Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 543: Departure on the road

This person, Shang Wu, Xu Wei definitely will not let him stay!

Whether it is Stuart or the age, Xu Xiao has already given face, and she has let go of Shang Wu in Syracuse.

However, after learning that Shang Wu went to the overseas to take revenge, Xu deficiency had already killed the heart, but did not show it. He only disgusted the other party in a tidy way.

Nowadays, when he arrives at the Imperial City, Shang Wu really brings the people of the overseas Gong family. Xu lacks the natural tendency to kill people.

Of course, he is still very big on the bright side. In front of everyone killing the Gong family, he ran away from Shang Wu, and many people believed it was true. This also confessed to Situ Hai.

But in the dark, Xu Xiao sent a thunderbolt in the early morning, killing Shangwu, and destroying the dead!

Everything is done in perfect air and perfect.

Also, on the night of the night, Xu lacked all the guards and generals present and gave them a small meeting.

Xu deficiency told them very seriously that the matter of killing the Gong family must be kept secret. If anyone reveals a little bit of news and is known by the Gong family, it will harm the entire Yuan Dynasty.

Everyone can become a Guard or a general. Naturally, they are the heart of the water and the loyalty to the emperor. Otherwise, when Liu Jingjing seizes power, they will not die.

So after hearing the lack of Xu, everyone nodded and vowed never to spread the news.

All night, all the martial arts were involved, and Gong Feng and others were destroyed and the palace was quickly repaired.

Xu lacked back to the palace, quickly closed the door, and took out five storage rings from the system space!

This is the storage ring of Gong Feng and others. After Xu killed them, the system automatically picked them up.

In the past, after the murder, the storage ring, Xu deficiency is too lazy to look at, but this time is the Gong family from overseas, and one of them is the three young masters of the Gong family. Xu lacks the need to take a look, maybe there may be What good thing?

"Boy, what are you doing? Sneaky." At this time, the two dogs sneaked together and looked forward to the look of what they expected.

Xu lacked his eyes and touched five out of the storage ring: "Since you want to go overseas, you must first understand the details of these people!"

"I rely on, when did you touch them? Why didn't the gods see it?" The two dogs suddenly became shocked. They watched the battle in the dark, but Xu lacked from the beginning to the end. After killing the opponent, it seems that there has been no action to touch the storage ring, but now the five storage rings of the other party have been taken out.

"If you let you see, how do I get out of the mix?" Xu suddenly sneered, would I tell you that I have the system to automatically pick up?

Later, he opened his soul and erased the soul of the five storage rings and explored it.

However, the situation still makes Xu lack of hope, and the four old people's storage ring, most of them are Lingshi, and some low-order law.

The lack of Xu’s concern is the star-level method of the last two old men, but they are not found in the ring. Obviously, the law is not that they are qualified to carry it with them.

"Unfortunately, except for the good instruments, the rest are rubbish."

Xu shook his head and shook his head, and explored the soul of the spirit to the storage ring of Gong Feng.

It is reasonable to say that as the young master of Gong Jiasan, Gong Feng’s storage ring will definitely be different.

However, when Xu lacked the soul of the soul into the moment, a sudden sense of crisis made his back suddenly cold, and the eyelids suddenly enlarged.

"嗖", Xu deficiency quickly withdrew the spirit and put the ring away.

It was always a step later, and the ring suddenly shot a red light, and the sound of the sound ran through the air.

This red light, can automatically follow the soul of Xu deficiency, directly locked his eyebrow position, lightning fast.

Xu's face changed, the dark road was bad, and he was preparing to call the system to help.

In this millennium, a dog's claw suddenly appeared.


In a muffled sound, the red light was stopped by the dog's claws, and instantly burst into a red dot, which gradually disappeared with the wind, but some of it floated to the body of Xu and disappeared.

Xu Xiao did not realize that something was wrong, but he also looked at the two dogs: "What is the situation?"

"I don't know! This **** respects the red dot, subconsciously flutters it, but I didn't expect a paw to be broken. It seems that there is nothing." The two dogs also looked awkward.

