Type Moon Greece, I Really Don’t Want To Be a Hero!

Chapter 170

"Don't be afraid, because Goddess Hecate definitely doesn't care... As long as she doesn't eat you, Goddess Hecate will probably encourage me to beat you more!"

......If you want to say that, you won't be able to talk about it today.

"Cough, all in all, that's the truth anyway." Jason stiffly rounded up his words. After all, he couldn't refute it, which was the most irritating.

"Of course I believe that Cerberus can defeat the opponent, but think about it if the opponent is the child of Lord Poseidon, the Sea Emperor, and you eat it, then what will the Lord Sea Emperor Poseidon blame you for?"

If Jason pointed to something...in fact, he almost pointed it out.

Before he came, according to his usual character, he naturally asked Theseus about a series of things about the labyrinth and labyrinth monsters.

Although Theseus was very vague, after all, he was also hearsay, but he still gave some useful information.

Jason relied on the information to figure out that after this matter was related to the Sea Emperor Poseidon, he naturally did not have the idea of ​​killing Asterios.

Theseus killed him all right, mostly because he was also Poseidon's son.

Therefore, as long as Asterios does not come to die, Jason naturally has no intention of getting rid of Asterios.

To be precise, even if Jason didn't know Asterios' background, Jason, who normally doesn't want to be too busy, wouldn't think about killing him.

After all, he never considered himself a hero.

And just when Cerberus heard Jason's words, he felt that it made sense, so he nodded.

Jason suddenly turned the extinguished light on again, and also released the invisibility magic on his body.

"Jason?" Cerberus tilted his head and looked at Jason suspiciously.

"Missed... Is it true that it is in the legendary labyrinth?" Jason looked at the guide that had expired in his hand, and immediately called out a disc, making sure that it could feel the guard at the door. The position of the disc was a sigh of relief.

"It seems that in the legend of the future, it is a fake to crack the maze with a rope... The rope is probably an artifact."

Jason muttered, and his guess was not wrong. The legendary Theseus was able to walk out of the labyrinth and kill the half-bodied Minotaur. It was indeed because of the guidance of the gods that he obtained a rope and a sword.

"It looks like I can only turn on the lights..."

"But didn't you say that it's easy to attract that monster?"

"It's easy to attract, but for the same reason, it's easy to attract the little girl who got lost in the labyrinth." Jason spread his hands and said, "But now the guide that Goddess Athena gave me has lost its effect in the labyrinth, so I can only use This stupid method, let's see if I can catch the idiot."

"What if that half-human, half-cow monster came first."

"Let's be reasonable first, and then fight." Jason said calmly: "After all, I'm not afraid of him."

You are not afraid of him, why are you talking so much... Cerberus, who can't understand Jason, is very puzzled by Jason's behavior.

But if Tianma was there, it would probably be very calm and persuade Cerberus, after all, Jason is such a person.

Let's talk about this, and then Jason and Cerberus walk in this intricate labyrinth.

At first Cerberus was quite interested, but it didn't take long for Cerberus to become impatient.

"Can I just smash this wall, Jason?!" Cerberus said with a dark face as he walked to the dead end again and looked at the wall in front of him.

Hearing Cerberus' words, Jason wanted to refuse.

"It felt like it was going nowhere...it reminded me of something bad."

Cerberus said, his eyes turned to Jason.

He also looked at Jason's arm, opened his mouth slightly, and looked eager to bite, which startled Jason.

But it's pretty cute, after all, she's wearing this outfit now, and she really can't show any deterrence...

Then Jason quickly realized what was going on. Obviously, this intricate labyrinth seemed to never end, reminding Cerberus of the situation when he was imprisoned in the abyss.

You must know that because of this incident, Cerberus also had a fight with Jason, and Jason let her bite for a long time before the matter ended.

So in response, Jason, who smiled bitterly, didn't say much, and made a gesture of invitation to Cerberus.

next second...


A loud noise seemed so harsh in the silent maze.

It's hard for people in the labyrinth to hear such a sound.

