Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 53

And she just recalled all the news about Po Jun, and came to the conclusion that Po Jun will never miss an appointment.


Chapter 14 No Retreat

"Check the height of the ink pond!" After knowing that Po Jun planned to perform the contract, Li Yan turned around like the wind and said to the man in black beside him! Po Jun knows the rules of the ancient battlefield, so his actions will definitely have his deep meaning. From the beginning to the present, he has taken the initiative to attack in less than 20 hours! ! Liyan originally thought that he wanted a quick solution, but now it seems that there is definitely a problem.

"The height of the ink is 1791 mm!!" Sure enough, after the man in black investigated, there was a cry that was almost groaning. And Li Yan's expression also seemed very stunned. What does nearly two centimeters of ink mean! That means more than 80 hours!

Even if Po Jun breaks through the cage of thinking first before Xie Zhifei, plus the few minutes Xie Zhifei comes out, he will not enter the ancient battlefield for more than 35 hours. In addition to Xie Zhifei's 17 hours, there will be no more than 60 hours in total, which is one-third more!

After the man in black screamed, he quickly got up. Because he was too panicked, his feet were almost entangled together and he almost fell. He supported Di with his hands and climbed up. He ran towards the old woman without any regard for the manner of etiquette. This news must be reported as soon as possible!

Liyan also turned his head to look at the figure of the broken army fighting in the clouds. The whole person is like black lightning, raging in different battlefields. Fall to the ground, start to destroy the sky. Often just a fist wind can erode a distance of tens of meters, and the blood mist and purple soil are being blown away to shreds. Only the foggy nightmares who are swaying around are left, and at this time, Po Jun will appear from behind them and throw a punch. Shaped like a demon.

Xie Zhifei kept sitting cross-legged and looked at Po Jun in Mochi. Liyan, who had been watching for a long time on the shore, also walked back, standing behind him without saying a word. The ink in the ink pool is slowly rising little by little, and the figure of breaking the army is still so tall and straight. As if no one in this world could match.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, the first man in black came over and stood behind Xie Zhifei, looking up at Po Jun with respect. Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, a group of people was standing behind Xie Zhifei, and all the people gathered behind him at the edge of the ink pool.

Everyone quietly looked at the only figure in the ink pool who was still fighting. In the silence of everyone, a dignified breath came, and the weight from the sky was pressing on everyone's heart. Only the sprinting figure was still fighting.

"The old woman has been paying attention to the world for a hundred years." The last group of people came over. The pale woman in white was the one who sacrificed blood to open the ancient battlefield. Behind them, the iron-blue crutches in the hands of the goose-skinned old woman were knocked heavily on the ground. ground.

"I want to be alone and fight in that kind of place for 180 hours without sleep. Is there another man like this in the world?" mood. The mist in his eyes dissipated, and the figure in the mist was as powerful as ever. "Tell me his name, boy."

"Po Jun, the strongest leader of fools. The last frontier of mankind. Unparalleled warrior, fierce and stubborn thug, monster-like strength, beast-like vitality, friend's patron saint, enemy's nightmare." Xie Zhifei paused. replied.

"Slaying the army alone and slaughtering Wancheng, the sky is full of war and the plains!" After listening to Xie Zhifei's description, the old woman was alone with a crutch on the ground, her clothes were automatic without wind, and her white hair was flying like a silver snake. "I didn't expect the old woman to see such a great man before she died, dance, congratulations for breaking the army!"

Behind her, the white-clothed women who worshipped blood spread out and danced gracefully. Twenty-eight white camellias bloom, and twenty-eight women's skirts are flying, congratulating the peerless generals. Po Jun threw an indomitable punch, and twenty-eight white streamers were thrown out of the woman's hand. She twisted her right leg like a big axe and slashed down, the woman turned over and moved, and between the fluttering skirts, the tight calf line was exposed, and the whole room was full of flowers and 3,000 guests.

The endless high-intensity battles were also continuously pulling away the physical strength of Po Jun, and finally shattered the brains of the monsters in front of him in another circle. Po Jun stretched out his hand and tore open the suit that was already like a rag. Sweat soaked through the white shirt, untied the cuffs, released the forearm, and the muscles rose and fell like a tide. The charge started again.

Twenty minutes, thirty minutes, and forty minutes, the water surface of the ink pool gradually rose, and there was already a feeling of water waves. And the dancing women were even paler as paper, and the sweat of the bean size kept rolling down from their foreheads, soaking the already clear gauze on their bodies, outlining beautiful lines. A large amount of blood loss has made their bodies extremely weak, and dancing like this for dozens of minutes continuously squeezes every bit of strength in their bodies. But they still persisted and none of them gave up.

