Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1133: Walk around

"What happened during the day, who can not wear night clothes in the daytime? Besides, there are a few living ants in the area, there are flusters, go, go up and kill them, no one knows where we are!" Xu lacks immediately Speaked and said.

At this time, you have to blink when you talk, and you have to have a beard to have a beard, so you have the confidence and prestige, otherwise how to serve the public!

However, the blue river map and others apparently have not eaten his set, bitter and speechless, but this situation is indeed within the scope of acceptance, a few living ants only, does not mean that they really exposed the whereabouts.

Whether it happens to be encountered, or is really discovered, as long as these live ants are solved, all troubles will disappear!


At this time, a soft voice, blue core 玥 and other people have not had time to shoot, Xu deficiency has turned into a virtual shadow rushed forward.

With his strength, it is easy to deal with these semi-fairy creatures.

In the gaze of the blue river map and others, Xu’s lack of high-rise figure was turned into two in the air, and both hands were holding up a black stick, which turned out a dense and smashing shadow, incomparably elegant and chic. Only life machine ants.




In the sound of several muffles, several living ants fell to the ground and fainted.

Xu lacked a big hand and waved, and pulled out a beast bag. The **** condensed, swept, and stroked. Several living ants suddenly floated and were sucked into the beast bag.

"Hey, lack of brother, isn't it necessary to kill them?" asked the Blue River.

"You know a wool, killing them will definitely leave some clues. When is it not that the ants know that we are in the eastern suburbs?" Xu Xiaoxiao said.

When the blue river map and others listened, it was only afterwards that they suddenly nodded and felt that it was a bit reasonable. At the same time, they also had a new understanding of Xu Xiao.

The original lack of brother is not only a liar, but also an experienced vulture, otherwise how could there be such vigilance and rich experience!

However, Xu’s lack of catching these vital ants is only a temporary rise.

Living organism ants can only survive in places where life and death rules are strong, and lively with symbiotic coexistence, but live rice is born between heaven and earth, and can also be planted. From the ant king's nest, Xu deficiency has once reached the life of the ants. I understand this.

Therefore, he knows that the ants are naturally good at planting rice, and now he will soon leave this place. In order to ensure that he will continue to get the rice in the future, he feels it is necessary to bring a few living ants out, of course, even if Can't use it, maybe you can still cook it, cook the dish for two dogs!

Thinking about it, Xu suddenly lacked a slight warmth in the eye, and actually missed two dogs and Duan Jiude, and missed Jiang Hongyan and Liu Jingning.

He wants to find their mood, and it is getting more and more urgent!

"Go, no one can stop us from leaving this time. Who dares to stop the road, who will kill me, how much, how much I will kill!"

Suddenly, Xu lacked a face to kill the airway, and unconsciously, filled with a strong suffocation!

The blue river map and other people were shocked at once, but it was too late to react. Xu deficiency had already taken the lead and quietly sneaked forward.

Several people couldn't help but look at each other and eventually silently followed.

They don't know what happened, why Xu suddenly suddenly changed like a person, but they know that this time the lack of brother is serious, and should not go wrong!


Maybe it was luck, maybe it was as Xu said, he began to be serious.

After more than a month, for more than 50 days, Xu and his group were very smooth in the eastern suburbs. They kept walking around, and they did not encounter any powerful living ants. Even one queen never met. been.

Of course, the small patrol team composed of several living ants that met like the first time, they still encountered several times. At first, Xu lacked hesitation without hesitation, and slammed them into a dregs. Finally, it was burned again with a flame.

But later, Xu Xiao seems to return to the original appearance, calm and gentle, and no longer continue to pick up the hand, but like the first time, continue to knock the vitality ants, grabbed the animal spirit bag.

For more than a month, Xu lacked to say that he had to catch hundreds of vital ants, and the harvest was not small.

However, since the blue river map and others no longer claim that Xu is a "sister husband", in just over a month, the relationship between them seems to have gradually changed a little, and is no longer so close to the past, as if There is a layer of barriers.

Xu deficiency itself is not easy to deal with people. He has gone through countless times and has many doubts and vigilance against anything.

The blue river map and others listened to what Blue Core had said to them before, and understood that they and Xu are not always the same person. The road of Xu deficiency is destined to be full of danger, but it will be more powerful, and they leave this place. After that, after all, I still have to return to the academy and live a safe life.

So in their view, leaving this place, there may be no intersection with Xu.

Under the circumstances that these various kinds of anticipation are to be separated, there will naturally be a gap between several people, and it is impossible to speculate as much as before.

It’s just that this is a gap, but it doesn’t have any effect on them. Xu’s lack of care does not care. I continue to swim while paying attention to the situation of Xiaojin’s body.

The void boundary has been set up very quickly, and the position he chose is also hidden and never perceived by the ants.

And during this time, Xu Xiao also took the time to study something about the refiner.

He exchanged several refining skills books from the system mall. After using them together, the skills of the refiner have been upgraded from one star to the peak of Jiu Xing, becoming a refining division of Jiuxing!

But this still can't help him to make half of the fairy, even if it is far from that strength.

Xu lacks the idea of ​​refining the machine. It is purely for the personal refining of the incomplete shackles that Liu took from Liu Wenfeng. Since the broken sword has been destroyed, the most suitable for him in the future is the broken scorpion. That powerful and powerful suffocating, if it can be played out, I am afraid that it will be fierce and numerous times more than a broken sword.

However, after spending tens of thousands of loaded values ​​and rushing to the level of the nine-star refiner, Xu still feels that there is no way to start the broken scorpion.

He consulted the system store and found that both the refining device and the alchemy, and even the method of the array and the symbol, can only provide to the nine-star level.

But going up, there are more levels.

For example, after the nine-star refiner, it will be a master of a refining instrument. After reaching the master of the nine refining tools, it will be able to enter the rank of a master of refining instruments. After the master of the nine refining instruments, it is the semi-prepared emperor.

And the semi-finished class of this type of blade, only half of the instrument can be refining.

Including the alchemy division, the array of masters, and the various skills of the Fu Shi division are all graded.

This makes Xu lack of pressure, but the other is not to say, just because the rod is incomplete, and if you want to re-refine it yourself, at least he has to cross the two realms, from the refiner to the master of refining. Then, from the refiner master to become the refining master, and finally into the Emperor, you can start with the long scorpion.

This is simply too long. If the system mall can continue to buy the skill book once, Xu can still accept it. The skill book can only be provided to the peak of the refiner, which means that the follow-up thing depends on himself. Dedicated to the refining.

"唉~lightnovelpub.net~惆怅! This pit system!" Xu lacked his head and sighed.

When I thought about it, he thought that getting the system would be invincible.

Who knows that the system only escorts him to the semi-fairy world, he no longer cares about him, deprives him of the experience of killing people, and what he did not expect is that even those sub-professions are like this, all special only to the primary stage, It is no longer uncomfortable to use the skill book to open and upgrade.

However, Xu’s uncomfortable feelings come quickly and go quickly!

He gradually began to change his mind and felt that he should not continue to rely on the system. Just as the system deprived himself of the experience of killing people, he said that the cancellation would be cancelled.

If you cancel more functions in the future, do you have to abolish it?

It may be true that you should take a path that is personal and independent, and make yourself independent and truly powerful!



[The third! 】