Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 551: Wish (on)

When Du Cheng went to South Africa. It was already dusk, and after an hour of driving, the sky was already turning black.

Within the castle, Vitto had already prepared a great dinner for his chef.

For this French meal, Du Cheng maintains his good style, only eats expensive and nutritious, and other direct PASS.

On the table, Du Cheng only had a few glasses of red wine with Vitu, and did not say much, because Vitu did not have the habit of talking at the table.

After running out of dinner, Du Cheng sat down with Weito to the sofa in the hall. If Ai Qier’s words, she went back upstairs to take a shower.

Du Cheng and Wei Tu's topic is actually not much. The topics of the two are mostly all aspects of this cooperation.

Du Cheng only briefly understood some of the general process of this cooperation. For this cooperation, Du Cheng did not care too much. After about an hour of talking, Du Cheng was only going back with Ai Qier who came down later. Go upstairs.

He did not mean to go deep into this issue with Vitu, because Du Cheng needed to first examine the scale of the industrial chain in the figure of Weitu. As for the other, Du Cheng was temporarily put aside.

The next morning. Accompanied by Ai Qier, Du Cheng began to examine the industrial chain of Vito in Cape Town.

When Du Cheng really went to see it, Du Cheng saw what it was called the real industrial chain, and what was called a real large enterprise.

The same energy company, but the size of the energy company in the hands of Vitus is dozens of times that of Kaijing Energy. Even if it is only two chemical pools for treating battery toxic substances, the area is larger than that of Kaijing Energy.

And this is only one of the few energy companies in the hands of Vito. The other largest one is nearly twice the size of this energy company.

This is the gap, the real gap, Kaijing Energy is indeed unlimited potential, just want to reach the scale of these energy companies under the Vitru, it is definitely not a day or two days, no accumulation for a few years, is definitely not possible.

Du Cheng’s visit was not a slap in the face. Du Cheng not only went to every industry under Vito, but also went deep into various departments and carefully understood the operation of each link.

Of course, Du Cheng’s focus is on various research departments. Du Cheng’s other purpose at this time is to prepare to introduce talents. This, he has already said with Wei Tu and Ai Qier.

Because Du Cheng is so, he will spend a lot of time in South Africa.

Waiting for most of the industry to go down. Coupled with the determination of the talents introduced, Du Cheng has been in South Africa for more than half a month.

During these times, in addition to the industries that have been used by Vito, Du Cheng also appreciates the luxury life of Ai Qier in the city of Cape Town.

During the period, Du Cheng and Ai Qi went to Table Mountain together, and also went to the Cape of Good Hope, but it was also a good play.

Ai Qier has been accompanying Du Cheng for half a month, and next to Du Cheng, she is a perfect lover.

On the last night when Du Cheng was preparing to leave South Africa, Du Cheng came to a deep discussion with Vitus.

This time, the deep talk is obviously very secret. Du Cheng and Wei Tu are talking in the study room of Vitu. Except for Ai Qier, there is no third person present.

No one knows what Du Cheng and Vitu said, and no one knows what secret decisions they made.

However, it can be seen between the look of excitement when coming out of Vito. This time, it is definitely not simple.


Du Cheng did not stay in South Africa any more. On the second day after talking with Vitus, Du Cheng left Cape Town.

There is nothing wrong with Ai Qier, because after a few days, she will leave South Africa for what reason. I am afraid that only she and Du Cheng are clear.

Du Cheng actually rushed back to the F city, because Li Enhui’s birthday was only more than a day. Du Cheng’s return now is just enough to catch Li Enhui’s birthday.

When he went back, Du Cheng did not touch Guo Yi again.

After all, this time the ticket was temporarily set by him, and Guo Yi did not have the super anti-theft artifact like Xiner, but he would not be able to respond immediately.

When Du Cheng returned to F City, the time was already four o'clock in the afternoon of Li Enhui's birthday.

Li Enhui’s birthday is not a secret thing. When Du Cheng returned to the Sun and Moon residence, Gu Jiayi began to prepare for the birthday of Li Enhui in the evening.

Gu Jiayi and Zhong Lianlan did not go to the company in the afternoon. The management of Rongxin Motor has gradually formed. Gu Jiayi can relax before the start of the new round of development.

Zhong Lianlan’s words are very simple. These Tianlin Zhongling are in F City. She walked away for one afternoon. Actually, there is nothing.

