Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 84

Once he deliberately adjusted his body tendency, twisted his body to the left, and the next sword wrapped around him was rolled from the left, offsetting his efforts.

Could it be that Scipio in the black robe was actually a man skilled in calculation? When this idea appeared in Dahan's mind, he didn't even want to believe it. But now, dozens of swords have passed, and he claims that the defense of the iron wall is in jeopardy, but Scipio has not made any flaws or mistakes at all. If he doesn't do anything, he will lose, just lose by doing nothing.

As soon as the big man gritted his teeth, there was a faint brilliance on his right arm, which was already covered with a thick earthen crust, and then he didn't have the slightest sense of avoiding the next sword. on Pia.

Scipio raised his wrist slightly, drew his sword diagonally, and the two-meter-long giant sword stopped in front of the big man's fist. The bright yellow fist slammed heavily on Scipio's long sword, and the white gas explosion even exploded on the sword. Raised a long sword. The sword edge slashed through the middle door opened by the big man. This time, the blood-colored Jiantao did not spurt out. Instead, the blood spurted out from the waist to the shoulder of the big man.

In this way of swapping wounds for wounds, the big man finally took the initiative to fight back from Scipio, and the price was that the damage he received with this sword was even heavier than the dozens of previous swords combined.

Scipio only took ten steps back, then stood still, shaking his shoulders, his whole body was still shrouded in a faint halo, the epee in his hand trembled gently, and if you listen carefully, you will find a faint buzzing sound coming from the blade. It came out, as if something was about to wake up.

"I don't want to use this thing." The big man opened his mouth and spit out another mouthful of blood. The reason why Jian Tao didn't appear was because it all exploded in his body, and dozens of sword beams were still on his body like snakes. Drilling around, making his breath chaotic. "But seeds are seeds after all. I'm too big, and I should have released them from the beginning."

Scipio raised his sword and pointed it away. It's like making a manifesto. Are you done talking nonsense? When I'm done, I'm going to continue.

The big man who saw his movements actually laughed and bent down with a smile. Regardless, Scipio charged up again with his sword, but this time Scipio didn't finish his charge, and his straight charge was stopped. The violent symphony of gold and iron sounded out of thin air, and the big man who finished laughing at the waist, a faint blue light lit up behind him, and a strange tattoo lit up on his back, through the clothes behind him. The big man's smile stopped at some point, and his face covered with husks could not show any expression, only the drop of blood between his clenched teeth was low, and he could know that he was currently enduring great pain.

"Bernie." The big man said this sentence like a moan.

"Ding——" As if the sound of a huge tuning fork being knocked sounded in front of Scipio, a strange figure appeared out of thin air in mid-air from transparent to concrete. He was thin, with four arms, wearing strange armor and a strange visor on his face, and his eyes were burning green flames. It was Scipio's four arms that prevented Scipio from meeting again.

"Ah, ah," The named Bernier's weird moment will open the mouth, the hoarse, the hoarse, like each other between the upper rust. Scipio was pushed back when his four bronze arms were pushed outwards.

"Bernier, kill him." The big man stood up straight with his hands on his thighs, which meant he was out of breath. Even the bright yellow earth crust that had formed on his body dimmed.

The ordered monster waved its four slender arms without hesitation, and attacked while howling. The thin, bronze-colored fist has unimaginable strength. Every time it is swung, there will be a splendid wind sound. When it hits the blade blocked by Scipio, it will make a symphony of gold and iron like the ringing of a Huanglu bell.

"What is this?" Such a question was uploaded in the audience in an instant, and it was able to suppress Scipio, which proved its strength. But everyone has never seen such a summoned thing, not to mention that the big man doesn't look like that kind of weak summoner. And this strange relationship doesn't seem like the product of a summons.

"Tiffany?" Xie Zhifei turned his head and asked Ji Qinger. It is also out of thin air, it also has a strange appearance, and it is also unexpectedly powerful. It was difficult for Xie Zhifei to miss the pin-haired female general named Tiffany who was finally summoned by Count Alfred.

"Accurately speaking, it's a corpse." Xie Zhifei didn't expect that Ji Qinger didn't answer him, and it was Chen Bingyi who answered.


Chapter seventy-fifth under the corpse

"Desert?" Since Chen Bingyi stood up to show his goodwill, Xie Zhifei naturally wouldn't deliberately ignore it, so he continued to ask.

"The Tiffany you mentioned just now was a back-up move prepared by Alfred, right?" Chen Bingyi didn't answer his question directly, but instead asked a question, and continued after Xie Zhifei nodded. "Alfred the Predator, this is his original title. That fighting style has nothing to do with his original one."

an alien force? Xie Zhifei looked at the four-armed monster that suppressed Scipio, and then looked at the big man who was hanging in the distance without any intention of making a move. He probably understood what Zhang Bingyi said. It's not that the big man didn't want to move, but he obviously wasn't quite used to Bernier's crazy attacking style. After several attempts, he was forced back by the fist wind raised by his four arms. Under the interference of the two, it almost created a chance for Scipio to get out of the war.

