Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 52

Xie Zhifei handed out the spear with a grim expression on his face. The last big slash had already made him aware of the thickness of the defense of the monster in front of him, so this time he had no plans to pull back. There was an unpleasant chi chi corrosion sound on the cast-iron plate armor. However, it was extremely difficult to advance. The black plate armor was destroyed as if it had life, and it repaired its own damage automatically. And this stalemate is undoubtedly detrimental to Xie Zhifei!

"Give me!" With this cry, the black part of Zhang Er's red spear faded like a tide, the spear whose solid and liquid were unknown once again returned to its incomparable sharpness, and Xie Zhifei, who had a large amount of venom pouring into his body, spit out another mouthful. Black blood comes.


Chapter Twelve Cold

A full-strength shot of the gun style completely took away the last trace of Xie Zhifei's strength, and the red gun in his hand rushed back into his body like a tide after penetrating the fog nightmare in front of him. The whole person fell straight forward and fell to the ground.

The sound of the armor colliding was louder than Xie Zhifei's in the end. Although this shot only caused a wound less than the size of a fist, it was accompanied by all the aura of Xie Zhifei's whole body. Vaporizing Yunmeng Ze, waves shaking Yueyang City. Xie Zhifei couldn't reach such a level for the time being, but the Hao Ran Qi, which was never broken every day, finally had the momentum of a river and flowing water, and it was three thousand miles away.

Especially the thousands of big sleeves that were smashed by Mr. Xie Zhifei when he was forging the gun, although it did not make the aura in his body a bit majestic, but it was like forging a famous sword in a thousand ways. The forging is much more solid. Although the realm has not risen, but after the space in the body is free, there must be more Hao Ran Qi.

What's more, the crisp dragon roar emanating from the mud pill in the thinking cage just now made Xie Zhifei more certain that Mr. really left something in his body. There has been a qualitative change in his aura from before. And when this kind of aura is instantly poured into a person's body, it is no less than a large amount of explosives to explode, and from the inside to the outside, the soft internal organs are unavoidable, and there is no way to hide.

Therefore, although he couldn't see it from the outside, he could only know the tragic inside of his body from the pink meat-like object flowing out from the corner of the nose of the black fog nightmare. Xie Zhifei turned over with difficulty, his arms no longer had the strength to support him to stand up. Rao was that the movement of turning over made his bellows-like lungs heave even more violently.

The mouth is open and closed, the black blood at the corner of the mouth has solidified, and a person is like a fish out of water. But he could see the black fog nightmare behind him shattering, turning into a fog several times the size of his body. The air that had removed the blood mist also lost the burning sensation of a knife.

Xie Zhifei wanted to raise his hand, but he only reached it and dropped it again, with a wry smile drawn from the corner of his mouth. I can't see anything clearly in my eyes. The red blood and the color of something I don't know are mixed together. It doesn't look like a human scene. He knew that if he didn't make a decision, even the last shred of reason would be wiped out by toxins. He took a deep breath, and the cold air entered the trachea and alveoli that were riddled with holes. .

At this moment, Xie Zhifei pinched the pure white jade behind him. The crisp cracking sound of jade stone sounded as if it sounded directly in his head. In Buddhism, there is a word called drinking, which is to use a unique slogan to wake up the living beings who are trapped in the world and let them return to the real world. And that crisp sound of broken jade was the message resounding in Xie Zhifei's mind.

A strange sense of alienation came from all over the body, as if the soul returned after leaving for a long time, and there was no way to adapt to the original body. In fact, the reason for this change is from the dislocation of cognition. One moment, he was seriously injured and dying, and the next moment he returned to the intact body. This kind of dislocation will inevitably occur.

But Xie Zhifei didn't have time to feel this strange sense of dislocation, and there was a stronger feeling in his brain. Like a sledgehammer smashing heavily on his soul, except for his eyes, all the places in the seven orifices that should bleed are bleeding.

With a pale complexion and a trembling body, the current Xie Zhifei is easily reminiscent of a drug addict, and the black bloodstains on both ears and nose make her look like a ghost who just got up.

The wave after wave of emptiness, weakness and exhaustion in his mind hit his sanity. As if all the damage received on the ancient battlefield must be returned to the initiator. And his body was so tired that he didn't even have the posture to lift an arm.

I could only watch, two celestial foxes in black came over and pulled him up from the ground. The two of them lifted Xie Zhifei up from the ground with one hand, holding their arms to resist walking. At the same time as the bells and drums sounded in his head, Xie Zhifei realized that he was standing in the ink pool just now, and the ink pool that was like a dry black wound actually had ink flowing in it, although after a shallow one The layer can even just cover the instep, but if you have it, you will have it! The jet-black ink rippled with the movement of the three, and the texture was like mercury, without the slightest stagnation, and did not stick to the skin.