What's more, there was another loud noise soon after.

The easiest way to get out of the maze is undoubtedly to dismantle it directly!

As the so-called straight line between two points, this is definitely the fastest way, there is no one, it is more than knowing the maze route!

In fact, the heroes in the maze in the past have not thought about this, but this maze is blessed with magic. Under normal circumstances, few people can do it. The only one who can do it is estimated to be Hercules alone. .

But all of this is of course no problem for Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell.

With a single punch, she was able to smash the wall in front of her to a pulp, and even with more things torn down, Cerberus not only did not feel impatient, but also entered a state of increasing excitement!

If Jason hadn't stopped him and said that if his clothes were damaged, he would not give honey cakes, Cerberus would have turned back into the three-headed dog of **** by now, and he would have demolished the labyrinth!

And this kind of behavior has to be said to be used to attract people is really good.

Just when Jason looked at the picture of Cerberus being demolished, he was a little worried that the temple of Teacher Hecate would not be able to withstand it in the future...

"Ia... Song?"

With a tone of disbelief, Jason tilted his head subconsciously when he heard the voice, and saw Atalanta, who was dressed in beautiful emerald green clothes from around the corner, appeared in Jason's room. within sight.

Looking at Atalanta who looked at her in surprise.

Jason looked over at her and found that she was only a little disgraced at most, and she was relieved after she was in no serious condition, smiled at her, and said, "Atalanta, long time no see."

Chapter 186 Teacher Hecate, help! (4k)

"...It's really you."

The long absence is repeated, but it does not have a touching sense of meeting.

Staring at Jason, whose white clothes were as spotless as snow, the face of Atalanta, who was covered in dust, couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

She took two steps back silently, allowing herself to blend into the night as much as possible, then calmed down and continued to say to Jason: "Why are you here... oh, it should be a **** who got a great **** again. Ensign, so come here."

Atalanta said, with a look she was used to, and said, "Should I call you Hercules better now?"

It is not surprising that Atalanta would make such a guess, after all, she has seen Jason busy with the oracles of the gods more than once.

And she was born in it herself, and had several adventures with Jason.

And the great hero Hercules, who was incarnated by Jason and dressed in white, has now become a well-known great hero in Greece.

Hearing Atalante's words, Jason looked suspiciously at Atalanta who seemed a little strange, thought for a while, and after realizing the reason, he couldn't help but smile.

"Well, no." Jason said, reaching out and taking out the tin cane from the silver pocket at his waist, then pointed at Atalanta, and chanted a spell on her.

Although Atalanta didn't know what Jason was doing, she was taken aback by the magic circle that suddenly appeared on the ground, but she didn't resist.

It can also be seen from this that in her heart, her trust in Jason is actually very high... After all, the bad relationship between them is a bit deep.

Then I saw the light of the magic circle shrouded her, and when the milky white light faded, Atalanta, who had been in this dark labyrinth for nearly a week, looked dirty, but now it has recovered.

Very simple purification magic, although Jason is a half-baked magic apprentice, this simple magic can still be used anyway.

The reason why he didn't use it is very simple. The white clothes he was wearing were made by Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

If it can be stained with dust, then Athena is estimated to be ashamed to commit suicide.

"...Thank you." Although the whole person became clean, Atalanta's expression became more subtle and unnatural.

After all, the careful thought was guessed...

Atalanta didn't know why she suddenly cared about her image subconsciously after seeing that the person who came here was actually Jason.

But fortunately, Atalanta didn't care about these little things, she came out again, and took a look at the little loli, who was still playing with it, and said to Jason: "She Who?...and what do you mean by no...?"

"She, she is... It's a little troublesome to explain. When I have time to say, I didn't come here because of the oracle."

"Not because of the oracle?" Atalanta was stunned.

Jason nodded and said, "Well, in fact, I learned from my senior brother that you were trapped here, so I came here."

"Because of me?" Atalanta's eyes widened slightly, obviously surprised, but she was relieved quickly, and said, "Wait, I understand, just like the monster with the Sphinx last time, You are the Moon God Artemis-sama, who sensed that I was in trouble, so I asked you to help."

