped Yi Nian's shoulder with a heavy palm, "Lao Liu can actually make these things closer to the original, but local people don't like to eat them. These are the The Hong Kong-style food that Longcheng should be selling. At first, I was worried that those people would call us unauthentic, but then it seems that most people are very happy to eat. They also said that this is a special feature.”

Xie Zhifei raised his head and looked at the store manager's hearty smile, then turned to look at the group of customers who pointed at a certain dish, and then took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Brows furrowed. Then the manager's slap slapped behind him and Yi Nian at the same time.

"Hurry up and move." The store manager shouted with anger, "The food truck has arrived. Hurry up to unload the goods, it's almost the afternoon rush hour!" Xie Zhifei responded quickly, pulling the person who was stuck with the crab roe bag. He rolled his eyes and walked out the door.

The mustachioed uncle in the blue uniform gave the store manager a thumbs up in the cab. The store manager threw a bag of buns over, and the latter caught it in a hurry. Saying thank you loudly, and then being scolded by the store manager a few times. Xie Zhifei was thinking about the conversation just now as he moved things down. My mind is a little clear, and a little confused.

Then, as the store manager said, just over half an hour later, a large number of customers began to pour in again, and the "waiter" calling cards filled every gap. The double 11 online shopping shipments exceeded 6.5 billion, and the large number of tourists that each tourist city handled during the National Day holiday is all due to the efforts of this group of service personnel. Xie Zhifei even began to feel that his right hand was starting to swell. It was hard for him to imagine how ordinary people would deal with this situation. It was probably just suffering.

As he kept pushing the plate and placing the cup, Xie Zhifei suddenly thought of his father, the young scholar and historian. He was always reading a book or cleaning up some antiques in front of the mahogany table.

I asked him why human beings study history? That's all past time, isn't it? Especially what is the point of those old earthenware bowls. At this time, he will put down the things in his hand and tell himself with a warm smile. "That would let people know how people lived before that."

"Knowing how people live and how people should live is a very important thing." He remembered that his father's expression was very serious when he said this, and there was a sense of gold and stone in the sentence. A man who does not know how to live is sad, and a man who does not know how to live is terrible. Xie Zhifei probably understood some of these reasons.

You have to see how other people live. This may be the reason why these people have traveled thousands of miles, trying to understand how they should live from the way others live.

Instead of following a tour group, hurriedly traversing one man-made attraction after another, walking to a place that was deliberately set up for people to take pictures. Not to walk in the biggest, newest and most expensive shopping malls in every city, looking at the latest and most expensive clothes and food.

Only walking in those old streets, watching the group of people go shopping, eating the same things as them, and listening to them talk about the things around them. Only then will we find that the blood of a so-called city is infiltrated like this, flowing with every street.

The busyness continued until ten o'clock in the evening, and from eight in the morning, Xie Zhifei didn't know how many people came to this restaurant and entered and exited this restaurant. It's just that he knows that now his right arm has almost no intuition. His mind was also groggy as if someone had hit him with a sledgehammer.

The store manager pulled down the gray shutters. Symbolizes the end of today's war. Yi Nian and the slender girl are finishing the tables and chairs for the last time. Talking and laughing, from time to time the girl would stretch out her hand to hit Yi Nian, but she was flexibly avoided by Yi Nian, Xie Zhifei turned to look at the store manager. But the latter just looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, and the smile on his face made Xie Zhifei feel that he saw the Buddha.

Then, with a bang, the chef with a big belly pushed open the door of the back kitchen and came out. Although Longcheng in May is not too hot, but a day of super-intensive labor, even with the help of the store manager and the girl The big fat man let out a sweat, his face was white, and his lips were a little foamy. A few strands of wet hair stuck to his forehead, looking very pitiful.

But the poor man's black eyes shone brightly, like a thief who had just finished fighting and a bandit who had just finished his robbery. Seeing the fat chef come out, the two of them quickly gathered their hands together after a thought, and looked at him expectantly.

The chef also took out plates one after another from behind, all dishes with just the right temperature. The manager placed four bowls and chopsticks at the same time, and the steaming hot white rice was just right. These dishes are probably some fine products that are intercepted from the inside of each serving, which belongs to the welfare and pleasure of only laborers. Compared with the speed-oriented tea restaurant-style dishes, the chef obviously made these dishes more refined and Cantonese.

One thought is the least important, and I picked up a pig's foot and gnawed it juicy. The tall slender girl smiled and also picked up a piece of white-cut chicken with chopsticks and put it in her mouth. After the food that looked so bland, her mouth was full of oil, and it almost overflowed from her mouth, so she quickly took two mouthfuls of rice and put it in her mouth. , and then showed a very happy expression.

