Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 609: Extremely horrible!


Under the thunder of the robbery, the law outside the squadron roared, and thousands of monks shot at the same time, and countless rumors were overflowing.

Some saints and saints are even more screaming, and there is a burst of glory in the shots. Various kinds of rituals rise up in the sky, and the power has overshadowed the laws of thousands of monks around.


Under a loud bang, all the shackles poured down, and the momentum was soaring, directly impacting the light curtain barrier of the "wanfire burning ghost array"!

After all, this is a high-order array, and even many of the big-name forces are hard to own. The power of the squad can be slain and no one dares to slay.

However, even with so many people shooting, it is impossible to break the squad in an instant. After the whole squad has taken a sigh of aura, it is very stable. It has suffered a thousand monks, only a loud bang, the light curtain is slightly dim, and Not broken.

Everyone was shocked and their faces could not help but dignified.

"The defense of this law is even stronger than the ordinary high-order array!" Jiang Jiada's elder Jiang Yushu frowned.

"That's how, after all, we can't stop our attack. As long as we take another shot ten times, we will be able to break a gap!" Gong's old man screamed coldly, staring at the squad.

"After entering, first waste the **** and red, and then live to catch the boy who fried the gang, I suspect that he has a heavy treasure!" The old man of the white family sighed.

The rest of the people nodded, silent tacit understanding, are guessing the people who bombed the sky, there may be the kind of artifacts that can see the ancient stone!


The saints and saints of the great forces at the rear are also slightly brows, and some are amazed.

"A good high-order array method, really worthy of the name!" Xiao Taixuan, the son of the Eight-Year Qinglong School, seems to be very interested in the law.

Bai Jiasheng's white spirit, but a sneer: "Oh, but unfortunately still a little worse, before the end of Jiang Hongyan's robbery, this battle will be broken!"

Xiao Taixuan shook his head: "Don't say too much, even if you open the gap, the black sea inside is not easy!"

"How? Is it because you are afraid?" Bai Lingrui sneered.

Xiao Taixuan’s eyes suddenly became cold: “Take a look at who can kill Jiang Hongyan first!”

"Killing Jiang Hongyan? People who want to go to the building, do you dare to kill?" Xiao Mo Nan, the son of Tian Mo Zong, laughed.

"You dare not, I dare!" Xiao Taixuan sighed, and the murderous moments swept out.

The rest of the saints and the saints swept him aside, and did not say more, once again took out the law and slammed into the law!


At this time, Xu lacked standing behind the array, watching the light curtains become bleak under a burst of bombing, but there was no confusion, but a scornful smile.

"What broke the family and broke the door, so many people came, so the entrance to the array of law has to be played for so long, overestimate you!" Xu shook his head and said, they dropped the flag and turned directly to Jiang Hongyan The mountain where it is located is swept away.

Originally, he was worried that this high-order array could not stop so many people's attacks. Now it is safe to rely on a high-order array method, enough to withstand this group of people for a while.

Bang -!

The thunder of the Scorpio became more and more amazing, and the heavy Thunderclouds pressed down like a giant mountain, covering the sky and covering the sun, blocking the entire mountain from the wind, like the night.

Those clouds are almost within reach, like a black sea suspended above the head, which contains countless fierce machines, as if they are touched, they will be shattered by terrible power.

Jiang Hongyan was sitting on the mountain peak, and it was full of rich water aura. On the mask of water and light, a golden rune began to emerge.

The dense gold, flying around the body of Jiang Hongyan, can faintly hear a long-distance sound, and the water curtain is gradually frozen, condensed into a hail, and bursts into a cold.


Xu was short-sleeved and fell directly to Jiang Hongyan's side, looking up at Tianzhu, with a hint of dignity on his face.

He is very clear that once an outsider joins in the robbery, the power of the robbery will be improved, and he and Jiang Hongyan will be regarded as the looters.

However, Xu did not hesitate to come. He felt that Jiang Hongyan’s catastrophe was very wrong. He was more depressed than all the thieves he had spent before. It is very dangerous. If he does not come to help, Jiang Hongyan may be afraid. I can't see the end!

"Come on, I will see if you can kill me. If you don't die, then it will be my 'Da Yan Long Xiang Yin'. When the sacred sacred son is a sacred ant, all are ants!" Looking at the sky, my heart is cold.

Da Yan Long's "Tian Lei Yin" in the Indian print, after absorbing the Thunder essence in his body, only 30% of the progress, which means that only 30% of the power.

Xu Wei believes that if he can borrow this day robbery and absorb more and more powerful thunders, he will cultivate the heavens and seals to perfection. Even if he only has four layers of infants, he will still be able to fight for the sacred period. Son of the Virgin!

However, at this time, Jiang Hongyan also sensed the breath of Xu deficiency, and the eyebrows were slightly stunned, passing a trace of worry.

After all, this is the sixty-nine days of robbery in the refining period. If Xu is short, it will be stronger. After all, it will only be four layers of infants. If it is involved, the consequences will be disastrous.

It is a pity that she has devoted herself to a mysterious state at this time~lightnovelpub.net~ swaying the innumerable auras of the Quartet, together with the mysterious aura in the burial fairy valley, seems to be exerting a powerful secret technique. Unable to interrupt to urge Xu to leave.

Xu Xiao seems to feel Jiang Hongyan's anxious, slightly smiled: "Don't worry, you are here to rob, all the thunders I have received, it is good for me!"

After this statement came out, Jiang Hongyan’s anxiety was reduced a little.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering loud noise suddenly exploded on the sky.

The thick black clouds covered the sky, but at this time, it suddenly felt like an invisible giant hand, ripped open from the middle, revealing a gap.

The glare of the glare instantly shines from the gap and falls on the top of the mountain!


Xu Xiao suddenly felt the ears roar and heard a vibrato, which seemed to come from his heart.

He was shocked and immediately looked up at Tianzhu, followed by the whole person on the spot stupid!

Through the gap that the thundercloud was torn open, I saw the distant sky, and stood full of dense figures, neatly smashed, shining with silver light, like a vast galaxy, crossed in the air.


Xu deficiency couldn't help but swallow his throat, and the degree of shock inside could not be expressed in words!

He really can't believe what he saw!

It’s like a vast expanse of galaxy, isn’t it the legendary million-day soldier?

It’s just a matter of robbing, is it necessary to send a million soldiers?

This special is too exaggerated, Jiang Hongyan did something wrong, even so rushed to kill, do not stay alive!

However, just when Xu was shocked and shocked, the top of the Scorpio, the millions of soldiers were suddenly shocked, and the snoring sounded like a thousand miles of thunder, earth-shattering, and resounding throughout the world: "Return money!"