Under the proposal of Gu Sixin, everyone decided to hold a small private barbecue birthday party, which was on the lawn where Du Cheng was practicing.

When Du Cheng came back, the lawn was already full of lights, the pink balloons were all around, and there was a long table in the middle. There were some barbecue equipment on both sides, but it was very prepared. Rich.

Of course, this time the banquet Gu Sixin did not ban any outsiders, only Du Cheng, they themselves celebrated Li Enhui.

When I saw Du Cheng coming back, Gu Sixin naturally immediately greeted Du Chengwang to help. After all, some of these things are also heavy, and it is difficult for them.

Li Enhui was somewhat happy to see Du Cheng. The meaning in the eyes conveys a very obvious meaning, that is - you know.

With the addition of Du Cheng, the speed of preparation is naturally much faster.

During the period, Du Cheng also went out with Gu Sixin and Zhong Lianlan, and took back the birthday cakes and barbecue materials they had set.

As for the red wine, they don't need to prepare anything.

There is a small wine cellar in the Riyueju, where a lot of red wine is stored, and many of them are sent to Du Cheng by Ye.

Du Cheng moved, naturally it is necessary to inform Cheng Tanye, Ye Rou and Huang Pudong that they are close to each other. Ye Rou and Cheng Tanye also deliberately ran to the sun and moon to play again, the next day Ye Rou sent Du Cheng nearly a hundred bottles of her collection, many of which are the top wines that are not available on the market. Obviously, Ye Roo is also bleeding this time.

When Du Cheng and Gu Sixin came back, the time was already more than 7 o'clock in the evening, and the barbecue birthday party officially began.

Basically, all members of the Sun Moon Residence participated in this barbecue birthday party, even Su Hui and Xia Haihai joined.

Du Cheng’s mother also participated. She was sitting in a wheelchair and could feel the joy of this joy.

However, they just left the mother who had pushed Du Cheng for a while. After all, this was a gathering of young people, and they were present. More or less still has some influence.

The atmosphere of the entire birthday party was undoubtedly very warm. Everyone enjoyed the feeling of excitement. Even Peng Yuhua’s face had a few faint smiles.

Under this lively atmosphere, everyone also drinks a lot of wine, especially the birthday star Li Enhui, but also drank nearly half a bottle of red wine, but at night her mood is very good, in the rendering of the gas Then, even the amount of alcohol has changed a little better. She drank nearly half a bottle of red wine, but she was only slightly dizzy.

And Li Enhui’s mood has always been very good. very happy.

In fact, in each of her years, her birthday is basically a person, or she has forgotten it, and she is the first time to celebrate her birthday like this.

Most importantly, among those who celebrated her birthday this time, there was another person who was important and important to her.

Of course, among all the people who drink the most, Du Cheng, waiting for him to be pushed forward to sing a happy birthday song, Du Cheng drank two bottles of red wine.

This happy birthday song is naturally nothing to Du Cheng, but Du Cheng is most looking forward to it, or Li Enhui’s birthday wish.

Li Enhui took a wish against the candle that was swaying with the flame of the color and the starry sky. After waiting for it, she blew out all the candles in one breath.

Then, when Du Cheng gave Li Enhui a birthday cake and gave everyone a copy, Gu Sixin was first to eat a serious, but in the end did not know who first provoked the head, everyone urged It turned out to be a cake fight.

Du Cheng’s name was avoided and it became the focus of everyone’s greetings. Du Cheng had no choice but to be covered with cream.

Du Cheng did not have a soft hand~lightnovelpub.net~ For the next welfare, she was also very rude to Gu Sixin, each of them put some cream on their faces, even Peng Yuhua and Zhong Lianlan Du Cheng have not let go.

Peng Yuhua's skill is very strong, but in front of Du Cheng, it is still weak. As for Zhong Lianlan, it is even more unnecessary to say more.

Du Cheng was originally just playing, and when she was coated with cream on the faces of Peng Yuhua and Zhong Lianlan, there was a sudden feeling of strangeness in her heart.

There is no need to say more about Zhong Lianlan. She is ashamed and pretty, although she hasn’t greeted Du Cheng’s face, but she still has some differences with Du Cheng.

And Peng Yuhua's words, her indifferent pretty face is actually a little red, and in the moment Du Cheng applied the cream to her face, her body actually stunned.


The next chapter, the last chapter of the second volume. The calculation is wrong, tomorrow is the real beginning of the third volume, Khan. . . . (!)