Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 89

The beasts trapped in the bamboo forest are confused, intelligence is not their strong point at all, the sudden change of the field and the disappearance of the enemy make them feel extremely confused. And a kind of instinctive fear pervades their hearts, making them dare not act rashly. But the madness of the beasts finally prevailed, and they began to actively destroy this bamboo forest.

The sharp claws and fangs attacked the green bamboo at the same time, and then the green bamboo shook. The whole bamboo forest began to vibrate rhythmically, like a strong wind blowing through the bamboo sea, and the bamboo tips fluctuated like a sea tide. Thousands of green bamboo leaves fell down.

If when the bamboo forest appeared, there was only a flash of gold in the eyes of everyone, when the bamboo leaves fell, the light in their eyes completely turned into shock and caution, and they could even find a little fear inside.

Except for Xie Zhifei, only he smiled after he understood the true meaning of this bamboo forest. It's a sword, it's still a sword. The falling bamboo leaves are swords, the green bamboo itself is a sword, and even the wind blowing the entire bamboo sea is a sword. Where is the bamboo sea, this is clearly a sword prison full of Ji Qinger's sword energy!

Thousands of green leaves fell, and disappeared on the ground after landing, dozens of monsters froze in place, and then blood and sword marks appeared on the ground and the monsters at the same time. One after another extremely sharp sword marks cracked open at the same time. The strange place in the center of the bamboo forest exploded in an instant, thousands of sword marks exploded at the same time, and the stone powder and blood water infected each other like a big splash of ink in a landscape.

The green bamboo forest disappeared, and Ji Qinger directly crossed a large distance and appeared in front of the summoner. The incessant summoner did not see how his summoned creatures died at all. Four light spheres with different colors were uncertain behind him, and he could vaguely see the figures inside. Just from the little breath revealed, it can be seen that they are very strong.

He is not only a summoner of the beast current, he is also proficient in the giant beast. But Ji Qinger had already raised the green bamboo staff in his hand to him. A thin bud emerged from the bamboo stick, and there was even a little water droplet on the two green leaves trembling slightly.

But in front of this bamboo stick, the summoner has no sense of security, and even the four powerful summons behind him cannot give him a sense of security. This was something that had never happened before, but now he was extremely clear about what the slight tingling sensation between his eyebrows and throat was, killing intent and sword qi.

I can kill you anytime I want.

The other party is saying such words, he looks so good-looking, but he is so cruel. The Summoner smiled wryly, then raised his hand in surrender.


Chapter 85 Steps

Ji Qinger's battle ended extremely cleanly. If the green bamboo sword prison was counted as one move, then she was the third person to defeat the enemy in one move besides the seeds. But because the girl in the imaginary space and Xie Zhifei were the foreshadowing before, the shock to everyone was buried deep in their eyes and did not show.

After all, compared to Xie Zhifei's domineering one-shot defeat, Ji Qinger's sword prison can be seen as a very large and complicated sword skill. Moreover, her opponent is a Summoner, and it is really difficult to show the strength of her strength before the Summoner has summoned the trump card.

Moreover, compared to Xie Zhifei, who was completely unknown before today, the name Ji Qinger, although not a seed, is known to a lot by other organizations. It completely suppressed the existence of the other three. No matter how strong she is, they can still have the ability to accept it.

With a flash of white light, Ji Qinger stood in front of Xie Zhifei again. The two flashes of white light are like the light of archiving and reading files. After Ji Qinger disappeared, the Fool's atmosphere completely solidified, and when she returned, the stagnant time began to flow. Xie Zhifei and Zhang Bingyi stared at the dignified and tall girl together. The girl also looked back at the two of them without changing her expression, and her expression did not change at all.

"Huh—" Xie Zhifei let out a deep breath, blowing away the frozen atmosphere like a gust of wind. "Does the boss know about the second generation and the wolf disaster?"

