Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1755: ?You have a big catastrophe

Everyone looked up and down the stone monument, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Someone questioned unconvincingly: "You said yes?"

Xu Que turned a white cloud and pointed to the upper left of the stele.

The man looked intently and found that in the upper left corner, there were three big characters "Ancient Buddha Saying".

Connected up is, the ancient Buddha said: the fried sky gang is awesome!

"Amitabha Buddha, should you believe the poor monks now?" Xu Que said with a smile.


I believe you are tall!

At that time, everyone put on an expression of "your brain is pretty funny".

I don't know where to get a stone tablet with such a sentence engraved on it, just trying to convince us?

What a joke!

Are we such idiots? We read Buddhist scriptures!

"You have no way to prove that this thing is an ancient Buddha's thing!"

"Friend monk. Why don't you put this thing away...it's shameful."

"Ahem... I don't know if there are other ways for monk friends to prove it? Your remarks are slapped, it's really a bit sloppy." A monk gave a light cough and reminded him kindly.

Even the friendliest monk in it can't pass it.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Xu Que just looked at it with a smile and didn't speak.

Instead, Fahui sighed and stepped forward: "Everyone, needless to say, the little monk can testify for the monks. This thing is indeed from the side of the ancient Buddha."

Immediately after that, he entered the place of the ancient Buddha inheritance, how to meet Xu Que, and how to find this stone stele again.

Fahui seemed to be quite prestigious here. After listening to him, those who were still questioning all closed their mouths.

Xu Que frowned slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the end, the tall and thin old monk who was in charge of the assessment came out and announced the end of the trial, and all the talents dispersed.

As for whether he was convinced, and whether he believed what Fahui said, it is unknown.

Xu Que didn't care, anyway, the ancient Buddha relics and ancient scriptures were in his body, and it was impossible for him to vomit out.

"Little Bulb, can you monks lie too?" Xu Que came to Fahui's side and asked with a smile.

The process Fahui said just now has almost completely restored the two people's experience in the place where the ancient Buddha inherited.

But there is only one difference-he didn't tell everyone, in fact, in the place of inheritance, this piece has been found to be fake.

He didn't have any kindness with him, but the other party saved his life.

Why did he do this?

Fahui hesitated for a moment, and folded her hands together, saying, "Friends of Taoism, it's true that you don't lie to each other. The poor monk was actually saved by you before."

"I saved you?" Xu Que was at a loss.

I haven't seen him since I came out. Where can I go to rescue him?

Fahui sighed, her face even more ashamed: "Actually, the poor monk did not leave at the time, and the prohibition failed to stop me. Seeing that demon 1 was born, I wanted to stop it, so I went there alone... "

Xu Que opened his mouth wide when he heard this, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Fuck...You are really not afraid of death..."

He never expected that the little monk would be so brave!

Even at the beginning, he dared not approach that extraterritorial evil spirit, and the little light bulb rushed in without saying a word?

"But the cultivation base of the poor monk is nothing compared to the Taoist friend, and he didn't even cause any harm to the other party. He was exhausted without even getting close to the core." Fahui showed a trace of jealousy on her face. It seems to recall the horror of the evil demon outside the territory, "Fortunately, fellow daoist appeared and led the evil spirit away, so I have the opportunity to leave..."

It turned out that Fahui rushed into the evil spirits of the evil demon outside the territorial area alone, but because of his own practice of Buddha, he was directly targeted by the evil spirits. He was completely mad at his cultivation level, and fell directly after a while.

Originally, he was going to die, but Xu Que directly attracted the attention of the evil demon outside the domain.

Fahui seized the opportunity to regain her strength, and only then could she have a chance to escape.

Only Ergouzi and the others restrained him. Fahui said that although his cultivation skills were not good enough, he still had some accomplishments in the form of restraints.

Thinking of this, Xu Que grinned and raised his hand to pat the head of the small bulb: "Well, you also saved my life. The two are not owed to each other. Strictly counting, I should be the one who owes you favor. "

Fahui tilted her head slightly, avoiding Xu Que's hand, and said calmly: "This matter is entangled with cause and effect. The little monk has a certain number in his heart, but there is something the little monk wants to remind fellow daoists. If you have a chance, you must never go to heaven. ."

Xu Que was stunned. How did Xiao Bulb know that he was going to Tianmen?

Fahui's eyes showed a touch of anxiety: "The poor monk observed the movement of the Taoist's fortune before, although the martial arts are prosperous, but the hit is a catastrophe, it should be where the four heavenly gates are."

Xu Que shrugged and said, "I thought there was something. It was just a catastrophe. Even the evil spirits outside the territory can deal with the sage. How can the four heavenly gates do me..."

"It's a catastrophe of life and death!" Fahui said solemnly, "Friends must take the little monk's heart to heart, and don't go to the four heavenly gates for a hundred years! This catastrophe is extremely dangerous, and even the little monk can't resolve it. !"

Fahui's tone was extremely serious, and Xu Que frowned suddenly.

After a while, his expression gradually softened, and he said with a chuckle: "Little Bulb, I must go to Tianmen. There is a very important person waiting for me there."

That is what I owe her, and I must bring her back!

What else Fahui wanted to say, a somewhat tired voice sounded next to him: "Two people, if there is something, can you tell me later?"

The two turned their heads and found a fat old monk standing aside with a bitter expression on his face.

He looked at Xu Que up and down, sighed in a deep voice, and said in a deep voice: "Since your Excellency has become a Buddha, then he is the representative of my Buddhist realm. Although some of your actions... Forget it, let alone this, as a Buddha. My son, I hope you can shoulder the responsibility of being the son of Buddha. In the next six months, you will also need to participate in the four great heavenly gates on behalf of the Buddha realm. UU看书www.uukānshu.com"

Xu Que murmured as he looked at the other's worried expression.

It's weird, how does this old guy look like a constipation.

If the fat old monk could hear Xu Que's heartfelt voice, he would definitely call me the Buddha to finish.

From their point of view, Xu Que was not qualified to be a Buddha at all for someone who killed too much.

But, it's just that he has passed the trial, who can stand it?

Except for him and the tall and thin old monk, the other monks directly broke the defense on the spot. Without a word, they returned to the confinement area and were unwilling to come out again.

Fahui heard the four words of the four heavenly gates and opened her mouth to stop, but heard Xu Que's decisive voice.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go!"

(End of this chapter)