Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 74

Chapter 54 Professional Adventure Team

The transition from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic was so fast, but it was already the third day of teaming up with Xie Zhifei. Although it was not very pleasant to say, in these three days, the most cooperation between Agrace and Xie Zhifei was to escape. . So Agrace is still very used to Xie Zhifei's way of acting.

It's just a little sigh in my heart to say that Xie Zhifei's body is strong, this way of letting qi explode to drive movement is not difficult to say, the difficulty is that the body needs to be strong enough, otherwise it's not. Instead of blowing yourself up, you blow yourself up.

The car cylinder that uses the same method is made of the most naive steel, and the fact that he chewed blood crystals before makes Agrace feel that he is a strange humanoid. And then unconsciously thought of what Catherine said about the second generation, the Fool succeeded? Or was it just an accident?

Just a moment later, Xie Zhifei and Agrace appeared at the place where Ji Qinger was before. The arthropods hidden under the giant worm have been completely pulled out, and are constantly twitching, showing that it is not feeling well now. But this kind of twitching didn't last long. There was a sound of egg breaking, almost half of the carapace was lifted, and a large lump of unknown things was thrown out. Ji Qinger stood in the hole and waved to the two of them. Juicy all over.

Agrace's forehead bulged with blue veins, and her face twitched involuntarily. Although Ji Qinger had been mentally prepared for this plan before, it seemed that it was obviously not enough. In the giant insect's body, it was clear that there would not be such a big open space for three people. Even if Ji Qing'er threw a large pile of the original organs out, there was still a large pool of blue blood in front of the two of them.

"Plop--" Xie Zhifei just frowned and jumped in, and even took the initiative to dive down, burying his whole body in the blue flesh and then emerging. Although it's really disgusting, such a thing really doesn't touch his bottom line. After all, when he was training for ambush in Huangquan, he had all gone through mud, bathing, and even more disgusting things.

Maybe Huang Quan is on the same level as the Vatican Library in terms of cultivating people, but the former does not consider comfort at all.

"Cough cough—" Agrace obviously did not expect Xie Zhifei's diving-like scene, and almost choked, which made her sick to the extreme. Xie Zhifei covered her mouth as soon as she coughed twice, and when her juicy hand was on her mouth, she almost rolled her eyes and fainted.

But in the end, there was no such dramatic scene in the anime. Although it looked disgusting, the rare worm blood had no peculiar smell, was clear and translucent, and even had a cool swish feeling. Anyway, it gave the three of them some psychological comfort. The next thing is to wait.

The hacking plan is simple, pretend to be caught and sneak in. It is almost impossible to use the classic tactic of Trojan horse to deal with people, but it is not a big problem to deal with a group of ants. After all, in the early days, it was not that people had not been caught in such a scheme. Sure enough, a few black ants crawled over within two minutes. Maybe it was the noise caused by Ji Qinger or Xie Zhifei, or maybe the pheromone was disturbed by some unknown thing on the ground. Anyway, they found it.

The next step is very simple, a few quickly crawled back into the hole, a few were looking for something around, and then they found the body of the worm that was still twitching slightly. Then, surrounded by a few giant guard ants, a large group of black ants crawled out from below and began to carry them almost in a planned manner.

At this time, the brilliance of the 'Trojan horse' that Ji Qinger chose was revealed. If they were to find something big enough to hide outside, they might be dismembered and transported first, and the three of them would have to do a futile effort. But the giant insect could quietly disguise itself as a stone, so that neither Xie Zhifei nor Agrace could recognize it. It means that the armor on the body is really like a rock, complete and difficult to cut, and the size is large enough for three people to squeeze a little to hide, and it will not be moved.

In this case, the dying giant insects were actively moved into the cave by the ants, but they were diligently carrying them below, and they certainly did not expect that this was a big gift package of buy one, get three free. Instead, he walked very steadily, and the things in the cracked mouth on the insect's back fell out and wasted.

