Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 1124: Could it be that the emperor is going to

Gu Yihan's handsome eyebrows pondered for a moment.

He waved his hand and motioned for Chun Shou to bring him a bow too.

"It's rare that you are interested today, I will play two games with you."

Who knows, Gu Yihan just drew his bow and gestured twice.

Over there, Concubine Qiao Angrily put down her bow and arrow: "Before your majesty came down, the concubine played for a long time."

"It's time to go back now. There are a lot of palace affairs, and it's not enough if you don't deal with it."

After saying that, she hurriedly and perfunctoryly blessed herself and was about to leave.

Gu Yihan stared at her and passed him, and suddenly said, "Stop!"

The emperor's tone became serious.

Wan Yin and Wan Xuan suddenly looked at each other and felt bad.

These days, Niangniang is in trouble with the emperor because of the little princess.

So even the attitude is not as good as before.

My mother-in-law has already shown her face to the emperor several times.

Could it be that the emperor is going to be angry this time?

Concubine Qiao stopped, and she looked sideways at Gu Yihan.

The two looked at each other from a distance.

One is charming, the other is stern.

Concubine Qiao did not speak, as if she was quietly waiting for punishment.

But after a moment of silence, Gu Yihan suddenly said: "You stay and teach me, I haven't touched a bow and arrow for a long time, I'm a little rusty."

Concubine Qiao pursed her red lips, and her eyebrows raised a doubtful arc.

Seeing her not moving, Gu Yihan urged again, "Come here!"

Concubine Qiao had no choice but to walk over.

Seeing this, Chun Shou, with Wan Yin and Wan Xuan, both retreated a little further.

Concubine Qiao put a wrench on Gu Yihan's finger to prevent the finger from being bruised.

She lowered her long eyelashes and muttered as if resentfully, "The emperor wants to play with his concubine again, right?"

"What kind of bows and arrows are unfamiliar, the concubine remembers that when the first emperor took everyone to the autumn hunt before entering the palace."

"Your Majesty shot a pair of geese flying south."

Gu Yihan also remembered this incident, and said with a quick smile, "Yes, I remember it."

"At that time, you cried for a long time, saying that the geese were devoted to love, and they were both husbands and wives flying together, and you even scolded me for killing a couple cruelly."

"I got a headache from your arguing, and I promised you to give you a pair of geese to make up for it later, do you remember?"

Concubine Qiao's face darkened: "Remember, I didn't catch them after they were delivered, and they flew away on the spot."

Gu Yihan remembered that Concubine Qiao stood in the courtyard and shouted, "My goose!"

He couldn't help but chuckle, his face extremely happy.

When Concubine Qiao didn't respond, he took her into his arms.

Embracing Concubine Qiao, using a bow and arrow, he stood behind her, and the two aimed at the archery target together.

Only then did Concubine Qiao react: "Isn't the concubine teaching His Majesty, why did His Majesty play with the concubine?"

In his ear, there was Gu Yihan's low smile.

"I know you're unhappy about Nuo'er, so can I really let you go? Just find an excuse to keep you."

Just now, he was indeed a little angry.

But when he looked at Concubine Qiao's eyebrows, he felt again.

Standing in front of her is a mother who misses her daughter.

Why is he angry with her?

Gu Yihan did not forget to say: "Before Nuoer comes back, whatever you want to play with your temper is up to you."

"Nuoer is also my precious daughter. She is away from home, and I am very concerned about her."

"But Yayu, you and I should trust Nuo'er and wait for her good news."

Concubine Qiao was gradually relieved because she was worried about her daughter's heart.

Gu Yihan's temper was not good, but he kept letting her go everywhere.

She sighed with red lips.

Just when he was about to give in, Gu Yihan let go, the arrows clustered away from the string, and hit the bullseye.

Gu Yihan let go of Concubine Qiao Gui, and laughed loudly: "If Nuo'er is here, I must praise my father for being better than my mother."

Concubine Qiao:  …

At this time, the emperor has not forgotten to fight for his daughter? !