Because the person in the ink pool is still insisting, a full 110 minutes have passed! He has been fighting non-stop in that kind of battlefield for more than 4 days, and countless monsters have dissipated under his fists. No one knows where his endless physical strength comes from, and no one knows how long this battle can continue. Everyone can only look up at the figure that is constantly walking through and killing.

"Tick!" Different from the past, the sound spread to everyone's ears like thunder, and they turned their heads to look at the Po Jun in the pool, and a ray of bright red blood flowed from the corners of their mouths! Before he came out of the ancient battlefield, he had already hurt his body! After four consecutive days of fighting, what kind of injury was suppressed in his body?

The moment she saw that smear of red, the woman in white at the front fell softly to the ground, but the next moment she jumped up again, rudely wiped the mud on her face, and continued to dance. Xie Zhifei could see the blood dripping from her knees and palms after she slipped, but she didn't seem to notice it herself. Xie Zhifei could see blood pouring out from the corner of Po Jun's mouth, but he didn't hesitate in his movements, and his fist was still extremely powerful.

"One hundred and thirty minutes!" The man in black groaned and burst out, "The Beast King!"

Po Jun was already soaked with blood. In front of him, the red fog dissipated, the black shadow like a hill opened his eyes, and the eyes lit up in the darkness were ferocious and tyrannical, consuming a lot of weak food in front of him.

That is a deep hatred for living beings. Even if the **** and tyrannical atmosphere is just reflected from the water mist, it is just as suffocating. It is hard to imagine what a terrifying scene it is to face such a monster in person.

Leaning over with a low waist, his fists gently dropped to the ground, his calf muscles tightened violently, and then the tightness spread all over his body. Like a clockwork, one tooth by one tooth is pushed to the limit and then released.

A large radial pit with a size of about tens of meters suddenly appeared on the gray-white stone, and the sound of breaking the army disappeared with a bang, and when it reappeared, it was already on the side of the hill. Punch out.


Chapter 15 Phantom

Time flies, Xie Zhifei dragged his cheeks and looked at Baiyun Canggou outside the window, feeling that his experience in Jingshui Litian three days ago was like a fantasy. After the mountain-like behemoth he faced turned into a dozen or so, the ink pool was finally filled by the broken army. But it turned out to be severely wounded. He was carried out of the ink pool as if his bones had been removed, and the blood spitting out of his mouth kept staining the white shirt on his chest red. Xie Zhifei didn't see him again in The Fool for three days.

The seance that followed was a top secret of Tianhu. Even if the entire Tianhu was moved by the practice of breaking the army, there was no way for them to visit. Of course, Xie Zhifei, who was in a hurry to bring Po Jun back to the Fool for healing, didn't have the energy to watch it. But now I still occasionally think of it, I wonder if Lily has succeeded?

Tianhu sends people to send a large amount of natural treasures every day as compensation, but there is no mixed news in it. It doesn't seem right. There was still a message from the old ancestor, which was brought to Po Jun, but it came to him after a while. ‘Let the deeds go to the Destiny Arena and come back. ’

Destiny Arena, the last time in Chongjiu, the conditions put forward by the ancestors were also the same. Even now, the ancestors have no intention of letting go. What the **** is this arena of destiny? Xie Zhifei hadn't figured it out yet, but the thoughts of deep heaven were suddenly pulled back.

Because if you don't come back, the table in front of you will be overturned. "Xie Zhifei—" He could feel the anger of the person in front of him without turning his head.

"What's the matter..." Xie Zhifei turned to look at Shi Yuqing who was furious, and found that his monitor was really embarrassed. Is it a shadow leftover from childhood? Because I always follow her **** as a follower, I have developed it...

"You dare to be in a daze for me!!" It wasn't long before the thought diverged, and the whole person was pulled forward by the neck by the neckline.

"Zizuizuizui!!" Xie Zhifei struggled, Shi Yuqing stared at him furiously, and the result was that the mouths of the two were about to get close to the point of kissing. Being reminded by him, Shi Yuqing also found that his approach was not very elegant, so he let go and let him fall back to his seat.

"So, what are you thinking? I called you so many times and you didn't respond?"

"'s not important what I'm thinking about, the important thing is, Miss, do you have anything to do with me?" Xie Zhifei was stunned by this question, and couldn't answer that I was worried about world peace. After thinking about it, he raised his attitude towards Lin Xue.