The ants did not go back through the hole they came out of. A cave of that size seemed a bit reluctant even for guard ants, and it was almost impossible for a giant worm to enter. Take a slight turn. Several larger openings were displayed in front of the trio.

Those few holes were round, and the ten-meter-high hole made the three of them relieved, if they really couldn't get in. The final result is still to be dismantled, so the situation of the three people will be more embarrassing. Watching the light dim little by little, the three of them even breathed a lot slower. The real adventure begins now.

How complicated can an ant nest be? That is almost unimaginable by the human brain. Up to now, the question of how this group of people with almost negligible brain content can build such a complex building and how to live normally in such a place is still a big mystery in the scientific community. one of the topics. Xie Zhifei gave up his plan to write down the route after turning the twelfth turn and shook his head. On the other hand, Ji Qinger was already carefully spilling some kind of powder on the ground.

The professional ratio of the three is very problematic, but it is undeniable that the team formed by the three here is absolutely top-notch in terms of professionalism.

But the dust is definitely limited. Ji Qinger didn't sprinkle it everywhere. There was a huge maze several kilometers in radius and several kilometers in the vertical direction. It was not something that she and Xie Zhifei carried with them. More often, the three of them can rely on memory and luck.

After riding the ride for more than half an hour, the Trojan horse was taken to an empty space after an infinitely complicated route. At this moment, the path that had narrowed a little as it went deeper suddenly opened up. The huge space with field widths of about 70 and 50 meters is like an indoor football field. One after another gray-white stone pillars stand against this space. On the top of the head, on the walls and on the stone pillars, there are dots of fluorescent moss lit up as the only light source.

A little can see that huge mushrooms are growing in this space, and ants are walking through it. Although mushrooms themselves are fungi, how to grow in such a place where there is no soil is still incomparable. Magic. But if you look closely, you will find that the ants walking through have their own tasks, either picking mushrooms, or placing some small pieces of wood **** on the ground.

They are growing mushrooms! Just like humans grow vegetables, they are also self-cultivating their own food. But this made the trio a little confused. If this is their vegetable field, why were they moved here?

According to the original plan, they should be moved into the food storage warehouse together with the 'Trojan Horse'. Then as the ants moved, they slowly crossed the mushroom jungle in front of them and they understood the reason.

Then there was only a scolding voice left in their hearts. Since there is a farm, it is a matter of course to have a ranch. The dying state of the giant worm will definitely not be regarded as a captive animal, and it can be used as almost nothing. Hundreds of compound eyes turned around in the little fluorescent light.


Chapter 55 The Will of the Group

The behavior of keeping other insects in captivity is one of the most frequent habits in ant colonies, which is why people always suspect that it is another life form. After all, captive farming is something that requires a highly social division of labor to complete. Of course, most of the time, ants are generally more vulnerable insects such as aphids.

They act as guards to expel natural predators like the lady beetle, which prey on aphids, and the latter will also secrete a more suitable nectar for ants to use in return after sucking the branches. Xie Zhifei didn't know what these eyes that lighted up in the dark could provide ants, but there is no doubt that they would not be as cute and kind as aphids if they were not vegetarians.

Under the fluorescent moss, nearly a hundred faint blue compound eyes flickered like ghost fires. The passage leading to this place was not only the one where Xie Zhifei and the others were, but the five passages in various directions. The creatures poured into the huge pool. Then a rustling sound rang out, and the ghostly lights gathered in an instant, and then there was a tingling sound of eating and chewing.

Xie Zhifei and the others were able to see the appearance of the domesticated animals. They were strange-looking worms. Each was nearly three meters in size. The six slender limbs were concentrated on the upper body. Large mouthparts, and a big belly like a giant pocket dragged on the ground. The contrast between the thin upper body and the swollen lower body is striking. This twisted life form is by no means the result of natural production, but the result of long-term domestication.