"It's not...but just understand it if you want to."

"...What do you mean?" Atalanta frowned, "Could it be that you are here to help me just because I am in danger?"

"Hey, what kind of image do I have in your heart!" Jason gave Atalante a dissatisfied look.

Looking at Jason's reaction, Atalanta's expression became more and more subtle, and it took a long time to say: "...Really, because of me?"

Being stared at by Atalante like this, Jason, who didn't feel anything at first, suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly: "Cough, what... I said we were friends after all, Do you need to be so surprised?"

"...friends?" Atalanta, surprised again, said, "Are we friends?"

"Don't you think we're friends?"

Jason was also surprised.

Looking back now, in fact, Jason and Atalanta have really experienced a lot together.

Since the Zhengtai period, he has forged a deep bond with Atalanta.

Looking at the Kalydon wild boar in the back, offering tribute to the moon **** Artemis, 'borrowing' her beloved bow, the bow of the sky, to the figure of the teacher in the back, the hundred-eyed giant Argos and so on.

Obviously, apart from the gods above, the one who had the most frequent contact with Jason was undoubtedly Atalanta.

The relationship between them has also experienced several turns and changes.

Therefore, Jason has long been unable to ignore Atalanta as before. He is afraid of trouble, but he is not an emotionless machine.

That's why Jason came directly to help her when he heard Theseus say that Atalanta was in trouble.

At this time, Atalanta stared at Jason for a long time, and gradually accepted that he was here because of himself, not because of some oracle, nor because of the goddess Artemis.

After realizing this, Atalante probably didn't notice it, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she said lightly, "Because you didn't say it yourself, I'm a troublesome woman, so you don't want to talk to me at all. I'm involved."

"I said, it's all about the Year of the Monkey, the Horse and the Moon. You still use it to talk about it... And in the end, didn't I apologize to you?"

Jason was speechless.

"Apologies? ... Yes, okay, I looked." Atalanta rolled up a strand of pale yellow hair on her earlobe, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

When the words fell, the two looked at each other naturally, and soon Jason also laughed.

This moment, this scene.

If you let the moon **** Artemis see it, you will probably be very pleased... Well, this refers to the original moon **** Artemis.

Because there was a time in the beginning, Artemis really felt that Atalanta and Jason were very suitable, so they have been secretly matching for a long time.

Jason's bad relationship with Atalanta is half of her credit.

Their relationship has finally improved, which was originally something to be happy about, but now, Artemis' mood will definitely be complicated.

To be precise, he was not happy, and he even pouted in dissatisfaction.

From the last time she came to Jason and said that she wanted to hide Jason, it could be seen that she already wanted to 'hunt', and regarded Jason as a 'prey' that she wanted to cherish.

And now, someone wants to compete with her for this prey, and she is still her favorite believer. The most important thing is that this is the result of her own efforts!

I don't know if Artemis knows now, will he roll on the grass unhappy and regretful... Probably.

Fortunately, Artemis doesn't know it now. After all, there are not many gods who know that Jason comes to the labyrinth, and the gods don't stare at Jason 24 hours a day.

But this situation, it is estimated that it will not be hidden for a long time. . . .

And in the end, Jason will suddenly come to see Atalanta, and it can't be said that he really has no idea in this regard. Don't forget Jason's character.

Be cautious, preemptive, and never sit still.

The last time Artemis almost locked him in a small dark room, Jason couldn't be vigilant.

And Atalanta, she is obviously able to play a certain miraculous effect on Artemis!

However, although he has this idea, it is true that he is worried about Atalanta and has regarded Atalanta as a friend.


"I said, are you... finished?"

Just as Atalanta and Jason looked at each other and laughed together, they quietly demolished the house... No, Cerberus who demolished the labyrinth finally spoke up.

After both Jason and Atalanta looked at her, Cerberus pointed to the half-human, half-cow monster that appeared not far away, and said, "What to do with that... .. want me to eat him?"