Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 235: I am missing and coming back!

Among the emperors.

Xu deficiency has come from the bottom of the earth, took a shower from the magma, and the fire attribute of Pyongwang’s prison body has been completed, and the whole person has a lot of spirit.

However, the Xiaoyan black robe can be miserable. When I entered the magma, I forgot to take it off. Xu deficiency also underestimated the high temperature of the magma, and it has already turned into ash!

At this moment, he can only put on a book, a robe of growth, stepping on the clouds and boots, and stepping forward from the ground.

Back to the tomb, Jin Dafa and other souls are still in the same place, motionless.

It seems that they have made great things this time, they have been falling asleep, and the realm is constantly rising. The original ethereal body has become solid.

Xu lacks and does not want to bother them. Anyway, if he goes out, he will have to come back. At that time, he will exchange another lock tower and take them out as a younger brother!

However, the road to go out is obviously not going well!

Xu lacked the original road to return to the previous tomb.

As a result, I looked up and saw that the hole that I opened was gone!

"I rely on, hell? It is this tomb, how is it changed?" Xu was shocked.

He was very sure that when he fell, it was in this tomb that the footprints on the ground were enough to prove!

However, now on the top of this tomb is a ceiling, only two meters above his head.

This is definitely not right. He was wearing the tomb wall at the time. The time of the fall was at least a few minutes, and he still used three thousand thunderstorms and swept it down quickly!

It stands to reason that the ceiling of the tomb is at least a few hundred meters high, but now it has shrunk to two meters, and the hole is gone!

This is really a hell!

Xu lacked his face and suddenly found the endless blade from the system package. He slammed his body and suddenly climbed up, and a sword smashed toward the ceiling!


In an instant, countless gravels fell, and the bricks on the ceiling were shattered, but... the back of the bricks was solid earth!

Xu lacked his eyes and called out the system!

"System, what is the situation?"

"Oh, after testing, this place has been banned and can only be excavated by manpower!" The system responded.

Xu lacks sorrow, isn't this the same as when I came in?

It’s easy to dig it from above, but it’s hard to dig it out from below. If you accidentally, you may have buried yourself!

"No! The hole that I dug when I came in?" Xu missed again.

"The host is just a transmission array, not directly above this place!" The system responded again, and also listed a schematic diagram of the line to Xu.

Xu lacked a look and understood, the mouth of the mouth immediately pumped.

The prohibition of this ancient tomb is too sinister. It is no wonder that no one who comes in can go out.

The whole tomb of the feelings was wrapped in a huge transmission array. When I came in, although I opened a stolen hole, when I stepped in, it was a transmission array, which was randomly transmitted to a certain position in the tomb. .

The same was true when Xu was missing, but the power of the transmission array was so small that he dragged the wire and mistakenly thought of the weight loss at the time of the fall, which caused this misunderstanding!

So no matter what, he is now trapped!

"It seems that I have to open an excavator again!" Xu was helpless and called out the previously rented excavator.

However, the system prompts: "Twelve hours have passed, the excavator has been used, please pay 500 points to force the value to be used again!"

"Rely! Come here again."

Xu lacked gas bombing, and this system is simply a profiteer.

However, it is true that it has already passed twelve hours, but the value of his body is only over five hundred points, how could it be wasted!

"No, this time I will not be pitted by you. I don't need an excavator. I can still go out!"

Xu Xiao suddenly remembered something, directly rejected the system's proposal, five hundred points to force the value, hehe, this forced king does not let you earn a child!

He remembered very clearly that Jin Dafa’s souls had said that more than a hundred years ago, the old Huazi had been here and took away a luminous cup.

Since the old guy can go out, he can certainly do it, just find the way the old guy goes out...

Thinking of this, Xu lacked the unicorn ink jade from his arms and carefully pondered it. At the same time, his wrist moved and poured into a real force!

Yu Pei began to emit a faint black glow, accompanied by the atmosphere of the old called Hanako, pervaded around!

Xu lacked a few steps to the left, the halo slightly dimmed, a few steps to the right, the halo slowly lit up.