The 'Trojan Horse' was also moved to the edge of the worm pond. The ants adjusted their posture a little and threw the poor victim in. The slate struck with the sound of broken oranges, and half of the worms shunted out as if The tide rushed up. The sounds of cutting, chewing, and sucking are endless. The entire worm pool is like the hungry ghosts in the six realms. The hungry ghosts who exist in it are tortured by hunger, and frantically eat everything they can eat, but they can't fill their stomachs at all, until they die. Wake up again, infinite loop.

The 'Trojan' was not small, otherwise it wouldn't be enough for Xie Zhifei and the other three, but compared to the dozens of mouthparts that were swallowed like hungry ghosts, it was only a matter of a few minutes, and in the end there were only a few hard pieces left in place. And there is no nutritional value behind the slate, and the rest is swallowed up. And the belly of the monsters has only grown a little bit.

As for Xie Zhifei and the three of them, they had already left the moment the 'Trojan Horse' was thrown. A red thread shot out from the big hole behind the 'Trojan Horse'. The line recurved into a hook shape, and then contracted suddenly, just like Xie Zhifei pulled Agrace on the back of a tusk horse, but this time there were three of them.

Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger both had corresponding gloves on their hands, and climbing the rock wall was no more difficult for the professionally trained two than Sakuragi's tree trunk. As for Agrace, if she hadn't been ambushed by the crouching frog, she might have had similar equipment, but now she is more like Xie Zhifei's bound equipment. One big and one small, two blue figures crawled quickly on the gray-white ceiling rock wall.

After getting out of the 'Trojan Horse', the blood all over their bodies quickly solidified in contact with the air, turning into something similar to rubber, wrapping the three of them. But the three of them were surprised to find that this blue gel coat has excellent breath blocking ability. I think that the worm can ambush the ants at the door of the ant mound. There must be many ways, and its blood may be one of them. one.

In addition, although this thing looks strange, it does not actually affect the actions of the three people, so the three people directly use it as a layer of disguise. There is this blue gel coat on the outside, and at the same time, the three of them suppress their breath as much as possible. The will of the jungle becomes almost non-existent in the anthill, but correspondingly, they can feel that a species may be stronger and lower, but But there is a real will.

Cold and powerful, it swept the entire anthill again and again like a tide. Every time this will sweeps over, the three of Xie Zhifei will stop all their actions and eliminate their existence as much as possible.

The will of the group, after looking at each other, the three reached such a consensus. A concept that often appears in science fiction and movies. Races with a completely mismatched individual ability and intelligence are especially prone to such a concept. Like ants, they have almost no concept of an individual, and the supreme collective will rules all individuals. It is very weak, it does not even have an entity and carrier, and the means of attack are almost non-existent.

But at the same time, it is incomparably powerful and can control a large number of ethnic groups. The will of the group in the anthill is not too strong, and it is almost the same as just being born. But such an existence is not an existence that the three of them can provoke.

Fortunately, it should still be in a sleeping state, and it is also a subconscious adjustment to the trend of the anthill, including which sweeping will. This kept the three of them from attracting its attention. Of course, even if the other party noticed the three of them, it was still a question whether the trio with the ability like a worm could attract the attention of the other party. After all, who can guarantee that there is no virus and bacteria in the body? Not to mention the existence of a feedlot and a planting farm that are still open inside the body.

Of course, this doesn't mean that there is no way for Xie Zhifei to invade his body. If this was the case, the anthill would have collapsed many times.

At least now, Xie Zhifei and the three encountered the situation for the first time.

The three did not choose to return, but randomly found a different channel and began to move towards the depths of the anthill. Although they no longer knew the way, the general direction was still clear. After a few corners, a relatively wide passage appeared in front of the three of them.

Different from the natural cave network, although the anthill is a miraculous building, there is no doubt that all its parts are built by the ants, which means that every part of its existence has its own characteristics. practical and functional.

Xie Zhifei and the others quickly knew what the nearly ten-meter-high passage was used for. Several guard ants ranging from two to three meters surrounded a huge six-legged lizard and moved slowly through the passage. write. It walks very slowly, not at all like the principle of efficiency as the ants. Stop and go, the guard ants will occasionally turn into a fork in the road and touch the tentacles with the smaller black ants, as if they are exchanging. information. And in the process, the six-legged lizard stayed in place and waited.