When Xu was absent, his mouth was pumping, and when he saw the red dot, he subconsciously went to pounce? Damn, these two dogs are really dogs!

"Oh, no, this **** respect seems to remember, this is a kind of imprint!" Suddenly, the two dogs suddenly screamed out and looked at Xu and said: "Boy, look at your arm."

Xu lacked a listen, Li Mara opened his sleeves, but his arms were pure and clean.

"Well? Not right, logically speaking, there should be a red dot! Oh, it may be because the **** of the gods smashed, the effect of the imprint weakened!" The two dogs said.

Xu lacked his eyes again: "What the **** is this?"

"This is just a mark. You killed the three young masters of the Gong family. When you go back to overseas, the Gong family will sense that this mark appears. You know that you killed the three young masters, but it is no big deal. The effect of this imprint is weakened. As long as you don't get close to the Gong family, you shouldn't feel it, and the mark will disappear after a while!" The two dogs said calmly.

Xu could not help but be surprised. I don’t think this Gong home has this kind of means.

However, since the red light has been removed, Xu Wei did not care again, and continued to explore the storage ring of Gong Feng.

At first glance, I was moved.

There are hundreds of the best spiritual stones in it, and even a star-level method, as well as several octal-level instruments, this kind of foundation is comparable to any country in the Five Elements Mountain.

"Mom, really is not a young master. It seems that if you lack money in the future, you can rob the children of these big families!" Xu suddenly smiled and blinked.

He put the Star Law into the system storage space. After a search, he found that this law is the star order method of the two old people, called "Void annihilation"!

As the name implies, it is the use of the power of the void to bring out the void cracks and kill the opponent.

There is a price to pay for this method. When it is driven by the real power, the power is not great, but if it is at the cost of Shouyuan, the power of display is extremely terrifying.

"Too chicken!" Xu could not help but shake his head.

In his view, this law is no different from life-saving skills. If it is not forced into a desperate situation, who will be willing to lose the life yuan in exchange for the Jedi counterattack.

Others may need it, but they don’t need it. If he has a god, he will not be afraid of being forced into a desperate situation.

"Forget it, don't practice it first!"

In the end, Xu Xiaoji temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​practicing this law. He felt that it was too tasteless, but it was not necessary, but he did not recycle it to the system, because maybe it will come in handy!


The next day, the palace restored its former appearance~lightnovelpub.net~ as if nothing had happened.

Xu Xiao also feels that things are almost the same, it is time to go on the road.

He said goodbye to Ziyan, still left two arrays, to protect the palace and the imperial city, and then he packed up and entered the palace of the female emperor with the two dogs.

Zi Yan came alone to bid farewell, calmly said: "Xu deficiency, remember my sister's words, go overseas, don't make trouble again!"

"It's a word of life, but it's not like what your sister would say. Are you worried about me?" Xu smiled.

Zi Zi suddenly turned red and said: "Who is worried about you? You have to go, I am too happy to be there, so as not to stay here to continue to harm our water Yuan!"

"I have done it, then I am gone! Two dogs, enter the battle!" Xu Xiaoxiao swayed and waved his hand, and the two dogs stepped into the ancient transmission array.

The ancient transmission array is only a huge circular stone platform with six grooves on the edge, which is followed by a dense array of images, which looks like a complicated electronic chip.

And the six grooves, if connected by wires, are a standard regular hexagon.

Everything is very elegant, but Xu is not too serious to delve into, this ancient transmission array can not enter his eyes!

"This road fee is really expensive, six grooves, then you have to put six pieces of the best Lingshi!" Xu lacks a sentence, take out six purple elite stone, one by one into the groove.

"Rely, do you have a face to say such a thing?" The two dogs looked disdainful. It was clear that Xu’s lack of family had long been rich, and he also opened five storage rings for Gong’s family last night. Hundreds of best spirits.

Xu lacked it and quickly put the Lingshi into it.


In an instant, with a loud noise, the whole array finally began to work...



[There will be two chapters to continue. 】