Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 276: The recognition of the sword spirit!

Before the entrance to the cave, there was more than one person standing still.

In addition to him, nine other people are already lined up there.

Xu lacks to talk about going forward and wants to jump in, but this place has a ban, forming an invisible passage along the entrance, which can only accommodate the next person, and it is difficult to cut the team.

At the same time, the system also heard a tone: "Hey, it is detected that there is a prohibition in front, does it cost a thousand points to force the value crack?"

I rely on! A thousand points of forced value?

System, why don't you grab it?

Xu lacked to listen to almost jump, this Nima is more and more expensive rhythm!

But the next moment he was relieved. The cave in front of him was obviously a long time older than the Mausoleum of the Imperial Yuan Dynasty, and the prohibition was very strong. He was only a few steps away. He even felt a pressure, very sharp, like being a The sword pointed.

When everyone in the room saw Xu missing and didn't line up, they went straight to the position of the first Tianjiao, and they all narrowed their eyes and guessed that this guy wanted to enter the team.

However, Xu suddenly turned around and went to the back of the team. He did not forget to say to the crowd in a sigh of anger: "Compliance with discipline is a good virtue that all our monks should have. Like queues, I personally like it. Come here... Let's let it go, where is the last one? You stand still! I want to insert you behind..."


Everyone’s mouth was pumping, and there was no word.

Are you still obeying discipline?

You must have found that there is a ban on the U-turn?

Mom, how can there be such a brazen guy in this world?

The top nine arrogants in the top are not afraid of Xu.

They come from all major sects and families, and they are among the top 10,000 people, belonging to Tianjiao!

Although they don't know why Zhang Liyun of Yan Jianzong is so polite to this guy, but as Tianjiao, they still have a lofty side, even if Xu lacks identity, it will be disdainful.

In the first place, Tianjiao faintly swept Xu’s lack of glance, and after a cold sigh, he stepped forward.

He closed his eyes and shook his spirits into the cave. He only heard the sound of "嗡", and the sound of the sword came from the hole!

"call out!"

The next moment, accompanied by a broken voice, an ancient sword suddenly flew, and instantly fell into the hands of the Tianjiao.

The scream of the ancient sword is very touching, and it is a very spiritual flying sword. It is very difficult to get the recognition of the sword spirit in the ancient sword!

All the audience exclaimed.


"This is the Situ family's Tianjiao Situ business, really too strong, even in such a short time, you will get the sword spirit recognition."

"After all, he is the sword repairer after Ye Changfeng, the son of the sword god. It must be successful."


Situ Shangrui held the ancient sword and passed all the bans. He immediately walked out of the passage and looked arrogant and indifferent.

Xu’s lack of hot eyes immediately swept over and stared at the ancient sword in the hands of Situ, and his heart was a little worried.

Am I going to grab it? Still going to grab it? Still going to grab it?

Forget it, still do not rob, as a generation of forced king, pretend to have to play a sense of art, like grabbing a small rookie thing, this king is really disdain.

However, this guy is so arrogant, just dare to marry me, my mother's mental retardation, waiting for you to feel good.

Xu lacked a face with a smile, and he was very kind and nodded to Situ.

Situ Shangyi stunned, apparently did not expect that Xu lacked such a friendly side, and actually greeted him. A person who even Zhang Liyun had to be polite would say hello to him. Even if he was so proud, he could not be so proud of himself. Xu Xiaowei nodded slightly.

Xu lacked no words, and his eyes continued to look forward.

At this time, the second Tianjiao had stood in front of the cave, and the spirit was moving. The sound came again in the cave, and an ancient sword swept into his hand.

The crowd was a burst of exclamation.

But this opportunity is obviously not for everyone.

When it was the third Tianjiao, he stood for a while, and the soul was released to a strong intensity, but there was no movement in the cave.

Everyone shook their heads: "It seems to be a failure!"

"I recognize him. He is the person of Lingbao Pavilion. The spirit of this school is generally powerful and very suitable for refining."

"It's a pity that the spirit is strong, it doesn't mean you can get the sword spirit to recognize it!"

"Yes, the sword spirit needs to have the kind of arrogance, and there must be a heart full of crazy about the sword. So the success rate of sword repair is often relatively large!"


The man in Lingbao Pavilion walked away with regret.

Xu Wei is a vengeful person. He remembers that the guy in Lingbao Pavilion had just cast a disdainful look on him, so this will be the only gloating event on the scene.

"This can all fail, it is too weak!" Xu said with a look of disdain.

The monk of the Lingbao Pavilion heard the words and suddenly made a slap in the face.

"Spicy chicken! What are you? Don't you believe that I will knock your eyes down as a cannon?"

Xu lacks the old god, and continues to ridicule.


The monk of Lingbao Pavilion couldn't help it for a moment, and the situation would have to rush over and dry with Xu.

However, Zhang Liyun of Jian Jianzong was anxious. He was afraid that the other party would give trouble to the big ones. Immediately, he stopped the Lingbaoge monk and shook his head. He said: "Don't care with him~lightnovelpub.net~ This person is an ignorant child. He will fail if he will, and he will not laugh later when he laughs, and when my elders arrive, they will definitely not be able to eat."

When the monk of Lingbao Pavilion heard it, he sneered and swept Xu, and turned and walked away.


Xu lacked in the eyes, although I did not know what Zhang Liyun said, but I also know that this guy certainly did not say anything good.

However, who is Xu? It’s a generation of bad water and a king!

Although I knew that Zhang Liyun was definitely not good at communicating with the other party, Xu lacked his own way. He turned to Zhang Liyun, and then he smiled and looked like a spring breeze. He said: "Xiao Zhang, can't So bully, I am jealous of him, it is normal for him to come to fight me!

Unfortunately, this guy is not planted! Just dare to talk about it, it’s really awkward to estimate it! Besides, the so-called murder of the emperor and the sins of the untouchables, we can not specialize, next time you can not use the sword to suppress others! ”

This remarked words almost made Zhang Liyun and the Lingbaoge monk a shackle and almost fell.

The people in the room were also suspicious of what Zhang Liyun said. As a result, when I heard Xu’s lack of words, everyone was shocked.

Yan Jianzong is actually protecting this boy?

I am going to be terrible. It is no wonder that he is so arrogant, but Zhang Liyun can only swallow his voice. This boy is definitely not small.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’, and it’s a success, and it’s getting a hundred and eighty points!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s lack of a wit, and a special reward of three hundred points!”



[In the morning, I was plagued with various dangers. I finally rushed out a chapter at the meeting. Well, I will continue to fight now. You will help the comrades in the blast, and you will vote for it. Give me fire support! 】