“Oh, it’s as simple as that!”

Xu lack of music is broken. If the old man called Hanako had dug through the passage, he would definitely leave the power of the Fa, and the atmosphere would be more intense. Kirin Moyu could also sense the place.

In this way, Xu Wei also began to follow the glory of Qilin Moyu.

Once the halo is darkened, he changes direction. Once the halo is strong, he will move forward quickly!

In this cycle, the lack of Xu went deeper and deeper, and finally came to a wall, Kirin ink jade has been completely bright.

In the corner of the wall, there is just a hole, and a few words are engraved next to the hole. It’s just that the years are too long. After more than a hundred years, the writing has long been blurred!

Xu deficiency is also too lazy to look at, squatting down, and going to the cave!

"Hey? How is the darkness in front? Is the exit blocked?"

After Xu looked at it, he was puzzled, but he continued to move forward.

After all, now he only has this road to go. If it is not, he will consider exchanging the excavator with the system.

It’s just that this channel is too long, even rising, falling down, twisting the song, and Xu’s lack of it, it’s been a whole two hours!

He began to feel that something was wrong. The old man called Hanako. Which is the tunnel? Two more hours of travel, enough to run around the entire emperor's tomb!

"Forget it, I have come here, there is no reason to look back!"

Xu wrinkled his frown and continued to move forward. At the same time, he accelerated his speed and applied three thousand thunderstorms to fly forward in the passage.

This time, he was also patience enough, and he quickly rushed for several hours. Finally, he finally saw a glimmer of light in front, and Xu was completely dressed!

"That is old, Hanako is sick! I dug a passage, and I walked all day long!"

Xu lacked a mouth and twitched, and admire the old man named Hana, this is crazy enough, normal people can't do this!

But it can come out, Xu lacks a sigh of relief, so it is worth saving five hundred points to force the value, this thing is worthy of pleasure.

He speeded up, morphed into a virtual shadow, and swept to the front!


With the fresh air coming from the face, Xu Xiao finally saw the sky and his body swept out of the passage.

But the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

The exit of this passage turned out to be a rockery on the edge of Daming Lake!

"Is it directly back to the Imperial City?"

Xu is unbelievable, and the old man named Hanzi really will toss, is not to dig an exit, actually dig into the Imperial City in one breath, and the export also chose such a poetic image ~ lightnovelpub.net~ actually got in Daming On the edge of the lake!

Amazing my brother, this old name Hanako must be a neuropathy a hundred years ago!

"Oh, this is... I am missing and coming back!"

Xu lacks a cold smile, patted the clothes on his body, and then looked around, the sky was already dull, the night was coming, and there were very few pedestrians on the street. Only the center of Daming Lake was bright, and the lights were bright!

"Right, Mrs. Ya is also a family of Ji. It’s easier to find her tears!"

Xu lacks a sudden bright light, smiles, and the body shape instantly turns into a virtual shadow, plunging into the garden!

Beyond the court, it was shrouded in a layer of ban, but this could not be difficult for him.

This kind of spicy chicken ban, compared with the imperial mausoleum, is completely incompetent, and Xu lacks a powerful spirit, directly forced to walk in and penetrate, banned, and did not alarm anyone!

According to the previous impression, Xu lacked the black back to the backyard of Bieyuan.

There were several book children on the way, but Xu was not going to be exposed. He sneaked into Mrs. Ya’s mortuary and was about to knock at the door.


"Li Gongzi..." The whispered call of Mrs. Ya suddenly came from the boudoir.

Xu was suddenly shocked, I rely on, how did she find me?

I was preparing to respond, but there was a strange noise coming from the mortuary!

"Well... um... um, Li... Li Gongzi, and then vigorously..."



[Update sent! When I cut my hair at night, the hairdresser pulled me hard and said that I was too handsome. I had to dye it. I couldn’t do it. I had to stay and dye it. So I got home just after eleven o'clock. Now! I will update to this one today. I have to take a break early. I have to go to the hospital to check my body early in the morning. I have a dim sum in the days before and after staying up late, so I still have to check it out properly! 】