Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 307: 8 star sword

I want to know the reason. The people in the room can only dare to speak out. After seeing the horrible strength of Xu, no one really dares to challenge him. What's more, he still conquers the legendary real sword spirit. !

So, at this time, the mood of this group of people is probably - my tears falling knowing the truth!

Today, they have finally refreshed their understanding of the latest in the world. It turns out that one person can be shameless to this point. It is simply a place that has never come before, and it is horrible!

It’s terrible!

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that such a shameless guy has actually deceived the sword spirit to such a grandiose.

These days of arrogance in the presence, into the sword, the only luxury is to find a six-star sword, never thought of encountering sword spirit.

However, Xu’s lack of fake sword spirits appeared, and their extravagant hopes became a sword for the sword. Even if the sword spirit could teach a trick and a half, it would have been a great opportunity.

But this goods is good!

Hard and raw with such a thick and shameless gesture, even let the sword spirit recognize him as the main.

This opportunity!

Do not!

This is not a shit!

This is the model of the red fruit that "people are shameless and invincible"!



At this time, Xu lacked the piece of broken iron in his hand, suddenly vacated and floated in front of Jianling.

Then the white light suddenly converges, condensing into the size of the rice-like light spot, plunging into the eyebrows of the sword spirit, and the sound of "哧" is instantly integrated with the sword spirit!

The next moment, the black fog of Jianling became a little solid, and his appearance gradually became clear. He was a cold young man.

It’s just that his eyes are as cold as a sword. It’s scary to watch too much. No one dares to look at it.

However, Xu deficiency has been looking around the sword spirit, and his mouth is still buzzing from time to time, as if watching a piece of art.

Everyone looked a little shameful, and my heart was also embarrassed.

Big Brother, people are sword spirits, and still follow the sword spirit of the Emperor, even if people follow you now, you have to give some respect at least, so staring at people is a few meanings?

One thousand people are provoked, suddenly angry, it is not good to involve us all!

Many people jumped straight and carefully stayed on the side, not moving.

In the end, Xu lacked a detailed understanding of the sword spirit for a long time, only to come to a conclusion, pointing to the sword spirit said: "You did not wear long pants!"

Everyone’s mouth suddenly smoked, almost fainted, and the heart was already speechless!

Big brother! What the **** are you obsessed with the autumn trousers!

What kind of autumn pants does a sword spirit want! Why do you say that others don’t wear long trousers, dare to show off their autumn trousers and let us see?

At this time, Jian Ling has completely melted the shackles, and the sword in his hand has been lifted. He wrote on the stone wall: "My remnant soul has not been gathered, and I can't recover too much memory, but I still need to leave this place. Prepare a place to live!"

"The place to live? Hey, lock the soul tower... Oh wrong, can the soul tower be?" Xu lacks a sigh, and the soul tower is also very expensive.

With a wave of swords and swords, Sword Spirit responded: "Please look for a sword above the eight-star level!"

"I rely on the eight-star level?" Xu was immediately shocked.

Eight stars, this Nima system mall is open for sale, where can I find it?

Everyone in the room also trembled in the heart, sucking a cold breath.

Eight-star swords, among the five countries, I am afraid I can't find a handle!

Even if there is, it must be cherished, otherwise it will inevitably lead to a battle of blood and hurricanes!

Because this level of implements is too difficult to refine, it requires too many rare materials, and most of the materials have long since disappeared!

"You are too emotional, don't you can't do the eight-star level? Or, I will give you eight handles and one star? Plus it is also eight stars. Or, four handles and two stars?" Xu lacked his head and looked serious. .

Everyone suddenly shook.

Nima, this is the ancient sword spirit, its status is noble, even if our ancestors are here, we must respect it and treat it as a grandfather.

Do you dare to say that people are wrong? Lying in the trough, you are going to God, big brother!

Moreover, is the level of the instrument calculated like this?

Is your eight-handed one star equivalent to an eight-star?

You are looking for a tens of thousands of handles of 80,000 handles and one star, and it is far less than an eight-star implement!

Sword Spirit did not anger, and calmly wrote on the stone wall: "I feel that there is an eight-star sword in this place!"

As soon as this appeared, everyone in the room stayed in the air, followed by a bright, excited.

Among the swords, there are even eight-star swords?

I rely on it. This is going to be a big deal. You have to grab the sword and you can't be found by others.

However, this kind of thought that just emerged, immediately after they saw the combination of Xu deficiency and sword spirit, immediately collapsed.

Everyone has bowed their heads and cut off the greed in their hearts. They dare not have more thoughts.

They know that even if they really find the eight-star sword, they will definitely not be able to go out alive.

Because Xu lacks the enchanting combination with Jian Ling, no one dares to provoke.

It’s terrible, it’s so scary!

To provoke these two guys is equal to finding death!

Under such a state, everyone is in a difficult position and does not dare to chaos.

Xu lacked to look at the sword spirit and urged to ask: "Where is the sword?"

"call out!"

In the hands of Sword Spirit, a sword was waved and wrote on the stone wall: "Please come with me!"

Then ~lightnovelpub.net~ his solid foggy body suddenly spread out, turned into pieces, winds and clouds, and swept away toward the exit channel.

Xu is missing, what is this?

Is it difficult to be an eight-star sword in the hands of the group?

Immediately, he raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the many other arrogant arrogances. He said that the two commas were circled and they were the focus of the exam. Think about it. The exam will definitely be tested. ,Goodbye."


He said that he was running fast, and he ran away from the sword spirit as soon as he slipped, leaving behind the arrogance of the sky.

These arrogant people are really full of faces and laughter. This time, the experience of entering the swordsmanship is really...is really a bit strange.

Although I saw the sword spirit in the legend, but this is nothing to be surprised, the strange is to encounter such a brazen and lack of shame, but also watched him turn the sword spirit away.

On the other hand, Xu lacked the thought that the eight-star sword that Sword Spirit said was in the hands of the old guys outside, but soon he knew he had guessed wrong.

He never imagined that the sword spirit stopped in the middle of the passage and stood beside the tongue.

Xu was short-selling at the corner of his mouth.

Does this mean that the eight-star sword... is also in the hands of the soul behind the stone wall?

But at this moment, the creatures in the stone wall have no movement, and they don’t know whether they are asleep or scared by the sword.

"You said the eight-star sword, is this here?" Xu lacked to see the sword.

Sword Spirit pointed to the tongue on the stone wall, no expression, nodded slightly.



[Today I went to the hospital to see the lower stomach and the cervical vertebrae. I just came back to catch up with the manuscript. Don’t worry, the second is faster to write, remember to vote for the monthly ticket, and make a reward! 】