"Don't be too busy talking, the mental pressure on the ancient battlefield is far greater than you think, hold Yuan to guard one!" Being pulled to the shore, Xie Zhifei didn't have time to speak, and a familiar voice rang in his ears. The men in black on both sides let go of Xie Zhifei's arms, bowed in unison to the person who came, and then stepped back from both sides.

Xie Zhifei raised his head and looked at Li Yan in front of him. He opened his mouth a few times as if he wanted to say something, but the constant wave of pain in his mind made him give up this action, silently sitting cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

"Just now, with limited time, there is no way to tell you everything.

The voice of the carp smoke came in from the ear, but in a trance, it was like the sound in a demagnetized CD, with a strange burr and sharpness. "I told you earlier that no one will die in the ancient battlefield, I lied to you. of. "

"If you are killed by the fog nightmare inside, you will die. However, the strength of the fog nightmares grows very slowly, and almost all Qingtian can withdraw before encountering the fog nightmare who can't even crush jade. In fact, it's the minority of the minority that hurts like you."

"Your current injury is not a real wound. Your body is not injured, but the injury in the ancient battlefield will be fed back to the body with some kind of mental pressure. What's going on, even Tianhu can't figure it out. But the more serious the injury over there, the more serious the injury here will be."

"How long has it been?" Xie Zhifei opened his eyes, his voice leaked from between his teeth, his face was pale, and his body vibrated violently from time to time, indicating that the shock he received was far from over. In the ancient battlefield, the endless battles gave him no time to think about these issues.

Liyan raised her head and glanced, "Seventeen minutes have passed since I entered the ancient battlefield." Seeing Xie Zhifei's surprised eyes, she reacted and smiled again, "The passage of time over there is not the same as here, The rules of rivet time are fundamentally different. Basically, you can understand it as one year in the sky, one day on the ground, one minute here, one hour there. You fought there for seventeen hours."

Saying that, Li Yan took a serious look at Xie Zhifei, whose face was covered in blood, "Thank you, we originally estimated that you could only last for about thirteen hours."

"How long does it take to fill the blood pool...?" Xie Zhifei looked at the carp smoke, but after opening and closing his beautiful lips twice, he still spit out a branch that made his bone marrow chill.

"Two hundred hours."


Chapter Thirteen Weisheng Baozhu

The words that came out of Li Yan's mouth made Xie Zhifei froze in place, and he couldn't even feel the wave after wave of pain in his mind. Just staring blankly ahead, looking at the looming figure in the thick fog.

The huge sound of wind whistled in his ears, as if running fast in the wind, and the surrounding gold began to abstract into lines of various colors, and then lost its color. Li Yan was surprised to see that after the boy in front of him heard that sentence, his pupils began to expand unnaturally, as if his soul had been drawn out.

"Tick-tick-" The viscous blood left thinly from the cochlea, nostrils and the corners of the eyes, twisting like a few spasmodic snakes. It converged on Xie Zhifei's chin, and then dripped down. The sound of pea-sized blood droplets hitting the black masonry beside the ink pool was very clear.

Xie Zhifei raised his head, "You guys are murdering!!" His facial features were tightly packed together, and tears and snot smeared the snake-like blood in a mess. The whole face is hideous like a ghost.

Li Yan was stunned by the changes and turning points that Xie Zhifei broke into in front of him, 'Murder'? Who to kill? We murdered the broken army? There were so many question marks in my mind in an instant. I don't understand why Xie Zhifei suddenly said such a sentence.

But in any case, Xie Zhifei's current emotions are not fake, in short, let him comfort him first. With this thought in mind, Li Yan twitched the corner of his mouth, "You forgot? As long as you break the jade, you can come out at any time. Or do you think there will be someone who can make Po Jun have no chance to break the jade? ?"

"You don't understand." After the violent emotional outburst just now, Xie Zhifei suddenly calmed down. The voice was icy cold without a trace of emotion, as if the crude steel that had just been forged had been shoved into the cold water and quenched, leaving only black cooling chips and cracks on the fiery red forged steel. The temperature was condensed inside in an instant.

"I don't understand?" Liyan looked at the young boy in front of him whose emotions had fluctuated several times. He had just endured an amazing 17 hours in the ancient battlefield, and even killed a person whose strength level was a whole level higher than him. Fog Nightmare. She really didn't understand the reason, and she also didn't understand the mood swings that seemed to change his face just now.

Could it be that during the seventeen-hour battle, he discovered some special rules of the ancient battlefield? That's why they said the bizarre words that they were murdering Po Jun. When such a thought came up, she even wanted to laugh out loud.

How is it possible, although from the first discovery to the present, there are indeed too many secrets in the ancient battlefield that have not been discovered. But it would be a joke to say that this child, who has not even set foot on the third-level threshold, can find out in seventeen hours that there are no rules that the big players have been able to prove before.