"Big... what does the eldest miss mean!" Sure enough, Shi Yuqing's focus suddenly shifted to the title. His face was still a little red.

"Then the class leader is fine, what's the matter with you calling me a villain?" Xie Zhifei stood up and gave a deacon salute. This kind of shameless attitude of retreating to advance, he has learned a lot from Yi Nian.

"Today... don't rush to leave after school today!!" Shi Yuqing, who blushed, returned to her seat after saying this. He kept fiddling with things like 'What, such a frivolous look...'. After sitting down, he turned around and grimaced at Xie Zhifei.

Seeing Shi Yuqing sticking out her tongue and making a slight expression, Xie Zhifei's mouth was full of smiles, and it really was the best in peaceful daily life. Just thinking of this, William with a ponytail walked into the classroom as the class bell rang. "Attend class."

With Shi Yuqing's 'saluting' voice, Xie Zhifei saw the satisfied expression on the face of the werewolf saint in front of him, and felt a certain kind of unease in his heart. Peaceful day-to-day...probably.

After school, there was only two people left in the classroom.

"So what's the matter?" Xie Zhifei looked at Shi Yuqing's face in front of him.

"What else can happen! Of course, this is the second operation of our Qingyuan High School Weird Investigation Team!!" The girl's eyes shone like a little star.

"Huh?" The dusty memories of the ancient times were peeled away in his mind, as if he had joined an organization with a very shameful name, as if he had acted with this organization. But in any case, do not admit it!

"Hahaha! I have the latest weird news again!" said Shi Yuqing, who was full of confidence. "And in our school, there is a powerful monster."

The image of a certain dog-like dog with a ponytail shaking the hearts of all the girls in the school instantly entered Xie Zhifei's mind. Damn, who leaked this kind of news? But still pouting. "What... what kind of weirdness?"

"Look, you're still very interested, right?" Shi Yuqing was as triumphant as she grabbed Xie Zhifei's handle. "If you want me to tell you, beg me"

"..." Xie Zhifei could feel that he was about to lose something important, and the muscles of his entire face were twitching, but such an expression seemed to be automated in Shi Yuqing's place, and the smile on his face instead became thicker. "Please tell me the weird news." Xie Zhifei lowered his head seriously.

"Hahaha, of course!" Shi Yuqing smiled brightly and patted Xie Zhifei's back, "We are comrades in the same organization, of course we have to share the weird news together!" Xie Zhifei felt that a certain rational string in his brain was being shaken again and again, just at the moment when the string was about to break.

"It's a werewolf..." Shi Yuqing said. Xie Zhifei raised his head abruptly, so fast that the words behind Shi Yuqing were snapped back into his throat. Staring blankly at Xie Zhifei in front of him, there was some kind of strange power in those dark and deep eyes, as if a vortex composed of two colors of crimson and brilliant gold could **** a person's soul to the deepest depths.

"What werewolf?" Xie Zhifei's voice was as hard as steel. Shi Yuqing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and shook her head.

"I also heard people say it. Recently, there are rumors in the school that there is a werewolf running around in the school."

Xie Zhifei nodded. It seems that he is not strict enough to take care of William. He should apply for someone from the headquarters, and Mu Xiao should be good.

"It started with students complaining that there was less and less meat in the cafeteria meals." Wait, what's going on with this unfolding? Isn't there almost no meat in the canteen meals? Can there be less? Then the master told them that they were stolen by werewolves?

"Then the canteen master just revealed the fact that the meat was stolen by the werewolf." Sure enough? Master, you have found a better reason for your own pockets. Hey! !

"Master also took out a long silver-white hair! The biology teacher confirmed that it was not human hair, but some kind of canine creature!" Did the biology teacher also get involved in this boring investigation? Or is he also disgusting that there is less meat in the cafeteria meals? How boring are the teachers and students in this school! !

"It's not at all like the soft fur of an ordinary Samoyed. That fur is sharp and can pierce human skin. It is said that there is a trace of cold air circulating on it." Ignoring Xie Zhifei's roar, Shi Yuqing continued. As soon as these words came out, Xie Zhifei's expression became awe-inspiring again.

chill! There is only one werewolf in the school, and that is the Son of Frost's Bite. If it wasn't for knowing William's existence, there would be no way to say the key word "cold"! Sure enough? Is this idiot wild and untamed, ran to the cafeteria in the middle of the night to steal meat?