The chef eats the fastest and the most, filling his mouth with all kinds of things in no time. While hammering his chest and sending things down, he continued to stuff it into his mouth. Suddenly, as if he had remembered something, he took out a large ceramic jar from behind.

The milky white sword flower figs are stewed in the pork ribs soup. The old fire has added pork stick bones and pork knuckles, some carrots, jujubes, wolfberry, and some medicinal materials. The soup base has been simmered for many hours, and then the ribs are simmered until the ribs have been deboned. But it didn't boil over. Xie Zhifei poured a bowl and drank it into his mouth, his mouth was full of fragrance, and the warmth penetrated his whole body.

After the meal, everyone spread out on the chairs, and didn't even have the strength to speak. They looked at each other and the messy cups and plates on the table, and then laughed at the same time. Xie Zhifei even smiled with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Full of earthly fireworks. The world is full of prosperity.


Chapter 1 The Daily Life That Made Me Disappear

"Everyone's former political teacher, Mr. Wu, broke his leg yesterday because of an accident. He needs to go to the hospital for treatment for half a year. During this half-year period, a new teacher will come to teach for Mr. Wu." Xie Zhifei looked at the podium with his cheeks supported. Some old-fashioned-looking old class.

In fact, not only the old class, but everyone in the entire class or the entire Dragon City looked a little sullen. Alice's last riot after last night was not without effect. The over-rhythm of the heart and the last near-oxygen-deprived beating put a considerable burden on everyone's body. If it weren't for the blood of Cato, it also had the effect of strengthening the body in addition to the infection. It is estimated that the elderly in the whole city could not live last night.

Even so, hospitals are still overcrowded today. However, there were no major problems. The explanation advertised by the Fool is that there are substances in the fumes that are illegally emitted by a chemical manufacturing plant that are harmful to the human body. Then, the factory that was doing illegal sewage discharge was closed down, and then the entire city agency was activated to start sending a small white pill from house to house for free, finishing the final touch.

The transportation pipes under the waterworks have burst due to aging problems. It is being repaired and will probably be restored in three days. This led to a lot of problems with the city's water supply.

The discussion of the matter was so loud that it even overshadowed the news that the serial killer who had put Quancheng under martial law was arrested. No one has discovered the possibility of a subversion in Dragon City or even the world in this month. The world is still as simple and pure. Everyone's world is only so small, and only contains those things that are closely related to oneself. The collapse of the favorite Shaxian snack downstairs is far greater than the shock of a certain war in Syria.

The world is steadily moving forward and upward on such a gentle and pure road.

"So today's politics class is taught by everyone's new teacher. Teacher Li, please come in." With the voice of the old class, the classroom door was pushed open, and the crisp sound of leather shoes sounded. Then Xie Zhifei heard the sound of girls sucking in the cold air and screaming in a low voice.

Xie Zhifei, who was looking at the leisurely white clouds outside the window, suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and he didn't have time to think about where this unreasonable premonition came from. A familiar voice came from the podium.

"Hello everyone, my name is Li William. You can call me Teacher Li in the future. I will be in charge of everyone's political class from today. I hope everyone can get along well." The familiar frivolous and lazy voice has made Xie Zhifei feel in his heart. The red line is constantly alerting the police.

His neck was so stiff that he turned around slowly like a puppet, and he could even hear the creaking of the rusted gears inside. But the familiar peach blossom eyes and the bright smile of a silly college student, the skin that is far whiter than Asians, the facial features like statues, the long hair combed in a ponytail and tied behind the head, and a new moustache on the chin stubble. They are all declaring the name of the person in front of Xie Zhifei.

The Son of Frost's Bite - William!

"Ah, ah. - !!" The female screams screams in the whole teaching building.

"Teacher, are you a foreigner?"

"Teacher, why do you speak Chinese so well?"

"Teacher, do you have a girlfriend?!"

"How old are you, teacher!"

The girls propped their hands on the table in front of them, leaned forward, blushed, and each question was fired like a barrage of cannons. I don't have the pale and sullen feeling just now, so it's good to be young!

"Don't worry, I can't answer so many questions..." William tilted his head in distress.

As soon as this action was made, many girls fell back to their positions, with a face of being shot down. If it was in the anime, they should have been stuck with a small pink arrow on the top of their head at this moment, and their pupils have changed. It looks like pink hearts and bubbles popping on their heads.

However, there are still a few girls who insist on standing.