Autonomous preventive defense processing agency. Similar to the general structure of white blood cells in the human body, although there are obvious differences, Xie Zhifei and the three of them still judged the effect of such a strange combination. Excluding those tiny problems such as invading bacteria and bugs, in short, the existence of the three of them.


Chapter fifty-six quick battle

"Fight or go?" Ji Qing'er turned her head, and what was revealed in her eyes was very clear. Xie Zhifei hesitated a little, then turned to look at the passage that several people climbed out of. Although the road was not short, there were no other intersections along the way.

Although they still had the option to return to the farm and find another channel to start over again, Xie Zhifei rejected it after thinking for a while. After all, if nothing else, the other passages should lead in the same direction, outside the ant mound.

And if you continue to want to go inside, is there almost no way to avoid such a large passage, and even if you retreat this time, can you guarantee that you will not encounter such a patrol group next time? Xie Zhifei shook his head, impossible.

In such a huge ant mound, the number of such defense organizations must also be massive, and it is almost impossible to completely avoid such a thing. What they have to do is to make a quick decision. The anthill is indeed very large, but it is inevitable that it will be crowded compared to the number of ants counted in billions.

Even though the three of them were as careful as possible, there was still no way for anyone to guarantee that something like turning their heads and bumping into a black ant would happen. And more hidden thunder comes from that sleeping group will. It was something the three of them didn't expect, a completely variable.

Although it is sleeping now, the three people who have never observed its regularity can't guarantee that it will wake up in the next moment. This instinctive will scan like breathing can make the three people feel that it is difficult to breathe. The stare of the awakened other party really had no hope of escaping.

So be quick! Xie Zhifei decided on what to do after a second thought, and then nodded to Ji Qinger, his eyes filled with murderous intent. There is no more obvious answer than this. Almost at the same time, the sword light in Ji Qing'er's hand lit up.

There was almost only a flash of sword light, and the small one could not be seen unless you looked carefully, but the sound of the huge head of the guard ant walking on the front landing on the ground was so real. The name of this sword is just around the corner, a new sword move mastered by Ji Qinger who woke up.

The power is not greater than the sword of the vast green snake, which is ten meters away from the ant mound, but just like its name, the sword light that is compressed within a few feet is absolutely unstoppable, and the horizon is just a short distance away. , The end of the world is the difference between life and death.

Xie Zhifei kicked the ceiling and rolled over. He even completed a full somersault at a distance of about three meters, landing on all fours for shock absorption. Agrace, who put down behind her, rushed up at the same time. He was more direct and violent than Ji Qinger. A bit of red light lit up as he charged, and two feet of red spear shot forward, "Bang!" The second guard ant was knocked away like a train, and was knocked out by this much slender human being. , smashing the gray-white rock wall with a shudder. When he landed, the joints were basically all broken, and the rib cage was thoroughly blasted.

It only took a few seconds from Xie Zhifei's nod to the death of the two guard ants. The tacit cooperation between the two made Agrace froze. It was not because she had never seen such a skilled cooperation. In fact, the attack combination in the Vatican was definitely better than that There are only a few more fools. And it is more pure and skilled. Every attack is mainly based on covering each other and creating opportunities for each other, rather than simply cooperating with each other to fight each other like two people.

What really surprised her was that the cooperation between the two was mainly Xie Zhifei. The decision of fighting or fleeing, Ji Qinger instinctively handed it to Xie Zhifei, and after Xie Zhifei made her own judgment, she also implemented it without hesitation. That is to say, she fully recognized Xie Zhifei's dominant position.

The meaning behind this behavior almost made Agrace's vest soaked. Most of the two-person combinations are divided into primary and secondary, and the factors that determine the primary and secondary are often very simple, and the stronger person dominates. Only in those larger teams, there will be people who specialize in judgment, just like the staff in the army.