He was not adapted, not only to the way Bernier fought, but even to the power he possessed. Combined with the words of Dahan, it can be basically guessed that this power was given before entering the arena of destiny.

Seeing Xie Zhifei's clear expression, Zhang Bingyi also smiled, a point-and-click conversation always gives people a pleasant feeling. "Four years ago, the appearance of this monster was recorded. An orphanage in Linhai City was destroyed in that incident, and there was a similar existence in the fire of the camera."

"There were a total of 7 similar sightings and encounters in the following, including the two bodies that appeared for the first time and the one we are seeing now, with a total of 6 different dead bodies."

"Seven times and six bodies..." Xie Zhifei said silently, "Is there any recurrence?"

"The manipulator is different." Zhang Bingyi's answer made Xie Zhifei's face heavy. The ability that can be given, and from the perspective of the other party's help to Count Alfred, it is definitely not a friendly helper.

"Why is it called a corpse?" Although Xie Zhifei still has many questions about this thing, he understands the priorities better, and winning in the arena is the right thing to do. No matter whether the big man can win or not, there is still a black-robed man over there. Can't help but plan for the worst possible against him.

Xie Zhifei's words made Zhang Bing's eyes flash with a gleam of surprise, as if admiring, he said a word of attention to all the members of the Fool who were present, and then explained. "This monster is not an entity. According to analysis, it should belong to the category of soul generals."

"But they also don't have complete souls. The incomplete souls rely on the backfeeding of the body to exist, and they exchange power by absorbing a lot of the source of the body." Xie Zhifei nodded, and Alfred's powerful body like a vampire earl was sucked in the end. When the oil is exhausted, it is conceivable how crazy this thing is to absorb the source.

"After the body has been absorbed, it will continue to feed on the soul. In the end, all the manipulators will be withered, and their gods will be destroyed, so they are named as withered corpses. As for its advantages and disadvantages, you have also seen, second-level people. It can provide a dead body that exceeds the third level, and in the report of Lord Po Jun on the battle of Longcheng, the last attack of the dead body broke through the fourth level."

Level 4... A few consecutive drooling voices came out. Even though this place is the pride of this generation, but the existence of level 4, which has entered the fantasy level, still not everyone is qualified to look up. There has never been a shortage of geniuses since ancient times, but there have never been many who have truly grown up.

"The shortcomings are also obvious. It consumes a lot of money and is out of control..." Before Zhang Bingyi's words could be heard, the situation on the field changed suddenly.

The four-armed Bernier has been attacking Scipio with a storm-like offensive since his appearance. Scipio tried his best to search for every gap in the wind and rain, and only those who could not stop it would use the giant sword in his hand to stop it. Every time the four bronze fists hit the black epee, there would be a roar like a big bell.

The continuous roaring sound makes the scalp tingle even if it is heard, making it difficult to imagine how the majestic force between the blows was resolved. Could it be that Scipio's black robe is also a body made of steel?

Only a few people could see Scipio's pale lower face, a smear of blood running down the corner of his mouth, from under the hood that was raised from time to time to avoid attacks. But his movements still did not change in any way, dodging, blocking, without hesitation or mistakes, just like the most precise robot. The only change may be that the dark sword seemed to have suffered too many attacks in a short period of time, and a faint red light appeared on the sword.

And the change of the battle situation started from the moment when the great sword turned red completely, "Bang——" Bernier slammed the sword again with a punch, and in addition to a huge roar, there was also a burst of scattered sparks. The whole great sword in Scipio's hand was as if it had just been taken out of the forging furnace, and thin cracks appeared on the body of the sword. Bernier's fist hit the sword like a forged axe.

After blocking this blow, Scipio did not turn sideways to avoid other fists squeezed from the side as before. A ring of flame-like ripples emerged from the sword body, and then a column of fire up to several meters appeared out of thin air in the arena. . The heat wave swept the entire arena in an instant. Everyone could smell the scorching smell of magma and sulphur in the air.

"A lunatic who doesn't know how to live or die and the so-called sword." Catherine reached out and curled a lock of hair. Although the tone is disdainful, there is no hostility in the eyes at the beginning.

Xie Zhifei then remembered that the inconspicuous black and thick sword in Scipio's hand was actually very famous. It was a matching sword for a fantasy species that was close to breaking through to level five, but after the previous owner was killed, it had already eaten ashes in the warehouse for a hundred years.

It's not because it's too useless, on the contrary, it's because it's too strong. The lava heart that the Balrog Lord extracted from the core of the ground can be ignited by talent and complement each other, but it is not something that humans can ignite.