Liyan doesn't know how many people standing at the top of the era have been invited to enter the ancient battlefield, but as long as you think about it for a while, you can think of countless glorious names. Like the broken army now known as the ultimate frontier of mankind, they were the ones who ruled the world in their time.

In the records, the number of times the ink pool was filled up has double digits, which is why they can clearly know the two hundred hours.

"You don't understand what a proud person he is." Xie Zhifei raised his head slightly, looking at the figure of the army breaking through the clouds and mist. The enemies he faced had already surpassed the one that Xie Zhifei dealt with in the end. Monsters wearing all kinds of armor and holding all kinds of strange weapons, the number of monsters in the army sprang up from the blood fog, and then they were like bamboo shoots. Weeds generally die.

Po Jun, sitting in the ink pool, was as tall as a mountain range, and his fighting figure was so wild.

"What do you mean?" Li Yan heard some unknown taste from Xie Zhifei's words, but she still didn't understand what he meant, but the deep sadness and depression made a layer of goosebumps creep up her back, and she stretched out her hand , wanting to grab Xie Zhifei's neckline and ask for something in detail. But when he stretched out his hand halfway, he was stunned to see the blood on the latter's face and his eyes as cold as frost. Empty in place.

"Weisheng holds a pillar." Without thinking, Xie Zhifei came up with these four words, and then looked at the cloudy Mochi, and refused to say another word.

Liyan looked at the young man in front of him in surprise, then turned to look at Mochi behind him, even more confused. It was confirmed back and forth that Xie Zhifei was not crazy because of the pain in his brain, and he really couldn't see what was happening in Mochi that could make Po Jun die. Only then did he start thinking about Xie Zhifei's words with all his might.

After bowing his head and pondering for a few seconds, Li Yan suddenly raised his head, his big eyes were full of panic and overjoyed emotions intertwined, and his whole body trembled violently. As if excited and afraid of something.

Po Jun, Human Security Bureau, Director of Longcheng Branch, one of the Big Three of Fools. The last frontier of mankind. Ability unknown. Expressed as both simple strength and speed, sheer power to break everything. It is estimated that the threshold of level five has been stepped on.

He made his debut thirteen years ago. In the first battle, he completely wiped out the Fang of Frost Flower and robbed the Son of Frost's Bite, William, and became famous in the first battle. After recovering from the injury, I took revenge on the whole tribe by myself... I learned from the dragon and snake sword Gu Bumu... Thirteen years without a single defeat...

Pieces of information about Po Jun went crazy in Liyan's mind, not just Po Jun. Liyan can recite almost all the news of the human frontier. This is the instinct of the weak. Study all the information of those who stand on it, and carefully avoid all possibilities that will make you annihilate your family.

These data are usually stored in a box deep in the brain, and are only called up when needed. Wait until Liyan has thoroughly reviewed all the information about breaking the army in his mind.

She looked at Xie Zhifei in front of her, her teeth were biting on her white lips, her throat felt dry and painful, and even the sound she made was a little distorted. "You mean, he won't go?"

He is so proud, of course, will fulfill his promise. This is the meaning of Xie Zhifei's last sentence. And what is the promise of breaking the army? It's the old ancestor's saying, 'Fill the ink pool! ’

Unlike Xie Zhifei, Po Jun chose to agree after knowing about two hundred hours. And he only brought Xie Zhifei here after he knew about it! what does that mean?

When Xie Zhifei followed behind him after seeing it at first, there was actually a trace of unwillingness buried in Li Yan's eyes. Unlike before, Tianhu, who is no longer the ruler, has had a hard time asking the Optimus to fight to the death. In order to give the candidates a chance to gain a chance, he has rarely done so. Therefore, Liyan was surprised by Xie Zhifei's actions.

In order to fill the ink pool, Qingtian must be strong enough, and the more powerful people are, the less willing they are to get hurt. This is almost an unresolved contradiction. And the upper limit of three people makes it impossible for Tianhu to use the number piles.

The current ceremony is more like a gamble. One party spends all resources and possibilities to bet that its candidate can succeed. If it fails, the price of the Qingtians and the compatriots who have paid all their blood for the ceremony will make one party's original A powerful force has lost everything. Tu Mi is such a representative. She is highly regarded, because Qingtian who invited her did not try her best to retreat after the ink pool was half full, and she failed in the seance ceremony.

Lily has talent, but Liyan never thought that she could become a scorpion, because they have no chance of finding Qingtian without anyone's support. But the agreement between the ancestors and Po Jun gave them renewed hope.

But she never thought that the Po Junhui would really be able to fill the ink pool! Fighting for more than 170 hours on the ancient battlefield without sleep? Even a fifth-level person should be prepared to die!

"Weisheng and the woman are under the beam. If the woman doesn't come, the water will not go, and they will die with the beam." This is what Xie Zhifei meant. This kind of thought makes Liyan feel that all his blood is burning.