Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 520: gentleman

Su Linger is always a very conservative woman!

A "change of the day" is already the words of her courage.

However, the "change of the day" is completely different from the "change of the day" that Xu lacks to understand. After all, the Chinese culture is profound and profound, and Xu, the old driver, is already filthy and has no friends.

Fortunately, Su Linger did not feel that something was wrong. She took the courage to make a decision. It was said that she had to be mentally prepared, but she could not do it now.

Xu lacked his own pleasure for a while, but in fact he also knew that his "imaginary change" in his imagination could not be realized immediately. Su Linger said that the change of the day, of course, refers to the literal meaning of purity!

In the end, he stood up and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something. He took a medicinal herb from the system package: "Yes, Linger, this medicinal medicine is given to you. After taking it, there will be a great deal of cultivation." help!"

Su Linger looked at it, suddenly moved, and said with amazement: "Well? This is... eight stars hail jade?"

"Hey, do you know this kind of remedy?" Xu lacked a surprise!

When he went to Jin Yuanguo, the beautiful Queen was so scared that he made a deal with him. He wanted him to go to the emperor’s tomb and help her bring a hailstone!

Xu was found in the emperor's mausoleum of the Yuan Dynasty, and he has been brought to the body!

This kind of medicinal medicine is very magical, it can make the spiritual roots of the monks sublimate, and even there is a great possibility to evolve into the root of the heavens, which is even stronger than the coffee ice cream made by Xu.

However, this kind of medicinal medicine can only be taken by a female monk who has a baby-changing period, and it must be a virgin!

Therefore, Mrs. Ya and Su Yunqi must have no way to take it. The two conditions have not been met.

At present, only Su Linger and the female emperor are eligible. Both of them have reached the infantile period, and they are also the virgins. However, the female emperor has already taken such medicinal herbs, so now only Su Linger can take this hail Dan.

Su Linger took the medicinal herbs and carefully looked at it. He nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed hail Yudan. I have known it in the tribe's ancient records, but this kind of remedy is not in the five countries. Lost it? Where did you come from?"

"I found in the Imperial Tomb of the Yuan Dynasty!" Xu Xiaoxiao said.

This type of medicinal herb is not likely to appear in the five countries, but according to his understanding, both the female emperor and the emperor of the Shuiyuan country are from overseas, so there is a hail in the emperor. It is normal, maybe it is brought from overseas!

However, Xu lacks doubts. How did the Queen Mother of Jin Yuanguo know that this kind of immortality was hidden in the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty?

Although this is a bit unreasonable, Xu is not willing to think too much. Anyway, he has never thought of taking a special medicine to return to the Yuan Dynasty!

Su Linger seems very happy, has been observing the hail of Yudan, reluctant to take down, careful care.

Xu lacked to go on, and smiled bitterly: "Don't watch, eat fast, if you don't have enough, find me again!"

"What you sent me, I hope to keep it! If you can't stay, watch it for a while!" Su Linger whispered softly, and Su Xiaoqi was asleep at this moment, and she began to let go a little.

Can Xu can be used to allow a sister paper to be so sly in the middle of the night!

Immediately, he waved his hand, and his fingers suddenly took away the medicinal herbs in Su Linger’s hand and sent them into her small mouth.

The next moment, before Su Linger had to wait for the reaction, Xu lacked his body and quickly leaned forward, his mouth directly blocking her lips.


Su Linger suddenly became a big sister, and was shocked and shy!

But at this time, the hail and jade in her mouth also melted in a moment, turning into a cool cold stream, suddenly pouring into the body.

The whole process seems to be wonderful, but Su Linger has been completely panicked.

It was not because of Xu’s lack of behavior that she was so scared. Instead, after she entered the body, she began to enter the refining state.

If at this time, Xu lacks to continue to do such a move, or even further moves, Su Linger can not hold the mind, concentrate on refining the drug.

This will lead to unimaginable consequences. If the drug is out of control, it will hurt the original meridians, but it will be dangerous.

"Don't be afraid, quickly refine your medicine!"

However, at this time, Xu deficiency also retired in time.

He kissed Su Linger, just a little bit of water, and he didn't intend to have any further action, because now is definitely not the time.

Su Linger was relieved and nodded with a red face.

At this time, Xu suddenly went to the window sill and found a good angle. A moonlight fell on his forehead.


He ignited a cigarette, took a deep breath, slowly spit it out, and looked at Su Linger, his mouth raised a sigh of smile, said: "Like it will be arrogant, but love will restrain! Spirit Child, I am restrained!"

When he finished, he turned and walked away.

In the moonlight, his back was dragged long on the ground until he walked away and disappeared.

Su Linger was full of horror, and her mind echoed Xu’s sentence, “I like it, I will let it go~lightnovelpub.net~ but love will restrain it.” The face is red and even more so.

Not afraid of rogues will fight, afraid of rogue culture!

Obviously, Xu’s lack of this wave of sisters is very high.

I also kissed and kissed, and left a good impression of "a gentleman!"

Who else? I want to ask, who else? After Xu left the room of Su Linger, he was full of enthusiasm and walked up the road!

Not long after, he came to Mrs. Ya’s bedroom.

At this time, although the night fell, Mrs. Ya had already woken up and saw Xu deficiency, and she was about to sit up.

But this movement, a burst of pain spread throughout her lower body.

After all, from last night to today, the whole day, the two have not stopped, even if Mrs. Ya has already been in the realm of Yuan Ying, it is really a bit overwhelming.

"Don't get up, let's lie down!" Xu slammed forward and took Mrs. Ya back to the bed.

"The son, it's okay!" Mrs. Ya held her hand tightly, not letting him go, watching him with affection.

Xu lacks a smile: "Nothing is blame, take a rest first!"

Mrs. Ya suddenly stunned and bowed her head slightly: "Is the son awkward?"

"Of course not!" Xu lacked the way.

"Why is that son..." Mrs. Ya said this, a slight meal, the meaning is already very obvious, she hopes to take possession of him before the absence of Xu, to satisfy him, but Xu Wei stopped.

Xu lacked to stand up silently and walked to a window sill with moonlight. He said: "I like it, but love will be restrained! You need to rest now. How can I bear to care for myself?"

Mrs. Ya suddenly shuddered and moved, saying: "You son, you are so good!"



【third chapter! The next chapter begins to prepare to go overseas to do things! 】