Seventy years ago, Agni, one of the masters of the Vientiane Temple with the name of Vulcan, made a judgment that the energy spent to ignite the lava heart is absolutely massive, and doing so in battle is completely worth the loss. This iron law remained in place for seventy years, until Scipio found the sword in a Vatican warehouse.

At this time, people remembered that Agni still had the second half of the sentence, that is, if it was completed, the flame ignited by this sword would be unforgettable for everyone.

Melting City. This is the name Agni gave to the sword. The fire pillar spread out, and the scene that appeared made everyone understand the reason for the name. With Scipio as the core, the ground with a radius of about 10 meters has completely turned into molten magma and is surging. The crimson flames were burning quietly at the molten city station. In front of him, only two of the four bronze arms were left, and the other two had turned into two **** of the same crimson molten iron mixed in. inside the ground.


Chapter seventy-six first hand

The living fire melted the city, and the violent flame was not only unexpected for the big man, but even the corpse with a broken soul and a naturally crazy corpse was shocked in place, looking at the red bare wrists in a daze.

It is impossible for Scipio to pass up this opportunity. No matter what he did to shake the audience, his sword movement did not change at all. It was steady and straight, but the black epee in his hand was no longer there. It was that inconspicuous appearance. Scipio seemed to be waving a huge torch, and the sword left a mark, and the scarlet mark was left in the air as if the air was ignited.

The giant sword came head on, and the skeleton raised the only two fists left to continue the attack, but the sword did not bounce away in the violent collision as before. In the small sound of babble, Rongcheng slowly cut into the fist of the corpse. When the corpse closed the fist, the four fingers had been melted in half.

The heat of the flames on the molten city made everyone frown. The way Scipio ignited the lava heart was never a secret. .

The fire of the mind takes the name of fire, but in fact it is just a simple strengthening skill that uses emotion to perfuse energy into the whole body to gain physical energy and make the brain more active. It's indistinguishable from other nimble, enduring environments or even the rage of berserkers. Only Scipio actually ignited this non-existent flame, and even ignited the lava core with it.

No one knew how he did it, or what kind of burning heart was hidden under that eternally cold and calm face. But at least no one can ignore the flame he lit at this moment. The corpse is very powerful, and has even reached the level of third-level, but in front of a sword that can be used as a weapon by a nearly fifth-level fantasy species, it still seems so helpless.

If the scene in which the corpse suppressed Scipio just now was considered brutal, now that Scipio starts to counterattack, the scene can only be described as tragic. Under the light of the fire dance, the whole body of the corpse began to melt like a candle. The burnt red bronze dropped from him drop by drop. Each attack leaves a melted sword mark on its body. This persisted for two minutes, and was finally cut off by Scipio's sword. Then it turned into a burst of blue light and disappeared in place.

After the corpse fell to the ground, the big man was struck by lightning, his entire body withered at a visible speed, and he fell to the ground, unable to fight again. But Scipio still walked towards him, neither too fast nor too slow, without the slightest complacency of victory. Even looking at the posture of his sword, he knew that he was still preparing for a possible counterattack in the future.

Finally walking beside the big man, looking at the withered big man, he didn't sneer and didn't intend to talk to him, and raised the long sword in his hand. But then the white light came on, and the two were passed out of the arena, and Scipio won.

The people around him dispersed at the same time, avoiding the scorching heat on the molten city. When the long sword in Scipio's hand quieted down and turned back into an ordinary black sword, the next match was already over. Halfway through.

Xie Zhifei glanced back at the man in black robe from time to time, only to see that he was holding a roll of some old thin bandages, wrapping the sword in his hand again layer by layer. Once again, he raised his head and met Xie Zhifei's gaze, his black eyes immersed in a lake, without the slightest emotional fluctuation. Xie Zhifei smiled kindly at him. Xie Zhifei worked very hard to find a little bit of red glowing in his eyes, like the embers of a flame.

This game is not a seed, but the scene is quickly separated. The warrior monk of the Vientiane Hall is as honest as a mountain, with the power of a mountain, motionless as a mountain facing the imaginary space, a girl who looks soft and weak, the girl suddenly swoops like a ghost, backhand draws a combat knife on the warrior monk in the Vientiane Hall. stabbed, but only slipped through the clothes.

When everyone thought that the Vientiane Palace was going to win another victory, the girl walked away with a satisfied smile on her face. Several bean-sized rainbow light spots condensed around her, and the light spots slowly swam around her like fireflies, and they kept increasing, reaching dozens in just half a minute.

The monk also clearly saw that this move was not small, and tried to charge to interrupt, but the girl was not comparable to him in speed. , Although every run looks like a bulldozer, it doesn't touch the girl's clothes at all.

The girl is deftly dodging the monk's attack, and there are more and more streamers around her. Hundreds of light spots linger around the girl for about half a meter, and they flow without disturbing each other. The danger under this beauty.