Although Ji Qinger didn't have much time on the court, it was enough for him to adjust his mood. After all, what's more difficult to accept than feeling your own death? And he had already felt it twice, the blood slowly flowing out of the cavity in his abdomen, and the feeling of the world slowly darkening was so clear. At least it's better now than it was then, isn't it?

"Yeah." Ji Qing'er nodded in affirmation. "Apart from the boss, Yi Nian, Liu Huan, Chen Ye and Lin Xue all know about it."

"Isn't that all the staff?" Xie Zhifei smiled bitterly. Luo Yunxi, who was on the side, became very violent after hearing Ji Qinger's words.

"Why didn't you report such a thing when all the members of Longcheng knew about it? Are you planning to go out independently?"

"Have you notified the headquarters of any trivial matters over Longhu Mountain?" Ji Qing'er turned her head and glanced at Luo Yunxi lightly, with the attitude of an adult talking and a little boy don't interrupt. The two people, who were not right from the beginning, seemed to have sparks where their eyes crossed.

"Of course not everything has to be reported to the headquarters, otherwise there is no point in asking for each branch." Chen Bingyi put his hand on Luo Yunxi's shoulder, pressed him, and took over the job of looking at Ji Qinger. The fox-like squinting eyes flashed the light of the hunter staring at the prey, "But the matter related to the wolf calamity is not a trivial matter, right?"

"The wolf disaster must have been reported. As for Xie Zhifei, the reason you don't know it is definitely not because we deliberately concealed it." Ji Qinger imitated Zhang Bingyi, squinting her eyes and saying that she was still crooked. He tilted his head and looked like a flower, but the smell of gunpowder in his words did not diminish at all.

The matter must have been reported. You don't know, of course it's due to other reasons, either because of lack of authority or because you were careless and didn't see it.

"You!" Luo Yunxi was angry but was about to stand up despite Chen Bingyi's obstruction, but was stopped back.

"In this case, we will investigate accordingly after we go out. I hope it is our problem. Otherwise, the corresponding protest will definitely appear in front of Lord Po Jun." Chen Bing said to Ji Qinger, pulling Luo Yunxi back. two steps.

"As long as there aren't so many mice in Longhu Mountain that they eat up all the documents, you will definitely be able to find them." Ji Qinger greeted him without hesitation, then took Xie Zhifei and took two steps to the side. separate.

"Just ask what you want, I don't promise to know." After walking away, Ji Qinger casually found a step to sit down, pulled the ponytail to her chest, wrapped her fingers around it and hit Xuan . He watched the battle in the arena below without a single glance.

"When did you know?" Xie Zhifei sat down beside the girl after thinking about it, also watching the battle on the field, and then asked softly. It's like a couple watching an unpopular literary film and chatting about the daily vegetables, rice, oil, and salt.

"Three months... it's still four months ago." Ji Qing'er tilted her head and thought and replied.

"It's so early." Xie Zhifei sighed. "What did the boss say?"

"I don't know that." Ji Qinger shook her head, "She told me when I chatted with Lin Xue. Don't you think you run her the most frequently among us?"

"Uh... I always thought it was because I was anemic and too weak..." Xie Zhifei wiped a sweat.

"It's just anemia, does the leader of the research team need to be there every time?" Ji Qinger asked rhetorically. "The time she takes to heal your injury is enough to fight the stage."

... Xie Zhifei was speechless when he complained, and then he realized that he was still a little too self-centered. Just like the time of the Soul Eater, those wounds were indeed serious in his own eyes, but Lin Xue did not need to stare at things that could be done by lying down on the nutrient solution. It doesn't seem to be sensitive enough. Xie Zhifei sighed in his heart.


"I don't know." Before Xie Zhifei asked any questions, Ji Qinger answered first. "No one knows why the boss made such a decision at that time, and no one even knows why you were able to survive."

"You must know that in the peak period of the second-generation plan, the success rate did not exceed 103%, and the recipients were the leaders of the action group who had undergone strict mental and physical training. With the help of drugs and instruments, the odds are only so low.”

"It is conceivable that an ordinary person is faced with a source body of the wolf level that has not been dealt with. How low is the probability of success without any assistance?" Ji Qinger turned her head and looked at it seriously. Xie Zhifei. "You have to know that there are many things on the mysterious side that cannot be explained."

"The higher you get, the more difficult it is to explain. In the concept of the information universe, every decision of the boss and Mr. will cause a storm of joy.

, they are implicated in too many things. Similarly, when they make decisions, they will also be implicated by many things. It was an apocalypse-like feeling, like you didn't know why you punched that punch before, and maybe they didn't know why they made you what you are now. "

"...Apocalypse..." Ji Qinger's speech made Xie Zhifei's already confused mind even more confused. But I couldn't find any place to refute it, so I could only murmur like this.

"Of course, these were all just my own thoughts before, so I can't guarantee it." The next sentence made Xie Zhifei almost lost his seat and fell to the ground.


"I'm not lying to you." Ji Qing'er pushed back without flinching, "This is already the most likely possibility I think!"

"But..." Xie Zhifei wanted to refute something, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything, "God's will..."

"I always feel that this feeling of resignation is disgusting." Finally, he put his body down and lay back.

"Then find the answer yourself." Ji Qinger stood up and looked down at him from top to bottom.

"What do you mean?" Xie Zhifei looked at the beautiful face in the center of his sight.

"Where do you think you are?" Ji Qing'er raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, "When you stand on some of the highest steps in this world, it is possible for you to face that distant apocalypse." Said After finishing, she raised her head and walked to the side, as if the battle in the arena attracted her attention. Only Xie Zhifei was left alone.


Chapter 86 Serious

Ji Qinger's meaning, Xie Zhifei is very clear, win, keep winning, it is possible to win to the end. Whether it's the reason for the boss doing this, the wolf disaster, or the second-generation problem, it's possible to solve it if you keep winning. Because of the Arena of Destiny, the gold content of this name is definitely not lower than anything.

Anything that relies on will, faith, and luck to survive is all in vain. How could it be so easy for the monsters that destroyed the world to reach a consensus with Renzhu and work hard for each other? If you want to solve a problem caused by a disturbance source related to the future of the world, there is no shortcut, that is, you become a disturbance source of the same level. Only the same giants can carry the giant wheel that rolls down the hillside. No matter how much perseverance and awakening the ants and the dust have, they can only end up being crushed.

Become one of the people who has the power to change the world? Xie Zhifei stretched out his hand and looked at his palm. By me? is it possible? I have only just stepped into this world for less than two years, and here are the geniuses cultivated by various organizations with all their resources. On top of that, there are so many seeds, even those called gifts. Catherine doesn't dare to say she will win, right?

Looking up, the battle in the arena is still extremely fierce, and the collision of energy and energy emits the most splendid light. Looking at such a scene, Xie Zhifei was a little lost, the scene in front of him seemed to be pulled far away, all the light was lost, only the square inch of the place he was sitting on, and the light spot where the sound of fighting was heard in the distance, the rest of the place was dark. down.

Then a pair of blood-red eyes opened, and the breath of killing, annihilation, destruction, and desolation permeated, just like the smell of the wind blowing out of the hole behind Catherine when she used the bloodline detection. The smell of such clean destruction and destruction belongs to the smell of Ben wolf.

Xie Zhifei looked at the eyes in front of him seriously, the two people who were completely disproportionate in size looked at each other, silent. Xie Zhifei did not speak, and Ben Lang remained silent. One man and one wolf looked at each other like this, and time and space seemed to have lost their meaning here.

"I want to live." Xie Zhifei said seriously. "I don't know why I want to live or what I can do with it. But I still want to live."

"I know it's unreasonable, but this is the truest thought in my heart." Xie Zhifei knew that the wolf in front of him would not return, and also knew that what he was saying was very strange, but he still wanted to make it clear.